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Chain Web v. 2.10.50

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Update POS with order line split


Support for creating multiple picking store per one delivery line in customer order has been implemented. It is possible to a create dispatch order which could have one delivery line split into two or more lines to different stores with different quantities (according to the DispatchService suggestion). If one store are not able to deliver all items from one order line it will be split between one or more stores, so that the customer ultimately received the number of items ordered.

Shift Balance

(RTC-12255, RTC-12258, RTC-12259, RTC-12370, RTC-13386, RTC-12366)

Balance registration for retailers using shifts is available in menu Financials → Shift balances.

The grid shows created shifts sorted by newest on top, with standard functionality for filtering and sorting. User can create a new balance or edit an existing one for the selected shift. All changes are handled as a standard balance, which are displayed in Balances.

The user can preview document with details of given shift, and download the document as PDF:

Furthermore, access controls are available which allow granting or revoking permissions from users for Viewing, Creating and Editing Shift Balance. When POS Configuration for ReceiptStatistics is set to True, the receipt statistics are fetched and saved in Shift balance. Ingoing balance information is shown in the balance header. Shifts are sorted by Started Date descending in shifts' grid. Additionally, the user can see shifts' starts and ends in Receipt journal. They are located in Receipt type filter in System transactions -> Other.

When the task "StartEndShift" is enabled in POS Services worker, Shifts' tasks are created. Then the shifts are created in Retail database by balance service. Update EnabledTasks parameter in config of POS Services Worker with new value "StartEndShift".

New report for payment types per shift


New report showing relevant statistics related to payment for selected shifts (0851_PaymentTypesPerShift). This will allow retail chains using shifts to monitor and follow up on the transactions and events during specific shifts.

Report details

File name


File name sub-reports:

1700_subSettlement.rdl, 1706_subStatistics.rdl

Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Date from

Shows all shifts with stated date between Date from and Date to - Default today.

Date to

Shows all shifts with started date between Date from and Date to - Default today.

Retail store

Choose store.


Default all.


Default all in chosen date range.

Columns - Report shows 2 sub reports.

Settlement: (1700_subSettlement.rdl). 1 row per payment type:


Sum of received payments for payment type.


Sum of counted amount for payment type. This is only shown for Cash, Finance, Check and Total all coupons and Giftcards.


Difference between received amount and counted amount for payment types that have counted amount.


Number of payments.

Statistics (1706_subStatistics.rdl):


1 row per Cancelled receipts, Receipts with return, Returned items, Deposit refund received 12%, Deposit refund received 25%, Deleted items, Price change and Nullsale


Sum amount, only for Returned items, Deposit refund received 12%, Deposit refund received 25%, Deleted items.




Share of the sale. Only for Returned items, Deposit refund received 12%, Deposit refund received 25%, Deleted items.





Import customer in ARTS XML format (RTC-13193)

When customer data is importing from ARTS Customer format, customer type is updated (employee etc.)

Gift card

Synchronizing gift cards to cloud (RTC-13372)

Gift cards are exported to the cloud also when there are committed transactions with amount =0.

Fix for regive of gift cards (RTC-12236)

When regive operation is done, ownerClaimType is set if it previously was empty.


Giftcards Integration package 1.4.0.


Fix for resend of EHF (RTC-12240)

When opening Resend EHF, list of not sent EHFs are displayed properly, without timeout. User can customize results by using filter in column sent.

Receipt journal

View workstation startup transaction (RTC-12756)

User can see workstation's starts in Receipt journal. They are located in Receipt type filter in System transactions -> Other.


Check if update of stocktaking is completed (RTC-13035)

It is possible to enable/disable checking check if update of stocktaking is completed during creation of new stocktaking.

System Parameter: CheckForCompletedPosLogsInChainEnabled True/False that decide if we are checking the last POSLog in Chain Classic or not. The main functionality was implemented in RTC-776.

The Inventory transactions (POSLogs) that are cancelled (when the processing of all items will fail), will be excluded from check for the last processed transactions in Chain Classic during stocktaking creation. New column SourcePosLogCancelled was added in the StockAdjustmentBatch with the information if the POSLog was cancelled during the adjustment.

If all lines failed, then the receipt is cancelled, if there is at least one not failed line, then POSLog is not cancelled and the StockAdjustmentBatch will be marked with the default value False in SourcePosLogCancelled column.

Chain Web v. 2.10.40

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Cashier statistics


In report for cashier statistics (0018) three new columns are added.

Changed report: 0018_CashierStatistics_std / Cashier statistics

New columns:

Waste - Shows values for transaction type Breakage. It is possible to set up Report to show only Breakage with spesific Reason code. This is done by setting ReasonCode in parameter pReasonCodeWaste.

Discount - Shows number of articles with discount.

Scan % - Shows percentage of scanned articles (Scanned articles / Sum quantity articles).

Support shifts when counting per cash register


Previously, drawer balance has been registered and validated per date and either per register/workstation, cashier or store. New parameter has been created to support shifts when counting per cash register. 

POS Configuration

New parameter


Defines the balance period type. Parameter can be set to "Date" (default) or "Shift".

Existing relevant parameters:  


Can currently be set to Cashier, Workstation or Store. When BalancePeriod is "Shift", counting will always be done per cash register. 

New report for shift statistics


New report showing key statistics for retail chains working per shift.

Report details for Shift statistics

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)

Useful hidden parameter


Which deleted statuses to include for column "Deleted Amount" and "Deleted quantity".



Date from

Shows all shifts with stated date between Date from and Date to - Default today

Date to

Shows all shifts with stated date between Date from and Date to - Default today

Retail store

Default all.

Columns - one row per shift.


Shift ID


Start time for shift.


Stop time for shift.


Cashier name.


Number of customers for shift.


Number of nullsale and drawer openings for shift.

Deleted amount

Amount of deleted items.

Deleted quantity

Number of deleted items.

Avg amount

Average transaction value (sold amount / customers).

Cashier statistics report


A new cashier statistics report is created to analyze and investigate cashier behavior. In order to create this report, the following changes are implemented in Reporting:

  • Order history is stored in new table: FactOrderHistory

  • Order history data is added to Olap.

Report requires Reporting v. 67

Report details for Cashier statistic

File name


Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting cube (Olap).



Which customer group personell belongs to. Default value = 100.


Which reasoncodetype to include in Manual discount - Default LineDiscount.


Which discount type to include in Manual discount - Default Line.



Date from

Default today.

Date to

Default today.

