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Loyalty v 2.10.70

Support for Click & Collect orders in Bonus Campaigns


It is possible to use a coupon from a bonus campaign for Click & Collect orders and Web orders that are reserved before they are paid. Example: When a bonus campaign is active during a weekend, e.g. all members get 30% bonus on all purchases. If a customer reserves an order during this time period and pay for the order after the bonus campaign is over and the order is picked up in store, the member will receive the 30% bonus reward (even though the campaign has ended - because the order was reserved during the campaign period).

"Activating" member campaign not possible to stop


It is possible to stop standard campaign when campaign has "Activating" status by using Stop Campaign button. 

That means after stopping standard member campaign that has "Activating" status and activation is not ongoing such campaign is being transitioned into "Draft" status and possible to activate once again. However when standard member campaign that has activating status is being stopped at the time of its exact activation such campaign is being transitioned into "Cancelled" status and not possible to activate once again.

Process Target Group Before Email Sendout.


In order to send out email campaigns to members closer to the schedule time, the segment begins processing in MailChimp upon activation of the member campaign. 

Technical details

When creating StandardCampaign and planning its distribution to be sent at an exact time in the future CampaignDistributionJob triggers the new method in CampaignDistributionCommands - PrepareDistributionChannel for any distribution from active standard campaign that is valid (has a segment and is in status = Ready. And current time is before SentAt time of distribution). The SegmentExportJob in MailChimpIntegration handles PrepareDistributionChannel event, exports segment from distribution but do not send it yet. When the time of actual distribution has come CampiagnDistributionJob finds and informs about the member segment that is ready for dstribution. After that SegmentExportJob starts to send the distribution.

The new column 'PreparedTimeStamp' was correctly added to Campaign.DistributionChannel table.

All translations for the new statuses will be provided in English, Norwegian and Swedish

Required Information:

1. MaliChimp Integration

2. SegmentExportJob needs to have "bodySerializationFormat": Json


Custom Member Event

Handle race issue (RTL-2225)

MemberCustomEventHandler job now is trying to lookup for the member in the Retail database 5 times every one minute and if member is not found in the Retail database, then the corresponding message is returned in LIP logs. 

MailChimp Integration

Improve SegmentExport Performance (RTL-1960)

The performance of SegmentExportJob that exports Member Segments to MailChimp was improved. Now It takes around 30 minutes for SegmentExportJob to export to Mailchimp a Member Segment that contains around 200 000 members.


MailChimp Integration 2.5.7 

Member Campaigns

Improve user friendliness (RTL-164)

Selecting "Has accepted member terms" radio button in the Split Criteria is now possible when the "Member that have not accepted member terms" for "All member that match criteria" or "Members who have not accepted member terms and were created more than X days ago" option is selected in First Criteria of Customer Journey.

"Activating" member campaign not possible to stop (RTL-2009)

It is possible to stop standard campaign when campaign has "Activating" status by using Stop Campaign button. 

This means after stopping standard member campaign that has "Activating" status and activation is not ongoing such campaign is being transitioned into "Draft" status and possible to activate once again. However when standard member campaign that has activating status is being stopped at the time of its exact activation such campaign is being transitioned into "Cancelled" status and not possible to activate once again.

Member Info Service

IdentityIdentifierUpdated triggered when no change (RTL-2178)

MemberInfoService integration does not trigger IdentityIdentifierUpdated event from MemberServiceEventHandler job if only letter capitalization has been changed in email address (for example changed to

New Member

Skip matching empty associations (RTL-2233)

When a new member was created, the synchronization from Loyalty to Retail Database was failing. This have been corrected 

Required configuration:

BackOfficeImport Integration 1.0.6

Shift Balance

Expected values on tenders while doing edit balance operation (RTC-14602)

The proper expected values for tenders are displayed while editing shift balance or new cashier balance registration.
One label "Counted" has been renamed to "To bank" in shift balance creation process in register bag step for a better user experience.

Loyalty v. 2.10.50

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.




MailChimp Integration

Do not Allow Setting 'Archived' Member to 'Subscribed' (RTL-1933)

A change in the MailChimp API caused it to allow "archived" members to become "subscribed" again. This change caused deleted members to become subscribed again in instances where MailChimp spent a long time to process the members. This has been corrected so that when member data are synced to MailChimp, the member status is not changed and remains the same if it was set to "archived".

MailChimp Integration 2.5.6. 

Member Management

Filtering in Member Activities (RTL-1624)

When using column filters, newsletter activities were always visible regardless of the filter. This has been corrected and filtering works as it should in member activities.

Loyalty v. 2.10.40

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.

Timeframe in Member Campaigns


Start / end times field have been added to the campaign wizard for all member campaigns. It is possible to define not only the start and end dates, but also it is possible now to determine exact start and end times.

User can use the times from the list or type individual time (format HH:MM is acceptable only).

The start and end times have been added to the campaign offers as well. The built-in logic validate the correct set times (for example if campaign is one day only, then start time should be lower than the end time).

