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Cloud Reporting v.





Reporting dashboards - custom filters (RTC-40682)

A new feature in edit mode was added to make the dashboards in Reporting module even more customizable. It is now possible to configure a custom set of filters per each page.

The filter configuration is simple and intuitive. In the edit mode, a new filter can be added by clicking on + button:

The next step is to select the filter dimension value and the filter is ready to use. All tiles on the dashboard are affected by a custom filter. Removing a filter is also simple and intuitive and it can be done by clicking on Delete button.

All changes are effective only after saving them in the edit mode.

The filter is ignored if no values are selected.

Cloud Reporting v.





Export job - prevent exceptions during the initial run (RTC-41028)

Update to prevent exceptions during the initial run of job for new blob types.

Adjustment in exported flight blobs (RTC-41151)

The following changes to the flight blobs were implemented:

Cloud Reporting v.





Reporting.Export.MemberFlightSalesStatistics - adjustments (RTC-41024)

The following adjustments were implemented:

Cloud Reporting v.





Initialize and finalize the release (RTC-40866)

The release pipeline was extended with Initialize and Finalize stages, which help to make the release process more stable.


Data type change for LoyaltyNo (RTC-40866)

Data type for LoyaltyNo field (loyalty number) in FactSales table was extended from 20 to up to 100 characters (same limit as on-premise).

Origin and destination airport for fake flights (RTC-40974)

Fake flights (.DEP, .ARR, .PAX) will no longer be connected to any particular airport in the data warehouse.
The origin/destination airport for these flights in exported blobs will be derived from the airport the store is located at.
In addition, it is no longer required for these flights to have direction and FI code defined in POSLog.

Cloud Reporting v.





Reporting.Export.FlightSaleStatistics - changes in TravelType and UniqueFlightId columns (RTC-40676)

The logic for TravelType and UniqueFlightId columns was changed:

  • TravelType:
    • uses values returned by WebDok (DD/DI/ID/II/ARR/DEP),
    • if WebDok values are not available:
      • all "fake" flights with name .DEP get TravelType = DEP,
      • all "fake" flights with name .ARR get TravelType = ARR,
      • all "fake" flights with name .PAX get TravelType  = EXT,
      • all manually added departure flights get TravelType = DEP,
      • all manually added arrival flights get TravelType = ARR,
  • UniqueFlightId
    • is blank (not -1) for all "fake" flights (flights with name .DEP, .ARR and .PAX)

Reporting.Export.MemberFlightSaleStatistics - custom header (RTC-40738)

Changes in column headers name when exporting blobtype "Reporting.Export.MemberFlightSaleStatistics"

See Swagger UI ( for futher documentation.


Sales dashboard - display average KPIs with two decimals (RTC-40721)

They Key numbers section on the sales dashboard was adjusted: the Average purchase and Items per customers KPIs are displayed with two decimals.

Cloud Reporting v.





Export job: configure row limit per export type (RTC-40476)

There is a new parameter to set for the Export job: rowLimitFile - for maximum number of rows in a file. If total number of rows exceeds parameter, the job will split the output in multiple files adding _1 to the file name.

The parameter can be configured per file type in LIP. Example:

Member flight sale statistics export - split into 4 files (RTC-40475)

The existing export of member flight sale statistics was altered. The data is now grouped into 4 categories with their own file names:

    • Web order sales for members YYYYMMDD.csv - sales from shopping channel 5 (web) containing loyalty members,
    • Web order sales for anonymous customers YYYYMMDD.csv - sales from shopping channel 5 (web) with no loyalty members,
    • Physical purchase with known customer POS sales for members YYYYMMDD.csv - sales from other shopping channels containing loyalty members,
    • Physical anonymous purchase POS sales for anonymous customers YYYYMMDD.csv - sales from other shopping channels with no loyalty members.

Data visualizations (RTC-39753)

Alongside creating tiles with data presented in a standard grid format, user now have possibility to create custom tiles with graphs. The supported types are:

  • bar chart,
  • line chart,
  • area chart,
  • pie chart,
  • donut chart.

A custom report page was also created to present all available types that can be accessed from the menu.

Resizeable tiles (RTC-40304)

It is possible to adjust the size of tiles on the dashboard now. The action can be performed in Edit mode by dragging the border of the tile:

The custom size can be also set precisely (by giving number of rows and columns the tile) when editing existing tiles.

Date filter adjustment

The date filter options were modified. The previous buttons: Yesterday, Today and Date were replaced with Today, Date and Date range:

  • Today button only shows values from today; when selected, date picker is not available,
  • Date button allows to select a single date from date picker; only data from selected day is shown,
  • Date range button allows to select two dates from two separate date pickers; aggregated data from selected date range is presented.

Date filter is applied to all tiles on the page.

Cloud Reporting v.





