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Mobile POS v.1.9.0


EAN is shown in more views


EAN is now shown in some sales view and same return view as well as search for items.
It depends what view items are shown in, for example compressed view in sale and image view in search does not show EAN code. 

EAN in sales viewEAN in compressed search viewEAN in return viewEAN in expanded sales view

Support for Giftcards 

(RTM-3406, RTM-3557

Mobile POS is integrated with EG's GiftcardService, allowing Mobile POS to check balance of a digital and physical giftcard and pay using a giftcard.

Checking the balance of a giftcard

Giftcard balance can be checked by pressing Options and then 'Gift card':

User is then asked to either scan the giftcard or type in the giftcard number to check the balance. Information about balance and expiration time is displayed.

Pay using giftcard

Add "giftcard" to parameter: EnabledPaymentProviders in Mobile POS Management.

Add CloudGiftcardServiceURL in POS Configuration with value: "" (PROD)

To pay with giftcards, it has to be set as a payment method in Mobile POS Management configuration: EnabledPaymentproviders.

To pay using a giftcard, user has to tap on 'Gift card' payment button:

User has to provide or scan gift card number:

After that, PIN number has to be entered.

Finally, the amount we want to deduct from the giftcard must be typed. After pressing "To pay", giftcard payment will be completed.

Future improvements

The ability to sell, regive and update the balance of a giftcard will be implemented in a future version.

Show receipt by using QR code


A new way for customer to receive digital receipt has been added. 
When the sale is completed the summary of sale is shown, including options to handle the receipt. A QR code button is available and when clicking on it, it will be generated and ready to scanned. 
Customer then scans the WR code and is navigated to the PDF format of the receipt. 

New button for QR code
as receipt option
The scan QR code view
shown to customers

FunctionalityRelease notes
Swipe to delete on last added item 

(RTM-7894) Swiping on last added item

On last added item there is a quantity function on the row of the item. When only one item is added to the receipt the easiest way to delete the item from the receipt is to press the dustbin icon that will remove it. 
In some cases there will be several items in same row and user will need to delete row in a different way. If swiping (different ways depending on Android or iOS device) on a row the whole row is marked, including the quantity buttons for a more user friendly experience. 

Error handling

(RTM-7727) Technical release notes

We removed PerformPosApiAction in CheckoutCart and did general refactor in this method.
This improves our error handling of refunded issues.

(RTM-8122) Error messages

Proper localization of error messages in Swedish and Norwegian are implemented when items are blocked for sale. 

(RTM-8499) Cancelling cart

User can choose not to reopen cart if app has been closed in mid sale/web order. 

(RTM-8556) Improved error messages when getting member - Technical release notes

Improved logs has been added in GetMemberByIdentifier method to receive clearer error information. 

Member search

(RTM-8298) Member search

 We improved the search for members, not to be case sensitive. In other words, the matching between search and result is not that sensitive so more results will be shown. 


UI Improvements 

(RTM-7999) Grey frame

We have added a grey frame around the login view to match other views according to the design of the app. 

(RTM-8129) Improvements in cashier login 

When cashier login is used, the numerical keyboard has been set to default for entering cashier number and PIN, and Swedish/Norwegian translations for cashier number fields are added. 
When logging out and then trying to log in again with cashier, Mobile POS autofocus on the cashier number field.

(RTM-8173) Spinner for payment button

To ensure user that the function to open payment view is ongoing we have implemented a spinner if the page takes some time to load. 

Reopen cart 

RTM-8177 Reopen cart

If Mobile POS is closed with a ongoing sale user is offered to resume the sale when logging in again. This is only available if user logs in to same store. 
If they by any reason login with same device in a different store, user can not resume sale since there can be differences in stock and so on. 

RTM-8123 Re-parking a previous parked receipt

When re-parking a previous parked receipt with an external loyalty number the number is used as default for when user parks it again. 


RTM-8152 Customer added to resumed cart 

If a cart is resumed and it had a customer on it, this customer will still be presented in the sale. 
The cart can either be resumed if it was parked, or the app was cancelled without the sale completed. 

Web orders

RTM-8177 Web order flow 

If a user has an ongoing sale and an ongoing web order, and then cancels the web order - user will not be shown customer information view for proceeding with a web order. Instead, when trying to complete the sale user is moved directly to the payment view.

If user is planning to complete the web order and presses payment button they are moved to the member information view for proceeding with the web order. If the customer information prefilled, and user for some reason moves back to sales view, all filled information is saved. 
When they (again) move to customer information view all previous filled in information is saved, so user does not have to repeat any input. 

Mobile POS Management - Configuration 

(RTM-8477)  [Mobile POS Management] DigitalReceiptOptions config

New parameter DigitalReceiptOptions was added. This parameter allows user to configure which digital receipt options are available for the user after payment is completed. Possible values are Email, QR and SMS.


Refactor printer pages

(RTM-7947)  Refactor printer pages - Technical release notes 

Refactored code related to printer pages.

Mobile POS v.1.8.23


Datalogic scanner


Mobile POS is now able to work on Datalogic scanners. 
It has been developed and tested on one of the newest devices. 


FunctionalityRelease notes
Start new sale button

(RTM-7593) Start new sale button

After completing a sale the user is shown a view of completed payment and information to start a new sale by scanning an item. 
Besides scanning a new item, user can press the text at the top of the view saying "Add item to start new sale" to start a new sale. 

Configuration of sending digital receipts

(RTM-7630) Configuration for sending digital receipts

Setting if user should be shown the option to send digital receipts or not is based on the configuration for "SkipSendingReceipts" in Mobile POS Management. 
This is not set on member level, so if the button "Send receipt" is shown is based on if the value is set to "Never" or "Ask Cashier".


(RTM-8108) Cancel sale in test environment

Canceling payment for Coopay, when there is no camera available, Mobile POS was not moving back to choosing payment view as expected. 
If canceling a payment with no camera available user is now moved back to choose payment view. 


New test slot 

(RTM-7780) New test slot

To optimize the internal testing process, an internal test slot has been created that allows APKs to go directly towards this test slot. Therefore, Mobile POS can be tested internally without being released to Test- or Production environments. Testing in an environment not available to customers can improve test, security regarding tests and speed up test results. 

Technical release notes - Mobile POS Management 

(RTM-7505) Null as configuration value

The configuration value can now be null in Mobile POS Management without causing any issues. 

Deleting customer (or member) from ongoing sale 

(RTM-8097) [MPA] Deleting customer (or member) cancels whole sale

Deleting customer (or member) from ongoing sale no longer triggers popup asking whether user wants to cancel it.
Adding customer/member and deleting it in the same session no longer triggers popup asking whether user wants to resume sale after reopening the app if the cart was empty beforehand.


Quantity in return

(RTM-8023) Quantity in return

Updating the quantity of a return in return view shows correct quantity and price of the change. For example if the return first includes four items of the same variant and user updates to three, the correct quantity and price is shown in return view. 

Mobile POS v.1.8.22



FunctionalityRelease notes
Manual returns with Softpay

(RTM-7837) Manual returns with Softpay

Manual returns with Softpay are completed in Mobile POS if they fill the requirements. 
User will not experience having to complete return in stationary POS if all requirements are met and Softpay icon is always shown. 

Coupon icon 

(RTM-7974) Coupon icon 

When a coupon is activated in Mobile POS it has its own coupon icon, no matter what kind of discount or mix has been given within the coupon. 

User can see the coupon icon both in member actions, opening the bottom sheet by pressing member icon after adding member to sale. 
But also when the coupon is activated on sale in the sales view. 

View improvements

(RTM-7896) Alignment adjustments

An item with variant has the second row, showing colour and size, aligned with the first row.
The latest added item to the sale also has the option to increase or decrease the amount of the item. The buttons for these actions are placed so user can see the whole button, making it easier to press them to perform the action on updating the quantity. 

Mobile POS v.1.8.21



FunctionalityRelease notes


(RTM-8059) Login with cashier

If login with cashier is tried as first login option on a newly installed app user can login with the 
On a newly installed app, user can login with cashier direct and does not have to use email at first. 

(RTM-7952) Login

After closing Microsoft login page user is moved back to login in page in Mobile POS with login options. 

Error message

(RTM-8079) Error message for members 

If member is not found, Mobile shows following message:
"The member was not found in the MemberService"

Mobile POS v.1.8.20


Change user inside app 


In some cases there will be several users that share same device and users sometime needs to be changed. 
When more then one user has been logged in, an option inside the app to switch user is possible. Opening the side menu it appears above the logout option. 
After opening the select user function, the last six users are presented in a list. Pressing a name will move user to login view where email credential is saved and where password is needed. 
If user instead presses "Login with another user" both email and password will be needed to add. If there is a options for user to choose store they will need to reselect this. 

This is only available for email login. Each time the app is updated or reinstalled, so the first time being ser, "Switch user" function, will not be seen. 

Side menu when more then one user has logged in beforeOpening menu for selecting user

Error messages  


Trying to add a member in Mobile POS that does not exist, or is invalid shows a error message to improve users understanding about what happened. 
Message that will show on pop-up is following:  "It was not possible to add the member. The member may be invalid or does not exist. Please try to add the member in a different way."

Migration of configuration - technical release notes  

(RTM-5906) [Mobile POS] Migrate relevant config from tenantadmin to db

Added functionality to migrate parameters from tenant admin. These parameters has been imported to db:

  • ImageURLTemplate
  • ThumbnailImageURLTemplate
  • ReuseCartItemIfPossible
  • MemberServiceSitename
  • MemberTermsURL


FunctionalityRelease notes

Purchase and return in same receipt 

(RTM-7628) (RTM-7885) Purchase and return of same item in same receipt 

When a return and a purchase are created in same sale view and user cancels one of them the other is continued and user can proceed to finish it. 

Showing bonus after toggling 

(RTM-7667) Showing bonus after toggling 

Bonus is always showing in sales view, even after user has done a toggle/update in member info page


Weight items 

(RTM-7845) Weigh items in return 

When searching for a weight item and choosing to return it, kg/gram is presented in view for choosing the weight to return.