Retail store

Default all.


Default all.

Columns - one row per operator.



Cashier number


Cashier name



Quantity of returned articles.


Amount of returned articles.

Deleted receipts


Quantity of deleted receipts.


Amount of deleted receipts.

Deleted item lines


Quantity of deleted item lines


Amount of deleted item lines

Manual discount (discounts filtered by parameter pManualDiscount and pDiscountReasonCodeType )


Quantity of manual discounts 


Amount of manual discounts

Diff settlement (difference between tender cash and balance cash)


Difference in amount.

Deleted web orders (orders with order type "WebShop Order" and order status "Deleted")


Quantity of deleted web orders.


Amount of deleted web orders.

New customer orders (orders with order type "Store Order" and status "Created")


Quantity of new customer orders


Amount of new customer orders

Offline coupons (tender coupons with coupon type = "O"


Quantity of offline coupons.


Amount of offline coupons.

Personell discount (discount with customers from customer group in parameter pCustomerGroupPersonell)


Number of receipts containing personell discount.

Support for hiding homepage dashboard


System parameter KpisEnabled is correctly handled and kpis's on home page are hidden when parameter is set to False.

Required Configuration

System parameter KpisEnabled = True  kpis are visible on home dashboard

System parameter KpisEnabled = False kpis are not visible on home dashboard. Only reports and favorites should be visible.

Measure SLA fulfillment in hours not days


The option that measures the SLA fulfilment in hours has been added to CustomerOrderDeliverSlaType in CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod config. To enable configuration of hours value for CustomerOrderDeliverSlaType_, the DeliverySlaValue was added to CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod config too. To ease providing appropriate value, the descriptions for CustomerOrderDeliverSlaType have been added to the system parameter.

Required configuration:

In System parameters-> CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod: 

Possible values for DeliverySlaType are:

"1" - Today,
"2" - Tomorrow,
"3" - Days 3 to 4,
"4" - Days 3 to 10,
"5" - Hours (was added)

When Hours is set as DeliverySlaType (was added) , the DeliverySlaValue has to be set to the number of hours.





Historical exchange rate in Balance (RTC-12275)

If parameter UseCalculatedExchangeRateInBalance is set to True in POS Configuration for POS WCF, the correct historical exchange rate is used when registering Balance in Chain Web.


Import of customers without SSN (RTC-12873)

When creating or updating customer by using import of customers in ARTS XML format. Social Security Number is not set on customer in Lindbak Retail database if it is not present in import file.

Customer order

Deleting an order line in payment mode in POS should not delete order line in Chain Web (RTC-12235)

Lines deleted in payment mode in POS are properly processed in Chain Web and are not deleted from the order.

Dispatch orders

Dispatch Orders - Performance improvement (RTC-11645)

Loading of rows in Dispatch Orders grid has been optimized. The loading time is not significantly visible for the user when opening the Dispatch Orders grid or when scrolling through the Dispatch Orders list.

Dispatch rules

Order line split (RTC-10889)

"Allow splitting line in web order" checkbox added to the Dispatch Rules configuration. It allows enabling/disabling of splitting order lines in the web order.

The functionality for order line split will be released in 2.10.50.


Performance improvement in Item grid (RTC-10402)

When opening Items grid, list of items is displayed. User can narrow and customize results by using filters in columns or write key word in simple search window to find a specific item.

POS Configuration

"English text" on menu buttons (RTP-11379)

The field for "English text" has been added to menu buttons in ButtonConfig parameter.


Sales per department (RTC-12048)

To make PDF print look better we have made minor adjustment to column widths.

The formatting of some columns are improved to only show two decimals.

  • Changed report 0453_SalesByProductAreaOrGroup.

Chain Web v. 2.10.31

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Account Receivable

Validation of payment date (RTC-10893)

When adding payment to invoice, payment date cannot be earlier than invoice creation date.


Add support for new file types (RTM-236)

Added support in ChainToCloudJob to support new file types which are sent to cloud. New supported file types: budsjett (budget), vareliste (item list), stock.


ChainToCloudIntegration package version 1.6.


Importing item list to customer group (RTC-9646)

When an item does not have a price in selected store during import of item list to customer group, an error message is displayed to inform the user of what the problem is.

Import of customers with SSN (RTC-11762)

When creating or updating customer by using import of customers in ARTS XML format, Social Security Number is updated properly on customer in Lindbak Retail database.

Default invoice by email to customers with email address (RTC-9742)

When customers (private and credit) are created with email address in POS, the customer will default be updated with the flag checked for 'Invoice by email'.

Inactive customer groups are default hidden (RTC-10439)

When opening Customer Groups, inactive groups are default hidden. In order to see hidden groups, user needs to change filters in Inactive column. User can also narrow and customize search results by using filters in columns.

Customer order

Bugfix: Calculation of gross profit (RTC-11944)

When adding new items to customer order and changing the unit price and net cost, gross profit is calculated according to the new values.

Offer expiration date (RTC-9887)

When creating new offer, "Valid to" field is set by default to the expiration date (14 days from today's date). User can change it by date picker. It is also possible to change the default value under the "DefaultOfferExpirationDays" parameter in Chain Web system parameters. When viewing already created offer, "Date" and "Valid to"  fields are set according to the offer's creation date and expiration date.

Disable the order locking functionality by default (RTC-11511)

The Customer Order locking feature is disabled by default, the user need to change the value of Chain Web system parameter "CustomerOrderLockingEnabled" to True, to enable it.

Parameter description: 

If set to True Customer Orders will be blocked from being handled in POS and Chain Web at the same time.

Customers blocked for credit (RTC-11586)

When opening a Customer Order with status Draft, Changed or Active, or when creating a new order directly from customer view, a message is shown to user when the customer is blocked for credit.

Preventing simultaneously changes to a customer order (RTC-908)

When a customer order is being changed from POS, it will be locked for simultaneously changes from both POS and Chain Web to prevent loss of data. Information is shown in the order details view when the order is locked. Any update/change of the order is not allowed when the order is locked. Users that want to edit the order must wait and try again later.

Additional technical information:

Order locking feature will work with versions EG POS or newer.
For more information about changes in POS, please read release notes related to "Don't allow editing the same order in POS and Chain Web".

Homepage dashboard

Refresh data automatically when changing store (RTL-133)

Data in Homepage dashboard is refreshed automatically when the store is changed to another one.
Additionally, when 'View for all stores' is checked, the data in Homepage dashboard is refreshed automatically.

