
Release notes has been moved

Release notes for Monitor App has been moved to: Monitor App v. 1.1.x (egretail.cloud)


Self Service Monitor v 1.1.2


Messages for bag dispenser


Alarms for Bag dispenser problem and Bag dispenser empty are supported in Monitor App.


Bug fixes and improvements

App crash shortly after login (RTM-8155)

Fixed an issue with refreshing tokens. The app should no longer crash after logging in, despite of expired token.

Cleanup job for finished receipts (RTM-7945)

All receipts older than 24 hours are removed from the database once a day.

Firebase notifications - migration from legacy API to the API V1 (RTM-7546)

Support for new API version when connecting to Google FCM for push notifications was implemented. 
For old versions of Monitor App notifications may not work for a limited time (couple of hours) because of the required processing on the backend. Due to 3rd party behaviour, it can rarely happen that the notifications stop appearing after logout. For this scenario, it is recommended to log out and log in again to fix the problem.

Live sales view

Previous sales data (RTM-7904)

Previous sales data is fetched only when the Live sales view is opened for a cash register.

Self Service Monitor v 1.1.1


Payment method in sales history


The Payment method is shown on the bottom of the screen in the Previous and History tab.



Live sale view

List of items in live sales view is scrolled to the bottom (RTM-8032)

If there are many items in the Live sales view, the list is scrolled down to the last scanned item. The scrollbar is always visible.

Switching between alarm log and live sales view (RTM-7926)

When switching back to live sales view from alarm log, it is possible to approve active alarms in the live sales view.

Force control cannot be triggered when a sale is finished (RTM-7734)

When a sale is finished, it is not possible to trigger Force control on that cash register.

Bigger clickable area in Sales history tabs (RTM-7749)

The clickable area for "Current sale", "Previous" and "History" and  is made bigger, in the sales history tab.


Screen flickering (RTM-7729)

An improvement has been made to prevent the screen from flickering when the view is updated.

SurveillanceService to .NET 8

SurveillanceService repository is updated to .NET 8.

Text is correctly shortened (RTM-7730)

The Control triggered notification is no longer shortened if the cash register name is long. The cash register name is split to two rows.

Self Service Monitor v 1.1.0 (Only backend changes)




Disable Sales history per tenant (RTM-7782)

A new parameter, EnableSalesHistory, is added in Tenant admin. When set to False, fetching Sales history is disabled in Monitor App.

Improved SignalR error handling (RTM-7822)

Error handling when connecting to SignalR from Monitor Backend is improved.

It seems that problems when connecting to SignalR from Monitor App Backend causes the app to crash. 

Self Service Monitor v 1.1.0


Three last sales on the cash register


When selecting a cash register and View sale, one can see information about the three last sales on that cash register.
The Current sale tab shows an ongoing sale. When the current sale is finished, it is visible in the Previous tab. After yet another sale, it is visible in the History tab.

Boarding pass and sealing info


Boarding pass and sealing info is shown in live sales view. If sealing is required, "Connected flight not confirmed" is shown.
If sealing is not required, the "Connected flight confirmed" info is shown. Flight ID, destination, boarding pass count and FIcode are shown.


Force Control and Random Control


When Force control is triggered in Monitor App, a yellow icon and "Control triggered" is shown.


When the customer goes to pay in Self checkout, the yellow icon disappear and Random control is sent to Monitor App.
Random control cannot be removed in Monitor App, it must be removed in POS.


New alarm types


Four new alarms are added to the app:

  • Unknown/invalid flight
  • Quota exceeded
  • Sealing required
  • Signature required

These new alarms must be handled in the cash register.
The Unknown item alarm must be handled in the cash register as well, and cannot be approved in the app as it could previously.

Alarm log


In the Alarm log, all active and approved alarms for a given cash register is shown.
Active alarms can be approved in this view. By clicking Close alarm log, the user is directed back to the main view in Monitor App.


Sorted view for showing cash registers


In the sorted view, all cash registers are shown in numerical order. The order in the view does not change when a new alarm is triggered or when the alarm expires.
The cash registers remain in the same position. 


Access to Monitor App in User Management


Permission to handle surveillance requests is granted in User roles, as a Store Role: Self Service Monitor with option 'Handle surveillance requests'



Design improvements (RTM-6791)

Some improvements to the colors and alignment has been done.
When a control is received in live sales view, the bottom sheet for approving the control is opened.


App crashes when switching between views very quickly  (RTM-7204)

In improvement has been made to prevent the app from crashing, when switching between priority/area/sorted by register views very fast.

Incomplete login issue in a loop

Fixed looped login issue.

Large number of stores (RTM-7570)

With a large number of stores to select from when logging in, the stores are loaded quickly.

