Release notes have been moved

Release notes as of Chain Web version 2.10.350 have been moved to Chain Web release notes in (

Chain Web v. 2.10.340



Batch Import

LIP wrongly marks batch as ProcessedOK/2 when timeout due to FlatBatchJson lock (RTC-41283)

When there occurs a timeout MemberIdentityMerger job finished with Faulted status and empty batch has proper 0 - unprocessed status.


Issues with creation of new customer when no IsDefaultSuggestedGroup CustomerGroup is defined (RTC-44309)

Error is no longer occurring and customer is correctly created, even if default group is not defined.

Customer order

Job to delete old customer orders (RTC-34855)

The CustomerOrderCleanup job removes order offers and customer orders, which:

  • have "Active" status, and are older than 5 years and were expired over 5 years ago;
  • have "Draft" or "Completed" status and are older than 5 years.
  • have "Cancelled" status and are older than 3 months.

The job is configured in the Integration Management Platform.

Gift card module

Regive (RTC-44329)

The Regive operation in version 1 of Gift card Service API supports Swedish and/or Norwegian characters in the custom message. 

Order dispatch

PickingOrderProcessor job should handle Create before Update (RTC-43160)

PickingOrderProcessor job handle multiple operations for given customer order in order of creation. Operations for given customer order are not processed if previous operation (for this order) in the same execution have failed.

Emails/SMS with Receipt are not sent after removing undelivered lines (RTC-42608)

When a picking order is closed (delivered) by deleting the last item (partial delivery), confirmation Emails/SMS are sent. Messages are not sent for PAC and PAC.CW methods. The exports are working correctly.

Weird error message and confusing article grid in Dispatch on refund (RTC-41585)

Warning message is no longer appear at the bottom of the site. After successful refund of not locked order user is redirect to the dispatch order details view, moreover at the bottom of the site appears green successful message.

Order picking

Export picking status blobs when picked in external system (RTC-43794)

Now the status of picking from an external order picking system like AutoStore will be updated in external systems (via Picking status blobs), So that  that the information we see in the picking order is correct, and  the external systems will get the correct status.

Export PickingOrderCanceled blob when Reserve&Collect Order is canceled in Chain Web (RTC-44070)

When user cancels Click & Collect orders in Chain Web the PickingOrder job is triggered and exports PickingOrderCanceled blob.


Shift balance (RTC-44692)

New report showing key number for shifts in a specified period.

Report name: Shift balance report

Filename: 0791_ShiftBalanceReport.rdl

Full information about report can be found in confluence: List of reports - EG Retail Chain - Confluence EG A/S.

Cashier statistics with fuel (RTC-44550)

New report similar to 0019_CashierStatisticsWithDiscount_std but added extra column to split regular and fuel sale.

Report name: 0781_CashierStatisticsWithDiscount

Detailed information in confluence: List of reports - EG Retail Chain - Confluence EG A/S.


Items not counted (RTC-44136)

For stocktakings with type "Items Not Counted", a count group is created automatically with "All items" option set. All required items are linked to it.

Chain Web v. 2.10.331 




Cashier and user improvements (RTC-43142)

  • Cashier cannot be created with a nonpositive cashier number.
  • The user name cannot contain "/", "\" or space characters.
Count groups

Modifying count groups (RTC-43184)

Count groups created by HQ users can no longer be modified by non-HQ users.

Customer order

Set original net cost price when returning items (RTC-41706)

Net cost price in the return is the same as used in the original order.

Pickup time in Click and collect orders (RTC-43710)

A "Pickup date" column has been added to the customer orders view in Chain Web.
The column is hidden by default, and must be added via configuration mode.

Dispatch order

Removing last line does not cancel dispatch order (RTC-42467)

Dispatch order is cancelled after last normal item is removed from whole order in picking order. Rejected order is not visible in dispatch orders view in Chain Web.

No validation of failed refund due to locked order (RTC-42012)

When trying to refund order which has locked status, the user interface displays a validation message at the bottom of the site about the failed refund.

Product description differs on templates (RTC-41100)

Product description does not differ between OrderConfirmation and CreditNote templates. 

Orders don't close automatically when there is no more items to deliver (RTC-40707)

Orders are closed automatically when all items have been delivered, also after items have been removed manually. Statuses in database are also updated properly.

SKU for Click&Collect (Reserved&Collect) orders (RTC-40091)

  • SKU is properly saved in database in CustomerOrder.OrderLine table.
  • PickingOrder job properly export picking order with not null SKU field.

Email sendout is trigerred before db transaction is commited (RTC-42873)

Email and SMSs sendout is properly triggered after the database transaction is committed. That means the GenerateMessage job is triggered after the complete PickingOrderProcessor job run. 

When returning a DispatchOrder in Chain Web no refund to the customer is done in Klarna (RTC-42247)

Klarna payment assign to certain dispatch order is properly refunded when returning items in dispatch order in Chain Web.

Payment method is not added to receipt pdf in PAC "ready for pickup" email (RTC-39343)

  • Attached pdf in PAC "Ready for pickup" email contains payment method for prepaid orders (both created in physical store and on the web)
  • Payment methods in attached pdf are fetched from PaymentAuthorizations when order has no attached Tenders.

Order Dispatch templates enable to include different payment methods 

Payment methods are properly displayed in the email templates for the certain dispatch order. It is properly displayed for Klarna, Gift card and other available payment methods in the email message and also attached PDF receipts. For orders created in Web shop and in Physical store there is no differences how payment methods are displayed. Proper translations for Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish were added.

Picking orders

Delay of picking order creation for specific order types (RTC-41290)

The delay of picking order creation, by the PickingOrderProcessor job, only applies to the order types 
StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery and StorePrepaidDispatchDelivery.

PickingOrderProcessor job

Picking order processor job saves partially modified data for picking order despite of exception (RTC-42952)

Partially modified data is not saved by the PickingOrderProcessor job.

PickingOrderProcessor job improvement (RTC-42482)

The PickingOrderProcessor job does not stop processing pending events when one of them fails.
It continues processing consecutive events in the same execution, and if at least one of the events fails, the status of the job execution is set to faulted.

PickingOrderProcessor job does not export picking orders when one of events processing fails (RTC-42291)

PickingOrderProcessor job exports picking order to other systems instantly after processing each event, so it is done even if some of the events failed in the same job execution.
When event fails with exception CartIsCancelledFault, then job execution is no longer stopped - job carries on processing consecutive events in the same execution.
If processing of scheduled event fails, then the configurable on job level delay will be added to the next reprocessing of this event.

PickingOrderProcessing job contains RIS orders that are trying to delete delivered order (RTC-41842)

When user try to delete Click and Collect (RIS) order with picking order status set to delivered then Picking Order Processor job execute it properly with completed status including reject order message.

PickingOrderProcessor job automatically reprocessing failed events (RTC-41492)

PickingOrderProcessor job processes failed events with status "RetryPending", if no other pending events were found.
The default configurable in the job retry count is 10. At 10 retries, it will sets the status to error.

Receipt journal
Improved search performance (RTC-41230)
The performance when searching in the Receipt Journal has been significantly  improved, and reduced the timeout occurrence.

Vat rate with decimals on Receipt details (RTC-43255)
VAT can be displayed with one decimal number in the receipt details in The Receipt journal view.


POS Services

Scale labels

Convert scales to atte.dat files (RTC-35873)

Exported from Item Management Strongpoint scales are now converted to atte.dat files on on premise server. Job to convert scale labels was renamed to LabelImport and can be configured to support both Strongpoint and Myhrvold scales. 

For Strongpoint scales, files are created per store and can contain more than one scale label and more than one item. Files are named atte.StoreNumber.TimeStamp and are saved in a configured folder.

In first row, there are stored all required information from item-scale: if the scale label is new or removed, PLU, retail price, promotion price, status (0 if price is per Kg , 1 in all other cases), best before, tare, item group, storage temperature and origin. Next rows contain information on font size and weight declaration text. When  scale is removed from label, created file contains only first row (with numeric data), which starts with letter R. If some of exported values from item have more digits than expected in file, then job finishes with status 'CompletedWithWarninigs' with clear warning message and file is not created. However, If more item-labels are exported in the same time, files will be created, but will not include scales from incorrect item.


Fix for: Import of user fails when long user name + update CashierNo (RTC-40630)

StoreGroup with type CloudPermission is correctly created in the database and the job UserMerger is correctly executed when the username has more than 50 characters. 
Users with CasihierNo in BackOffice other than in the cloud user management are updated correctly, along with their cashierNo.

Chain Web v. 2.10.322



Receipt Journal
Improved search performance (RTC-41230)
The performance when searching in the Receipt Journal has been significantly  improved, and reduced the timeout occurrence.

Chain Web v. 2.10.321




Create balance popup (RTC-40920)

A "Create balance" popup is displayed when the user is creating shift balance.

Hide shift balance difference

With the system parameter ShowBalanceDifferenceInRegistrationView, the shift balance difference can be hidden. If the parameter is set to false, the balance difference is not shown in the Edit shift balance view.

Balance improvement (RTC-39885)

To prevent different time zone problems, the BalanceDate datetime now contains 12:00:00, instead of 00:00:00.


Customer creation (RTC-40679)

Multiple clicks on the Save button will not trigger duplicated customers during the customer creation. The Save button is locked after the first click.

Dispatch orders

Extend Tracking link logic to support full URL in dispatch order details grid (RTC-40419)

A clickable link informing about the shipment status is present in the dispatch order details grid in the Tracking Number column.

Split picking order if some of the items are deliverable (RTC-39914)

Picking orders are split when some of the item's are deliverable and dispatched to dispatching store with the freight item:

  • Items that are available for picking + freight item(s) are sent to CW/dispatchstore
  • Items not available for picking are assigned and stay at the dummy store 

When previously unavailable items are ready to be picked, the automatic reassign job  assigns them (from dummy store) to CW/dispatchstore and exports a picking order.

Splitting order between dummy store and dispatching stores is only possible when Delete of order lines is not allowed.

Store that can deliver the whole order should be prioritized (we rely on dispatch suggestion and what is provided there).

New trigger for picking orders: Order fully paid (RTC-38919)

When customer order has StorePrepaidDispatchDelivery variant then export generates only for fully paid web order:

  • Order created is skipped for orders containing CustomerOrderVariant: StorePrepaidDispatchDelivery.
  • Order paid is only sent for orders containing CustomerOrderVariant: StorePrepaidDispatchDelivery.