Wrong Mapping For Sales Per Hour (RTC-3144)

The mapping for sales per hour was corrected and presents correct values for customers per hour and sales per hour. Both comparison and main date are correctly loaded and return correct results. Furthermore, setting the comparison date greater than the main date and main date lower than the comparison date is impossible, and dates are automatically changed into the greatest or the lowest one possible. When setting the comparison date greater than the main date, it is automatically changed into the greatest one possible equal to the main date. The same happens when setting the main date lower than the comparison date.


Summation per receipt (RTC-9721)

When the invoice contains multiple receipts, there is an additional line with summation per receipt of total excluding VAT and total including VAT.


Performance improvement in Item grid (RTC-10402)

When opening Items grid, list of items is displayed. User can narrow and customize results by using filters in columns or write key word in simple search window to find a specific item.

Order dispatch

Partially delivered dispatch orders (RTC-10302)

When dispatch order is partially delivered, after removing the item line from the not-delivered order, the freight item is reassigned to the delivered line with correct quantity delivered amount (should be 1). This previously did not work as intended and has now been corrected.

Update picking order with shipment number when delivered from AutoStore (RTC-7709)

The picking order's ShipmentNumber is updated by Chain Web based on ShipmentTrackingNumber from POSLog provided by AutoStore. This gives the ability for the tracking link to be included in the email sent to the customer.

Order management

Rejected order lines (RTC-10838)

In order to display number of rejected order lines, Reporting imports this status from Retail database.

This is done by existing package FactOrderRetail.

This package require Retail database version or higher because of new procedures.

Note: There are some limitations to this functionality: To get rejected status we need to fetch changes in Retail db and changes in POSLog. In some cases this can result in incorrect status for Order lines.

  • Case1: We update changes in Retail database in one Rt-job, but not changes from POSLog. Status for order line will be ONLY Rejected. Before we update POSLog we will not have assign status for new store.

  • Case2: We update changes in POSLog in one Rt-job, but not changes from Retail db. In this case Rejected lines will have status "Reassigned" before we update correct status from Retail db.

  • Case3: We create order, reject it in Chain Web. If we update changes from Retail db before all POSLogs, we will only have reassigned status in Reporting.


Swedish translations (RTC-12047)

Swedish translation corrected for "Subvendor" in reports 0013, 0110, 0452.


View and filter stocktaking's (RTC-12540)

User can edit and view all types of stocktaking's. Additionally, when viewing selected stocktaking, it's possible to filter results in Out Of Scope column.

Chain Web v. 2.10.24

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Dispatch rules

Fix translations for Order Dispatch (RTC-12098)

Translations in Dispatch Rules has been improved and English and Norwegian version is working as expected.


Swedish translations (RTC-12047)

Swedish translation corrected for "Subvendor" in reports 0013, 0110, 0452.

Sales per department (RTC-12048)

To make PDF print look better we have made minor adjustment to column widths.

We have also improved formatting of some columns to only show two decimals.

Changed report 0453_SalesByProductAreaOrGroup.


View and filter stocktaking's (RTC-12540)

User can edit and view all types of stocktaking's. Also, when viewing selected stocktaking, it's possible to filter results in Out Of Scope column.

Chain Web v. 2.10.23

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left




Customer order

Customers blocked for credit (RTC-11586)

When opening a Customer Order with status Draft, Changed or Active, or when creating a new order directly from customer view, a message is shown to user when the customer is blocked for credit.

Order dispatch

Partially delivered dispatch orders (RTC-10302)

When dispatch order is partially delivered, after removing the item line from the not-delivered order, the freight item is reassigned to the delivered line with correct quantity delivered amount (should be 1). This previously did not work as intended and has now been corrected.

Chain Web v. 2.10.22

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Include Order Documents in SMS


When sending an SMS with the order confirmation, receipt or credit note to the customer, it is possible to include a downloadable link. When the customer clicks the link they will be able to download a PDF of the respective order document. The user can include the order document in the SMS by using a new SMS variable in the SMS templates configured in Dispatch rules.

Required configuration:
Order Message Integration 1.4.0

CustomerOrderIntegration (from CustomerOrderService) jobs:

  • GenericImport - Default configuration

  • OrderMessageJanitor - Default configuration

  • OrderMessageProcess - Default configuration

  • StagingCleanup - Default configuration

Update picking order with shipment number when delivered from AutoStore


The picking order's ShipmentNumber is updated by Chain Web based on ShipmentTrackingNumber from POSLog provided by AutoStore. That gives the ability for the tracking link to be included in the email sent to the customer.




Customer order

Disable the order locking functionality by default (RTC-11511)

The Customer Order locking feature is disabled by default, the user need to change the value of Chain Web system parameter "CustomerOrderLockingEnabled" to True, to enable it.

Parameter description: 

If set to True Customer Orders will be blocked from being handled in POS and Chain Web at the same time.

Preventing simultaneously changes to a customer order (RTC-908)

When a customer order is being changed from POS, it will be locked for simultaneously changes from both POS and Chain Web to prevent loss of data. Information is shown in the order details view when the order is locked. Any update/change of the order is not allowed when the order is locked. Users that want to edit the order must wait and try again later.

Additional technical information:

Order locking feature will work with versions EG POS or newer.
For more information about changes in POS, please read release notes related to "Don't allow editing the same order in POS and Chain Web".

Order management

Rejected order lines (RTC-10838)

In order to display number of rejected order lines, Reporting imports this status from Retail database.

This is done by existing package FactOrderRetail.

This package require Retail database version because of new procedures.

Note: There are some limitations to this functionality: To get rejected status we need to fetch changes in Retail db and changes in POSLog. In some cases this can result in incorrect status for Order lines.

  • Case1: We update changes in Retail database in one Rt-job, but not changes from POSLog. Status for order line will be ONLY Rejected. Before we update POSLog we will not have assign status for new store.

  • Case2: We update changes in POSLog in one Rt-job, but not changes from Retail db. In this case Rejected lines will have status "Reassigned" before we update correct status from Retail db.

  • Case3: We create order, reject it in Chain Web. If we update changes from Retail db before all POSLogs, we will only have reassigned status in Reporting.


Upload RIGAL files to Cloud (RTC-849)

DirectoryListnerJob job in FileListener Integration package can upload any files to FileService based on a list of predefined content type or a list of Regex'es. 

The job can be configured to upload Chain/POS files (butikk, vpi, pris and so on), RIGAL files (V, K, M, Varetran and so on) or custom files types based on Regex. 