(RTM-8021) Round up for weights

When adding weight items Mobile POS rounds up based on normal round up rules if they are used.
But when returning weight items, the quantity of the items are not added as the total quantity of the sale. They are added as one item, based on them being on one row. 

Special items

(RTM-7940) Special items error handling 

The error handling for special items is done by showing pop up with message telling user why the special item should be handled in a certain way. 


Login in TEST

(RTM-7988) Login in TEST

In some scenarios login into test environment did not work. Only for test, not for production. 
User got error directly when trying to login. This is how improved so user can login and ensured not happening in production. 


App crash for Options button 

(RTM-7834) Options button 

In some scenarios when opening "Options" for the receipt an app crash happened if a null reference existed. This is handled and will not create another crash. 

First and second name shown in choosing user view for login

(RTM-7975) First and second name shown in choosing user view for login

Mobile POS remembers the last six users who have logged in by email and shows them in a list in the login view to shorten the login process. If a user has a two names that not are sir names both will be handled as first names. This means they both are shown in the name list. It distinguishes the user and can help separate between two users if they happen to have the same first name. 
Only users logging in with emails are listed in the login view, not the emails for cashiers who have logged in. 

Updating address in web orders

(RTM-7928) Web order address 

When creating a web order and a member is added to the receipt information about the member is pre filled in the view for delivery methods, for example the members address the item should be sent to. 
If user updates the address the new address is the one where the items are sent to instead of the pre filled.  

Mobile POS v.1.8.19


Social security number as option when paying with credit 

(RTM-7401) (RTM-7400

When paying with credit, some retailers require social security number (SSN) and reference text/reference number to be added. 
These three fields (SSN, reference text, reference number) are configurable if they are mandatory and/or visible in credit payment.

The default value is that SSN is not shown and Reference text + Reference number is shown and mandatory. 
If none of the fields are mandatory, but shown, the purchase will go trough without any validation. In the SSN member field there is a check for SSN validation.

The parameter is called "RequireForCreditSale". 

New UI of changing quantity of an item


Changing quantity quick on last scanned item is possible by using the new amount box and surrounding keys. 
On the far right of the row for the last scanned item a icon with the amount items is presented. Secondary keys next to this is a "+" that increases the quantity. The other secondary key is a dustbin icon or a "-", depending if the quantity is one or more.

If a item that has another measurement then pieces is added, for example kilos, a icon with the amount is shown without the secondary keys. 
Pressing the amount icon, that also is a button, opens bottom sheet and user can update the quantity. The amount icon is always a button and moves user to bottom sheet for increasing or decreasing last scanned item, no matter what kind of item is added. 

The quick quantity change function is available in all sales views (image view, expanded or compressed). 

Sales view in image viewSales view in compressed viewBottom sheet when pressing quantity iconSales view with kilo item 

Show discount icon and price in compressed sale view


Compressed sales view shows discount icon, discounted price and original price in sales view. 

The icon indicates what type of discount has been given, the original price is presented below the new price with a slightly smaller text size and is crossed out

New login UI


The design of login flow is done to remember users, for quicker login in some cases. 

Following flow is possible:

  1. User logs in for the first time
  2. Mobile POS remembers the username
  3. User logs out
  4. User opens app and wants to log in
  5. Displayed is the name of the AD user on login page
  6. User can click the username and is then automatically redirected to the "password" page for the AD login 

Mobile POS can remember up six users, that will be listed in a line with username on. This is only implemented for login with email, not cashier.

Although if a cashier has logged in, the email of the cashier is presented to login, but not the cashier number (Removed in next release). 

A view where one user has previously logged inView when user presses "Jenny" as a user to login again View if user chooses login with cashier In this view parameters are set to only make email login an option.  View of sale when several users has logged in 


FunctionalityRelease notes

UI responsinveness

(RTM-7607) Improve UI responsiveness for Mobile POS Management

When using Mobile POS Management and changing parameters on a small screen the responsiveness of the UI is improved to always show the icons for users. This makes it easier to understand where to press for updating information. 

Images in sales board

(RTM-7843) Image in sales board

Images in sales board are shown equal to the space that is set for them in sales board. The image size is adjusted to the space and not cut off, same way as they are presented in sales view.

Not using reason codes

(RTM-7737) Reason codes

Not all companies use reason codes when giving discounts. If reason codes are not found the dialog for reason codes will be skipped. Instead user will be directly moved to sales view after adding a discount. 


UI Improvements 

(RTM-6984) "More information" button

Under article information user finds information about the item. For example name of the item, stock value and product information. If there is a Webshop URL in parameters there will be a "More info" button under the product information part of article information. 
If the Webshop URL config is empty or website assigned to a specific item this button is not shown. 

App crashes 

In some scenarios when paying and for manual return app crashes been created, this is now handled so it will not happen again.                                                                                                                                                                                                    

( RTM-7672) Adding payment to cart

Added handling exception of AddPayment function in PosApiService  if skipNotification flag is set to true. 

(RTM-7634) Fix InvalidCastException

"InvalidCastException" is not thrown anymore after opening bottom sheet in Mobile POS and selecting Return and Manual return 


Sales board

(RTM-7623) Staying in Sales board after scanning item

When scanning an item with camera or built in scanner when user is in sales board the item is added to the receipt and user stays in sales view. 
The quantity in sales board summary is increased, but to see the whole receipt user manually needs to move to sales view. Same is if user creates a return based in sales view. 

      Values set in application properties 

(RTM-7519) Config issue- values set in application properties are not reloaded on logout

Values that are set in application properties are reloaded after logging out, so no need to close logout/login and close app to get the new configuration values. 


Searching for member

(RTM-7752) External loyalty numbers can be searched with 

If an external loyalty number is used, as they are in some cases depending on loyalty club, users can search and add members based on this. 


Mobile POS v.1.8.18


Cost price and mark-up shown when giving discount


When giving discount in Mobile POS user can see cost price and mark-up in the bottom sheet when giving discount. They can re-calculate the Gross profit when providing a discount.
Button to recalculate price turns inactive when user has pressed it until a new discount value is chosen.

Change price of an item when doing manual return


Users can add discounts and change price on an item when doing a manual return. The function is same as when changing price/giving discount in sales view - and item is added to receipt with the new price as a return when approved. 


FunctionalityRelease notes

Peripherals and other UI improvements

(RTM-7265Improvements Peripherals

Some minor visual improvements has been done to clarify the presentation of peripherals. 

(RTM-6324) UI Improvements for Mobile POS on android devices

Several smaller UI improvements have been made. 

  • Icon in return view is more proportional to the function actions. Texts are also centered for better overview. 
  • For manual return the reason and action codes are regular text.
  • Icons for alarm items in sales view is larger.
  • Buttons and fonts has a "Mobile standard" in size and placement in printer function for adding a new printer.
  • In side menu, when switching between larger functions as "Sales" and "Peripherals", the function that is used is marked green. 
  • Information in member details has more space between them for a easier overview


(RTM-7336Simplify LogOut 

Logout functionality was refactored and simplified to avoid complexity and risk of bugs in the future.

(RTM-6985Exceptions on startup of app

When pressing the login button an exception was created in the backend, which was not an actual error and created unnecessary error messages. This is corrected.

(RTM-7440Refactor PaymentPageModel 

Refactored the code related to Payment to make it simpler and more streamlined. This was performed to improve code quality and reduce risk of bugs.

(RTM-7451) Use ExternalStoreNumber in Cashier login 

When using cashier login to enter Mobile POS, the QR code can contain ExternalStoreNumber as well. This is typically used if ExternalStoreNumber is the unique store identifier for the retailer.

(RTM-7550Remove use of revision in AddItemToCart and ChangeQuantity

Use of revision is removed in  AddItemToCart and ChangeQuantity methods.

Mobile POS Management

(RTM-7313External loyalty number

If external loyalty number exists, this is used to identify a member and is presented in the header when member is added to the cart. Additionally, when parking a member receipt, the external loyalty number is suggested as reference text.

(RTM-7344) Improvements of new member configuration

Improvements in the UI member configuration in Mobile POS Management. Improved scaling for various screen sizes and if mandatory fields are hidden, the mandatory check mark is disabled automatically. This is done to avoid confusion and improve the user experience.

(RTM-7285) Do not show printers if not configured

Whether user can or cannot connect to the printer is based on AvailablePrinters parameter.
If config is set to 'None', "Add new printer" option is not shown after a sale.  Peripherals menu is still visible, but user will not be able to "Add new printer".

Payment Provider

(RTM-6945Implement generic payment provider handling 

A generic payment handler is implemented in Mobile POS. The generic handler allows Mobile POS to more easily integrate with future payment providers through PaymentService. Additionally, it includes a change which allows Mobile POS to specifically handle specific requirements from payment providers. E.g. when the payment exceeds 10 000kr in Instabank, an ID verification is required.


(RTM-7517) Ean filled into input fields on Zebra

An issue could occur which caused previously scanned EAN codes to be auto filled in input fields, e.g. reference text when parking a receipt. This is corrected.

Mobile POS v.1.8.17



FunctionalityRelease notes


(RTM-7446Token expiry causing automatic logout

An issue introduced in 1.8.16 can cause users to be forced to log out during a sale. Mobile POS attempted to perform cart operations using an expired token in some cases, which caused the backend to believe users were not authorized to perform these actions, and forced the user to log out. This has been corrected.

(RTM-7229) Swedish Translations

Corrected some missing Swedish translations in article information, member information.

Mobile POS v.1.8.16


IMPORTANT After the release of 1.8.16, an issue has occurred causing users to be logged out of the app in certain scenarios. We are working to correct this, but we do not advise upgrading to 1.8.16 - wait for 1.8.17.

Add configuration for what fields to show when creating member


NEW Parameter MemberRegistrationFields in Mobile POS Management is used to edit what fields are shown when creating a new member in Mobile POS. User can change what member fields should be visible and mandatory when creating member. When pressing the edit button user can edit the fields, see image below. 


