In the document module you can create a folder structure consisting of main folders and subfolders. For guidance on how to create new folders and edit existing ones, as well as how to edit the folder structure, click here.
The folder overview provides a list of the documents in the folder and the documents' metadata.
Info: Enabling configuration mode allows you to select which columns for the documents' metadata are to be visible in the list.
The numbers after the folder name provide an indication of how many documents are in the folder and their duration.
For example, means that there are 8 documents in the folder. 6 of them are approved documents that are not about to expire or have expired, and 1 where the duration has expired.If you are not sure about the various colours of your documents, hover the mouse over the boxes in the Colours field for more information.
You can define a password for a folder by clicking . Only people who know the password can access the folder.
To view documents marked as templates only, click .
You can apply a filter to show published documents, drafts and documents sent to history by clicking the boxes . If the box is grey, the documents with that status are displayed.
The Document ID, Description, Type, Department, Responsible, Revised date, Duration, etc. columns show metadata for the documents.
In folders that have subfolders, you can opt to view the documents from the subfolders by checking Include documents from subfolders. The column Placement indicates in which subfolder the document is placed.
If you want to view all versions of a document in the folder list, you can select in the filter to view documents with Under construction and History statuses. The icon indicates that it is a version of a document that is either In progress or History. In the overview you are able to see which version of the document is displayed and the status of the version.
Info: The published version of the document is not marked as a version as it is a current version of the document.