Creation of PAC.CW doesn't prioritize correctly (RTC-41146)

PAC.CW orders priority:

  • Item A is only available in stock in Central warehouse and Item B is available in stock both in the store and in CW, ALL pick able order lines are sent to the Central warehouse.
  • Item A is only available in stock in Central warehouse and Item B is only available in stock in the store, all pick able order lines in stock at CW are sent to the Central warehouse, order lines not in stock at CW but in stock at store are split to the store.
  • Item A and Item B are available in Central Warehouse, Item A and Item B are available in dispatching store, pickup store get the whole order.
  • Item A is only available in stock in the store and item B is not available in stock both in the store and CW then all pick able order lines in stock at store are sent to the pickup store, order lines not available in any stock are split to the Central Warehouse.
  • Item A is available in CW and store, item B is not available in stock both in the store and CW then ALL pick able order lines are sent to the Central warehouse.
  • Item A is only available in store, item B is available in stock both in - CW and store then ALL pick able order lines are sent to the pickup store.

Create empty picking orders for PAC.CW 

When orders have PAC.CW delivery method and picking order is rejected due to picking line removal then new picking order in pickup store is created.

Manually reassign PAC.CW from dummy store (RTC-41319)

It is possible to manually reassign PAC.CW picking orders or its separate picking lines from dummy store to Pickup Store or CW.

Picking orders

PickingOrderProcessor job improvements (RTC-40613)

  • job log messages
  • job execution statuses
  • fake clients added
  • filling createdBy/modifiedBy column in ScheduledJobExecution table
  • documentation of the job added
  • default job URLs
  • delay of the job execution moved to Chain Web configuration
  • PickingOrderWriter removed

'DelayPickingOrderProcessingMinutes' parameter has been added to Chain Web and it allows to configure the delay time of customer order processing.

Picking orders export

Extend PickingOrderExport job with external store and external order numbers (RTC-40482)

The PickingOrder job contracts :CustomerOrder.Export.PickingCancelled, CustomerOrder.Export.PickingDelivered, CustomerOrder.Export.PickingStarted and CustomerOrder.Export.PickingCompleted was extended with:

  • externalOrderStoreNumber 
  • externalOrderNumber 

and the PickingOrder job contract CustomerOrder.Export.PickingOrder was extended with:

  • externalPickingStoreNumber
  • externalOrderStoreNumber 

Picking order export counter 

The Picking order export contract is extended with "pickingOrderExportCount".Everytime a change is made to an order, it results in a new export of a picking order and the pickingOrderExportCount is +1. What is more, picking order export contract is extended with "deliveryPointName". That means, DeliveryPointName is filled with store name when ExternalId in OrderDeliveryDetails is not null.

Add triggers in CustomerOrderService for Reserve& Collect orders (RTC-40089)

The new blob types:

  • PickingOrderDelivered
  • PickingOrderCanceled

are exported when a Reserve&Collect order is paid or canceled in POS.

 POS Configuration 

Improved function for repairing PLU lists definitions (RTP-30501

The button for repairing PLU lists definitions in the visual editor in POS configuration has been improved to handle error in the XML definitions. Previously, an error in a xml node would throw an exception while repairing and the PLU list definition would not be repaired.


Create Excel file from "Ikke fakturerte kredittsalg" (RTC-40791)

Creating an Excel file from the report "Ikke fakturerte kredittsalg" is now supported.

Settlement - daily report (RTC-39983)

Fix for incorrect pay out values in 1806_subCashBalance subreport.

Cashier statistics (RTC-39588)

Changes in report: 0904_CashierStatistics. Fix for failing reports with alphanumerical cashier numbers.


Deleting count groups (RTC-39839)

Count groups created by HQ users can no longer be deleted by non-HQ users.

Deleting a count list (RTC-41188)

Deleting a count list can be done Stocktaking overview.

Chain Web v. 2.10.316




Balance permissions

Store users without "Administer balance" permission are able to create balance for cash registers (BalanceTransactionType = Workstation).

Chain Web v. 2.10.315




Team users and cashiers  (RTC-44432)

Team users with correct permissions are allowed to assign/create cashiers for other users.
In addition, an issue where team users could not see cashiers in Cashier management, has been fixed.

Chain Web v. 2.10.313



Customer order

Original net cost price when returning items (RTC-41706)

The sales price in the return is fetched from the original sale, as well as the net cost price.

Chain Web v. 2.10.311



POS Configuration 

Improved function for repairing PLU lists definitions (RTP-30501

The button for repairing PLU lists definitions in the visual editor in POS configuration has been improved to handle error in the XML definitions. Previously, an error in a xml node would throw an exception while repairing and the PLU list definition would not be repaired.

Chain Web v. 2.10.310


Improved handling of PLU List config for POS


Configuration of PLU Lists for POS has been changed in Chain Web to prevent XML parsing issues and 'System.OutOfMemoryException' in POS. Chain Web will no longer add redundant 'FunctionSet' nodes in the PLU Lists XML definitions when editing the lists or adding new pages to the list. 

In addition, a new function button called 'Repair PLU' has been added to the PLU List visual editor in Chain Web to repair PLU List definitions where redundant XML nodes has been created. This reduces the size of the PLU list definition significantly making it much easier for POS to process the PLU Lists without the risk of throwing a 'System.OutOfMemoryException'.

Flight data in receipt header


Parameter to configure which flight data to show in receipt header - FlightHeaderInSaleView - has been implemented. More flight data is shown in receipt header if configured.

POS Configuration

FlightHeaderInSaleView parameter (default value: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?><StringListConfigBE xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><stringList><string>Flight</string><string>Destination</string><string>FlightCode</string><string>FinalDestination</string><string>NorwegianTollQuota</string></stringList></StringListConfigBE>)

Allows to set visible fields in flight header in sales view.


Area Description
Customer order

Customer order - structured note (RTC-40479)

Structured note value length in CustomerOrder.OrderLineStructuredNote table was extended from 255 to MAX.


Search for customer orders by external order number (RTC-40201)

Customer orders can be found by searching for the external order number in POS.

Order dispatch

Picking orders must be re-assignable to the store that rejected it (RTC-40005)

It is possible to automatically reassign orders to stores that rejected the picking orders.

Extend tracking number logic for dispatch orders (RTC-39802)

A tracking number in the form of a clickable link was implemented in the dispatch orders UI making it possible to follow the shipment progress. The tracking number value is displayed based on the OrderLineDeliveryTracking data and prioritized as followed:

  • PackageTrackingNumber
  • ShipmentTrackingNumber
  • ExternalShipmentTrackingNumber

Exclude dispatching warehouse from stock calculation 

The "Exclude webshop store from warehouse stock calculation" parameter was added to Dispatch Rule settings. It is set to False by default however it is possible to set its value to TRUE or FALSE in the Dispatch Rules user interface. 


Possible Memory Leak (RTC-39477)

OrderMessageIntegration does not overuse memory and memory leak is patched. 


Manage cashiers in Cloud (RTC-40341)

A new group store type with id:7 and the name CloudPermission has been added to the database. It is assigned to store groups that were created during the import of a user and are related to Receipt journal permissions. A user who has permission to Receipt journal at the team/profile level will be assigned this value at that level, and a new store group with the CloudPermission type will not be created. All store groups containing stores to which the user has access to the Receipt journal created so far have their type changed from configuration to CloudPermission. Store groups that were already created earlier and configuration is their correct type are not changed.  The Journal Access tab in Chain Web contains an option in which the user is informed that permissions are managed in the Cloud.
Prerequisite also mentioned in original story: A role in BackOffice must also have permission responsible for receipt journal.

Manage cashiers in Cloud (RTC-26875)

Hashed Pin is imported from the cloud into Backoffice and is saved in a new column in the user data.
The login mechanism for POS and InStore App has been changed to verify the hashed PIN when a cloud cashier logs in.
A cashier created in the cloud with appropriate permissions can log into the POS and open the Receipt journal page in BackOffice. 
Support for the old flow still works and a cashier managed on the server and who does not have a cloud hashed pin can log into the POS correctly.
Receipt journal permissions are imported correctly to the server and the cashier can only see the stores he has access to. 
A new unique store group is then created for the user, which is assigned to him and stores he has access to are stored in it. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.30999



Area Description
Dispatch orders

Payment method missing/incorrect in Email templates (RTC-44436)

Payment methods used for particular order are properly displayed in the email templates:

  • Payment methods with amount less or equal to 0 are not displayed in templates and receipt pdfs.
  • Payment methods are properly fetched from database tables.
  • Order paid with multiple payment methods contains all methods in all templates displaying payment method (e.g Payment method: Klarna,Giftcard).
  • There is no difference in how payment method is displayed on the email templates for orders created in Webshop and orders created in Physical store.
Gift card

Redirect for Gift card in Cloud or Chain Web (RTC-44967)

The system parameter RedirectToGiftCardManagement defines if the user should be sent to Gift cards in Chain Web or Gift card management in Cloud.
If the parameter is set to True, and the "CloudChainUrl" parameter is not empty, the user will be redirected to GiftCard management in Cloud from the navigation menu.
If the parameter is set to False, the user will always be directed to Gift Cards view in Chain Web.

Order picking

Export PickingOrderCanceled blob when Reserve&Collect Order is canceled in Chain Web (RTC-44070)

When user cancels Click&Collect orders in ChainWeb the PickingOrder job is triggered and exports PickingOrderCanceled blob.


Create users with special characters (RTC-44999)

In user management, users can be created with "/", "\" and space in the username.
Note that in some cases, the user might not be exported to Chain correctly.

Team users and cashiers (RTC-44432)

Team users with correct permissions are allowed to assign/create cashiers for other users.
In addition, an issue where team users could not see cashiers in Cashier management, has been fixed.

Chain Web v. 2.10.30998



Area Description
Count groups

Modifying count groups (RTC-43184)

Count groups created by HQ users can no longer be modified by non-HQ users.

Chain Web v. 2.10.30997



Area Description

Cashier and user improvements (RTC-43142)

  • Cashier cannot be created with a nonpositive cashier number.
  • The user name cannot contain "/", "\" or space characters.
Order dispatch

PickingOrderProcessor job should handle Create before Update (RTC-43160)

PickingOrderProcessor job handle multiple operations for given customer order in order of creation. Operations for given customer order are not processed if previous operation (for this order) in the same execution have failed.

Order picking

Export picking status blobs when picked in external system (RTC-43794)

Now the status of picking from an external order picking system like AutoStore will be updated in external systems (via Picking status blobs), So that  that the information we see in the picking order is correct, and  the external systems will get the correct status.

Emails/SMS with Receipt are not sent after removing undelivered lines (RTC-42608)

When a picking order is closed (delivered) by deleting the last item (partial delivery), confirmation Emails/SMS are sent. Messages are not sent for PAC and PAC.CW methods. The exports are working correctly.

Chain Web v. 2.10.30996



Area Description
Customer orders

Pickup time in Click and collect orders (RTC-43710)

A "Pickup date" column has been added to the customer orders view in Chain Web.
The column is hidden by default, and must be added via configuration mode.

Order dispatch

Email send out is triggered before db transaction is committed (RTC-42873)

Email and SMSs send out is properly triggered after the database transaction is committed. That means the GenerateMessage job is triggered after the complete PickingOrderProcessor job run.