If the box to the left is checked, field will be shown in Mobile POS. If box to the right is checked it will be a mandatory field when creating a new member in Mobile POS. What member identifier which is mandatory is not decided by this configuration, this is decided by the member master. Therefore, these fields cannot be configured as mandatory or not. 

Order of fields can also be changed by dragging them up and down. By pressing the top "field" box without any defined fields, only the chosen fields will be presented in the view.

Following fields are selectable to configure. To implement the changes Mobile POS app needs to be closed and then reopened. 

  • SSN (can only be hidden, up to memberservice if it is mandatory, if it is hidden, but mandatory by Memberservice it should be shown)
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email (can only be hidden, up to memberservice if it is mandatory, if it is hidden, but mandatory by Memberservice it should be shown)
  • Mobilenumber (can only be hidden, up to memberservice if it is mandatory, if it is hidden, but mandatory by Memberservice it should be shown)
  • Address
  • Zip code
  • Birthday
  • Homestore
  • Card number
  • Member terms & segmentation terms
  • Subscriptions: Email, SMS and digital receipt on email

Below is an example of how create member function looks like when only Mobile number is the shown field. Since there is no name of the customer, the member number is presented in sales view instead. Configuration of fields for member does not include handling of "Update member" fields.


FunctionalityRelease notes

Age items

(RTM-7190) Adding items with Age requirements

When age items are chosen, the option buttons are adjusted to present the text more clearly and ensures age items is added properly. User is redirected to sales page after adding item. 


(RTM-7170Automatic login to Softpay

Retailers who did not have automatic login to Softpay configured, but still used Softpay could experience issues whilst logging in and out. It caused an error in the app "login to Softpay failed" and causing user to not be able to pay with Softpay. This is corrected.

(RTM-7256App crashes when softpay payment is timed out

Corrected an issue that caused the Mobile POS app to crash after Softpay payment was timed out.

Gift receipt

(RTM-7310) Adding multiple items to gift receipt

Better handling regarding gift receipts with multiple items was implemented. 

Automatic Softpay UI in Mobile POS Management 

(RTM-7108) Automatic Softpay config UI Improvements

In Mobile POS Management users can search for both Store Name and Store ID and both will be presented in search result. All stores are now shown after the redesign of Automatic Softpay Configuration. 

Store number in store selector - Mobile POS Management 

(RTM-7109) Add store number to the store selector 

Store number is now added to the store selector in Mobile POS Management. Sorting of stores will be implemented later.

Login loop 

(RTM-7281) Incomplete login issue 

Specific scenarios could cause users to end up in a loop during the login, which caused continuous incomplete login errors. This issue has been corrected.

Qr code for Swish payments 

(RTM-7233) Swish payment in QR code mode

When doing mixed sales, certain scenarios of Mobile POS has shown incorrect navigation view after QR code scanning is timed out. This is adjusted and improved. 

Member/ and customer search

(RTM-7163Member/customer search improvements

Improved UI of member/customer search. Member and customer text is bolded and background color and design on the search fields was revised. Close icon location was corrected.
Entered text in search fields no longer disappears when switching tabs.


(RTM-6864Online return on credit

Corrected an issue with performing refunds on credit payments.

Mobile POS v.1.8.15


Parked Receipts displays Reference text


When opening parked receipts, reference text is shown alongside: date/time, Total and Cashier number.


FunctionalityRelease notes


(RTM-6971) Implement use of Revision control

Included use of Revision in Mobile POS Backend for all requests to POS API that performs changes to an existing cart. 
This improves performance of communication between Mobile POS and POS API and avoid situations where POS API could receive duplicated requests.


(RTM-6905Improve user-facing Softpay error messages

Improved Softpay error messages to be more informative and user friendly.


RTM-6368Resume/delete popup after going back to weborder cart

Removed a resume/delete popup after directing back to weborder cart, which should not have appeared.

(RTM-6573Weborders in checkout page

Corrected a visual issue that caused top bar "Add item to start a new sale" to stay on after a completed weborder sale. Additionally, an issue with the display of total amount after sale was corrected when mixed sale is performed.

(RTM-7027Weborder General Improvements

Several improvements were made related to the user friendliness and user experience when creating weborders. This includes:

  • Improved validation when entering customer information to ensure delivery methods are fetched as soon as enough information is provided
  • When adding a member during weborder creation it is handled properly and all member data is fetched
  • Corrected an issue with duplicate item images that sometimes occurred in cart that contained items as part of an order and items as part of a normal sale
  • Improved spacing and layout


(RTM-6900) Model item configuration

The Mobile Management configuration: UseModelItemFunctionality did not work properly in compressed view when set to false. This is corrected and model item functionality will be completely removed from the app if set to false.


(RTM 7040Point mobile scanner stops working

Improvements has been made to ensure scanner always works, even when several sales are completed or cancelled. 

Icons and CreditCustomerIntegration parameter (iOS)

(RTM-6921)Icon in iOS for member

Icon for member is now presented above text. 
If CreditCustomerIntegration is set to yes text for member icon is "Customer", if falce "Member". 

Mobile POS v.1.8.14


Instabank Payment


Instabank can be added as a payment method. Once Instabank is added as an enabled payment provider, the payment button will be available.

To start a payment, tap on Instabank in payment view and scan Instabank QR code to complete payment.


It is also possible to perform an online return using Instabank by scanning a receipt that was paid using Instabank.

Next release

Sales above 10 000kr requires special handling for Instabank payments. This will be included in next release.


FunctionalityRelease notes


(RTM-6953Issue paying with Softpay when autologin is not configured

IMPORTANT An issue was introduced in 1.8.13 which caused Mobile POS to attempt automatic login to Softpay app even for retailers who did not have this functionality configured. The consequence was that Mobile POS blocked the user from entering the Softpay app because it thought user was not logged in to Softpay. This has been corrected.


(RTM-6882) Select action code in return

Mobile POS experienced issues selecting reason codes and action codes during return process for some retailers. The handling of reason codes and action codes have been made more robust and this issue should no longer occur.

Mobile POS v.1.8.13



FunctionalityRelease notes

Mobile POS Management

(RTM-6253Log out the user after defined period of inactivity

The configuration which defines how long a user can stay idle without being logged out has been changed to be defined in minutes instead of seconds. A user is "idle" as soon as the screen on the device goes dark or the user switches to a different app and Mobile POS is running in the background.

AutoLogoutWhenIdle defines the number of minutes a user will remain logged in while idle. If user opens the app and starts using it and then goes idle again, the timer will reset.

AutoLogoutWhenInReceiptTimeOut defines the number of minutes a user will remain logged in while idle and while in an active receipt (sales has started, e.g. item is scanned).


(RTM-6290) Mixed sale support

Added support for mixed sales. Both items to return and normal items in the same cart is handled.

(RTM-6335) Name of member/customer button

Corrected the button name, when CreditCustomerIntegration parameter is set to false. In this case, the button will show "member" instead of "customer".

(RTM-6898) Improved logging

The error logs during the login process has been improved to more easily identify potential issues during login. 

(RTM-6890) Typing in weight on weight items

An issue was detected, which could cause the app to crash in some cases when adding the weight on a weight item manually. This has been corrected.

(RTM-6530) Discount icons

Some types of discounts displayed the discount icon "?", indicating unknown discount type. This has been corrected, so all discount types are shown with proper discount icon.


(RTM-6572) Softpay automatic login improvements

If a user is already logged in to a given store in Softpay, it is possible for the user to log in to a new store in Mobile POS, which will also change the store in the Softpay app automatically. In addition to this, once a payment is performed in Softpay, the user will automatically be redirected to the Mobile POS app after 3 seconds upon successful payment and 6 seconds upon failed payment. Previously, the user had to click the "OK" button in Softpay to be redirected back to Mobile POS.

Mobile POS v.1.8.12


Release 1.8.12 was a re-release of 1.8.11 to correct an issue with Softpay payments.

Mobile POS v.1.8.11


Pay using Klarna InStore


Added Klarna as new payment method. 
To start Klarna payment, tap on Klarna in payment view:

QR code will show up and it must be scanned by the customer, or the customer's phone number must be entered.

After customer scan the QR code, customer approves payment in Klarna.

Payment is completed and receipt can be generated.

Digital Receipt sent to Kivra

Mobile POS supports sending receipts to Kivra. Message regarding sending receipt to Kivra is shown when Kivra user is added to sale.

Configuration of automatic login to Softpay

Configuration for setting up stores with automatic login to Softpay can be done from System - Mobile POS Management - Automatic Softpay Login. 

The same Softpay ID can be set for several stores.
Stores can be added, deleted and edited.

To mass configure many stores:

  1. Click "Export" to Excel
  2. Fill in Softpay Store ID for each store (TOF/MID/other Softpay store identifier)
  3. Import excel file


Some tenant specific setup performed by the development team is required for this to work.

Look up Item in Webshop

Lookup item in webshop

New parameter WebshopUrl was added. When it's set, user will be redirected to this URL after clicking on "More info" in item details. This allows the cashier to open the item in the webshop to look up additional information.


FunctionalityRelease notes

Mobile POS Management

(RTM-6445) Configure on common level

The Mobile POS Management Config UI has been improved. It is possible to configure on common level, as well as setting values to blank.

(RTM-6453) Hiding cashier login

New parameter HideLoginType was added. The "HideLoginType" configuration can have three values: None, Email, Cashier. 
None is default value and both login methods will be available. 
Email hides email login method and only cashier will be available.
Cashier hides login method with cashier and only email will be available.
A login type will not be removed until after first login. Only after first login can the app fetch the configuration set, and it will be stored for subsequent logins until app data is cleared.

Sales board

(RTM-6653) Support for duplicate EANs in Sales board

If the Sales board configuration (PLUList or PLUBoard) contains 2 or more of the same EAN, they will be displayed in the sales board. If adding the item to sale, it will be shown for all instances of the item that this item has been added. 