Detailed documentation on how the job works and how to set it up can be found in the documentation tab in Integration Platform Management App.

Chain Web v. 2.10.20

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Tracking number as SMS variable


When defining the SMS template for Shipping Confirmation and Split Order Shipping Confirmation it is possible to include [tracking number] as an SMS variable.
It allows for messages generated in OrderMessage SMS to contain short tracking link or tracking number to track ordered packages. The tracking number will appear as a link that the customer can click to see the progress on the shipment.

Required configuration:
OrderMessage Integration 1.3.0.

CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod system parameter should contain "TrackingUrl", for example: "TrackingUrl": "{0}”-> the {0} at the end is to display tracking link where {0} will be replaced with tracking number.

Example of fake configuration that would display tracking number, but direct the customer to Google:

SMS templates for order documents


SMS templates for order documents, such as Receipt, Order Confirmation and Credit Note are been added to “Confirmation Messages” in Dispatch rules. Support for {first name}, {last name}, {order number} and {document link} as SMS variables are added as well, which enables messages generated in OrderMessage SMS to contain customer's first name, customer's last name, order number and short link to respective PDF document in SMS messages (See “Document Link SMS variable for more information).
It is only possible for user to get SMS messages if one of the communication channels is set to SMS.

Document link SMS variable


Support for {document link} in Order Dispatch confirmation messages is introduced the SMS templates for: Receipt, Order confirmation and Credit Note.
It is possible for SMS messages generated in OrderMessage to contain short link to a PDF document that the customer can click when receiving the SMS in order to view a PDF of the receipt, order confirmation or credit note.

Required configuration:
OrderMessage Integration 1.3.0

New status form AutoStore


When a picking order is assigned to the central warehouse, the picking order gets the status “In Progress” in Chain Web after receiving a message from AutoStore that picking has started. Picking Orders do not have status “New” all the time until the order is paid. Instead, after Picking is started, Dispatch Orders gets status “In Progress”. This change is implemented in order to be able to easily distinguish between dispatch orders from AutoStore and other Dispatch orders.

Export of data from Count group view to Excel


The user is able to export the data from count groups view to Excel (from count groups and status tab). The user can choose which data to export to Excel by filtering the grid beforehand. This makes it easier to for example, check which stores that are not completing their daily counting and which groups that are often excluded from counting.

Deletion of yesterday’s count lists and stocktakings


When store staff forget to finish the Random stocktaking with at least one activated count list which contains count group link, then the unfinished/not completed stocktakings will be be deleted, during night job execution, so store staff can start on a new, empty stocktaking the next day. Not activated countlists which contains count group link will be deleted as well.

Requirements: Enable and configure new job StocktakingEraserJob placed under BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber

Filter on vendor, subvendor and EAN list


We have extended three existing reports with new filters for vendor, sub vendor and EAN list.

EAN lists is created and maintained in Report. This is not item lists created in Item management module.

Changed reports:

  • Sale statistics / 0013_SaleStatisticsWithDrill

  • Sale statistics / 0110_SaleStatistics

  • Top sales per item with compare date / 0715_TopSalesPerItemWithCompareDate

Update of name for workstation types in Report


In reports for cash register frequency the names of workstation types are updated. This will make it easier for the user to know which workstations the report is printed for. It is also possible to maintain the list of available price channels.

Changes in following parameters:

pPriceChannels - Comma separated list of price channels available in selection. Price channels customer is not using can be removed from list.

pWorkstationISA (ISA) -Renamed from  pWorkstationITAB, default value = 98

pWorkstationTypeSCO (SCO) - Renamed from pWorkstationTypeSO, default value = 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69

pWorkstationTypeWebshop (WebShop) - New, default value = 91,92

pWorkstationTypeOther (Other) - New, default value = empty.

(Note that translation of price channel names are done in RTP-4265)

Report for breakage and waste items


To be able to report broken items to supplier, a report which lists item transactions are created.

Report details for Item transaction list

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)

Relevant parameters


List of transaction types not to be included in Report. Default following transaciton types are excluded: ArticleService, StockAdjustment, Shrinkage, Inventory, InternalUse, InternalTransfer and DockingArea



Date from

Default today.

Date to

Default today.

Retail store

Default all. If store user, store.


Default all.

Article area

Default all.

Article group

Default all.

Transaction type

Default all (does not show types excluded in pTransactiontypesToExclude).

Reason code

Default all.

Columns - one row per transaction. Grouping per store / supplier / EAN.

Item name

Item name.

Item number

Item number.


Operator number.

Transaction type

Transaction type.

Reason code

Reason code used for transaction.


Date for transaction.

Net amount

Net amount for transaction.


Quantity for transaction.


Amount for transaction.

Sales by product area or group

(Jira link: RTC-9810, RTC-10022)

Report 0453_SalesByProductAreaOrGroup has been created for customers to be able to report on sales per item area and item group over a period compared to a previous period.

Report details for Sales by product area / Sales by product group

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Report type

If report should be based on article area or article group - Default area.

Date from

Default today.

Date to

Default today.

Comparable date from

Default same day in same week last year.

Date to comparable

Default same day in same week last year.

Article area

Default all (does not show if report type is Group).

Article group

Default all (does not show if report type is Area).

Retail store

Default all.

Columns - one row per article area / article group

Item area

Item area number and name

Date 1, based on sales between Date from and Date to


Sales Incl. VAT

Sales including VAT for Date 1.

Sales ex. VAT

Sales excluding VAT for Date 1.



Number of sold items for Date 1.

Price pr. Art

Average price per article for Date 1.

Gross profit


Gross profit amount for Date 1.


Gross profit percentage for Date 1

Date 2, Based on sales between Comparable date from and Date to comparable.

Compare incl. VAT

Sales incl. VAT

Sales including VAT for Date 2.


Difference in sales amount (including VAT) for Date 1 and Date 2.

Diff %

Difference in sales between Date 1 and Date 2 in percentage.





Remove reference text demand from local EHF (RTC-9743)

When the customer is marked to "Save electronic invoice locally" , the checkbox "Reference number required" is editable. When "Reference number required" is set to False, reference number and reference text are not required when creating credit sales and customer orders. This feature makes the sales process more efficient when invoicing is done in a 3rd party system.

Customer order

Customer with credit blocked (RTC-9880)

When creating customer order and adding customer with credit blocked, a warning message is displayed. Order can be saved but it is not possible to pay it by credit. For such customers credit sales cannot be created.