Cash register view and live sales view

Cash register view (RTM-7426)

Cash register boxes are not resized, when there is no need for changing the size to fit the content.

Sales total and items after logout/login (RTM-7441)

After logging, while having active cash registers, the sales total and numbers of items are still displayed after login.

View with 2 and 3 columns on tablet (RTM-7021)

When switching form horizontal to vertical mode, only the one column view is available.

Items in live sales view (RTM-7523)

The live sales view shows items for the cash register that is opened.


Improvements on notification alarms (RTM-7028)

The Clear button is renamed to Close. For some alarms, the approve button is now called Done. The notification alarm messages is slightly changed to be more clear.

Finishing a sale with an active alarm (RTM-6990)

If a sale is finished while there is an active alarm in Monitor App, the sales total and number of items are displayed correctly.

Text on alarm buttons (RTM-6444)

An improvement has been made to prevent the text on alarm buttons from being cut off.

Self Service Monitor v. 1.0.11  



FunctionalityRelease notes

(RTM-5615Dependencies to posservices, poslogschema and poslog extractor were marked as obsolete

Dependencies to posservices, poslogschema and poslog extractor are marked as obsolete.
New field inside SurveillancePosStatus was created to get informations that would normally be taken out from PosLog. New method in CustomerControl - sendPosStatus - was added.

(RTM-6207Log version number and app name in App Insights

The logging in App insights has been improved. Client version and client name are logged in App Insights.

(RTM-4128New shell endpoint for getting config 

New shell endpoint for getting configuration for using cashier login on-prem was added.


(RTM-6528Rotating in live sales view

An issue when rotating on tablet in live sales view is fixed. Lives sales view is displayed correctly after rotation.

Self Service Monitor v. 1.0.10  



FunctionalityRelease notes

(RTM-6054Improved validation and UI tests

Added more automatic testing for more use cases. Date validation is improved to avoid errors experienced in production.

(RTM-6255) Number of 401 (unauthorized) requests was reduced

Number of 401 (unauthorized) requests was reduced, making sure the app doesn't crash after logging in, minimizing app and leaving it in the background for 1 hour. 

(RTM-6318) App crash when handling multiple requests at the exact same moment

Fixed handling of multiple requests the same time. If many request comes to application app does not crash anymore.

(RTM-6369) Approving old controls

Control disappears after approving, when another control was sent to another cash register at the same time. Live Sales View has been transformed into an actual service registered at the start of the app. No visible change for the user but is a big quality improvement for the live sales view.

(RTM-6392) Close control by clicking on the background

When a control is opened, but user doesnt want to approve it. User can click in the background to close the pop-up.

(RTM-6506Memory leak in SurveillanceService

An issue introduced in 1.0.9 caused memory leak in SurveillanceService. The change was then rolled back. This has been corrected and released again.

Force control

(RTM-6293) Force control button disappears in live sales view

Fixed issue of dissapearing "Force control" button in landscape mode on tablet after approving "Blocked item" control.


(RTM-6293) Force control button disappears in live sales view

Fixed issue of disappearing "Force control" button in landscape mode on tablet after approving "Blocked item" control.

Self Service Monitor v. 1.0.9  


Environment Switch

It is possible to grant a user access to switch between production and test in the app. The user permission can be found as a "common role" permission:

Once user has been granted access, the user can log in to the app and will find a button to switch environment in the left menu. Note: User must have the same access in TEST environment in order to switch back to production.


FunctionalityRelease notes

(RTM-46902 decimals are shown while finishing sale

When sales are finished, the sales total value is shown with two digits after decimal point. Value is rounded properly. Previously, four decimals were displayed.

(RTM-4705) Name of registers sometimes disappears

Corrected an issue where the name of a cash register was sometimes not visible.

(RTM-5972) .Net 6 Upgrade

SurveillanceService and SelfServiceMonitor Backend has been updated to .Net 6.

(RTM-6257Connecting to SurveillanceService

Removed getting the connectionID from SurveillanceService when creating control and replaced it with getting it on the fly when requests come in. Previously, this could cause the app to crash when the service was not connected and controls are created from cache.


(RTM-6254) Sending alarm to the app while listener is inactive

Previously, if an alarm was sent to the app during login it could cause the app to crash. This has been corrected.

(RTM-6286Approving alarm directly from push notification, when more than one alarms were sent to app

Corrected issue regarding approving alarms directly from notifications on iOS, when more than one alarm was sent to the app.

Push notifications

(RTM-4166Icon on push notifications for Android

The app icon was not displayed on the push notifications on Android. This is corrected.

Self Service Monitor v. 1.0.8  


Click on push notification, directly go to correct alarm to approve it




FunctionalityRelease notes

(RTM-6052) Force control lasts too long

Force control animation is now much shorter. From more then 20 to a couple of seconds.