When returning a DispatchOrder in Chain Web no refund to the customer is done in Klarna (RTC-42247)

Klarna payment assign to certain dispatch order is properly refunded when returning items in dispatch order in Chain Web.

Payment method is not added to receipt pdf in PAC "ready for pickup" email (RTC-39343)

  • Attached pdf in PAC "Ready for pickup" email contains payment method for prepaid orders (both created in physical store and on the web)
  • Payment methods in attached pdf are fetched from PaymentAuthorizations when order has no attached Tenders.

Order Dispatch templates enable to include different payment methods 

Payment methods are properly displayed in the email templates for the certain dispatch order. It is properly displayed for Klarna, Gift card and other available payment methods in the email message and also attached PDF receipts. For orders created in Webshop and in Physical store there is no differences how payment methods are displayed. Proper translations for Norwegian, Swedish and Finnish were added.

Order picking

Export picking status blobs when picked in external system (RTC-43794)

Now the status of picking from an external order picking system like AutoStore will be updated in external systems (via Picking status blobs), So that  that the information we see in the picking order is correct, and  the external systems will get the correct status.

Chain Web v. 2.10.30995



Area Description
Order dispatch

Removing last line does not cancel dispatch order (RTC-42467)

Dispatch order is cancelled after last normal item is removed from whole order in picking order. Rejected order is not visible in dispatch orders view in Chain Web.

Chain Web v. 2.10.30994



Area Description
PickingOrderProcessor job

Picking order processor job saves partially modified data for picking order despite of exception (RTC-42952)

Partially modified data is not saved by the PickingOrderProcessor job.

Chain Web v. 2.10.30993



Area Description
Order dispatch

Product description differs on templates (RTC-41100)

Product description does not differ between OrderConfirmation and CreditNote templates. 

SKU for Click&Collect (Reserved&Collect) orders (RTC-40091)

  • SKU is properly saved in database in CustomerOrder.OrderLine table.
  • PickingOrder job properly export picking order with not null SKU field.
PickingOrderProcessor job

PickingOrderProcessor job improvement (RTC-42482)

The PickingOrderProcessor job does not stop processing pending events when one of them fails.
It continues processing consecutive events in the same execution, and if at least one of the events fails, the status of the job execution is set to faulted.

PickingOrderProcessing job contains RIS orders that are trying to delete delivered order (RTC-41842)

When user try to delete Click and Collect (RIS) order with picking order status set to delivered then Picking Order Processor job execute it properly with completed status including reject order message.

Chain Web v. 2.10.30992



Area Description
Order dispatch

Orders don't close automatically when there is no more items to deliver (RTC-40707)

Orders are closed automatically when all items have been delivered, also after items have been removed manually. Statuses in database are also updated properly.

No validation of failed refund due to locked order (RTC-42012)

When trying to refund order which has locked status, the user interface displays a validation message at the bottom of the site about the failed refund.

PickingOrderProcessor job

PickingOrderProcessor job does not export picking orders when one of events processing fails (RTC-42291)

PickingOrderProcessor job exports picking order to other systems instantly after processing each event, so it is done even if some of the events failed in the same job execution.
When event fails with exception CartIsCancelledFault, then job execution is no longer stopped - job carries on processing consecutive events in the same execution.
If processing of scheduled event fails, then the configurable on job level delay will be added to the next reprocessing of this event.

Scale labels

Convert scales to atte.dat files (RTC-35873)

Exported from Item Management Strongpoint scales are now converted to atte.dat files on on premise server. Job to convert scale labels was renamed to LabelImport and can be configured to support both Strongpoint and Myhrvold scales. 

For Strongpoint scales, files are created per store and can contain more than one scale label and more than one item. Files are named atte.StoreNumber.TimeStamp and are saved in a configured folder.

In first row, there are stored all required information from item-scale: if the scale label is new or removed, PLU, retail price, promotion price, status (0 if price is per Kg , 1 in all other cases), best before, tare, item group, storage temperature and origin. Next rows contain information on font size and weight declaration text. When  scale is removed from label, created file contains only first row (with numeric data), which starts with letter R. If some of exported values from item have more digits than expected in file, then job finishes with status 'CompletedWithWarninigs' with clear warning message and file is not created. However, If more item-labels are exported in the same time, files will be created, but will not include scales from incorrect item.


Fix for: Import of user fails when long user name + update CashierNo{} (RTC-40630)

StoreGroup with type CloudPermission is correctly created in the database and the job UserMerger is correctly executed when the username has more than 50 characters. 
Users with CasihierNo in BackOffice other than in the cloud user management are updated correctly, along with their cashierNo.

Chain Web v. 2.10.30991



Area Description
Picking orders

PickingOrderProcessor job automatically reprocessing failed events (RTC-41492)

PickingOrderProcessor job processes failed events with status "RetryPending", if no other pending events were found.
The default configurable in the job retry count is 10. At 10 retries, it will sets the status to error.

Chain Web v. 2.10.3099



Area Description
Order dispatch

Weird error message and confusing article grid in Dispatch on refund (RTC-41585)

Warning message is no longer appear at the bottom of the site. After successful refund of not locked order user is redirect to the dispatch order details view, moreover at the bottom of the site appears green successful message.

Picking orders

Delay of picking order creation for specific order types (RTC-41290)

The delay of picking order creation, by the PickingOrderProcessor job, only applies to the order types 
StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery and StorePrepaidDispatchDelivery.

Chain Web v. 2.10.3097



Area Description
Order dispatch

Create empty picking orders for PAC.CW (RTC-41340)

When orders have PAC.CW delivery method and picking order is rejected due to picking line removal then new picking order in pickup store is created.

Manually reassign PAC.CW from dummy store (RTC-41319)

It is possible to manually reassign PAC.CW picking orders or its separate picking lines from dummy store to Pickup Store or CW.

Chain Web v. 2.10.3096



Area Description
Order dispatch

Creation of PAC.CW doesn't prioritize correctly (RTC-41146)

PAC.CW orders priority:

  • Item A is only available in stock in Central warehouse and Item B is available in stock both in the store and in CW, ALL pick able order lines are sent to the Central warehouse.
  • Item A is only available in stock in Central warehouse and Item B is only available in stock in the store, all pick able order lines in stock at CW are sent to the Central warehouse, order lines not in stock at CW but in stock at store are split to the store.
  • Item A and Item B are available in Central Warehouse, Item A and Item B are available in dispatching store, pickup store get the whole order.
  • Item A is only available in stock in the store and item B is not available in stock both in the store and CW then all pick able order lines in stock at store are sent to the pickup store, order lines not available in any stock are split to the Central Warehouse.
  • Item A is available in CW and store, item B is not available in stock both in the store and CW then ALL pick able order lines are sent to the Central warehouse.
  • Item A is only available in store, item B is available in stock both in - CW and store then ALL pick able order lines are sent to the pickup store.

Chain Web v. 2.10.3093



Area Description
Order dispatch

Split order when it is partially delivered (RTC-41154)

When an order is partially delivered (some order lines), a split is created and non-delivered items are assigned to a dummy store and waiting for reassignment to another store (with available stock) that can handle and deliver the rest of the order. 

Freight items is always reassigned to the store that can handle picking orders first.


Deleting count groups (RTC-39839)

Count groups created by HQ users can no longer be deleted by non-HQ users.

Chain Web v. 2.10.3092



Area Description

Create balance popup (RTC-40920)

A "Create balance" popup is displayed when the user is creating shift balance.

Picking orders

PickingOrderProcessor job improvements (RTC-40613)

  • job log messages
  • job execution statuses
  • fake clients added
  • filling createdBy/modifiedBy column in ScheduledJobExecution table
  • documentation of the job added
  • default job URLs
  • delay of the job execution moved to Chain Web configuration
  • PickingOrderWriter removed

'DelayPickingOrderProcessingMinutes' parameter has been added to Chain Web and it allows to configure the delay time of customer order processing.

Chain Web v. 2.10.309



Area Description
Dispatch orders

Extend Tracking link logic to support full URL in dispatch order details grid (RTC-40419)

A clickable link informing about the shipment status is present in the dispatch order details grid in the Tracking Number column.

New trigger for picking orders: Order fully paid (RTC-38919)

When customer order has StorePrepaidDispatchDelivery variant then export generates only for fully paid web order:

  • Order created is skipped for orders containing CustomerOrderVariant: StorePrepaidDispatchDelivery.
  • Order paid is only sent for orders containing CustomerOrderVariant: StorePrepaidDispatchDelivery.

Chain Web v. 2.10.308


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 


Area Description
Picking order export

Picking order export counter (RTC-40406)

The Picking order export contract is extended with "pickingOrderExportCount".Everytime a change is made to an order, it results in a new export of a picking order and the pickingOrderExportCount is +1. What is more, picking order export contract is extended with "deliveryPointName". That means, DeliveryPointName is filled with store name when ExternalId in OrderDeliveryDetails is not null.

Chain Web v. 2.10.307


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 


Area Description
Picking order export

Extend PickingOrderExport job with external store and external order numbers (RTC-40482)

The PickingOrder job contracts :CustomerOrder.Export.PickingCancelled, CustomerOrder.Export.PickingDelivered, CustomerOrder.Export.PickingStarted and CustomerOrder.Export.PickingCompleted was extended with:

  • externalOrderStoreNumber 
  • externalOrderNumber 

and the PickingOrder job contract CustomerOrder.Export.PickingOrder was extended with:

  • externalPickingStoreNumber
  • externalOrderStoreNumber 

Chain Web v. 2.10.306


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 


Area Description
Customer order

Customer order - structured note (RTC-40479)

Structured note value length in CustomerOrder.OrderLineStructuredNote table was extended from 255 to MAX.

Chain Web v. 2.10.305


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 





Manage cashiers in Cloud (RTC-40341)

A new group store type with id:7 and the name CloudPermission has been added to the database. It is assigned to store groups that were created during the import of a user and are related to Receipt journal permissions. A user who has permission to Receipt journal at the team/profile level will be assigned this value at that level, and a new store group with the CloudPermission type will not be created. All store groups containing stores to which the user has access to the Receipt journal created so far have their type changed from configuration to CloudPermission. Store groups that were already created earlier and configuration is their correct type are not changed.  The Journal Access tab in Chain Web contains an option in which the user is informed that permissions are managed in the Cloud.
Prerequisite also mentioned in original story: A role in BackOffice must also have permission responsible for receipt journal.

Chain Web v. 2.10.304


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 





Search for customer orders by external order number (RTC-40201)

Customer orders can be found by searching for the external order number in POS.

Order dispatch

Picking orders must be re-assignable to the store that rejected it (RTC-40005)

It is possible to automatically reassign orders to stores that rejected the picking orders.