Autosave for customer orders that are not submitted (RTC-3503)

The integration job OrderSubmitter, included in the BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber package, is responsible for submitting orders with statuses Draft and Changed which have not been submitted within a defined number of minutes. By default the job is executed every hour.


Invoice text "Foretaksregisteret" (RTC-10601)

Field name on top of the invoice was changed in English and Norwegian version to "Foretaksregisteret" to align with legal requirements. Text in Swedish is previously defined according to Swedish legal requirements.


Translations in Report (RTC-10828)

The Swedish translations of the price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following Swedish translations:

  • Chain Web

  • Manuell kassa

  • InStore App

  • Självscanning (SU)

  • Mobilsjälvscanning

  • Självbetjäning (SCO)

Additionally, parameter pWorkstationType two values has new translations (“ITAB” is now changed to “ISA” and “SU” is now changed to “SCO”).
Furthermore, pWorkstationType has two new items in the list (Web shop and Other).

Translations (RTC-10894)

The Swedish and Norwegian translation of the workstation type name "Other" in the dropdown list of parameter pWorkstationType (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) is updated with the following values:

  • Swedish: Övriga

  • Norwegian: Andre

  • Additionally, the text "Web shop" is changed to “Webshop”, according to requirements.

Translations (

The Swedish translations of two price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following:

  • ShopAndGoCheckOut - Självbetjäning (SCO)

  • ShopAndGoCheckTerminal - Självscanning (SU)


Count group status (RTC-10659)

When logging into Chain Web as a store user and navigating to the Count groups, only count groups available in the grid will be count groups that should be counted in the given store. The column "#items in stock" will display the number of items in the count group that the given store is expected to count.

Improved transparency in count group grid (RTC-10793)

When the counting of a count group has not yet started (including when counting was cancelled), the following fields will be blank: counted at, counted by and modified by. This was previously not the case and was confusing for the user. A modified date will be added for the count group with status "Not started", when the counting was cancelled, in order to show the user when it was cancelled.

Show items added outside the count group (RTC-948)

Added column “Out of scope” to the Count list view to show items that is added outside of Count group in InStore App.

Chain Web v. 2.10.14

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Translations (RTC-10894)

The Swedish and Norwegian translation of the workstation type name "Other" in the dropdown list of parameter pWorkstationType (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) is updated with the following values:

  • Swedish: Övriga

  • Norwegian: Andre

  • Additionally, the text "Web shop" is changed to “Webshop”

Translations (

The Swedish translations of two price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following:

  • ShopAndGoCheckOut - Självbetjäning (SCO)

  • ShopAndGoCheckTerminal - Självscanning (SU)

Chain Web 2.10.13

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Export of data from Count group view to Excel


The user is able to export the data from count groups view to Excel (from count groups and status tab). The user can choose which data to export to Excel by filtering the grid beforehand. This makes it easier to for example, check which stores that are not completing their daily counting and which groups that are often excluded from counting.

Improved transparency in count group grid


When the counting of a count group has not yet started (including when counting was cancelled), the following fields will be blank: counted at, counted by and modified by. This was previously not the case and was confusing for the user. A modified date will be added for the count group with status "Not started", when the counting was cancelled, in order to show the user when it was cancelled.





Translations in Report (RTC-10828)

The Swedish translations of the price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following Swedish translations:

  • Chain Web

  • Manuell kassa

  • InStore App

  • Självscanning (SU)

  • Mobilsjälvscanning

  • Självbetjäning (SCO)

Additionally, parameter pWorkstationType two values has new translations (“ITAB” is now changed to “ISA” and “SU” is now changed to “SCO”).
Furthermore, pWorkstationType has two new items in the list (Web shop and Other).

Chain Web v. 2.10.12

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Update of name for workstation types in Report


In reports for cash register frequency the names of workstation types are updated. This will make it easier for the user to know which workstations the report is printed for. It is also possible to maintain the list of available price channels.

Changes in following parameters:

pPriceChannels - Comma separated list of price channels available in selection. Price channels customer is not using can be removed from list.

pWorkstationISA (ISA) -Renamed from  pWorkstationITAB, default value = 98

pWorkstationTypeSCO (SCO) - Renamed from pWorkstationTypeSO, default value = 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69

pWorkstationTypeWebshop (WebShop) - New, default value = 91,92

pWorkstationTypeOther (Other) - New, default value = empty.

(Note that translation of price channel names are done in RTP-4265)





Count group status tab (RTC-10659)

When logging into Chain Web as a store user and navigating to the Count groups, only count groups available in the grid will be count groups that should be counted in the given store. The column "#items in stock" will display the number of items in the count group that the given store is expected to count.

Chain Web v. 2.10.11

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Create CustomerManagementToBatch2 job publishing JsonLines


In BackOfficeBatchGenerator package new CustomerManagementToBatch2 job, using the same contract as CustomerManagementToBatch job, publishes JsonLines batches. This job replaces the previous "CustomerManagementToBatch" job, if all subscribers (e.g. POS Import) are up-to-date and support JsonLine format.

Required version: BackOfficeBatchGenerator 1.4.1

Create Customer2 job publishing JsonLines


In BackOfficeBatchGenerator package new Customer2 job, using the same contract as Customer job, publishes JsonLines batches. This job replaces the previous "Customer" job, if all other subscribers are up-to-date and support JsonLine format.

Required version: BackOfficeBatchGenerator 1.4.0

Deletion of yesterday’s count lists and stocktakings


When store staff forget to finish the Random stocktaking with at least one activated count list which contains count group link, then the unfinished/not completed stocktakings will be be deleted, during night job execution, so store staff can start on a new, empty stocktaking the next day. Not activated countlists which contains count group link will be deleted as well.

Requirements: Enable and configure new job StocktakingEraserJob placed under BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber





Default price channel should be "None" (RTC-10067)

When creating new user, default price channel is not set by default.


Chain Web v. 2.10.10

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

User-friendly Item Texts

(Jira links: RTC-812RTC-697RTC-981)

Web shops often display user-friendly item texts. When front-end includes item text, color and size in the web order sent to POS API, these texts will be used in order messages (Order/Delivery confirmation) sent to consumer. When front-end does not include the user-friendly texts the order messages will use standard texts, usually provided by supplier. This functionality is created for the order disapatch module.