(RTM-6629) PLU Board exclude empty EAN

Fixed problem that caused exceptions in GetPluConfiguration when item without EAN was added to PLU Board.


(RTM-6472) Softpay automatic login double pop-up

When automatic login to Softpay was released it contained 2 pop-ups shown to the user during login to Softpay and the user has to remove both pop-ups to continue. This has been correct and it is now handled as 1 pop-up.

Receipts on hold

(RTM-6631) Remove filter when searching for receipts on hold
Removed 'tags' filtering for receipts on hold to allow Mobile POS to fetch on hold receipts from POS and InStore App.

(RTM-6691Reference dialogue missing when parking receipt from payment view

Readded reference dialogue when receipt was parked from payment view. It was removed by mistake during release of new receipt flow.


(RTM-6321) App crash on item search if item result contained bad data

Corrected an issue with the app crashing when searching for an item which contained empty value.

(RTM-6408) More robust access token handling IMPORTANT

Mobile POS has experienced issues with being logged out automatically while printing receipts or finishing payments due to losing connection with POS API because user has been logged in for a long time. The process of renewing access tokens against POS API has been improved significantly, so that the access is renewed continuously whilst being logged in.

(RTM-6535Improved logging for unauthorized requests

Unauthorized requests are rarely a problem, however because of the issues Mobile POS has had renewing access token to POS API we have added additional logging to better identify if the problem occurs.

Mobile POS v.1.8.10


Pay using Mobile Pay

MobilePay can be set as an available payment method in Mobile POS. 

To activate MobilePay as a payment method it has to be added to the parameter "EnabledPaymentProviders".

Once it is configured it will be available as a payment method in the app.

When clicking on payment with MobilePay, a QR code is generated. The customer must scan the QR code from their phone.

Once QR code is scanned, the customer is able to complete the payment using the MobilePay app.

The customer approves the payment in their MobilePay app.

Sale is completed.


Make sure MobilePay is added with correct CardIssuer ID in POS Configuration parameter: CardIssuerMapping.


FunctionalityRelease notes


(RTM-3663) Fetch delivery methods from DispatchService

NEW Parameter FetchDeliveryAlternativesFromDispatch can be set to true or false.
When it's set to True, delivery methods are fetched from Dispatch Service. 
When it's set to False, delivery methods are fetched from items set in POS Configuration parameter FreightChargeItem (as previously).

Sales board

(RTM-5779Configuration for fetching PLU type in Sales board

NEW Parameter: SalesboardSource can be set to two different values: PLUList and PLUBoard. When PLUList is set, Mobile POS fetch items from the PLUList configuration in POS Configuration. When PLUBoard is set, Mobile POS fetch items from PLUBoard configuration in POS Configuration.

Model items

(RTM-6394Configuration for removing model item functionality

NEW When UseModelItemFunctionality is set to True, model items are handled as it was before (default value is True). When set to False, model items are not grouped and are treated as normal items and there will be no dropdown for selection color/size in Item Details.

Model items

(RTM-6439Configuration for reordering of cart

NEW Parameter "CartOrdering" can be set to two different values: LatestOnBottom and LatestOnTop. The default value is LatestOnBottom, which means that items will automatically be added to the bottom of the list while scanning items in sales view. If parameter is set to "LatestOnTop", the last item added to cart will always be displayed on top.

Store selection

(RTM-6432Hide inactive stores

Inactive stores are no longer displayed when selecting store during login.


(RTM-6321) App crash on SelectActionCode

Corrected an issue with the app crashing when action code is not set. 

(RTM-6408) Issues when using cashier login

When using cashier login, some functionality was not working as intended or were missing. This has been corrected.

Mobile POS v.1.8.9


Redesign of Payment and Receipt handling

Once a payment is completed by the customer, whether it is a card payment or a digital payment, the landing page looks like this:

When this page is shown, it means the payment is done and the sale is completed. The cashier can then select whether they want to print the receipt, send the receipt or continue scanning to start a new sale. This page will not disappear until user actively removes it, either by clicking the "x", starts a new sale or logs out of the app. 

Selecting Print

Improved error handling if the connection to the printer has been lost. User will be redirected to connect to the printer and can navigate back to the "sales finished" page to print again.

Selecting Email


FunctionalityRelease notes

Print receipt

(RTM-6460) Printing receipt via bluetooth

Corrected an error that could occur during printing of receipt via bluetooth. Additionally, enhanced error logging has been added if a problem occurs during the printing.

Mobile POS v.1.8.8


Support for online return on Credit

If a payment was performed with credit, it is possible to return the receipt and perform a refund on the original credit payment. The return process follows the same pattern as all returns. Credit is only an available for refund if the original receipt was paid with credit. Additionally, if the original sale was performed using credit, credit will be the only available refund option.


The POS Configuration: IncludeDiscountsInOnlineReturn has to be set to true in order for the customer to be added to the cart during the online return. If it is set to false, the customer will not be added.

Automatic Login to Softpay Notifications

When automatic login to the Softpay app is configured, it can take some time for the automatic login to be completed. If the user attempts a payment with Softpay before the login is complete, the user will be prompted to wait for the process to be completed.

Automatic login to Softpay

The current implementation requires the user to remove 2 pop-ups manually once the login is complete. This will be changed in a later implementation to make it more user friendly.


FunctionalityRelease notes


(RTM-6298) Point Mobile scanner

A problem with Point Mobile scanner that occurred after cancelling or finishing sale was corrected.

(RTM-6194Change wording of punch cards

Changed the wording from "punch cards" to "stamp cards" everywhere in the app.

Mobile POS Management

(RTM-6077) User Interface improvements

Several improvements has been made to the configuration UI for Mobile POS:

  • The naming of permissions and menu items
  • Fonts, colours, spacing and icons
  • "true, false" configurations are configured using dropdown instead of plain text
  • Activating changes is more user friendly


(RTM-6409) Improved logging

The logging in App center whilst communicating with Softpay has been greatly improved. Additionally, the Softpay SDK version used by Mobile POS was upgraded to latest.

(RTM-6344) Fetching more stores during automatic login

Corrected an issue with store paging in the Softpay integration. Previously, Mobile POS was unable to find certain stores during the automatic login process. 

Mobile POS v.1.8.7



FunctionalityRelease notes


(RTM-6239RTM-6206RTM-6145) Improved logging

Logging improvements:

  • CartID is added to the logging of all POS API operations in App insight's Mobile POS Backend
  • Mobile POS app's version number is added to the logging in App insight's Mobile POS Backend
  • Tenant configuration is logged during login, for easier troubleshooting in cases where customers experience an error during login.

(RTM-5818Incorrect horizontal sales view on tablet 

Made some improvements to the spacing in the sales view for horizontal view on a tablet.


(RTM-2447) Bluetooth printer not disconnecting

Corrected an issue where no payment options were available after deleting a returned item from the cart.

Mobile POS Management

(RTM-6117) Migrate all configurations to Mobile POS Configuration UI

In the first version of Mobile POS Management Configuration, only configurations that contains a value was visible. After this change, all possible configuration is available in the UI.

Credit Customers

(RTM-6289) Alphanumeric Reference number 

The reference number required to add during credit payment has been changed from a numerical value to an alphanumeric value. This means it is possible to add a reference number containing letters.

(RTM-6325) Refresh prices after adding customer

Corrected an issue where prices were not refreshed when adding customer to cart. Previously, this caused the cart to not show customer discounts correctly.

Mobile POS v.1.8.6


Choose between grams and kg on items (RTM-5952)

Added possibility to choose either kilo or gram when entering weight


FunctionalityRelease notes

Search view

(RTM-5733) Incorrect value of weight when scanning EAN20 in search view

Fixed adding weight item from search view, when EAN20 item was scanned.


(RTM-6291) Bluetooth printer not disconnecting

Printer connection with bluetooth is not established for the whole time. It is connected only when receipt is being printed. 
Fixed issues with open price items and login page.


(RTM-6291) Login and open price crash.

Fixed issue with random login crash when navigating to login page. 

Fixed issue with random app crashes when navigating from search page when open price item is added.

Mobile POS v.1.8.5


Dummy customer (RTM-5986)

New parameter DummyCustomerNumberWhenQuantityOver1 was added.

When this value is set to customer number, this customer will be added to the cart if quantity of any items is higher than 1 and no customer has been added to cart.


FunctionalityRelease notes


(RTM-5781) Log out the user after a defined period of inactivity 

Added new feature of logging out user after a period of inactivity.
Two parameters where created, AutoLogoutWhenIdle and AutoLogoutWhenInReceiptTimeout. 

AutoLogoutWhenIdle is when user is not performing any activity in the app.
AutoLogoutWhenInReceiptTimeout is when a sale (or sale related) action has been started.


(RTM-5660) When item is unknown, user can cancel action or go to search

When scanning unknown EAN, a popup is shown and user can choose to cancel action or go to search page

Sales board

(RTM-5873) Incorrect unit displayed in sales board for weighted items.

Displaying of incorrect unit for weighted items in sales board was fixed

(RTM-5881) Fixed app crashing if sales board is not configured

When there is no item configuration for sales board, error message about not available items is shown.
If there is no configuration for sales board, error message about co configuration is displayed,


(RTM-5951) Improve logging in AppCenter with cartID

CartID in error logging on AppCenter for POS API was included.


(RTM-5404) Remove support for dark mode

Dark mode has been disabled.

Mobile POS v.1.8.4


Deposit (RTM-158)

Deposit is now presented in a more correct way. 
It is now attached to related item instead of being shown as being separate item.

Add or search for member by scanning Vipps QR code (RTM-5925)

Support for search and adding member scanning Vipps QR code added. It is possible to scan Vipps QR code in Sales view, Sales board and Member Search page. Member is added properly.

Import SoftpayID from file (RTM-6021)

We can import  a file with SoftpayID and Storenumber until a GUI is in place, EG do the import manually. Please contact us for that.