(RTM-6051) Sales total from previous sale was shown

Fixed issue regarding displaying sales total - sales total from previous sale was shown.

Also fixed issue which caused app crash related to control buttons update.

Push notifications

(RTM-6195) Fix push notifications missing on iOS

Fixed issue regarding retrieving messages in Monitor App on iOS.

Self Service Monitor v. 1.0.7  



FunctionalityRelease notes

(RTM-5529) Possible to approve control from live sales view
When user is watching live sales view in Self Service Monitor App in active cash register and a control occurs, user can approve the control from the live sales view.


(RTM-5744) Fixed issue regarding removing one of the requests after logout

When cash register is active in the app and there are required active actions, after logging out from the app, all request remains and are displayed as it was before log out.

Push notifications

(RTM-5827) Fixed issue with messages not being retrieved while phone is locked - iOS

Fixed issue regarding retrieving messages in Monitor App on iOS while the screen is locked.

Self Service Monitor v. 1.0.6  



FunctionalityRelease notes

(RTM-5530ShopExpress receipts and no longer active registers

An issue caused ShopExpress receipts to not appear correctly in the app. This has been corrected. Additionally, in some instances a cash register remained as active even though the sale was completed. This is also corrected.


(RTM-5272Update to .Net 6

The app has been upgraded to .Net 6.

(RTM-5696Fetch user on login

Improved the way the app fetches user profiles upon log in to avoid future error situations.

Push notifications

(RTM-5600Android Notifications

Several improvements have been made to correct and improve push notification handling on Android devices.

Self Service Monitor v. 1.0.4-5  


Support for push notification on iOS

Added support for push notifications on iOS. Push notifications are implemented to alert employees of happenings in the self checkout area while the app is minimized. To stop getting notification user must log out of the app.


FunctionalityRelease notes
Push notifications

Android notifications on locked screen

Corrected an issue causing push notifications on Android to not appear on locked screen.


Login on iOS

Corrected an issue with connecting to SignalR, which caused the app to not receive messages from POS.

Self Service Monitor v. 1.0.3  



FunctionalityRelease notes

Receipt printer messages

A notification will be triggered in the Monitor App when the receipt paper is almost empty or the printer cover is open at a Self checkout register. This will allow store employees to preemptively change the paper on the printer before it is empty.

Receipt cancelled and on hold

Corresponding status is updated in the app when receipt is either cancelled or put on hold.

Self Service Monitor v. 1.0.1  - First release to apple/playstore 


Important highlights from this release

Added sound and vibrations when scanning

In several scenarios sound effects have been added for a more user friendly experience. 
In following scenarios sound effects have been added: 

  • Sending reservations
  • Scanning
  • Completing sale
  • Error

In following scenarios vibrations have been added:

  • Sending reservations
  • Completeing sale
  • Error
  • Special item (age control etc) or risk text
  • Logged in 


UI adjustments for large screens and arrange button to adjust columns.

When a larger screen is used for SSM the rows of transactions are adjusted more to the scrren. Extra columns are implemented. (RTM-4190)
An arrange button is also added so user can choose how to present the screen. (RTM-4192) This is for two or three columns for tablets. 

Horizontal mode

Horizontal mode is added to SSM. This is to make larger screens more user friendly. (RTM-4560)

Implemented new receipt view

Instead of bottom sheet onpening when app is in "large screen mode", app will open like image below: . (RTM-4191)




Loading symbolImprovements have been made, loading symbol is used in loading situations. (RTM-4563)
LanguageImprovement regarding languages has been made. (RTM-4565)

Self Service Monitor v. 1.0.0


Important highlights from this release

Create app

App has been created, including app center setup, play control setup, app store setup and launch screen background colour. (RTM-2907)

App home screen - version 1 

In first version of app there is a list of all receipts ongoing. 

A receipt is described with: 

  • Cash register


App home screen - version 2

In first version of app you have a list of all receipts ongoing. 
At the top you have a list of actions required. 
At the bottom you have a list of all receipts ongoing. 

A receipt is described with: 

  • Cash register
  • Member icon if member is added,
  • Time of when actions required started 
  • Action control needed
  • Price of cart
  • Pieces in cart

The cash registers are sorted by default between actions required and active self checkout registers. 
Actions required are sorted on time when actions required started - oldest one on top. (RTM-1551)

Change view 

In default view self checkouts are sorted by actions needed and active self checkouts. 
But in the apps top right corner an icon is presented where the self checkouts can be arranged (presented)  differently. 

Pressing the icon two options are presented 

  1. Priority
  2. Area

Pressing priority the default view will be presented - actions needed first based on oldest action needed at the top. Pressing area the self checkouts will be based on the names of the cash registers - for example A, B, C zones. (RTM-2720)

View live sales UI 

When user presses an ongoing sale more details are shown about the sale. For example items and total amount to pay. User can choose to force control, view sale or just go back to the overview. 