When user set the campaign + campaign offer start / end datetimes and then the user changed the campaign start/end datetimes, the campaign offer period will be restarted to 'Same as the campaign period'. 

The coupons which comes from the campaign offers will have also the valid times, the same like set in the campaign offers.




Member Management

Error when calling MemberService (RTL-1919)

An error which was introduced in 2.10.30 caused member updates done from MyPage and Chain Web to not be updated properly in MemberService. This is corrected.

Mapping of postal address (

An error with mapping postal address in the database caused member updates to fail. This is corrected and the MemberExport job is correctly exporting members with Postal address confirmed.


LoyaltyDbIntegration 1.2.8.

Loyalty v. 2.10.31

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.

New mix: Discount on the most expensive ordinary priced item


The mixtype 'Discount on most expensive item' has been implemented. In the price rules section in  Chain web, it is possible to create a price rule based on this mix. Then it is possible to create coupons that provide discount on the most expensive ordinary priced item in the receipt. This price rules will only trigger for items that has no discounts and will not compete with other discounts.

Member Events


It is possible for 3rd party to create, view and trigger member events from MemberService API, which in turn can be used in event driven campaigns to give member rewards for activities in third party applications, such as webshop and apps.

  • Member event is created. Example: “App downloaded”.

  • Event driven campaign is created where initial criteria is set to “App downloaded” event, so that 3rd party can trigger the “app downloaded” event on the member to include them in the campaign.

The same option will be available as a split criteria in event driven campaigns. This functionality will allow retail chains to utilize data from 3rd party to reward and communicate with their members.

This functionality is not available by default and access to this functionality requires a license.

Required Configuration:

  • LoyaltyCampaign 2.5.0

    • MemberCustomEventHandler job is configured with servicebus topic that matches MemberService configuration below

  • MemberService is configured (see documentation attached)

Component Requirements:

  • Integration Platform 3.0.5

  • Bridge 3.10.4




Link Mobility

ResponseImport should only import response from member campaigns (RTL-1045)

ResponseImport saves only responses that are related to member campaigns in [dbo].[FactMemberMarketing_Staging]. This is done to make sure the data displayed for SMS in member campaigns are correct and is not influenced by SMS received by for instance, a gift card.


LinkMobilityDistribution package v.1.8.8.

MailChimp Integration

Improved error logging in MailChimp (RTL-1423)

SyncSubscriptionsToMailChimpJob will get status Failed when something fails during job's execution. Previously, the job would in some cases show as "completed", even if it had failed. This made it difficult for support to find out what has happened if some issues arose regarding synchronizing members to MailChimp.


**MailChimp package v.2.5.5.


Error when calling MemberService (RTL-1919)

An error which was introduced in 2.10.30 caused member updates done from MyPage and Chain Web to not be updated properly in MemberService. This is corrected.

Loyalty v. 2.10.20

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.

Add support for SocialSecurityNumberAsText

(RTL-1577, RTC-10816)

SocialSecturityNumberAsText is added to customer updates and the employeeMerger job has been extended to support SocialSecurityNumberAsText while processing CustomerUpdatedEvent. When SocialSecurityNumberAsText does not exist in Lindbak Loyalty database, then a new member with customer data is created. When SocialSecurityNumberAsText is assigned already to member, then customer is linked to the member. This solved a problem with importing customers from 3rd party systems with SSN.


LoyaltyDBIntegration version

BackofficeBatchGenerator 1.5.1

MemberService 3.10.3.

Loyalty v. 2.10.10

Document status: DRAFT


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.




MailChimp Integration

Email validation in Export of Segment (RTL-1436)

The job that exports segment to MailChimp has been improved. Email validation has been improved to omit the members with emails which consists of '..' -
two dots or '.@' - dot before the sign. Previously, when such invalid emails were sent to MailChimp, MailChimp refused to accept the segment and no members were exported.

Required configuration:

Upgrade MailChimpIntegration to 2.5.3.

Compatible  with Chain Web 2.9.280 and above.

Member Management

Implement: Enable change tracking automatically when job runs (RTL-39)

Change tracking is added automatically in MemberExport job execution. This is done to minimize manual configuration mistakes when setting up new member update flow in customer environments.

Required version of: LoyaltyDbIntegration 1.2.3

Member Management

Subscriptions are automatically ticked (RTL-1047)

When editing or adding an email address, mobile number or postal address on a member, the corresponding subscription was ticked automatically in the user interface. This could
cause members to get distributions, even though they had not agreed to it. This is corrected. It can easily be avoided if it is noticed by the user and unchecked manually.

Loyalty v. 2.10.02

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.





Subscriptions are automatically ticked (RTL-1047)

When editing or adding an email address, mobile number or postal address on a member, the corresponding subscription was ticked automatically in the user interface. This could cause members to get distributions, even though they had not agreed to it. This is corrected. It can easily be avoided if it is noticed by the user and unchecked manually.