Extend tracking number logic for dispatch orders (RTC-39802)

A tracking number in the form of a clickable link was implemented in the dispatch orders UI making it possible to follow the shipment progress. The tracking number value is displayed based on the OrderLineDeliveryTracking data and prioritized as followed:

  • PackageTrackingNumber
  • ShipmentTrackingNumber
  • ExternalShipmentTrackingNumber

Chain Web v. 2.10.303


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 





Manage cashiers in cloud (RTC-26875)

Hashed Pin is imported from the cloud into Backoffice and is saved in a new column in the user data.
The login mechanism for POS and InStore App has been changed to verify the hashed PIN when a cloud cashier logs in.
A cashier created in the cloud with appropriate permissions can log into the POS and open the Receipt journal page in BackOffice. 
Support for the old flow still works and a cashier managed on the server and who does not have a cloud hashed pin can log into the POS correctly.
Receipt journal permissions are imported correctly to the server and the cashier can only see the stores he has access to. 
A new unique store group is then created for the user, which is assigned to him and stores he has access to are stored in it. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.302


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 




Dispatch orders

Exclude dispatching warehouse from stock calculation (RTC-39600)

The "Exclude webshop store from warehouse stock calculation" parameter was added to Dispatch Rule settings. It is set to false by default however it is possible to set its value to TRUE or FALSE in the Dispatch Rules user interface. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.301


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 




Cashier management

Cashier registration (RTC-39129)

When creating a cashier on a user, the Default cashier role is automatically selected.

The cashier username is automatically generated based on the selected store number and cashier number, if the AdditionalLabelForCashierPassword system parameter is set. 

To display a custom text above the password field, the system parameter AdditionalLabelForCashierPassword must be filled with the text to display.


Search for customer orders by external order number (RTC-39224)
When the SearchOrdersByExternalNumber system parameter is set to True, customer orders can be found by searching for the external order number in POS.

When the SearchOrdersByExternalNumber system parameter is set to False, customer orders can be searched for by order number.

Dispatch orders

PAC.CW Doesn't Assign/Reassign to Central Warehouse (RTC-39399)

PAC and PAC.CW are assigned and reassigned correctly to Centrale Warehouse which is fetched from Dispatch Rule -> Stores View -> Centrale Warehouse Column.

Do not send "order sent" e-mail after picking a PAC order (RTC-39338)

Only the Ready for Pickup email is sent after picking up PAC orders in the InStore app.


Possible Memory Leak (RTC-39477)

OrderMessageIntegration does not overuse memory and memory leak is patched. 


Improvement in Create stocktaking (RTC-35464)

To prevent the creation of a new stocktaking getting stuck in the status "Creating", improvements have been made to close the connections to Chain Classic.

Chain Web v. 2.10.300


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 





Deactivated customer is Customer service (RTC-37068)

Customers with status Deactivated in the Customer Service export, are imported to Chain Web and their status is updated in Chain.

Customer order service (RTC-38284)

The GetCustomerOrder3 method from Customer Order service returns the delivery and customer information based on what is saved on the order, rather than on the linked customer. If there is no customer data in the order, then the delivery and customer information from the linked customer is returned.

Dispatch orders

Add receipt PDF to PAC "Ready for pickup" template (RTC-39188)

The receipt PDF is attached to the "Ready for Pickup" email template.

Add logging of completed runs in the PickingOrder export job (RTC-38799)

Completed PickingOrder export job runs log information about what has been exported. When no action is performed the job is completed with "CompleteWithNoEffect" status.

Missing Picking Order Blobs (RTC-38731)

The Picking Order job stored in BackOfficeBatchGenerator exports picking orders to blob storage when a dispatch order is created.

Fetch Central Warehouse store from Dispatch Rules (RTC-38653)

The Central Warehouse store number is fetched from the dispatch rules. 

Do not Include deleted order lines in the PayAndCollectDispatched message (RTC-38251)

Deleted lines do not appear in the ready-for-pickup email message.

Support WeborderFromPhysicalStores in the package delivery view (RTC-37216)

Weborders created in physical stores are shown in the deliver package view in CW and it is possible to deliver them to customers.

Disable sending of OrderHasChanged messages (RTC-37214)

The 'OrderHasChangedEnabled' system parameter was implemented. It allows disabling OrderHasChanged calls when there are changes (as e.g. replace or remove items) performed on the order.

Extend "Deliver package" in Chain Web to support multiple picking orders (RTC-35972)

The "Package delivery" functionality in Chain Web was extended to support delivering (Deliver to Customer) PAC.CW orders with multiple picking orders.

Extend picking order export with price and currency code on line item (RTC-39111)

The total amount to pay for each order line as well as the currency code is part of the picking order JSON.

Show Gift Card as payment method on receipt attachment (RTC-39093)

Klarna and Gift Card payment method is presented on the receipts attached to the Shipping order email template. What is more, the Order Date text is updated with Swedish "Orderdatum".

Allow changing from PAC to PAC.CW delivery method (RTC-39059)

Rejecting PAC orders in InStore App changes automatically the delivery method to PAC.CW and reassigns picking orders to the Central warehouse. As a result, these orders follow the PAC.CW flow.

GenerateMessage job throws exception when sending an order (RTC-39043)

The Generate Message job prepares Receipt message template successfully. Email is delivered/received properly after sending a dispatch order in Chain Web.


EHF invoice (RTC-35695)

The reference texts and reference numbers of each receipt are contained in the EHF invoice.

Order Message Integration

Errors in OrderMessageIntegration - GenerateMessage job (RTC-37721)

GenerateMessage job executes properly with completed status and message of generated and published order confirmation for order number and receipt id.

Receipt journal

Signatures in receipts (RTP-27866)

The Receipts Journal displays the signature on receipts, for users that have access to see it.
To see the signatures, the user role needs to have access to "View receipt signatures".

The signatures' images are cached in the browser.

Stocktaking export

Stocktaking Excel export (RTP-26651)

  • The column names in the stocktaking Excel exports match the displayed data in the stocktaking grid.
  • The "Count group completed" column shows if the count group is completed or not

Adyen Checkout (RTP-26647)

Adyen is available as a payment terminal in POS API. It is possible to pay for an order with an authorized Adyen payment. After the transaction, the payment can be captured by using PaymentService to contact Adyen itself. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.294

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 





Balance improvement (RTC-39885)

To prevent different time zone problems, the BalanceDate datetime now contains 12:00:00, instead of 00:00:00.

Chain Web v. 2.10.293

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 





Customer order service (RTC-38284)

The GetCustomerOrder3 method from Customer Order service returns the delivery and customer information based on what is saved on the order, rather than on the linked customer. If there is no customer data in the order, then the delivery and customer information from the linked customer is returned.

Deactivated customer is Customer service (RTC-37068)

Customers with status Deactivated in the Customer Service export, are imported to Chain Web and their status is updated in Chain.

Dispatch orders

Missing Picking Order Blobs (RTC-38731)

The Picking Order job stored in BackOfficeBatchGenerator exports picking orders to blob storage when a dispatch order is created.

Fetch Central Warehouse store from Dispatch Rules (RTC-38653)

The Central Warehouse store number is fetched from the dispatch rules. 

Support WeborderFromPhysicalStores in the package delivery view (RTC-37216)

Weborders created in physical stores are shown in the deliver package view in CW and it is possible to deliver them to customers.

Extend "Deliver package" in Chain Web to support multiple picking orders (RTC-35972)

The "Package delivery" functionality in Chain Web was extended to support delivering (Deliver to Customer) PAC.CW orders with multiple picking orders.

Order Message Integration

Errors in OrderMessageIntegration - GenerateMessage job (RTC-37721)

GenerateMessage job executes properly with completed status and message of generated and published order confirmation for order number and receipt id.


Adyen Checkout (RTP-26647)

Adyen is available as a payment terminal in POS API. It is possible to pay for an order with an authorized Adyen payment. After the transaction, the payment can be captured by using PaymentService to contact Adyen itself. 

Stocktaking export

Stocktaking Excel export (RTP-26651)

  • The column names in the stocktaking Excel exports match the displayed data in the stocktaking grid.
  • The "Count group completed" column shows if the count group is completed or not.

Chain Web v. 2.10.292

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 




Credit invoice

Credit invoice export (RTC-36580)

The credit invoices are exported for the date they were created on, regardless of time.


Default credit limit (RTC-36203)

The default credit limit for credit customers is defined in the system parameter DefaultCustomerCreditLimit. If the value in the parameter is set to 0 (zero), the credit limit will default to 50,000. The highest possible value is 9999999,99.

Dispatch orders

Do not set picking store twice (RTC-36460)

BackOffice does not update the picking store through POSAPI multiple times in a single automatic reassign from the dummy store.

Support Excluding Order Placed Stores From Dispatching (RTC-36705)

The 'OrderStoreNumbersExcludedFromDispatch' system parameter allows for excluding stores from dispatching meaning no orders will be placed at the excluded store.

Block Automatic Reassign for Orders with Delivery Method PAC.CW (RTC-35975)

The automatic reassign does not take into account orders with delivery method PAC.CW.

Support PAC.CW order method in order details view (RTC-35974)

Dispatch details view supports new delivery method PAC.CW - manual edition of this method is disabled and only applicable actions are available.

Extend Communication Logic for PAC.CW Dispatch Order Type (RTC-35973)

When using delivery method PAC.CW only Order confirmation, Receipt and Order delivered is communicated to the recipient. 

Disable sending of OrderHasChanged messages (RTC-37214)

The 'OrderHasChangedEnabled' system parameter was implemented. It allows disabling OrderHasChanged calls when there are changes (as e.g. replace or remove items) performed on the order.

Create Picking Orders for PAC.CW (RTC-35969)

Creating picking orders for delivery method PAC.CW was enabled:

  • Picking orders are created for the picking stores only, when the entire order can be picked at the picking stores.
  • Multiple picking orders are created when some items are available at the picking stores and some have to be sent to the picking store from Central Wearhouse
  • Empty picking orders are created for the picking stores when none of the items in the orders are available to be picked at the picking stores. 

Stock list (RTC-37811)

All rows from the stocktaking results grid are exported to Excel.


Timeout during export of the stock list to PDF (RTC-37208)

The timeout limit is set to 30 minutes, so that larger files can be generated before a timeout occurs.

Count list with apostrophe (RTC-36351)

Count lists with apostrophe in the count list name can be deleted.

Chain Web v. 2.10.2891


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 

Improved handling of PLU List config for POS


Configuration of PLU Lists for POS has been changed in Chain Web to prevent XML parsing issues and 'System.OutOfMemoryException' in POS. Chain Web will no longer add redundant 'FunctionSet' nodes in the PLU Lists XML definitions when editing the lists or adding new pages to the list. 

