Troubleshooting guide PAX A30
Terminal Checklista
- Check if swedbankpay has any disturbance →
- Error message on the display? (ex. felkod / Tampered)
- A terminal that is showing the error message Tampered must be replaced.
- A terminal that is showing the error message Tampered must be replaced.
- Check if the terminal is connected to the network.
- Payment declined, Only online is a message that is displayed on the terminal if the terminal is offline.
- Test restarting the terminal, see image below.
- Test relog into the cash register.
- Check if the cords are correctly connected.
- The terminal has a network switch on the backside, the network goes through here.
- Lan A POE should have a network cord that leads to the network port in the wall or into a network switch.
- LAN B should have a network cord that goes to the cash register PC(Network card).
- In the USB-C the power adapter should be connected.
- Check if the cords are correctly connected.
Zaci Checklist
- Check if the following services is running: apache_zaci, Zetime, ZifPAX
- Check if the terminal has the correct ip address.
Pax A30. - Check if the ip is configurated.
Click the logo at the top of the terminal display fast 5 times in a row to enter the admin menu.
Choose ECR (not Admin configuration).
This should be displayed:
Check if the terminal has an ip address in the "Terminal IP-adress" field
If their is not ip address in the "Terminal IP-adress" field, contact your ServiceDesk
Check if "ECR IP-adress" is correct (same as the cash registers ip)
Scroll down and press save to exit admin menu.
PAX A30 network cord connections
This pay terminal has two network ports. The computer's network connection goes through this pay terminal. If the pay terminal is not powered on, the cash register will not have a network connection.
- A network cable runs from the bank terminal's LAN B port to the computer's network socket (which is in the monitor because the computer is built into the monitor). (Red cord marked 1. In the picture below)
- A network cable runs from the network socket in the wall to the bank terminal's LAN A-POE port (yellow cable, labeled 2 in the image below).
User manual from FCC:
Zaci com-port configuration
This configuartion is used for the Verifone VX820 pay terminals.
This is configured in the file 1.zin in the parameter "auto_cfg_trm_adr". Granngården always use com 2 for the terminal. The zin-file only seems to be used when installing Zaci and is not always saved in the Zaci installation folder or subfolders.