OrderMessageIntegration package 1.2.0installation package available at:
\\nas_install\LRS\Lindbak Integrations\3.0\OrderMessageIntegration


Automatic Reassign

(Jira links: RTC-715RTC-3836RTC-740RTC-859RTC-827)

The Chain Web parameter "InStoreRejectedPickingOrdersStoreNumber" is used to determine to which 'fake store' the order will be reassigned. 

The dispatch orders can be reassigned automatically if no picking store is available or maximum number of automatic reassigns has exceeded the set value (configured in the dispatch rules - see below).

The user can find the configuration of automatic reassign in the dispatch rules grid. Configuration includes:

  • Select the delivery methods that can be reassigned automatically.

  • Default time before order is assigned to a new store.

  • To limit the max number of reassigns - this number only applies to number of automatic reassigns. Orders can be manually reassigned infinite times.

Reassigned orders are logged with from store/to store, time stamp of when the reassign occurred and reason code called "time limit expired", which tell the user why it was reassigned automatically. For orders that cannot be reassigned, shall be logged with the reason code ‘No store available’​. These orders will automatically be reassigned to the fake store defined in system parameter, to allow HQ users to handle them manually.

In the picking order history in Chain Web grid, new column has been added. In the picking order history, it is possible to check the reassign actions made by the user or automatic reassigns, reason for reassign and time stamp. 

Note: Dispatch orders from central warehouse will never be automatically reassigned.

Cloud authentication for cashiers


For mobile devices using store local Wi-Fi (or VPN), a 'Proxy' can be installed OnPrem with Chain Web to provide login to Mobile Apps/cloud modules with cashier number/pin code. This requires implementation in each app, and for now it is only planned for Mobile POS app to make it possible for multi-user devices.




Accounts receivable

Roundings in EHF files (RTC-9092)

The PayableAmountRounding field is saved in EHF files only when there is a rounding amount (different than 0).

Rounding of credit sale (RTC-7089)

In some instances, the rounding of items was wrongly calculated when creating a credit sale, causing a subtotal rounding of 0,01. This issue has been resolved.


Registered balances can be edited (RTP-4041)

It is possible to edit balances after registration when system parameter "NewBalanceRegistrationEnabled" is True.


Export e-mail for cashier to POS (RTP-4001)

Cashier e-mail will be exported to POS when updating cashier info in Chain Web and when mass exporting cashiers from Chain Web.

Customer order

Preventing simultaneous changes to a customer order (RTC-832)

When a customer order is being changed from POS, it will be locked for simultaneous changes from both POS and Chain Web to prevent loss of data. Information is shown in the order details view when the order is locked. Any update/change of the order is not allowed when the order is locked. Users that want to edit the order must wait and try again later.

Slow processing of customer orders (RTC-9676)

Performance when updating customers is much faster after improving code related to handling of communication channels.

Order dispatch

Not possible to delete "last not delivered" item (RTC-7099)

Corrected an issue related to removing last line from "in picking".

Error handling of CompletePickingCriticalExceptions (RTC-10050)

An issue with storing the DeliveryReceiptID caused internal transfers to not be performed correctly for some dispatch orders. This is corrected and values like DeliveryReceiptId and ShipmentNumber are stored correctly in the database.

POS Configuration

Config changes for "Self-service on customer (secondary) screen" (RTP-349)

Function "Start self service"  (START_SELF_SERVICE) has an option to set its argument "Run self-service on customer screen" to True or False when adding a button in ButtonConfig.

After fixes function enabling the argument is called "Start self-service", the function in which we do not choose parameter is called "Start self-service (primary screen)".


  • ButtonConfig, function START_SELF_SERVICE

Changes only in BackOffice. The functionality will be done and tested in the scope of this Product Backlog Item 188595: Self-service on customer (secondary) screen.


Store number and store name in count group view (RTC-791)

Stocktaking results can be filtered on counted/not counted counting groups per store per day.

Splitting count groups which exceed 50 items (RTC-902)

Import of count groups with more than 50 items per department will be split into several count groups so that more store staff can be involved in the stocktaking of a department.

This is configured in the integration job CountingGroupImportProcessor in the parameter splitCountgroupsEnabled (default value False - splitting is disabled) and maxItems (default value 50).


Default region/language for cashiers (RTC-800)

When creating a new cashier the region and language is based on the user who are creating the cashier.

Chain Web v. 2.10.04

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




POS Configuration

Configuration group - can't find store (RTP-3652)

Stores are properly returned and can be added in the store group configuration section

Chain Web v. 2.10.03

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Registered balances can be edited (RTP-4041)

It is possible to edit balances after registration when system parameter "NewBalanceRegistrationEnabled" is True.

Chain Web v. 2.10.02

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Edit counted amount for weight items (RTC-713)

When editing the counted amount of item in stocktaking results view, weight items can be saved with decimals.

Performance and retry mechanism for export of large stocktakings (RTC-733)

Performance when exporting stocktaking results to 3rd party (inventory control) is improved for large stocktakings (>300K items). If something fails, a retry mechanism will wait a configured number of seconds before the next retry execution for this stocktaking.

Chain Web v. 2.10.01

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Exporting cashiers to POS

IsActiveDirectory flag is included in the batch generated on CashierUpdatedEvent and CashierBatchExportEvent when exporting cashiers from Chain Web to POS. Previously, there was no support for exporting cashiers belonging to an Azure AD user.

 Dependencies to another products:
BackOfficeBatchGenerator package in version 1.2.15 or higher required.

Chain Web v. 2.10.0

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

ELMA Integration

(TFS: 185340)

The ELMA validation button has been added to the customer details view. It can be found in Invoicing tab when customer is a business customer and address is set in Norway. 
The user can validate the organization number of Norwegian business customer against ELMA just by pressing 'Check if customer can use electronic invoice' button.

New balance registration

(TFS: 189541)

A new way of registering balance, where the user can see expected amount and difference on each tender, has been implemented. This balance is submitted without a bag, so there is no Bag registration step. After submitting tenders amount the balance is finished and the user can immediately create next balance for next active cashier. When there are no more active cashiers for the selected date, then a new balance registration cannot be created for this date.
In the new balance registration, editing of finished balance registration is disabled. 

To use new balance registration, set up value of the new system parameter NewBalanceRegistrationEnabled to True. When value of NewBalanceRegistrationEnabled is equal to False, then the old balance registration will be present Chain Web.

Requirements: Reporting v.65, POS Services 7.77.03801

Stocktaking report with item area

(TFS: 189521)

New report showing stocktaking results divided by item area.

Inventory per item area

File name


Data source

 Lindbak Retail (database)



Date from

Default today.