In addition, a new function button called 'Repair PLU' has been added to the PLU List visual editor in Chain Web to repair PLU List definitions where redundant XML nodes has been created. This reduces the size of the PLU list definition significantly making it much easier for POS to process the PLU Lists without the risk of throwing a 'System.OutOfMemoryException'.

Chain Web v. 2.10.289

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 




Dispatch orders

Exclude dispatching warehouse from stock calculation (RTC-39600)

The "Exclude webshop store from warehouse stock calculation" parameter was added to Dispatch Rule settings. It is set to false by default however it is possible to set its value to TRUE or FALSE in the Dispatch Rules user interface. 


Possible Memory Leak (RTC-39477)

OrderMessageIntegration does not overuse memory and memory leak is patched. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.288

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 




Dispatch orders

PAC.CW Doesn't Assign/Reassign to Central Warehouse (RTC-39399)

PAC and PAC.CW are assigned and reassigned correctly to Centrale Warehouse which is fetched from Dispatch Rule -> Stores View -> Centrale Warehouse Column.

Do not send "order sent" e-mail after picking a PAC order (RTC-39338)

Only the Ready for Pickup email is sent after picking up PAC orders in the InStore App.

Chain Web v. 2.10.287


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 




Dispatch orders

Add receipt PDF to PAC "Ready for pickup" template (RTC-39188)

The receipt PDF is attached to the "Ready for Pickup" email template.

Chain Web v. 2.10.286

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 




Dispatch orders

Extend picking order export with price and currency code on line item (RTC-39111)

The total amount to pay for each order line as well as the currency code is part of the picking order JSON.

Show Gift Card as payment method on receipt attachment (RTC-39093)

Klarna and Gift Card payment method is presented on the receipts attached to the Shipping order email template. What is more, the Order Date text is updated with Swedish "Orderdatum".

Allow changing from PAC to PAC.CW delivery method (RTC-39059)

Rejecting PAC orders in InStore App changes automatically the delivery method to PAC.CW and reassigns picking orders to the Central warehouse. As a result, these orders follow the PAC.CW flow.

GenerateMessage job throws exception when sending an order (RTC-39043)

The Generate Message job prepares Receipt message template successfully. Email is delivered/received properly after sending a dispatch order in Chain Web.

Order Message Integration

Errors in OrderMessageIntegration - GenerateMessage job (RTC-37721)

GenerateMessage job executes properly with completed status and message of generated and published order confirmation for order number and receipt id.

Chain Web v. 2.10.285

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left. 




Dispatch orders

Missing Picking Order Blobs (RTC-38731)

The Picking Order job stored in BackOfficeBatchGenerator exports picking orders to blob storage when a dispatch order is created.

Do not Include deleted order lines in the PayAndCollectDispatched message (RTC-38251)

Deleted lines do not appear in the ready-for-pickup email message.

Support WeborderFromPhysicalStores in the package delivery view (RTC-37216)

Weborders created in physical stores are shown in the deliver package view in CW and it is possible to deliver them to customers.

Add logging of completed runs in the PickingOrder export job (RTC-38799)

Completed PickingOrder export job runs log information about what has been exported. When no action is performed the job is completed with "CompleteWithNoEffect" status.

Fetch Central Warehouse store from Dispatch Rules (RTC-38653)

The Central Warehouse store number is fetched from the dispatch rules. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.284

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Customer order service (RTC-38284)

The GetCustomerOrder3 method from Customer Order service returns the delivery and customer information based on what is saved on the order, rather than on the linked customer. If there is no customer data in the order, then the delivery and customer information from the linked customer is returned.

Deactivated customer is Customer service (RTC-37068)

Customers with status Deactivated in the Customer Service export, are imported to Chain Web and their status is updated in Chain.

Dispatch orders

Disable sending of OrderHasChanged messages (RTC-37214)

The 'OrderHasChangedEnabled' system parameter was implemented. It allows disabling OrderHasChanged calls when there are changes (as e.g. replace or remove items) performed on the order.

Extend Communication Logic for PAC.CW Dispatch Order Type (RTC-35973)

When using delivery method PAC.CW only Order confirmation, Receipt and Order delivered is communicated to the recipient. 

Extend "Deliver package" in Chain Web to support multiple picking orders (RTC-35972)

The "Package delivery" functionality in CW was extended to support delivering (Deliver to Customer) PAC.CW orders with multiple picking orders.

Create Picking Orders for PAC.CW (RTC-35969)

Creating picking orders for delivery method PAC.CW was enabled:

  • Picking orders are created for the picking stores only, when the entire order can be picked at the picking stores.
  • Multiple picking orders are created when some items are available at the picking stores and some have to be sent to the picking store from Central Wearhouse
  • Empty picking orders are created for the picking stores when none of the items in the orders are available to be picked at the picking stores. 

Recipient's data (RTP-27150)

When creating a Web Order/Reserve & Collect Order in POS, the recipients name is shown correctly in receipts with customer information, picking lists, order confirmations, Dispatch Order screen in Chain Web, and in orders in POS. Information such as customer name, address, phone Number, and e-mail corresponds to the recipient's data.


Chain Web v. 2.10.284 or higher!

Fix for InvalidNumberFormat error (RTP-27421)

InvalidNumberFormat error message is no longer entered when Customer Orders are created or during registration of picked Reserve & Collect orders.


Chain Web v. 2.10.284

Chain Web v. 2.10.283

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Default credit limit (RTC-36203)

The default credit limit for credit customers is defined in the system parameter DefaultCustomerCreditLimit. If the value in the parameter is set to 0 (zero), the credit limit will default to 50,000. The highest possible value is 9999999,99.

Chain Web v. 2.10.282 

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Dispatch orders

Do not set picking store twice (RTC-36460)

BackOffice does not update the picking store through POSAPI multiple times in a single automatic reassign from the dummy store.

Block Automatic Reassign for Orders with Delivery Method PAC.CW (RTC-35975)

The automatic reassign does not take into account orders with delivery method PAC.CW.

Support PAC.CW order method in order details view (RTC-35974)

Dispatch details view supports new delivery method PAC.CW - manual edition of this method is disabled and only applicable actions are available.

Support Excluding Order Placed Stores From Dispatching (RTC-36705)

The 'OrderStoreNumbersExcludedFromDispatch' system parameter allows for excluding stores from dispatching meaning no orders will be placed at the excluded store.

POS Configuration

Configuration for which services and integrations to be shown in System info (

The services and integrations to be shown in Services/Integration in POS can be controlled by using 'ServicesToShowInSystemPanel' POS Configuration parameter. By default, this parameter is empty and there will be no services/integrations shown.


POS Master v.


Count list with apostrophe (RTC-36351)

Count lists with apostrophe in the count list name can be deleted.

Chain Web v. 2.10.280 

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Dispatch orders

Refund Lines in Dispatch Order Details View (RTC-36193)

Refund lines are visible in the picking order lines grid in dispatch order details.

Edit discount for Dispatch Orders refund (RTC-36184)

Dispatch orders paid using Klarna can be refunded partially or fully using these discounts:

  •  % discount,
  • Amount 
  • New Price

Refund Component in Dispatch Orders (RTC-36183)

Dispatch Orders paid using Klarna can be partially or fully refunded. The new 'Refund' button that allows for the refund is displayed in the dispatch order details view and visible only when the payment type is Klarna.

Extend CustomerOrder.Export.PickingOrder for Dispatch Orders (RTC-35764)

The CustomerOrder.Export.PickingOrder blob exported to 3rd part was extended and contains both item number and item text.

Dispatch order email templates with multiple language support (RTC-35614)

Email content, subject and filenames are translated based on the origin of the order. Order origin is fetched from the address of the store where the order was placed. 

Recipient Name, Email and Mobile Available in Order View (RTC-34677)

Recipient, email and mobile from order delivery details are added to the order dispatch grid. The new fields are searchable / filterable, and hidden as default. 

Picking Order is Exported Twice on dispatch Order Creation (RTC-33753)

One picking order is exported when a dispatch order is created.

POS Configuration

ReconcileConfiguration parameter (RTP-25654)

"ReconcileConfiguration" parameter is added in POS Configuration, wherein a list of items (EANs) can be added (separated by comma) and also the line sales they correspond to.

Chain Web v. 2.10.274


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Improvement in Create stocktaking (RTC-40086)

To prevent the creation of a new stocktaking getting stuck in the status "Creating", improvements have been made to close the connections to Chain Classic.

Chain Web v. 2.10.273

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Order dispatch

Dispatch order email templates with multiple language support (RTC-35614)

Email content, subject and filenames are translated based on the origin of the order. Order origin is fetched from the address of the store where the order was placed. 


Stock list (RTC-37811)

All rows from the stocktaking results grid are exported to Excel.


Timeout during export of the stock list to PDF (RTC-37208)

The timeout limit is set to 30 minutes, so that larger files can be generated before a timeout occurs.

Chain Web v. 2.10.272

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Dispatch Orders

Refund Lines in Dispatch Order Details View (RTC-36193)

Refund lines are visible in the picking order lines grid in dispatch order details.

Edit discount for Dispatch Orders refund (RTC-36184)

Dispatch orders paid using Klarna can be refunded partially or fully using these discounts:

  •  % discount,
  • Amount 
  • New Price

Refund Component in Dispatch Orders (RTC-36183)

Dispatch Orders paid using Klarna can be partially or fully refunded. The new 'Refund' button that allows for the refund is displayed in the dispatch order details view and visible only when the payment type is Klarna.

Picking Order is Exported Twice on dispatch Order Creation (RTC-33753)

One picking order is exported when a dispatch order is created.

Chain Web v. 2.10.271

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Order dispatch

Extend CustomerOrder.Export.PickingOrder for Dispatch Orders (RTC-35764)

The CustomerOrder.Export.PickingOrder blob exported to 3rd part was extended and contains both item number and item text.

Recipient Name, Email and Mobile Available in Order View (RTC-34677)

Recipient, email and mobile from order delivery details are added to the order dispatch grid. The new fields are searchable / filterable, and hidden as default. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.270

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





New balance wizard improvements (RTC-34593)

  • After registering a balance and turning back, the cash register can no longer be changed in both the old and new balance registration wizard.
  • The balance registration for all cashiers message is not longer shown on entering the new balance registration wizard.

Customer Service Integration (RTC-34286)

Import of business customers from CustomerService contains optional field called "name".

Customer groups

Import localization (RTC-34430)

The Norwegian translation of instruction text in Import Excel modal properly lists required columns.

Customer order

Fix: "Create" button in New Customer order window (RTC-33532)

"Create" button is available, when customer or customer and project are selected


Fix: EHF invoices (RTC-35288)

The PayableRoundingAmount is properly calculated when store has disabled rounding option.

Consolidate EHF invoices (RTC-31388)

User is able to set on true for "consolidated invoice" and "electronic invoicing" flags at the same time in the "invoicing" tab in customer's details and it is now possible to create consolidated EHF invoices.