Awaiting assistance

When a purchase requires any kind of assistance, control or notificiation, this is presented in different ways in SSM. 

  • If a control is needed the purchase row is red and flagged
  • If a control is handled by another user (staff) the row is greyed out
  • When a control is handled and purchase done the sale is finished
  • When no control/notification is needed the purchase row just says active
  • If a member is added to the receipt a member icon is added
  • Cash register, price and number of scanned items are presented


Dark mode

Now app can be used when setting on device is dark mode. (RTM-3690)

Show if a control is approved or declined

If for example age control is not approved, either manually typed in birthday or scanning of ID card,  this is shown in SSM. The customer screen displays items to remove from sale, and cashier confirms in app that they have assisted customer in removing all items with age control (RTM-3773)


Visual control

When a visual control is needed user has following alternatives; 
-  Cancel (The control will not be done but availble for other staff to user this

  • Manual register ( The recipt is parked and handled in a manual register)
  • Approve (Visual control was approved and action will not be in the list anymore)  (RTM-1553)

Age control

In this version information about the control only show how many years the customer needs to be. No images of the items are shown and no ID scan is available in this version. 

When opening a age control action you get the alternatives :

  • Cancel: Close the action bar. Some other staff can open it and do the required action. 
  • Enter date/scan ID. For Norwegian users you will enter the birth date and the app will count if the buyer is old enough to purchase the item.  If pressing scan you can scan ID and mobile will count if the date is older/younger then age limit. 
  • Above 25: Action is done and purchase is approved. 

Age control 2.0

Support is now added so user can scroll through the list of items that age control are needed for. (RTM-3191)

Scan ID for age control

When a receipt is started with at Swedish user and the receipt is in Swedish Another way of controlling age is added. 
Swedish driving license has SSM in a QR code and now Self Service Monitor can scan the driving license to confirm or deny the age control. . (RTM-3355)

Force control

User can open a control and get an alternative to force control for a purchase if the staff wants it. They will open an ongoing purchase and see an overview of items, total and average of purchase. There will be a button on force control and the control will become a visual control. 


Empty paper

When a self checkout cash register is out of paper SSM is notified. That is only a notification, not a control. So staff will need to refill paper and also press away the notification. 


Unknown items

When a customer scannes an unknown item SSM shows this. User can confirm that the customer is assisted, but it is only a notification so staff will need to assist in the self service check out. 


Assistance required by customer

When a customer requires help in the stationary self checkout this is shown in SSM. User can handle this control and help the user. 


Offline bank

When the bank for payment is offline SSM gets a notification about this. Nothing is done in the stationary self service checkout when user (staff) handles the notification in SSM.


Approve item

When an item that needs approved is added to self checkout cash register it is also shown in SSM.


Low sales total

One control that accures is when the sale has low total in the sale. What this amount is is set for POS, and if a receipt is checkout out with low total it triggers a notification in SSM. 


Deleted item

When a customer wants to delete an item on the sale sometimes it is needed to be approved by staff. If this scenario is so, it is shown in SSM. 


Employee purchase 

When a employee makes a purchase and is added to the receipt SSM gets a notification. 


Substance item

When a customer tries to add more items that are registered as substance items then the set limit in POS a notification is sent to SSM. 

Item not for sale

When a customer tries to add an item that is not for sale a notification is shown in SSM. This is not communicated back with self service check out so staff will need to help customer out. 



Push notifications

When a device using SSM gets a new control/notification and the device is locked a notification is shown on the locked screen. 
It shows which pos unit needs a control ant the type of control. Clicking on the notification only opens the app. First version of this is only for android. 





Hide cash registers + areas

In surveillance app not all cash registers and areas should be shown at all times. When a cash register and areas are not active for a certain time it will now not be shown in Surveillance. Users will see it is easier to handle ongoing sales and easier notice and find cash registers that needs attention in the list because not active are not shown. 

Time since received control as intervals

On all active receipts the time of from when the receipt needs Control or attention is presented. The time is presented in intervals andare following: 

  • 30 seconds
  • 1 minute
  • 1 min 30 s
  • 2 min 
  • And so on


Improved status and actions on iOS

Improved handling of status and age control actions for iOS devices.  (RTM-3505)


Some adjustments are made to make buttons more user friendly.  (RTM-3841)

Name of app

The name of the app is presented in a few places, this is now made sure it is presented as Self Service Monitor  (RTM-4071)

Controls not showing

Some adjustments have been done to make all controls show in SSM.  (RTM-3925)


Language is correctly translated.  (RTM-4079)

Control from cashIf user tried to do a control from cash the app crashed, this is now adjusted so no crash happens.  (RTM-4281)
  • No labels