Date to

Default today.

Retail store

Which store to run report for.


Shows all stocktaking's for selected store within date from - to range.

Report shows inventory date and store number and name.

Columns, one row per item area.

Item area

Area number

Area name

Area name

Inventory value, Cost price

Sum cost price

Inventory value, Ex. VAT

Sum salesprice ex. VAT.

Inventory value, Sales amount inc. VAT

Sum salesprice inc. VAT.





 Line note in Customer Sales grid (TFS: 185458)

When expanding the details on an item row, there is a column for Line Note. When searching for an item in the filter "Item name", the first 16 rows containing this item is automatically expanded. More rows can be expanded manually. This will enhance the user experience when looking through historical sales for a customer.


Show the amount that is rounded in the invoice (TFS: 184868)

Sum of rounding is visible on the invoice to make the rounding more transparant.

Reason codes

Reason codes for overridden price (TFS: 189485)

The support for new reason code type "Change price" has been added. These reason codes can be created and maintained in Chain Web. 

Requirements: BackOfficeBatchGenerator 1.2.13, ChainIntegration 1.5.1


Able to use hyphen when renaming reports (TFS: 189086)

It is possible to use hyphen when renaming reports.


Random count - refresh stock status in count lists (TFS: 184420)

The stock level in a new count list can be refreshed when a count list is added to a stocktaking or activated. To refresh the stock level, the checkbox "Get stock level again for items in selected count lists" must be checked. The stocktaking status will then be "Creating" while the stock levels are being updated for the count list. If the stock level is not refreshed, the stock level for when the count list was submitted, is kept.

New configuration parameters:

  • SynchronousUpdateCountListMaximumSize - counted based on sum of all lines (unique SkuNumber) from all used count lists

- default value: 1000

ReuseStockLevelExpiryTimeInMinutes - it is relevant, only for a small count lists (if sum of count lists lines < SynchronousUpdateCountListMaximumSize)

- default value: 60

Don't allow creating new stocktaking if last stocktaking is not updated in Chain Classic (TFS: 189347)

The user will not be able to create a new stocktaking in Chain Web (also with the refreshed stock level for the assigned countlists) inside the same store, until the last POSLog related to previous stocktaking (previous stock results) will be processed/ updated in Chain Classic.

Related Chain Classic PBI with the requirements: Product Backlog Item 190077: 2.1.1: Sport1: Stocktaking: New proxy for checking that last stocktaking is finished

Chain Web v. 2.9.288

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Accounts receivable

Roundings in EHF files (RTC-9092)

The PayableAmountRounding field is saved in EHF files only when there is a rounding amount (different than 0).

Rounding of credit sale (RTC-7089)

In some instances, the rounding of items was wrongly calculated when creating a credit sale, causing a subtotal rounding of 0,01. This issue has been resolved.

Chain Web v. 2.9.285

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Don't allow creating new stocktaking if last stocktaking is not updated in Chain Classic (TFS: 189347)

Now the user will not be able to create a new stocktaking in Chain Web (also with the refreshed stock level for the assigned countlists) inside the same store, until the last POSLog related to previous stocktaking (previous stock results) will be processed/ updated in Chain Classic.

Related Chain Classic PBI with the requirements: Product Backlog Item 190077: 2.1.1: Sport1: Stocktaking: New proxy for checking that last stocktaking is finished

Chain Web v. 2.9.284

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer order

Search for active orders shows both active and cancelled orders (TFS: 186790)

The flag IsCancelled has been added to the response of the GetCustomerOrders3 method in CustomerOrder service. It shows if an order is cancelled or not.


POS Services 7.76.03703

Chain Web v. 2.9.283

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Credit sale

Block "correction of credit sale" when original receipt was partly paid by another tender type (TFS: 169266)

When credit sale contains other tender type than Credit, correction is not allowed.

Dependencies to another products:

  POS WCF in version or or higher required.


EHFs rejected due to missing ref. number / ref. text (TFS: 188224)

If a customer is changed to receive EHF invoices, after credit sale have been created, the reference number and text is set to 'None' when invoicing is done, so that the EHF won't fail due to missing input in these fields.

Chain Web v. 2.9.280

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

SLA calculation

(TFS: 179569)

New methods are added to CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod:

  • DeliverySlaType

  • DeliveryHours: SomeNumber

DeliveryHours is a constant number of hours used to determine delivery time since sendout.

By using DeliverySlaType method ( with different set value), it is possible to calculate the SLA date for order delivery.

It is possible to set for DeliverySlaType following values:

  • Today = 1,

  • Tomorrow = 2,

  • Days3to4 = 3,

  • Days3to10 = 4

When dispatch order is created, the calculated SLA date is stored in the DeliverySlaDate column in [Lindbak Retail].[CustomerOrder].[OrderDeliveryDetails] table.

Gift card number on item line in customer order

(TFS: 186006)

The gift card number is displayed on the order line, so the gift cards sold in an order can be identified.

Dependencies to another products:

POS Services in version 7.76.03505 or higher required.

Send gift card by email from item line in customer order

(TFS: 186007)

The gift card can be sent by email, from the order line view in a customer order.

Dependencies to another products:

POS Services in version 7.76.03505 or higher required.

See used and active coupons in POS

(Work ID: 179889)

Used and active EG digital coupons (and stamp card status) can be shown in POS. This makes is possible to inform about possible discounts and also to help the customer find out if a coupon was already used.

Chain Web version 2.9.271 or newer is required.

POS Configuration


Function LIST_USED_COUPONS can be configured on a selected button.

Price guarantee - accounting between business units

(TFS: 184327)

 A new report is created which shows how much each business units owes each other, based on returns with reasoncode 6 (Price guarantee).

Business units are teams where team type is 1. To import team type from Chain we have created new package "TeamLC" which has to be enabled. This package runs within N-job.

For this report to work, one store can only be member of one business unit.


Store1 in Team1 sells item1 for 500,-

Item1 is returned with reason code 6 in Store2 in Team2. In same receipt same item is sold for 400,-

Report shows that Team1 owes Team2 100,-

Price guarantee

File name


Data source

 Database “Lindbak POS Reporting DW”



Date from

Selection for sold date - default today

Date to

Selection for sold date - default today



Teamtypekey for business units- default 1.

Columns for transactions

Team sold

Team number where item is sold


Team name where item is sold

Store sold

Store number where item is sold


Store name where item is sold


Receipt number where item is sold

Sold date

Date when item is sold

Team returned

Team number where item is returned


Team name where item is returned

Store returned

Store number where item is returned


Store name where item is returned


Difference between returned price and sold price for same item.