Invoices for receipts for the same customer but from different projects are consolidated in project scope - one consolidated invoice for each project.

Order dispatch

Extend Dispatch Order Details View With Gift Card and Payment Info (RTC-35070)

The Dispatch Order details view has been extended with the Customer Order and Payment tabs. It is possible to see the payment transactions when an order is paid with a gift card. What is more, the Payment grid contains link to Gift card data.

Extend Picking Order JSON With Order Placement Store (RTC-34847)

The Customer Order contract for the Picking Order is extended with info about which store the order was placed in and which store the order should be picked in.  

Change order delivery methods (RTC-34676)

A new section called delivery method has been added to the dispatch order details view. It shows which delivery method the order has been placed with, and if the status of the order is "New" its possible to change delivery method by clicking on the "Edit" button. It is not possible to change to or from delivery method Pay&Collect(Code = PAC).

Show What Store has Placed the Order (RTC-34671)

The "Placed at store" field informing what store (Number and Store Name) the order was originally placed in is visible in the order dispatch details view in the "Order information" section.

Hide "send order" button when UseDispatchServiceForShipments = True (RTC-32835)

When the system parameter UseDispatchServiceForShipments = True, the "send order" button is hidden.

POS Configuration

Improved performance when activating configuration changes for POS (RTC-30703

Changes were done in [Chain].[udf_StoreGroupConfigurationSet] function to improve performance when activating configuration changes in POS.


Performance improvements (RTC-34269)

To avoid report timing out, improvements in the queries for two reports have been made:

  • Customer frequency - 0801_CustomerFrequence
  • Sales per assortment - 0803_SalesPerAssortment

Count list grid view (RTC-35052)

The view is not blocked anymore, the grid is loaded only one time per request/each change.

Chain Web v. 2.10.262

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Area Description
Customer groups

Import localization (RTC-34430)

The Norwegian translation of instruction text in Import Excel modal properly lists required columns.

Customer order

Fix: "Create" button in New Customer order window (RTC-33532)

"Create" button is available, when customer or customer and project are selected

POS Configuration

Improved performance when activating configuration changes for POS (RTC-30703

Changes were done in [Chain].[udf_StoreGroupConfigurationSet] function to improve performance when activating configuration changes in POS.


Performance improvements (RTC-34269)

To avoid report timing out, improvements in the queries for two reports have been made:

  • Customer frequency - 0801_CustomerFrequence
  • Sales per assortment - 0803_SalesPerAssortment

Count list grid view (RTC-35052)

The view is not blocked anymore, the grid is loaded only one time per request/ each change.

Chain Web v. 2.10.261

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Area Description

Customer Service Integration (RTC-32580)

Empty lists of "Contacts" and "Adresses" (except for "General Address") are supported during importing customers from CustomerService. 

Customer order

Shipping details (RTC-20057)

Shipping details are available in Order lines tab in customer order details view.
New column "Package no", that is hidden by default, displays Package Tracking Number.
In order line details view are available shipping details like:

  • Package Tracking Number,
  • Shipment Tracking Number,
  • Shipment Provider.

If for Shipment Provider is set up TrackingUrl in CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod system parameter, then the link to the tracking package is available in Shipping Details under "Trace order" label.
Package number in "Package no" column is also available as link when this condition is met.

Fix: Duplicated order lines (RTC-31068)

There is a button in customer order details view called "Regenerate". After clicking, order should be re-fetched (from POSWCF, based on latest related receipt state) and duplicated order lines should be removed. No data will be lost (incl. discounts, online returns) - It will not work for payed and delivered lines,  as it is mainly implemented for active orders. This functionality is available for admin users and the users with new role "Regenerate order" assigned.

Fix: Filter with customer number fails when returning from an order (RTC-31569)

Filtering is working correctly and error does not occur anymore.

Dispatch Orders

DispatchOrderReassign job fails when trying to trigger export of modified picking order (RTC-32233)

DispatchOrderReassign doesn't fail when trying to reassign any dispatch order.

Automatic reassign doesn't delete order lines (RTC-32308)

For selected option 'Allow delete of rejected orders/order lines' rejected orders will be cancelled and deleted if it will not be possible to reassign order from dummy store.

Introduce Log Level for Dispatch Orders (RTC-32437)

It is possible to set log levels for DispatchOrders in Chain Web (BackOffice Services).
The logs contain requests and responses from DispatchService.

Creating new dispatch rule with defined name (RTC-32853)

User receives the right communicate if all required fields will not be filled (all confirmation messages and Central warehouse). Before adding Central warehouse and saving it, it is impossible to edit stores - edit button will be unavailable.

Before adding Central warehouse and saving:

After adding Central warehouse and saving:

Communicate for user if all required fields will not be filled:

Refreshing Screen After Back to Previous Page (RTC-32895)

The Dispatch Orders main grid is active and not faded after returning from the dispatch order details view with an opened pop-up. 

Holidays are not excluded from the delivery time limit (RTC-33632)

Delivery time calculation excludes holidays to ensure that the time limit of picking orders are calculated correctly. 

Dispatch Rules

Content-security-Policy Errors (RTC-22193)

Errors related to Content-Security-Policy are not thrown when entering Dispatch Rule in the Dispatch Rules view. 


Resend EHF (RTC-33534)

Timeouts doesn't occur anymore on "Resend EHF" view.

Import of cashiers to Chain Web

LindbakRetailIntegration (SSIS packages) (RTC-33091)

The email related/ processed column 'AD_username' was renamed to 'Email' in CashierStaging package.

POS Configuration

PLU Board setup (RTP-18732)

Maximum size for image upload in PLU Board setup in POS Configuration is 100kb now.

Export functionality for PLU Boards (RTC-30610)

It is now possible to export PLU Board details to a .csv file.

Hidden parameter value in POS Configuration (RTP-23137)

'CoopayBackupSeed' parameter's value is hidden in POS Configuration view.

Product series

Improvements after acceptance tests of product series are implemented (RTP-23303)

  1. Configuration is changed so the following arguments in ButtonConfig can be configured: Type: Product Series or Model, Number.
  2. Nothing happens after clicking the button on an item without model or product series.
  3. Default value is changed to "All" instead of "In stock" after clicking the button on an item with some product series.
  4. While switching back to "In stock" view if there are no items in selected product series in stock, the item details from "All"-view is no longer shown.
Reporting reports

Sales report with excluded item groups (RTC-30576)

Improved selection in reports containing excluded groups. This to make sure report will not fail when selection does not include excluded groups.

Chain Web v. 2.10.255


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Area Description

Improvement in Create stocktaking (RTC-40086)

To prevent the creation of a new stocktaking getting stuck in the status "Creating", improvements have been made to close the connections to Chain Classic.

Chain Web v. 2.10.254

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Area Description
Dispatch orders

Picking Order is Exported Twice on dispatch Order Creation (RTC-33753)

One picking order is exported when a dispatch order is created.

Chain Web v. 2.10.253

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Area Description

Count list grid view (RTC-35052)

The view is not blocked anymore, the grid is loaded only one time per request/ each change.

Chain Web v. 2.10.251

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Mix match sales


A new report has been created to follow up on mixmatch sales and make better decisions about new campaigns. The report shows key data for mixmatch sales.

Report details Mix coupons

File name


Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting Cube (OLAP)



Date from Default today.
Date toDefault today.
ProfileDefault all.
TeamDefault all.
StoreDefault all.
MixDefault all.
Output: Report shows extended mixmatch sales statistics. For one page per store there is a list grouped by mix. Report has a total summary at the end of table.
MixMix number and mix name



Item name

Item name



Item area

Item area

Item group

Item group

% of total sales

Percentage of total turnover excluding VAT.

Items sold 

Number of items sold in mix.

% items sold 

Percentage of item sold in mix.

Discount ex. VAT

Discount ex. VAT

Receipts with mix

Receipt with mix

Share mix receipts 

Share of mix receipts

Amount in mix receipts ex. VAT

Amount in mix receipts excluding VAT.

Avg. sales customer

Average sales customer.

Gr. prof. % mix

Gross profit percentage mix

Gr. prof. % total

Gross profit percentage total

Gross profit

Gross profit

Clarifications: Report has a star explanation for a few columns. It means that summary values for particular mix are calculated including all transactions in store. As an example '% Items sold' is calculating by taking quantity and dividing it by whole store quantity. For whole mix it will be store quantity of all items in store. For particular article in that mix '% Items sold', quantity of that product in mix will be divided by all articles in that mix. Summary for mix (grey grouped row) takes whole statistics about store, even if it is not mix.

Complete documentation about report can be found in Confluence: List of reports - EG Retail Chain - Confluence EG A/S.

Import of customers from EG Cloud


When 3rd party is master of customers, the import of customers should go through CustomerService in EG Cloud.

Chain Web can be configured to fetching data from CustomerService. This import package will update and make customer data available in Chain Web with further export to POS. This extension of the integration applies to private customers. Previously we have released support for business customers.


Area Description

Display of selected invoice method in customer's view (RTC-30248)

After changing setup of invoicing in customer's details by selecting electronic invoicing, consolidated invoice column in customers view is now updated correctly.

Customer Service Integration (RTC-32580)

Empty lists of "Contacts" and "Adresses" (except for "General Address") are supported during importing customers from CustomerService

Customer order

Refund/ Return - fix for Not Paid status in dashboard (RTC-31261)

The issue was only related to displaying Not Paid for completed orders on dashboard for the Orders where prices from order lines sum up to sum value with more than 2 decimals after comma. E.g. Total on order was 211,00 while lines sum up to 211,0002.

Dispatch order

Support OrderSourceID 'Store' for Dispatch Orders Grid (RTC-31650)

All dispatch orders are visible in the dispatch orders grid, including both orders from the web shop and physical stores.

Extend POSLog processing with shipment details (RTC-22515)

It is possible to create an order with defined shipment details.

Automatic reassign doesn't delete order lines (RTC-32308)

For selected option 'Allow delete of rejected orders/order lines' rejected orders will be cancelled and deleted if it will not be possible to reassign order from dummy store. 

DispatchOrderReassign job fails when trying to trigger export of modified picking order (RTC-32233)

DispatchOrderReassign doesn't fail when trying to reassign any dispatch order.

POS Configuration

Client side error for store names with apostrophe (') (RTP-23002)

Choosing stores with names that contain apostrophe (') in POS Configuration no longer causes a client side error to appear.

"Fetch last X receipts for receipt copy" in Convenience sales (RTP-22040)

It is now possible to configure a button with function "Fetch last X receipts for receipt copy" in Convenience sales.

Receipt Journal

Searching or filtering by scanning barcode (RTP-22179)

Searching or filtering receipts in receipt journal in POS can now be done by scanning an item's barcode.

Reporting integration

Customer data (RTC-32071)

The import of customer data from Retail database has been extended with Organization Number. The view pub.vDimCustomer is also extended with this information.

