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Prerequisites are located in the menu on the left.

Price check with currency support


The price check function can be used to check the current price in multiple currencies and the price will be shown both on the cashier view and on the customer view (if one is attached).

When using the function price check a dialog to enter or scan the EAN is shown. 

Then the price info is shown on cashier view in the selected currency:

And on customer view:

POS Configuration


New function that can be configured on the desired button:


Configures which currencies can be used for payment. Also controls which currencies are shown in the new dialog for price check.

Currency return


Currency return can be used to fully refund a receipt originally paid by foreign currency. (All payments from the original receipt will be inverted.) This function is useful for stores that do not normally allow refunds in foreign currency, but wants to allow it in special cases when they know they have the foreign currency available in the cash drawer. 

First, search for or scan a finished receipt. Use the currency return function. The return is automatically finished and the receipt summary is shown, specifying how much to pay out to the customer.

If the original receipt does not contain foreign currency payment or contains a payment type other than cash, the currency return will be rejected:

If the original receipt is older than 48 hours, currency return is not allowed:

POS Configuration


New function CurrencyReturn that can be configured on the desired button. Configuring the function in receipt panel is practical, so its easy to used the function when searching/scanning a finished receipt.

Epsilon Fuel Integration in cashier and convenience mode


Showing of the Epsilon Express Widget in convenience mode in POS is now depending on configuration.

It is also possible to configure a button to open the widget using function OPEN_EPSILON. 

When an alarm is received from Epsilon Express, a warning in form of a header is shown. By clicking the header the same widget is opened.

POS Configuration

ShowEpsilonInPlu (default False)

Configures if the widget is shown in convenience mode.

Improvements POS

Area Description
Flight integration

Information about final destination for connecting flights (RTP-31293)

Improvements were made for showing final destination for connecting departure flights.


Added customer specific ARTS extension data in EG receipt format (RTP-31712)

When a receipt is cancelled by the cleanup job in POS the correct customer specific ARTS extensions (ExternalTypeCode, CountryCode, ExternalLineTypeCode and TaxGroupId) will be added to the EG POSLog XML format before the receipt is sent to the receipt queue. This ensures that receipts exported from ReceiptService in the ARTS version 6 format contains this data.

This is only valid if the relevant parameters below is configured: 

  • SaveExternalTransactionInfo (default False) is set to True.
  • ExternalTypeCodes - default value containing the default transaction types for the specific customer.
  • ExternalLineTypeCodes - default default value containing the default line item types for the specific customer.
  • TaxGroupIDs - default value containing the default tax group id's for the specific customer. 

Selling items without price in Self-service (RTP-31125)

If an item without price is scanned in self-service, the following error message will be shown:

Shopping bag dialog (RTP-31512)

The dialog for shopping bags has an updated appearance. The leftmost buttons, which customers select if they do not want any bags, now reads "No bags" instead of showing the numeric value 0. This change helps to reduce confusion and ensures a clearer understanding for customers.

The alternative shopping bag dialogue is configured via parameter 'PageFlow', by replacing 'Bag' page with 'BagPopup' page.


Scanner disabled in shopping bag dialog (RTP-31339)

When the 'BagPopup' page is displayed (from parameter PageFlow), the scanner is disabled. This prevents any scanner inputs while customers are selecting their shopping bag options, avoiding confusion since scanned items were not being added to the receipt during this time. Once the 'BagPopup' view is exited and the customer proceeds to payment, the scanner is re-enabled.

Selling weight items from PLU list (RTP-31285)

When weight items are selected using function "New PLU list" and the cashier manually enters and confirms the weight via keyboard, error messages are no longer logged. Previously, an error message appeared despite the item being correctly added to the receipt.

Improvements POS Server

Area Description

Removal of picking order when using DeleteCartOrder (RTP-27938)

Deleting an order from cart in POS API also deletes it in Backoffice, as well as makes it unavailable for picking in InStore App.

Sending SMS for cancelled click and collect orders (RTP-29904)

Method SendCartOrderConfirmationNotification can be used on already finished/cancelled receipts to send SMS with information to the customer. 

Improved error handling in SetStoresForCartOrderPicking method (RTP-32043)

When using the SetStoresForCartOrderPicking endpoint with a non-existing item identifier, the response is more descriptive. It gives information about the cart id and the wrong cart item identifier. 

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