Loyalty v. 2.10.01

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes




Member Campaigns

Secondary channel type disappears (TFS: 187406)

Secondary channel disappeared when opening the details of an event driven campaign. This no longer occurs.

Loyalty v. 2.10.0

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes




Member Campaigns

Potential reach for distributions (TFS: 179603)

Reach and warning messages are calculated properly while defining, saving or editing certain distribution channel in the distribution step of Member Campaign. Previously, the calculation showed wrong number of potential recipients of a distribution in rare scenarios.

Offers that are used should not be shown as active offers on member (TFS: 189182)

The coupon grid in the campaign offer menu includes a column called "used". This column will allow the user to see which of the coupons have been used or not.

Invalid coupons fetched by POS (TFS: 190092)

An issue which caused coupons that had either expired or been used to be fetched by POS has been corrected. This caused a significant amount of requests to be made and impacted the performance in POS.

Loyalty v. 2.9.287

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes.





Subscriptions are automatically ticked (RTL-1047)

When editing or adding an email address, mobile number or postal address on a member, the corresponding subscription was ticked automatically in the user interface. This could cause members to get distributions, even though they had not agreed to it. This is corrected. It can easily be avoided if it is noticed by the user and unchecked manually.

Loyalty v. 2.9.286

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes




Member Campaigns

Secondary channel type disappears (TFS: 187406)

Secondary channel disappeared when opening the details of an event driven campaign. This no longer occurs.

Loyalty v. 2.9.285

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes




Member Campaigns

Offers that are used should not be shown as active offers on member (TFS: 189182)

The coupon grid in the campaign offer menu includes a column called "used". This column will allow the user to see which of the coupons have been used or not.

Loyalty v. 2.9.284

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes




Member campaign

Invalid coupons fetched by POS (TFS: 190092)

An issue which caused coupons that had either expired or been used to be fetched by POS has been corrected. This caused a significant amount of requests to be made and impacted the performance in POS.

Loyalty v. 2.9.280

Document status: RELEASED


Prerequisites are found under Chain Web Release Notes

Loyalty Campaign Mailchimp

(TFS: 181547)

When creating an email distribution from member campaigns using MailChimp it is possible to set an email subject and a preview text with emojiis. The preview text will be exported to Mailchimp (by SegmentExportJob). A preview text is displayed underneath the sender name and subject line in a subscriber's inbox.

Required configuration

If email template is not created properly, the Preview Text will not be shown. 

The following code should be added to the email template in MailChimp:

        <!--[if !gte mso 9]><!----><span class="mcnPreviewText" style="display:none; font-size:0px; line-height:0px; max-height:0px; max-width:0px; opacity:0; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden; mso-hide:all;">*|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|*</span><!--<![endif]-->


LoyaltyCampaign 2.4.0.
MailChimpIntegration 2.5.0.

Report for free items

(TFS: 188574)

In report for free stamp card items (0152_FreeItemsFromStampCard) a new column: "Ordernumber" has been added, which shows supplier order number from article.

We have also added filter for store, EAN and order number.

Because of restrictions in Chain Web report viewer, we show max 20 store numbers in parameter list. If there are more stores selected, store list ends with ',...'

Max number can be changed in hidden parameter pParameterDisplayLimit


Lindbak POS Reporting v. 64.

Checkbox for excluding stamp card sales from discount rule

(TFS: 185309)

New checkbox in "General Bonus rules" which states whether or not purchases that generate stamp should generate bonus points, was implemented.. Now user has the possibility to decide whether or not sales that generate a stamp is considered as a discount as apart of the bonus rules. Therefore, if the 'Item discount rule' is enabled in 'General Bonus Rules' the user can decide with the help of 'Include stamp card transaction' checkbox whether or not bonus is generated on the stamp card.

Discount on the most expensive item

(TFS: 181550)

New price rule: is added. Mix 25: "% discount on the most expensive item" can be used to create an offer for members which provides a percentage discount on the most expensive item on the receipt. 




Member Campaigns

Improvements to mix 25 and 27 (TFS: 185264)

The Red stars, which indicates mandatory field, is removed when creating price rule from mix 25. There are no mandatory fields for this price rule, as it can be defined in a campaign. Some additional improvements were made in CampaignService to ensure POS receives the necessary mix information.

Member segmentation

Performance improvement (TFS: 184660)

The export of segments to MailChimp has been refactored. It is possible to export significantly more members faster than before. The export previously struggled around 60k members, this is no longer an issue. The export is able to handle more than 1 million members.

Note: Performance may vary based on server capacity and performance at the time of export.

Required configuration:

Upgrade MailChimpIntegration 2.5.0. The package can be found at:

\\nas_install\LRS\Lindbak Integrations\3.0\MailChimp Integration\For Chain Web 2.9.280

Member Tag

Hide 'MostUsedStore' Tags (TFS: 186493)

The 'MostUSedStore' tag category is hidden from Members Tags grid in Chain Web .

  • No labels