Reporting reports

Settlement reports (RTC-31644)

Two new version of settlement reports for operator and workstation. Both reports are based on existing versions of reports. 


Name: Store settlement

Report allows to follow up store settlement per cashier. The first page show statistics for all selected cashiers (if all cashiers are selected, the values equal to the totals for given store). The individual cashiers are shown on the following pages. Report is divided into following sub-reports: settlement, statistics, sales per hour, tender type, discounts and item sales.


  • Date from: Default today
  • Date to: Default today
  • Store: Multivalue; default all
  • Operator: Multivalue; default all (filtered by selected stores)
  • Price channel: Multivalue; default all.


Name: Store settlement

Report allows to follow up store settlement. The first page show statistics for all selected cash registers (if all cash registers are selected, the values equal to the totals for given store). The individual cash registers are shown on the following pages. Report is divided into following sub-reports: settlement, statistics, sales per hour, tender type, discounts and item sales.


  • Date from: Default today
  • Date to: Default today
  • Store: Multivalue; default all
  • Workstation: Multivalue; default all (filtered by store)

Item synchronization error handling (RTL-5829)

Processing of item update events with use cache type "memory" is improved, the job should not throw errors/ should not be locked, when adding to cache record with already existing key.

Simple search in count groups view (RTC-30733)

Pasting number/name of the item to simple search field in count groups edit view works correctly after fixes.


Set system parameters back to blank (RTC-29801)

User is able to set system parameters to blank value.

Chain Web v. 2.10.2492


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Improvement in Stocktaking (RTC-40086)

To prevent the creation of a new stocktaking getting stuck in the status "Creating", improvements have been made to close the connections to Chain Classic.

Chain Web v. 2.10.248

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Fix: EHF invoices (RTC-35288)

The PayableRoundingAmount is properly calculated when store has disabled rounding option.


Count list grid view (RTC-35052)

The view is not blocked anymore, the grid is loaded only one time per request/ each change.

Chain Web v. 2.10.247

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Dispatch Orders

Holidays are not excluded from the delivery time limit (RTC-33632)

Delivery time calculation excludes holidays to ensure that the time limit of picking orders are calculated correctly. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.246

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Order dispatch

Introduce Log Level for Dispatch Orders (RTC-32437)

It is possible to set log levels for DispatchOrders in Chain Web (BackOffice Services).
The logs contain requests and responses from DispatchService.

Chain Web v. 2.10.244

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Dispatch Orders

Automatic reassign doesn't delete order lines (RTC-32308)

For selected option 'Allow delete of rejected orders/order lines' rejected orders will be cancelled and deleted if it will not be possible to reassign order from dummy store. 

DispatchOrderReassign job fails when trying to trigger export of modified picking order (RTC-32233)

DispatchOrderReassign doesn't fail when trying to reassign any dispatch order.

Chain Web v. 2.10.243

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Mix match sales


A new report has been created to follow up on mixmatch sales and make better decisions about new campaigns. The report shows key data for mixmatch sales.

Report details Mix coupons

File name


Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting Cube (OLAP)



Date from Default today.
Date toDefault today.
ProfileDefault all.
TeamDefault all.
StoreDefault all.
MixDefault all.
Output: Report shows extended mixmatch sales statistics. For one page per store there is a list grouped by mix. Report has a total summary at the end of table.
MixMix number and mix name


Item name


Item area

Item group

% of total sales

Percentage of total turnover excluding VAT.

Items sold 

Number of items sold in mix.

% items sold 

Percentage of item sold in mix.

Discount ex. VAT


Receipts with mix


Share mix receipts 

Share of mix receipts

Amount in mix receipts ex. VAT

Amount in mix receipts excluding VAT.

Avg. sales customer

Average sales customer.

Gr. prof. % mix

Gross profit percentage mix

Gr. prof. % total

Gross profit percentage total

Gross profit

Clarifications: Report has a star explanation for a few columns. It means that summary values for particular mix are calculated including all transactions in store. As an example '% Items sold' is calculating by taking quantity and dividing it by whole store quantity. For whole mix it will be store quantity of all items in store. For particular article in that mix '% Items sold', quantity of that product in mix will be divided by all articles in that mix. Summary for mix (grey grouped row) takes whole statistics about store, even if it is not mix.

Complete documentation about report can be found in Confluence: List of reports - EG Retail Chain - Confluence EG A/S.


Area Description
POS Configuration

Client side error for store names with apostrophe (') (RTP-23002)

Choosing stores with names that contain apostrophe (') in POS Configuration no longer causes a client side error to appear.

"Fetch last X receipts for receipt copy" in Convenience sales (RTP-22040)

It is now possible to configure a button with function "Fetch last X receipts for receipt copy" in Convenience sales.

Reporting integration

Customer data (RTC-32071)

The import of customer data from Retail database has been extended with Organization Number. The view pub.vDimCustomer is also extended with this information.


Item synchronization error handling (RTL-5829)

Processing of item update events with use cache type "memory" is improved, the job should not throw errors/ should not be locked, when adding to cache record with already existing key.


Set system parameters back to blank (RTC-29801)

User is able to set system parameters to blank value.

Chain Web v. 2.10.242

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Import of customers from EG Cloud


When 3rd party is master of customers, the import of customers should go through CustomerService in EG Cloud.

Chain Web can be configured to fetching data from CustomerService. This import package will update and make customer data available in Chain Web with further export to POS. This extension of the integration applies to private customers. Previously we have released support for business customers.



Display of selected invoice method in customer's view (RTC-30248)

After changing setup of invoicing in customer's details by selecting electronic invoicing, consolidated invoice column in customers view is now updated correctly.

Customer order

Refund/Return process (RTP-22025)

The order should not be blocked for further refunds/ returns, if the process will fail on e.g. timeout, or payment. The returned/ refunded lines will be removed from order, or set as deleted and the started transaction will be cancelled - removed.

Refund/ Return - fix for Not Paid status in dashboard (RTC-31261)

The issue was only related to displaying Not Paid for completed orders on dashboard for the Orders where prices from order lines sum up to sum value with more than 2 decimals after comma. E.g. Total on order was 211,00 while lines sum up to 211,0002.

Dispatch order

Extend POSLog processing with shipment details (RTC-22515)

It is possible to create an order with defined shipment details.

Support OrderSourceID 'Store' for Dispatch Orders Grid (RTC-31650)

All dispatch orders are visible in the dispatch orders grid, including both orders from the web shop and physical stores.

Reporting reports

Settlement reports (RTC-31644)

Two new version of settlement reports for operator and workstation. Both reports are based on existing versions of reports. 


Name: Store settlement

Report allows to follow up store settlement per cashier. The first page show statistics for all selected cashiers (if all cashiers are selected, the values equal to the totals for given store). The individual cashiers are shown on the following pages. Report is divided into following sub-reports: settlement, statistics, sales per hour, tender type, discounts and item sales.


  • Date from: Default today
  • Date to: Default today
  • Store: Multivalue; default all
  • Operator: Multivalue; default all (filtered by selected stores)
  • Price channel: Multivalue; default all.


Name: Store settlement

Report allows to follow up store settlement. The first page show statistics for all selected cash registers (if all cash registers are selected, the values equal to the totals for given store). The individual cash registers are shown on the following pages. Report is divided into following sub-reports: settlement, statistics, sales per hour, tender type, discounts and item sales.


  • Date from: Default today
  • Date to: Default today
  • Store: Multivalue; default all
  • Workstation: Multivalue; default all (filtered by store)

Simple search in count groups view (RTC-30733)

Pasting number/name of the item to simple search field in count groups edit view works correctly after fixes.

Chain Web v. 2.10.241

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Food saver


To help stores sell weight items with reduced quality, these can be discounted by selling them via Food saver bags with printed barcodes triggering the desired discount.

1. Customer picks one specific type of weight item and puts it in the Food saver bag.

2. Bag contains a barcode which has a filter to open specific PLU List top menus, discount in percentage and reason code.

3. Customer / cashier scans barcode and get a reminder to put the bag on the scale. After confirmation PLU list top menus from filter is shown. Customer picks the correct item which is then added to receipt with a discount and reason code.

No parameters needed in POS but solution only works with Self service PLU lists (in cashier or self-service mode).



Barcode formatting example:


First four digits is prefix telling POS that this is Food saver.

Next 13 digits is filter set up in Chain Web. The same number must be configured on the desired PLU list top menus.

Next two digits is discount in percentage.

Last two digits is reason code.

To set filter in Chain Web, edit top menu on PLU list.

You can have same filter on multiple PLU lists, but one PLU list can only have one filter.

When searching for items it only searches inside PLU lists from filter.

New report for Store Settlement


New report based on 0016: Store settlement. This report has option to multi select stores. The report allows to follow up store settlement: on first page settlement for all selected workstations and settlement per each workstation on following pages. Report is divided in 15 sub-reports.


  • Date from: Default today.
  • Date to: Default today.
  • Store: Single value; default first available from the list.
  • Workstation: Multi value; default all.

Use bonus checks from BonusService


POS can check EG Cloud BonusService for available bonus checks when adding a member to a receipt. If available, bonus will be possible to use it as a tender or subtotal discount.

When doing online return redeemed bonus checks will be refunded.


Requires minimum Chain Web version 2.10.228!

POS Configuration

BonusServiceUrl - Url to BonusService.

CloudBonusWithdrawType - If bonus checks should be added as subtotal discount or tender. Default SubtotalDiscount.

Required existing parameters:

VoyadoGatewayServiceUrl - Must be blank.

CloudAccessServiceUrl - Must be set.

Improvements in PLU Board in POS Configuration


Improvements for PLU Board have been implemented:

  • In PLU Button Properties:
    • The default button template is now “TextWithImageAtTop”.
    • "Title" field is renamed to "Text". This field is able to show 50 characters.
    •  "Description" field and label are removed.
    • In button preview, if image is added to the button, it is now located on top of text and scaled properly.


  • In PLU board preview, the board size now looks similar to how it would look like in POS.




Anonymization of customers (RTP-20782)

Social security number is removed when doing anonymization of customer.

Customer groups

Item groups (RTP-21923)

Problem with alphanumeric item group searching and adding discounts for alphanumeric item group.  Searching for all item group and adding discounts for all item groups is now working correctly.

Customer order

Refund/Return process (RTP-19382)

The order should not be blocked for further refunds/ returns, if the process will fail on e.g. timeout, or payment. The returned/ refunded lines will be removed from order, or set as deleted and the started transaction will be cancelled - removed.


Refund/Return process (RTP-18663)

The order should not be blocked for further refunds/ returns, if the process will fail on e.g. timeout, or payment. The returned/ refunded lines will be removed from order, or set as deleted and the started transaction will be cancelled - removed.