FunctionalityRelease notes

Credit sale

(RTM-6148) Digital receipt with credit sale

Corrected an issue where digital receipt option was not available for Credit sales


(RTM-5964) Action codes during returns

If there is only 1 or 0 action codes set up, Mobile POS will skip showing action code during return process to avoid unnecessary clicks for the user.


(RTM-5776) Force users to upgrade to newer version
Added feature to prevent users from using the app without upgrading.
Application checks the version in appsettings.json in backend with app version. If version is too low, this message will be shown.

This functionality will be used by EG if we find critical problems in released versions of the app.

Mandatory change

When this is released, 1.5.0 is the lowest version possible to use.

(RTM-5671) Navigation while scanning age limited items is incorrect

Navigation when scanning age limited items is now correct. When scanning EAN of such item, Item details page is shown and after adding item to cart popup for age verification is displayed.

After verifying age, user ends up in sales view.

Mobile POS v.1.8.3


Credit Customer Integration

New parameter CreditCustomerIntegration was added. 

If it's set to "true", customer button is always displayed and when clicking button, it is possible to search for customer.
If it's set to "false", customer button is only available if Mobile POS is able to connect to Memberservice. In this case, it is only possible to search or add members. The customer tab is not displayed.
If it's set to "false" and Memberservice is not available, no button is displayed.

B2B/B2C Customers and Credit Payment

  1. Search for customer

2. Add Customer to sale

3. Click on customer to view customer information

4. Pay with credit

Reference text when parking receipt

User is now prompted to manually add a reference text when parking a receipt. By default, when a member is in the receipt, the reference text will be prefilled with membernumber. Whilst if there is no member in the receipt, the same default text that previously was added automatically, is now displayed. In both cases, the user is able to override the default text. 

Configuration UI for Mobile POS

Mobile POS Configuration can be edited in EG Chain. Configuration is stored in Mobile Backend database.

User needs sufficient permissions to view and edit pos parameters. 

Mobile pos parameters can be found in Chain. Go to System->Mobile POS Parameters:

To change parameter user has to choose given store level: 

Choose parameter, that user wants to change and click on edit button:

Change parameter and press Save:

After saving, parameter will be in "To be activated" section: 

To activate parameter, press on red Activate button in store section:

After that, parameter will be activated and Mobile POS app needs to be restarted to make parameter take effect. 

Refund of card payment in POS using Softpay

Previously, Mobile POS restricted online return of receipts paid with card in EG POS. Transactions paid with card in EG POS can now be refunded via Softpay.

Note: there is no guarantee Softpay will allow any type of card transactions refunded. There may be restrictions related to the bank terminal used.


FunctionalityRelease notes


(RTM-5783) Code cleanup

Cleanup of deprecated and obsolete functions in the Mobile backend.

(RTM-5799Support for scale out of backend

Support for scaling out the backend into multiple instances is added. A scale out is often performed while scaling up the solution to distribute the load across several instances and thus, improving the performance.

(RTM-5834Refactor of how the app fetches configuration

Refactored fetching of configuration and all the preliminary setup. It was performed too late and now it's being done outside of the Sales View to not impact the user experience during login. 

(RTM-5939) Performance improvement

Improved performance while running queries to the database. This change prevents from loading data until user asks for it.


(RTM-5918) Online returns where storenumber has companynumber

Added possibility to perform online return for receipt that contains local store number.
Mobile POS application is now fetching and checking in mobile backend database to find the store number based on the external store number. After that it provides the store number to POS API.

For this to work, the new parameter: ExternalStoreNumberInReceipt has to be set to "true".


(RTM-6018Member details improvements

Corrected the spacing in member details on iOS. The giftcard section in member details has also been removed, as it was released unfinished. Once the giftcard integration is finished it will be released again.

Mobile POS v.1.8.2


Handle different receipt scenarios

New parameter SkipSendingReceipts was added. 
Mobile backend database has to be updated with: 

SkipSendingReceipts possible values:

Always- receipt dialogue isn't shown. There is no bottomsheet to print or send receipts. Once payment is complete the sale is finished immediately.

NotMember- show receipt dialogue for transactions where member is not added. If there is a member added, receipt dialogue is not shown at all and finish sale immediately after payment.

Never- always show receipt dialogue

Enhanced Member Information

Improvements have been done in the member information view to give the user easier and better access to important information about the member. This includes changes in user interface to give an overview of the member, as well as extended fields available for editing and easy access to edit member subscriptions. This page will also display if the member has not approved member terms or is missing email & phone number to give cashier easy access to collect good member data.

Print receipts using Bluetooth

Pairing with bluetooth printer

Added printer connection wizard for bluetooth printing. 

Option is visible in sidemenu. After clicking on user's avatar, it can be found as "Peripherals". 

To add printer user has to select "Receipt printer" section and tap "Add new printer" button there.
Choose Bluetooth option.

You will be asked to go to bluetooth settings. Go there, choose bluetooth printer and pair it.

Navigate back to the app by clicking "back button" and select the printer in the app.

Mobile POS v.1.8.1


Automatic login to Softpay

It is possible to configure Mobile POS to automatically log in to the Softpay app in the background upon logging in. This feature is implemented to avoid having store personnel logging in to the wrong store in Softpay and to enable a smoother rollout of the solution,

To enable automatic login it requires an extensive setup, where every store in Store Management has to be mapped to the Softpay Unique store ID (TOF number in most cases). To set this up, EG needs to receive an excel file/csv from the customer that consists of 2 columns: EG store ID, Softpay store ID. For the timebeing this must be scripted into the database. A UI will be created for configuring this in a later version. In addition to this, EG needs to receive the log in credentials to the Softpay app. We support maximum 2 different credentials. Our recommended approach is to have 1 set of login credentials to Softpay where all stores are included.


An encryption key is created in Tenant admin which is used to encrypt the credentials for logging in to the Softpay app, to uphold security in the solution.

If configured, upon logging in and selecting a store in Mobile POS, the app will:

  • Ask Softpay whether or not the device is already logged in to a store number that matches the store chosen in Mobile POS. If it does not match: Mobile POS will change the store in the Softpay app to the correct store

This means that we can always ensure that the user is logged in to the correct Softpay store before completing a transaction. This process can take up to 10 seconds and the user will not be able to perform a payment with Softpay until it is ready. Currently, there is notification to the user when the login is successful. This will be added in future version. However, the user can use Mobile POS for all other purposes during this time. When the user has been logged in to Softpay once, the device will remain logged in forever, unless Softpay is uninstalled from the device. Once logged in to Softpay, Mobile POS will always verify that the correct store is chosen upon login and change the store if it is wrong. 

Support for scanning with Point Mobile Devices

Using the built-in scanner in Point Mobile devices is supported.

Mobile POS v.1.8.0


Receipt Printing

Printing a physical receipt using EPOS format in Mobile POS:

Connect to WiFi printer

Navigate to the menu and click "peripherals".

Select "receipt printer"

Select "add new printer"

When the printer appears, select it to connect.

Printer is connected and ready for printing.

Print receipt

New options for sending & printing receipt after sale.

If you click "print" only by accident, you can print again or send digital receipt by clicking "undo".

This is the error message shown if printer is unavailable. Try to reconnect from the menu if this problem occurs.

Member receipts can be printed from purchase history.

If more than 1 printer is available, dropdown menu is shown. The previously selected printer will always be shown by default.


The configuration "AvailablePrinters" must be set for printing to be shown as an option in the app. Possible values: "None" or "Epson". If value is set to "none", only digital receipts will be available. If value is set to "Epson", both printing and digital receipts are available.

Scanning Vipps QR code

When using a built-in scanner, while doing Vipps payment, user can scan Vipps QR code to fill in the mobile number and finish payment. 

Default starting page

New parameter StartingPage was added. There are two possible values: 'salesview' and 'salesboard'. If 'salesview' is set, sales view is displayed as a starting page (same as today). If 'salesboard' is set, sales board is displayed as a starting page. When parameter is empty or value is incorrect, sales view is default starting page.

Hide option to create member

Added CreateMemberEnabled parameter. If it's set to true, member creation button will be visible. 
If it's set to false, member creation button will be hidden.


FunctionalityRelease notes

Sales board

(RTM-5644) Sales board on Tablet

Several improvement related to how the sales board behaves on a tablet.

(RTM-5742Sales board improvements iOS

Improvements in how the sales board behaves on iOS devices. This includes correcting issues with scrolling and "long press" on items in the board.


(RTM-5767) Additional payment information in POSLog

When payment is performed with Coopay "GltAera" is added as PaymentTerminal type. This corrects how the receipt looks and adds proper payment information in POSLog.

(RTM-5778) Formatting of digital receipt

Corrected what the receipt looks like when paying with Coopay. The receipt will be formatted same way as when payment is completed with Coopay in EG POS.

Mobile POS v.1.7.1



FunctionalityRelease notes


(RTM-5774Incorrect logout after inactivity

When a user is logged out due to inactivity, the logout process was not correctly handled. This could cause an error during the "checkout" process. The consequence of this, was that payment could go through, but the receipt was not stuck in "started" status and not properly finished. It is important that all Mobile POS users use version 1.7.1 to avoid this problem.

Mobile POS v.1.7.0


Sales Board

User can find a sales board under "options menu". The sales board provides the user with predefined items that can be added to the sale. The defined items are fetched from PLU List in POS Configuration. To set up a PLU List, user must first add parameter "PLUListDefinition" to POS Config on the Mobile POS Cash register.

PLU Configuration

Today Mobile POS fetches sales board from PLU List. Within the next couple of weeks it will also be able to fetch the same configuration from PLU Board. This will be released in POS API.

The sales board can be opened in bottomsheet and closed in the bottomsheet or by clicking x button.

Note: Images are not fetched from PLU configuration, but as normal from PIM or Item Management.

The sales board is one long list of items divided into categories. When user clicks on a category, it will automatically scroll to the selected category. In the PLU List configuration, a category is the same as a "page" in the PLU. Items can be added to the sale by cliking on the item, when it is added this will be indicated by a green check mark. It is possible to scan items as well while you're inside the sales board. By performing a "long press" (holding down on an item for 1 second), the user is able to perform normal actions, like adding a line note or discount.