Sales job with incomplete flight data (RTC-40555)

The procedure responsible for importing sales data into the data warehouse was altered in order to handle receipts with incomplete connecting flights info. Previously, the data for such receipts was incomplete in the data warehouse.  


Support for cashier login to Reporting Management (RTC-40153)

This module support authentication of cashiers using store number, cashier number and PIN code. This is done using the on-premise identity provider installed on-premise for the tenant.


  • cashiers imported to Chain Web on-prem from Cloud,
  • latest version of ChainWeb Cashier Identity Provider installed and set up on-premise.

Navigate to this module using a link containing the following querystring parameters:

  • loginTenantId: tenant id used as host prefix to tenant specific Chain Web Shell url,
  • loginStoreNumber: optional store number to pre-populate store number field in login form.


Cloud Reporting v.





 Sales dashboard - process flight data real time (RTC-40367)

The flight dimension processing was changed from once a day to real time. As a result, the flight numbers on the sales dashboard in Reporting Management are also being refreshed real time.


Stop job executions during data warehouse upgrade (RTC-40465)

Release process was improved release process to avoid timeouts and avoid data loss during upgrades.


Export job - a new schedule for member sales statistics (RTC-39848)

The existing Export job was extended with a new schedule: Reporting.Export.MemberFlightSaleStatistics. If the schedule is enabled, the job will export blobs of Reporting.Export.MemberFlightSaleStatistics type to batchtoprocess container in tenant's blob storage. 

The schedule produces a CSV file. The file description and details can be found on


Extension of FactSales table with loyalty number, customer order numbers and ordinary price (RTC-39697,RTC-39847)

The FactSales table was extended with:

  • OrdinaryPrice column - normal price,
  • LoayltyNumber - member loyalty number,
  • OrderNo - customer order internal number,
  • OrderExternalNo - customer order external number. 

The data is extracted from POSLogs.

Power BI

Power BI deployment (RTC-38034)

Deployment related: fix in Powershell script for releasing PowerBI reports.

Cloud Reporting v.





Flight info - import list of airports to Cloud DW (RTC-33935)

List of airports in Airport table was updated with airport details. It is going to be used in reports related to flight data

Cloud Reporting v.





Export job - custom name for exported files (RTC-38441)

It is now possible to set up a customer name for exported files. A property is added to the blob message which makes it possible to have custom file name when downloading the file.

For the flight data, the files will be exported with the following name: TRN_<Store number>_<Date>_csv.gz


Flight info - extract flight direction from POSLog (RTC-38013)

Support for POSLog version 87 which contains additional data for in flight info section (flight direction). The flight direction is now extracted and stored in the data warehouse, and can be used for reporting and export.

Item category attributes - import names for report category, classification and item type (RTC-37916)

Item table in Cloud data warehouse has been extended with names for category attributes that had been missing. The extension introduces the following fields:

  • item type name,
  • report category name,
  • classification name.
Power BI

General improvements in existing reports (RTC-38366)

Improvements and modifications in Power BI reports:

  • item name is shown before GTIN in tables and selections,
  • improved the look of the tables, graphic and boxes if last year's data is missing,
  • procurement reports - general improvements in tables and graphs

Deployment pipeline for Power BI reports (RTC-38034)

A fix in Powershell script responsible for deployment of reports to production environments.


SalesQuantityPerItem method - extend the response with store number (RTC-38481)

The SalesQuantityPerItem method was extended with a new parameter and a new field in the output.

The new parameter is called responseType and makes it possible to receive different types of aggregation:Enum containing supported types of responses:

  • FilterByStoreOnly - Aggregated result per item and specified stores (default),
  • RowsPairedOnly - Result per item and specified store(s),
  • RowsPairedAndAggregated - Result per item and specified store(s) with aggregated values for all stores.

The complete documentation of the current version of this and other methods can be found at:

Cloud Reporting v.





Export job - CSV file with sales per flight data (RTC-33254)

The existing Export job was extended with a new schedule: Reporting.Export.FlightSaleStatistics. If the schedule is enable, the job will export blobs of Reporting.Export.FlightSaleStatistics type to batchtoprocess container in tenant's blob storage. 

The details of the file and examples are documented here: 

Cloud Reporting v.





Import of items - missing supplier (RTC-38059)

Missing supplier info in item blob will no longer result in merge failure.

Cloud Reporting v.





Import of items - item category attributes (RTC-37544)

Item table in Cloud data warehouse has been extended with category attributes. The extension introduces the following fields:

  • item type,
  • item category,
  • report category,
  • classification,
  • category manager,
  • product series.

NB! For item type, report category and classification only the numbers are imported.

In addition, Item table has been extended with

  • exclude from gross profit report (boolean flag),
  • model name,
  • special group name.

  • No labels