Date returned

Date when item is returned

Columns for Settlement


Team who owes money


Team who receive money



Reporting on received deposit refund

(TFS: 188176, 187496)

We have adapted two settlement reports to support deposit refund as stock item

In report 0015 Store settlement, deposit refund section. Deposit refund received shows sale from item group indicated in parameter.

Changes are made in sub report 1005_subDepositREfund

In report 0709 Store settlement, statistics section. Deposit refund received shows sale from item group indicated in parameter.

Changes are made in sub report 1706_SubStatistics.


Both sub reports have a new parameter pDepositRefundArticleGroups

Default value is "{[Article].[Article Group].[ALL]} " which means report works as before.

Parameter should be set to item group number used for received deposit refund.

Example - parameter set to item group 501: {[Article].[Article Group].&[501]}

Example2 - parameter set to item group 501 and 502: {[Article].[Article Group].&[501],[Article].[Article Group].&[502]}

Report for free items

(TFS: 188574)

In report for free stamp card items (0152_FreeItemsFromStampCard) a new column: "Ordernumber" has been added, which shows supplier order number from article.

We have also added filter for store, EAN and order number.

Because of restrictions in Chain Web report viewer, we show max 20 store numbers in parameter list. If there are more stores selected, store list ends with ',...'

Max number can be changed in hidden parameter pParameterDisplayLimit


Lindbak POS Reporting v. 64.

Redispatch Pay & Collect orders if it cannot be delivered

(TFS: 185988)

It is possible to redispatch Pay & Collect orders to desired store and with desired delivery method. 

It is done by adding the next DeliveryPointId and Method in the POSLog:





Fields in Cashiers view should not be case sensitive (TFS: 166535)

Search fields in Cashiers view are no longer case sensitive.

Credit sales

View credit sales created by another user or from POS (TFS: 184581)

To be able to edit credit sales created by another user or from POS, the user must have the access: "Edit credit sales". 


Invoice fee created for member with 0 credit (TFS: 183083)

An Invoice fee receipt is created, regardless of the customer's credit limit. This can cause the credit limit to be exceeded by the invoice fee.

Gift cards view

All column for owner email (TFS: 185904)

A new column for 'Email' has been added to the Gift cards' grid. 


Minor improvements (TFS: 181606)

Swedish translations have been added for Default Settings component and the Change Settings component. Furthermore, margin settings have margin intervals on the same row with proper headers and more customer friendly translations.  

The Popup for comparison date has different margin colors compatible with settings to enable users to track stores or department performance in a better way.

Department KIP in Homepage dashboard (TFS: 186140)

'Sales per Department' component displays a list of 1 to 8 department (according to user's settings) with their percentage performing values and appropriate margin colors (according to user's settings). Furthermore, the 'Sales per Department' component was expanded to view more details when comparing percentage values from the same date last year or day set by user itself. After clicking on a specific department more details displayed to the right in a a pop up window.
In addition to that, 'Sales per Hour' and 'Customers per Hour' components displays the correct amount of Sales and Customers per concrete hour and day . They are compatible with loaded data and present visual results with appropriate/matching colors. It is also possible to click at this components and see a pop up with details in comparison with the same date last year or date set by user itself (same as in 'Sales per Department' component). 

Inventory Control

Max 1000 items in counting Group (TFS: 176822)

The maximum amount of items in count groups has been limited to 1000. It applies to both count group imported via Inventory Control integration and count groups created in Chain Web. 


Electronic invoice should not contain an empty "Description" field (TFS: 179958)

When the line note on the line in the order or credit sale only contains white spaces, then the description field will not be created for this line in the Electronic invoice xml file. This change is made to avoid sending an empty description field, which causes an error when validating the EHF invoice.

Changes to the PDF Invoice and user interface (TFS: 185463)

For Swedish stores, the invoice shows information about:

  • Approved for F-tax

  • Registered office

  • IBAN/BIC is always printed on the invoice

  • Organization number, in addition to the VAT number 

Sum total VAT amount on Invoice (TFS: 186891)

The Invoice has a new field for the total VAT amount.


New colors in reports (TFS: 175400)

Changed color scheme for graphs in all reports to match the new EG design.

Discount quantity (TFS: 191692

In sub report 1406_subDiscounts. Number of discounts are changed from number of articles to number of receipts.

Reporting on cancelled receipts (TFS: 187201)

We have updated the way we report on cancelled receipts in some reports. Cancelled receipts now include receipts cancelled with status "DeletedFromUnfinishedReceipt".

Following reports are changed:



Permanent solution for saving model items (TFS: 182799)

The process of resolving model number has been solved permanently. Previously, some customers had issues with saving model items in retail database during synchronization of items. Additionally, improved logging in case of failed events has been added, so problems in the future will be easier to identify.

Virtual scroll in Archive view (TFS: 183194)

When working in the stocktaking archive view the bottom scroll is improved. Previously, there was a visual error causing the scroll bar to not stay in the bottom of the screen.

Completed date in stocktaking view (TFS 185122)

The "Completed date" column has been added to the stocktaking grid in Overview tab and also to the grid in Stocktaking tab. Users no longer have to open each stocktaking to see the completed date. This change is implemented to make it easier to work with stocktaking.

Item sync: Support comma and backslash in the 'error' file name (TFS: 185487)

Comma as a first sign is supported in the decimal fields. The date format included in "error message" file name will always have the same format "yyyy-MM-dd" - e.g. Failed single from batch ItemChanged 2020-09-29.txt. This is changed to avoid item synchronization to fail due to poor data quality.

Increase stability in count list import (TFS: 185489)

When the count list contains an item which doesn't exist in Chain Web and was attempted added more than once - it will not stop the import of the whole count list. Information about the one failed item will be logged.

Support deleting one EAN when item processing type = full (TFS: 185490)

 It is possible to delete just one EAN from a count lists, regardless of the parameter value for ModelItemsProcessingType.


Support hyphen in account number for Swedish customers (TFS: 186256)

Hyphen in bank account number is supported. The account number can look like this: 123-4567.


Team view in Chain Web (TFS: 178777)

All stores that are part of a team are displayed in Chain Web Team menu.


First/Last Name is not mandatory for Azure users (TFS: 172957)

It is possible to create Azure User in Chain Web without First/Last Name, which is still mandatory for standard user.

  • No labels