Once all items are added to the sale, the user can 1) click the green "sum" button or 2) swipe from the right to the left to go the sale page and finish the sale. Click "options" to go back to sales board. A swipe back action will be implemented in a future version.

Access to sales board

For the user to be able to access the sales board, make sure the user as correct permission in User Management:


FunctionalityRelease notes
Coopay payment

(RTM-5598Coopay receipt information

Member information and Coopay transaction ID added to receipt.

(RTM-5494Coopay user friendliness

  1. When using a device with built-in scanner and clicking on payment with Coopay, user is no longer redirected to camera scanner. The user will get a pop-up directing the user to utilize the built-in scanner on the device.
  2. If a Coop member has been identified during the sale, user is no longer requested to scan QR again when clicking on payment. 


(RTM-5495Additional payment information on Receipt

When performing a sale with Softpay, Mobile POS will add all payment information received from Softpay on the receipt. This includes; date of purchase, amount, card type, partial card number.


(RTM-5472) Digital receipt toggle on member

An option, which allows members to choose whether they want to receive digital receipts is now editable in Mobile POS. This option can be found in the member details section of Mobile POS, under the heading "Digital Receipt." When the toggle is switched on, member has agreed to receive digital receipts via email. On the other hand, if the toggle is switched off, the member won't receive a digital receipt via email by default.


This is ignored if POS Configuration parameter "SendDigitalReceipt" is set to "Always".


(RTM-5445Improved handling of age items

When scanning an item with an age limit and the age confirmation pop-up occurs, a new option has been added called "age verified". If clicking "age verified", the user confirms that the customer can purchase items with the same or lower age restriction. This means if user confirms an item with 16-year age limit, a new pop-up will occur if an item with 18-year age limit is scanned afterwards. The option to confirm that the customer is "above 25" is still available.

(RTM-5515Handling of weight items

Improved the handling of weight items. If a user adds a weight item, a prompt to enter weight will occur. Previously, the item was automatically added with 1kg and user had to manually change quantity. 


(RTM-5577) Refactoring of configuration

A small refactoring of code to improve the handling of configuration in Mobile POS.

Mobile POS v.1.6.0


Manual returns

This feature allows the cashier to refund customers without having the receipt using Mobile POS. If a customer wants to return an item using the manual return option, the item must have been sold previously. If it hasn't, an error will appear in Softpay and the refund will not go through.

To do a manual return, you'll need to select the Options button in Mobile POS, then choose the Return option. From there, you'll see the new option for Manual return. Select that, and you'll be asked to choose a reason code and action code for the return. Once you've done that, confirm the return.

If the customer wants to return multiple items, you can add them to the return using the search or scan option. Once all items have been added, you can press the Return items button. This will create a new cart with the returned items in it, and the customer can complete the return from there.

IMPORTANT To perform a return in EG POS on a payment done with Softpay from Mobile POS, EG POS version or higher.

Coopay Payment

Coopay is available as a payment method in Mobile POS. To use it, the customer needs to have the Coopay app on their phone.

In Mobile POS, choose the Coopay option as payment. Then scan the Coopay QR code from Mobile POS.

After you scan the QR code, a notification will pop up on the customer's phone. Customer need to click on the notification to open the Coopay app. There, customer can confirm that they want to make the payment.

Once payment is confirmed in the Coopay app, the payment will be completed and you'll be all set!

It's important to note that each Coopay QR code is only good for one payment. 


FunctionalityRelease notes
Printing receipt

Support printing receipts via Wifi using EPOS format is added. This means Mobile POS is able to directly communicate with printers who support EPOS format, for printing of receipts. This is typically printers by EPSON

The UI for connecting to the printer will be released in 1.6.1. However, if only 1 printer is available on the network, Mobile POS will automatically print the receipt on the designated printer.


EnabledPaymentProviders parameter was moved from tenant admin to mobile backend. Available payment providers are fetched from MobilePosConfig instead of tenantsettings. Tenantsettings are still used if nothing is configured in MobilePosConfig. This means available payment methods are no longer configured globally, meaning it applies to all stores, but it possible to separate what payment methods are available per store.


Created a workaround for a bug in the Xamarin framework for iOS which caused an issue when navigating from the return view. The issue only occurred for iOS and is corrected.


Updated to .Net 6

Mobile POS v.1.5.2 - v.1.5.5



FunctionalityRelease notes
Printing receipt

Added configuration for printing receipt. If value is set to "no available types of printers", "Send and print" and "Print receipt" buttons are not shown to user. This is the default setting.

Printing of receipt

The full functionality for printing of receipts from EPSON printer will be released in 1.6.1.

Weight items

When scanning weight item, user is automatically prompted to enter weight of the item. It does not apply EAN20-codes items, where weight is a part of the EAN. Previously, the item was added with 1kg by default.

Reason codes

Corrected app crashing after selecting duplicated reason code when adding discount or performing returns.


Corrected an issue with scanning items for returns with Zebra's built-in scanner.

Line note

When scanning barcode in line and sales note, the text from the barcode which is scanned will be filled in. Previously it would try to search for an item instead.

Mobile POS v.1.5.1



FunctionalityRelease notes
Weight items3 decimals are shown when scanning a weight item.

CRITICAL Item bottomsheet

An error introduced in v.1.5.0 caused the app to crash when clicking on an item in sales view. This has been corrected.

Mobile POS v.1.5.0


Online return with Vipps & Swish

Support for performing online returns in Mobile POS is added. There are two ways to perform an online return:

  1. In Sales view click on Option, then on Return. After that, user is able to scan receipt.

2. In member's Purchase History, after clicking on receipt, there will be Return button:

After selecting Return option, reason code and action code have to be selected.
In Return view, items can be selected by clicking on it or by scanning their EANs.

After clicking on "Return items" user will be redirected to Sales view. Return item will be added and its colour is red to distinguish it from items for sale.

In v.1.5.0 it is only possible to returns receipts that have previously been paid with Vipps/Swish as Vipps and Swish only support refunds if the original purchase also happened using their payment method.

Refund via Softpay is planned delivered in v.1.5.3


FunctionalityRelease notes
ScannerAdded support for barcode type EAN-8
ItemsAdded handling of items that are blocked for sale
GeneralAn issue with navigating from store QR code view caused the app to crash. This has been corrected.
SoftpayCorrected an issue where the app crashed if Softpay was incorrectly configured.

Mobile POS v.1.4.2



FunctionalityRelease notes
ScannerAdded support for barcode type UPC_A
LoginImproved store selection when user has access to many stores. Search field is added and app will no longer crash if user has access to a large number of stores.
LoyaltyIf tenant does not have MemberService configured, the "Loyalty" icon in the bottom menu will no longer be visible.
SoftpayCorrected an issue where the app crashed if Softpay was incorrectly configured.

Mobile POS v.1.4.1



FunctionalityRelease notes
ReturnsAdded user role for "returns". Default value will remain "disabled" for all cashiers until functionality is released.
WebordersAdded parameter in Mobile POS backend to enable/disable weborders in Mobile POS. Default value is "disabled".
GeneralImproved UI tests for bottomsheet when building app.
Radio buttonsImproved handling of radiobuttons.

Mobile POS v. 1.4.0  (MPA-22-07) July 2022 release


Important highlights from this release


Now Softpay and Softpay UI is implemented. User needs Android 8.0 to use this function and customer needs contract with Softpay. Now when user wants to pay with Softpay an appswitch is made.





Swish QR code - infinite spinnerApp was tested slow with infinite spinner in some situations. This was related to a issue with Swish app where payment with QR causes infinite spinner in next purchase. 
This is improved and now  QR code can be used in payment without causing an infinite spinner in searches. . (RTM-4493)

Mobile POS v. 1.3.0  (MPA-22-06) June 2022 release


Important highlights from this release


Implementation of Softpay was started, ui missing (RTM-4171)


Weborders in a receipt is a separate section and requires a separate payment if compared to a normal sale. 

When moving to receipt overview in payment flow 2 payments are needed, if both normal and weborder sale is ongoing. 

When one is done, users are able to cancel last sale IF needed. (RTM-2863)

When filling in delivery details user selects delivery method. These delivery alternatives are items in registry and will be set in parameter. Name and price is fetched from item. The items are added on the receipt.. (RTM-2862)

Horizontal Mode

Weborders in a receipt is a separate section and requires a separate payment if compared to a normal sale. 

When moving to receipt overview in payment flow 2 payments are needed, if both normal and weborder sale is ongoing. 

When one is done, users are able to cancel last sale IF needed. (RTM-2863)




Icon for menuIcon menu is now omproved to be round and not oval for a more clean look. (RTM-2014)
Automatic couponsManual coupons are activated by checking in a activation box. This has been available for automatic coupons too, but is now changed for a better user experience. User can not check an activation box for automatic coupons since they are not manually activated (RTM-3422)
Colour in fields when using Bisnode

In member creation view information about customer can be retrieved with bisnode after typing phone number. 
After retrieving information, fields that were filled are green. Colour are now matching the right image, that is the mockup. (RTM-3818)

Use this phone number for bisnode: +46 708 116 237
On the left app, on the right screen from mock ups: 

App crash when EAN is missing

If a model of an item somehow is missing an EAN the app crashes when app tries to return search result.  (RTM-4321)

Opening article detailsWhen opening an article information from receipt view the information regarding the item is the same item as scanned. If user needs information regarding another size or colour, they need to change it in article information. (RTM-4393)

Mobile POS v. 1.2.2 (MPA-22-04) April 2022 release


Important highlights from this release

Customer specific development: One customer only wanted the input of Mobile umber when creating a new member in Mobile POS. Nothing else shown or validated. (RTM-3885)




Swish paymentUser can now switch between QR-code mode and phone number mode. When user creates a sale with member and  the registred phone number is not a valid number the payment failes. App now switches automatically to qr code mode. (RTM-4326)

Mobile POS v. 1.2.1 (MPA-22-03) March 2022 release


Important highlights from this release

No important highlights where added to this release. 




ImagesSome icons has been missing and are now back. Tehy were coupons, welcome text and Swish image (RTM-4101)

Mobile POS v. 1.2.0  (MPA-22-02) February 2022 release


Important highlights from this release

Payment with card

Credit card is now also an payment option in Mobile POS. 
User choses credit card as an option in finish sales view. The terminal is then contacted and the messages of the terminal mirrored in Mobile POS. 
User can also scan QR code on terminal or choose from list of avaliable terminals if there is several alternatives.  (RTM-3404)

Docking EG Mobile POS 

Users can now dock a device that is using EG Mobile POS. Some issues have been corrected, where EG Mobile POS earlier loged out user when this happened.  (RTM-3707)


Create web orders from item added to sale 

Pressing item added to receipt and opening the menu for the item another option is now added - Order from webshop including showing stock value for the item is shown. 

Pressing item and adding it to the receipt, the receipt will be split in 2. One for websale and one for normal sale. (RTM-2857)

Create web orders from item details

In item details, how ever you may open it, web orders are now an alternative. Pressing the order icon in stock details adds the item to the receipt as a web order. (RTM-2858)

Create web orders -   customer details with member

When items added to weborder is or sale is complete and user wants to finish the sales they press the green payment icon. User is then moved to a view where more information about the purchaser is added. If there is a member on the cart the information stored about the member is pree filled in in the customer form.  (RTM-3651)

Create web orders -   customer details without member

For weborders when a user presses "finish payment" the view is moved to information regarding customer information. There is several fields that needs to be filled in including a button where bisnode can be used. 
Button "add member" moves users to the view where user can search for a member and add it to the receipt. (RTM-2860)

Create web orders -  Parking and retreiving parked receipts

User can now both park and retreive parked receipts after a weborder has been created. ALthough, the flow is slightly different (the scenario below is a scenario with both normal sale and web orders on)

  1. User chooses to park the receipt
  2. User needs to choose if they want to park the normal sale or web order sale
  3. Pop-up is shown telling user to double check stock value when retreiving receipt again/ if there is an normal sale and web order on same receipts information about this
  4. The two receipts are parked and not presented as the same receipt. 
  5. When retreiving the receipts (the web order receipt) same pop-up is shown telling user to check the stock value since the value can have changed since the receipt was first created. 
  6. The receipts can not be presented as one any more. 





Web orders

Following smaller improvements are made:

  • Selecting sale/order when selecting parking sale if both order and normal sale is on the receipt
  • Split member on both receipts if added, and also free text 
  • Improvements regarding font size and deleting web orders



Improvements in translation (RTM-3923(RTM-4058

Card payment

If user tries to change card terminal, but only one card terminal is configured it has caused the app to crash. This is now fixed.  (RTM-4054)

Mobile POS v. 1.1.3 (MPA-22-01) January 2022 release


Important highlights from this release

No important highlights, only improvements. 




Icons for discounts in scanned article row 

Now all icons for different discounts and offers are presented in Mobile POS. 
Item lines gets the icons when a discount or offer is added to the receipt on the items it regards. (RTM-1967)

Show total quantity as integer in purchase history 

A better handling of quantity in receipt summary in purchase history is added. Now the quantity is always shown as an ineger, even if the cart contains items that have units of measure (kg, meter etc).  (RTM-3637)

Mobile POS v. 1.1.2 (MPA-21-12) November and December release


Important highlights from this release

Receipt information in customer purchase history

Now cash register number also is shown in the purchase view. Previously only store number and sequence number was shown.  (RTM-3508)




Improved scanning barcodes on iOS

There has been some presentation issues with scanning barcodes on iOS. This is now improved and error "item not added" is no longer shown since problem is resolved (RTM-3293)

EAN with missing colour

If an ean  has whitespace in it and the item is scanned in search view it openes article detials. The user van now choose size/colour in the dropdown without any issues. (RTM-3477)

Move to sales view - iOS device 

When user has an iOS device and scannes an ean code in search the user is sometime moved to sales view instad of product information. This is now adjusted and made sure user is only is moved to product information. (RTM-3561)

Mobile POS v. 1.1.1 (MPA-21-10) October release 


Important highlights from this release

Reason codes for line- and total discounts

If reason codes is used and parameters set in POS Mobile POS will also ask for reason code. This is implemented on both line discounts and on total discounts (RTM-2984) (RTM-3036)

Member terms - Accept agreement
Member terms and option to accept these in Mobile POS is now implemented. There is now checkboxes for accepting member terms, adding personalized offers and email and sms for personalized offers. (RTM-2273)

Search limit
The results in search is now updated to a result of 50 items. The performace is still good for this result. (RTM-2902)

New app icon
Mobile POS has now a new icon so user can differentiate between EG Retail apps quickly.  (RTM-3091)




Improved bonus handeling

There has been some presentation issues with bonus after it has been activated on a receipt and then the receipt has been parked and retreived. This is now improved. (RTM-2620)


Mobile POS v. 1.1.0 (MPA-21-09) September release 



Important highlights from this release

Scan vertical and standing EAN-codes 

Now Mobile POS can scan vertical ean codes or standing ean codes. (RTM-2789)

Mobile POS can now fetch parked receipts from Consumer POS

Now Mobile POS can fetch parked receipts from Consumer POS (RTM-2796)




"Incorrect login" popup on prod 

After switching from test to prod user is shown a popup with options "Log out" or "Retry". Retry triggers the same popup and bit blockes the flow in app. This is now handled for a better flow. (RTM-2379)

 "Reference store" improvements

 Reference store is not named correctly - it is now called "Home store".  (RTM-2805)

Line discount does not work with reason codes

Now line discounts can be used even if pos config has set reason codes (RTM-2075)

Bottom sheet is blocked

If Mobile POS loses focus the bottom sheet gets blocked. This is now fixed. (RTM-2992)

Mobile POS v. 1.0.12 (MPA-21-08) August  release


Important highlights from this release

Block horizontal mode 

User can not use Mobile POS in horizontal mode  (RTM-2653)

Cashier card login

Login using cashier credentials is now possible. User can enter cashier number and pin manually or by scanning a cashier card's barcode using camera or integrated scanner. (RTM-2602)

When scanning cashier card the user needs an QR code so tenant and store will be set. After first time this is done it will be saved as default and no need for scanning QR code until someone wants to use the device in a different store or tenant. (RTM-2515)

After setting up the first Mobile POS with the QR code a user that is logged in to a store is able to retrieve this QR-code to assist colleagues that want to set up the app in a new device for the same store.

This is available from menu view. When clicking the "QR-code icon" or the store name, a page with qr code will open. (RTM-2519)


Use bonus checks

The design of bonus checks flow has been changed. Bonus can be used both as a payment and as a discount, depending on what set up the company has chosen. The new design for bonus checks is adjusted to suit compays who was bonus as payment and discounts. 
Activation of bonus is made after user as moved to payment view. Not by pressing member icon or bonus icon as before. If this member icon/bonus icon is pressed user is moved to member details and shown information about the bonus instead. 

When moving to paymentview a pop-up is shown where the bonus and amount usable is shown. User can press ok or change bonus amount that should be used. 
If no bonus is activated in that pop-up, a bonus icon in payment view is shown so users can activate it before paying. 
If activated - the bonus is presented in overview of receipt in payment view - either as a discount or a bonus. If moving back to receipt view a row is added with the bonus. 


 Log out

When user tries to logout with an ongoing receipt the user is given an option to park the ongoing sale or log out. If pressing log out the sale is canceled.
If pressing the park sale and it failes, the user can click "log out" and the sale will be registred as "unfinished cart".  Improvements are done in form of options so user no longer is stuck and needs to force quit the app. (RTM-1926)

Bottom sheet improvements 

When an article is selected and the bottomsheet is opened, and the user tries to press outside 
An improvement is added so you now can open the bottomsheet of an item, press article details and then press outside bottom sheet the bottomsheet is now locked. This makes it not possible to select another bottomsheet entry or close it while Mobile POS handles the first user action. 

Also, when showing bottomsheet for the following cases, the user should is not able to close it by pressing outside the sheet, only by using the buttoms in the bottomsheet itself:

-Risktext (only close when pressing "confirm" button)

-Input for digital receipt (only close when sending receipt, or pressing the "skip" button)





Open article detials from search view

When user searches for items, the result can be presented in different ways - both depending on what view they show result in but also if the item has different variants. If the result is with a item that has a variant and for example colour is already shown and user then openes the 

When a user searches for items that is a model and then presses "i' icon on the result the article details are opened. Before when opeing article details from search first model/variant on the list was opened. Now the correct one is opened from start. 
For example: pressing "i" on a black Lucy tee it opened the first Lucy tee in the list - another colour. 

This sitation is not adjusted for the variant of sizes, since they can not be desplayed in the search result, otherwise there would be to many alternatives if an item both has size and colour.

Keyboard for open price item

When scanning an item with a open price user needs to enter price.
The keyboard for open prices items are adjusted so they only are numbers (RTM-2419)

Payment view 

  Smaller UI improvements as rounded corners on payment button and setting a cap between swish and vipps in paymentview. 
Also when a digital receipt has been pressed "skipped" when sending it, a notification is shown that no digital receipt is sent and an option to undo and move back to where you type in the email again, (RTM-2012)
Barcode formatWith limiting what barcodes can be accepted and recognized there is limitations on the risk of scanning with camera and producing wrong result. (RTM-2593)

 Image update when choosing different variants of items

Improvements are made so when user is in product information page and changes the variant of the item the images are reloaded and updated to present the correct image.  (RTM-2410)

Bonus viewIn the new bonus view a suggested amount of bonus to use is presented, but avaliable to change. In the first version this was not completely perfect and is now adjusted and shows the total bonus balance that can be used or the amount of bonus that can be used even if it is less then the bonus balance. (RTM-2529)
Camera in sales view gives black screen  In this version when user uses camera in sales view or search view camera does not show black creen anymore. (RTM-2652)

Mobile POS v. 1.0.11 (MPA-21-06) 16th-30th of June release 


Important highlights from this release

No highligts, just improvements. 




Social security number

If company uses social security number as an alternative to identify member it is now shown, including Bisnode option if Bisnode is used.  (RTM-2379)

iOS camera 

When starting EG Mobile POS and first thing is to scan an item on iOS with camera scan or resume cart the item is added to the cart, but not shown. This is now corrected to always be shown whenever you scan an item with camera scan.  (RTM-2410)

Mobile POS v. 1.0.10 (MPA-21-06) 1st - 21st of June release 


Important highlights from this release

Solid items - version 1 

When scanning an item connected to solid insurance, the item is not added to the sale and a popup appears informing about this. 
The popup has two options, park sale or continue sale. If clicking parke sale it can be retrieved and continued from manual POS. If clicking continues the sale continues. (RTP-12409)

Handle refunds - version 1  

Version 1 of returns are only possible to perform by adding member to a receipt, opening the purchase history and selecting a receipt from which the return should be performed. 
In the selected purchase you can select one or more items, not all needs to be returned. 

When finishing the refund payment it is only possible to refund using payment method of the original receipt - Swish and Vipps. It is for now not possible to purchase other items on the same receipt as the return. (RTM-1754)




Digital receipt

When a member also is a customer digital receipts are not always sent. 
This is now handled and digitial receipts are sent to the member. (RTM-2158)


Smaller spelling mistakes are corrected (RTM-2170)

Mobile POS v. 1.0.9 (MPA-21-05) 14th- 30th of May release 


Important highlights from this release

Scanning in search view

When scanning an item in search view you are now moved directly to product information and from there you can add the item to the receipt. 
Before you only got a result in the search view for the item you scanned. 
The flow is changes since user probably scan only wants information regarding the item if they scan it, and does not want to add it to the receipt directly - since then they would scan it in receipt view. (RTM-2164)




Prefix for country in phone number 

When adding a phone number on a member or creating a new member there is a country prefix that can be added. 
If first typing in phone number and then adding country prefix EG Mobile POS will now save the phone number with the prefix. 
This is for Swedish phone numbers that always stars with a 0. Now member will be saved with +46 7******** instead of +46 07******** as it was saved before. (RTM-2183)

Mobile POS v. 1.0.8 (MPA-21-05) 1st - 14th of May release 


Important highlights from this release


There are several functions not all companys use. For example stamp cards and purchase history for members. 
Before user got errors when one of these functions are called in the background. This is now adjusted so no calles are made and no error shown.  (RTM-1973)

Member fields

When creating or updating a member these is a country code set to phone fields. This country code will be based on set members adress since in most scenarios the address of the country also is the country you have your phone number registred. 
If address is not available the country code will be based on the currecy of the cart. Of course the country code still is available to manually change. (RTM-2074)

Risk texts

When scanning items that are tagged as risk text the user will get a bottom sheet information to confirm with the information related to the risk item when adding it to the receipt. 

For example if you add an item that buyer needs to have a pamphlet for, this information (if set up) is shown in the bottom sheet. User then needs to confirm the bottom sheet to ensure they have seen the information before continuing adding items to the receipt. 
If an identical item is scanned later in the receipt, no bottom sheet will appear. 





Digital receipts

When a email that will receive digital receipts is very long the view is adjusted to now show the complete email. (RTM-2157)


One of the manually discounts that is possible to give is new price on an item. When manually typing in the new price a control is made so the new price is not larger than the original price. This control is set in place to avoid manual typing errors so the customer will pay more than the original price. In case user tries a error message is shown with the original price. (RTM-2160)

Mobile POS v. 1.0.6- 1.0.7  April release


Important highlights from this release

Gift receipts

If a customer wants a gift receipt on one or several items they purchase, it is now possible to choose in the option menu. 
After scanning items user opens option menu and then gift receipt. 
A view of items and check boxes is visible. User chooses all or some items and the items are then tagged in the receipt view that indicates that a gift receipt will be send. 
When sale is completed gift receipt will be sent, one email for each row, to the same email as digital receipt is send. 
If there is several items on one row, purchaser will get one email for the whole row - one gift receipt per item. (RTM-1858)

 Alarm items

When a scanned item has an alarm, a icon on the item row in receipt is shown:
The icon is made to indicate to user that the item as an alarm that needs to be removed before the customer leaves the checkout area. (RTM-1831)

Phone field

When submitting phone number in phone field the user will now get information about the format of the phone number to insure the onboarding process is easy. 

The phone field now includes a dropdown to select country and then digits to fill in. (RTM-1307)




Dark mode

When a device is set to black mode, small adjustments are done so item name and size selection now are adjusted to be seen in dark mode (RTM-1775)

Receipt view
- member

There is now added a separator between bonus amount and coupons in the receipt header if member is added to the receipt. (RTM-1774)


if a purchase total amount adds up to 0 there is no other payment needed from customer. This situation can happen if member has bonus, coupons and gets some discount. 
When trying to finish payment Swish/Vipps payment icons are not presented, instead the alternative is to "Finish payment". After pressing "Finish payment" the normal payment flow is proceeded - if email is missing this is filled in and notice that digital receipt is sent. (RTM-1717)

Open price items

When scanning items with open price the app has been crashing. 
Now this is fixed and user can add price instead. (RTP-11689)

Mobile POS v. 1.0.4 - 1.0.5  - March release 


No improvements or highlights done in EG Mobile POS this month.

Mobile POS v. 1.0.3 - February release 


February release

Important highlights from this release

Suspending and resuming receipts

When logging out from EG Mobile POS user will get a pop-up asking if they are sure they would like to cancel the ongoing sale and log out. This is made to ensure no accidental log out is done. (RTM-321)

Parked receipt

When a receipt is parked, under "option" menu, all parked receipts are presented from the store. You can show the ones parked from the POS you are using or from the whole store. 
When pressing a parked receipts more information is shown about the receipt and an option to retrieve parked receipt is possible if no sale has started.  (RTM-1324)


When a member has a bonus check, the amount they purchase for does not always align with the bonus check amount.
If the total of the receipt is less than the bonus checks total amount a message will be shown telling user the rest of the bonus will be saved to ensure staff no bonus will be lost.
The message is shown in the same bottom sheet where bonus checks are activated together with the bonus amount and date the check expires. (RTM-1432)

Payment - Swish

Swish is now an option for payment. 
If member is added to the receipt and has registred phone number, this number will be the one EG Mobile POS sends Swish request to.
If missing number the user will be shown a QR code the purchaser can scan.
There is also an option to manually enter phone number EG Mobile POS sends the Swish request to, if a different number than added to member should pay without forcing the user to update the members information.  Manually entering phone number can also be used if purchaser does not wish to scan QR code. (RTM-1332)

Coupons and stamp cards

Now user is able to browse their coupons and stamp cards in member details view (new section "Coupons" in member details is added) and in sales view.
Number of active coupons is shown in top bar when member is added, after clicking it, all available coupons and stamp cards are shown in bottom sheet. 

Moreover, user is able to activate/deactivate manual coupons by selecting/unselecting checkboxes next to the coupon information and then pressing "Activate" button. Stamp cards and automatic coupons are activated automatically as soon as the requirements for them are met. 

Stamp card progress in the current cart is not yet implemented. (RTM-1267)

Scan drivers licens or member card

When scanning a driving licens for Swedish member or member card for some Norwegian customers in receipt view the member will be added to the receipt.
Before user needed to search for member in member view. (RTM-301)

Returns from member purchase history

When adding a member and opening member information there is a list of purchase history. 
An option to make a return is shown if user presses a purchase. The user then chooses if all or some items should be returned from the receipt from a list in the bottom sheet. 
Normal item sales can be done in the same receipt, both before and after performing the item returns. (RTM-148)




Bonus check

When the total amount of a bonus is added to the receipt and user tries to add it again a pop-up is shown telling user the bonus is already added and cancels the action of adding it again. (RTM-1621)

Camera scanning

When using some devices camera scanning is needed. EG Mobile POS users can now switch between using the main camera and front camera on iOS devices. 
The main camera is opened by default, but the function of being able to use both main- and front camera is done as a precaution if main camera does not work. (RTM-1465)

Sales view

If the receipt does not have any items and the amount is zero to pay the payment icon is not shown until at least on item is added to the receipt. (RTM-1374)

Member search

When searching for a member, the app automatically detect whether you are searching by SNN  or mobile number which makes the process quicker. Bisnode integration is in place, enabling user to fetch personal data based on SSN if SSN is used.  (SSN = social security number used in Sweden) (RTM-1083)


When updating a phone number in member fields a comma has been accepted as part of the phone number. Now this is fixes so only numbers are accepted as phone numbers.  (RTM-1066)


When deleting an item added to the receipt there has been a bug making next item not adjustable. Now you can handle items correctly no matter if a item has been deleted on the receipt previously or not. (RTM-1087)

Mobile POS v. 1.0.2 - January Release 

Document status: RELEASED


Important highlights from this release

Suspending and resuming receipts

When logging out from EG Mobile POS user will get a pop-up asking if they are sure they would like to cancel the ongoing sale and log out. This is made to ensure no accidental log out is done. (RTM-321)

Parked receipt

When a receipt is parked, under "option" menu, all parked receipts are presented from the store. You can show the ones parked from the POS you are using or from the whole store. 
When pressing a parked receipts more information is shown about the receipt and an option to retrieve parked receipt is possible if no sale has started.  (RTM-1324)





When updating a phone number in member fields a comma has been accepted as part of the phone number. Now this is fixes so only numbers are accepted as phone numbers.  (RTM-1066)


When deleting an item added to the receipt there has been a bug making next item not adjustable. Now you can handle items correctly no matter if a item has been deleted on the receipt previously or not. (RTM-1087)

  • No labels