Dispatch order

Picking orders export job (RTC-29897)

  • PickingOrder job in BackOfficeBatchGenerator package exports PickingOrder blob's containing one or more picking order id's.
  • The job only exports picking orders assigned to store numbers configured in the system parameter PickingOrderExport.

Picking orders export configuration (RTC-28986)

System parameter PickingOrderExport allows to configure stores, for which picking orders will be exported using batch integration. By defauly no stores are exported. Modify JSON to add new stores.

Example of filled JSON:

{ "storeNumbers": [ 222, 333, 444 ] }

OrderMessage: support multiple tenants (RTC-30262)

It is possible to choose template style for emails.

POS Configuration

Editing rights on POS configuration parameters (RTC-30037)

Users with 1-level/restricted access can no longer edit POS configuration parameters in Chain Web on common or "s-lag" level.

Comments on POS Configuration parameters (RTC-26752)

Adding comments on parameters in Chain web works correctly now: the POS Configuration page is refreshed correctly and the "Activate" button on configuration set does not appear.

Support tandem items in convenience mode (RTP-20795)

In POS Configuration PLU Button properties, when the "Sell article with EAN" function is selected, EAN of the item to be sold can be entered and this will be available for selling in POS convenience mode.

Receipt Journal

Configurable name of "External Loyalty Number" (RTC-29525)

After adding new system parameter "ExternalLoyaltyNumberFilterOptions" it is now possible to configure name of the "External Member Number" field in sales filters in Receipts Journal.

Reporting integration

Store Info (RTC-30351)

To improve report information, GlobalLocalizationNumber was added to our store information. GLN is imported from both POS Master and Store Service and updated in Reporting DW / OLAP and Azure DW.


Segmentation on favorite item (RTL-4355)

It is possible to create segmentation on brand, department, item, and item group based on a Favorited item for the Web Activities category.

Chain Web v. 2.10.232

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Customer order

Refund/Return process (RTP-22025)

The order should not be blocked for further refunds/ returns, if the process will fail on e.g. timeout, or payment. The returned/ refunded lines will be removed from order, or set as deleted and the started transaction will be cancelled - removed.

Refund/ Return - fix for Not Paid status in dashboard (RTC-31261)

The issue was only related to displaying Not Paid for completed orders on dashboard for the Orders where prices from order lines sum up to sum value with more than 2 decimals after comma. E.g. Total on order was 211,00 while lines sum up to 211,0002.

Chain Web v. 2.10.231

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Improvements in PLU Board in POS Configuration


Improvements for PLU Board have been implemented:

  • In PLU Button Properties:
    • The default button template is now “TextWithImageAtTop”.
    • "Title" field is renamed to "Text". This field is able to show 50 characters.
    •  "Description" field and label are removed.
    • In button preview, if image is added to the button, it is now located on top of text and scaled properly.


  • In PLU board preview, the board size now looks similar to how it would look like in POS.



POS Configuration

Support tandem items in convenience mode (RTP-20795)

In POS Configuration PLU Button properties, when the "Sell article with EAN" function is selected, EAN of the item to be sold can be entered and this will be available for selling in POS convenience mode.

Chain Web v. 2.10.230

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Improvements in PLU Board configuration


The From Date and To Date fields has been added to PLU Button Properties in PLU Board Configuration. It is now possible to set up buttons ahead of time by using the newly added date fields. The button will automatically be active and available from the set value in the From Date and will automatically deactivate when the set value in To Date field has passed. 

Register new member via Vipps from POS in cashier mode


When running EG POS in cashier mode it is now possible to register a new member via Vipps. Using the dynamic member search in POS, the cashier can search for the members mobile number. If the member is not found the cashier will be able to select Vipps as an onboarding method from the existing 'Member not found' dialog. Next the member is created in MemberService and Vipps is informed to start the registration process for the member with the given mobile  number. When the member has consented to sharing its name, address, email and telephone number as registered in Vipps they are redirected to AccountService where they need to approve the member terms. Upon approval the cashier will be able to enter the payment view to complete the transaction.

POS Configuration

New value/option in existing parameter list:

In the parameter UnknownMemberOptionsDialog we have created a new value 'RegisterWithVipps' that when selected/active will enable the cashier to select the option for registering a new member via Vipps in the 'Member not found' dialog.

New parameter:

CheckMemberTermsOnPayment- default False - If activated enables a dialog to inform cashier if the member has accepted the member terms upon registration at the time when the cashier enters the payment view. The parameter is only relevant when the selected member has not yet accepted the terms. The dialog will give the cashier an option to press 'Check now' to check the approval status  one or multiple times until the terms have been accepted. The second option is to press 'Cancel' and continue with payment regardless of the approval status.

Support Klarna payment capture on delivered web orders


Ability  to handle the Capture and Refund of Orders created in Web shop when delivering physical stores in EG POS.


POS version
POS Services 7.84.05401
Chain Web Backoffice 2.10.222



Error when using "Simple Search" in Balances summary (RTC-29049)

"Simple Search" field has been removed from Balances summary view.

Customer groups

Exporting customer groups from Chain Web to POS (RTC-28657)

Export of customer groups from Chain Web to POS was not including brand-discounts. After implementing changes, every type of discounts is exported correctly from Chain Web to POS.

Customer Groups filtering (RTC-30021)

After changes, one can now filter by "store" in Customer group grid and use "Mark all" button, which allows user to mark all lines meeting the filter conditions. If a user has appropriate rights to change selected rows or delete them he can do this. HQ user can modify and delete only common discounts and store users only discounts for their specific store.

Customer order

Locking customer orders (RTC-28319)

Fixes were implemented to eliminate locking order without proper reason with false message "The order cannot be changed since it is edited by another user".


CustomerService Integration with Chain Web On-Premise (RTC-28862 

Chain Web is now fetching data from "CustomerService" in cloud. Updating and making customer data available from Chain Web. This integration applies to business customers and customer groups from "CustomerService" only. 

Dispatch orders

Order reassign fails with database error (RTC-27838)

It is possible to automatic reassign order with split from dummy store to physical stores, were picking order already exists.

Email on split orders (RTC-25645)

Email communication has been extended with new split order and Pay & Collect confirmation messages. New implemented email are:

  • Split order message - User receive email with confirmation of order splitting. The email contains a summary for all stores that the order has been split into
  • Split order shipping confirmation - Confirmation of delivery from a given store where picking order is picked
  • Pay & Collect message - Confirmation of delivery from the store where the Pay & Collect order has been picked

Email send out depends on communication channel defined in POSLog.


Breadcrumbs missing in Chain Web - Favorites (RTC-27740)

Breadcrumbs are displayed correctly in each view.


Invoice improvement of color/size-row background color (RTC-16886)

After changes, color/size-row has the same background color as the corresponding item row.

Add support for invoice payment interest % "Dröjmålränta" (RTC-27449)

Implemented changes added functionality of setting and displaying "Interest with delayed payment", "Dröjmålränta" in the invoice template "Standard V3".

Receipts Journal

"X" is now centered (RTC-27736)

Correction of placement for "X" in the exit icon for XML preview and for other views in Chain Web. Changes to center placement. 


Store Settlement reports (RTC-28749)

To show balance data correctly, new hidden parameters are added to sub report 1010_subSettlement:

  • pGiftCardSoldOn - Use gift card sold amount and quantity as gift card out. Instead of returning only gift cards out, parameter will return gift card sold amount and its quantity,
  • pSkipAmount - Set Balance amount = amount. Balance amount will be the same as amount and difference will be zero,
  • pAbsCredit - Set absolute value of credit note.

Translations to Finnish language (RTP-20121)

Providing the possibility to change user language to Finnish in User Management or during user profile edition. Information and notifications in Chain Web are translated except from invoices, vat formatting, postcodes etc. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.2293

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Credit invoice

Credit invoice export (RTC-36580)

The credit invoices are exported for the date they were created on, regardless of time.

Customer order

Returning to a filtered Customer order view (RTC-35931)

When the user returns to a Customer order view that was previously filtered, the filtering is still present and there is no error message.

Chain Web v. 2.10.2292

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Resend EHF (RTC-33534)

Timeouts doesn't occur anymore on "Resend EHF" view.

Chain Web v. 2.10.2291

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer order

Regenerate order/offer (RTC-31068)

A new functionality for regenerating order/ offers was implemented. There is new button in customer order details view called "Regenerate". After clicking, order should be re-fetched from POSWCF (based on latest related receipt state), duplicated order lines should be removed. No data should be lost (incl. discounts, online returns).
It will not work for payed and delivered lines, it was mainly implemented for active orders.

This functionality is available for admin users and the users with new role "Regenerate order" assigned.

Chain Web v. 2.10.228

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Use bonus checks from BonusService.


When set up and adding member to receipt. POS will check BonusService for available bonus checks. If available it will be possible to use it as a tender or subtotal discount.

When doing online return redeemed bonus checks will be refunded.


Requires minimum Chain Web version 2.10.228!

POS Configuration

BonusServiceUrl - Url to BonusService.

CloudBonusWithdrawType - If bonus checks should be added as subtotal discount or tender. Default SubtotalDiscount.

Required existing parameters:

VoyadoGatewayServiceUrl - Must be blank.

CloudAccessServiceUrl - Must be set.

Chain Web v. 2.10.226

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer groups

Item groups (RTP-21923)

Problem with alphanumeric item group searching and adding discounts for alphanumeric item group. Searching for all item groups and adding discounts for all item groups is now working correctly.

Chain Web v. 2.10.225

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer groups

Filter on store (RTC-30021)

After changes, one can now filter by "store" in Customer group grid and use "Mark all" button, which allows user to mark all lines meeting the filter conditions. If a user has appropriate rights to change selected rows or delete them he can do this. HQ user can modify and delete only common discounts and store users only discounts for their specific store.

Customer Groups filtering (RTC-30021)

After changes, one can now filter by "store" in Customer group grid and use "Mark all" button, which allows user to mark all lines meeting the filter conditions. If a user has appropriate rights to change selected rows or delete them he can do this. HQ user can modify and delete only common discounts and store users only discounts for their specific store.

Chain Web v. 2.10.223

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Register new member via Vipps from POS in cashier mode


When running EG POS in cashier mode it is now possible to register a new member via Vipps. Using the dynamic member search in POS, the cashier can search for the members mobile number. If the member is not found the cashier will be able to select Vipps as an onboarding method from the existing 'Member not found' dialog. Next the member is created in MemberService and Vipps is informed to start the registration process for the member with the given mobile  number. When the member has consented to sharing its name, address, email and telephone number as registered in Vipps they are redirected to AccountService where they need to approve the member terms. Upon approval the cashier will be able to enter the payment view to complete the transaction.

POS Configuration

New value/option in existing parameter list:

In the parameter UnknownMemberOptionsDialog we have created a new value 'RegisterWithVipps' that when selected/active will enable the cashier to select the option for registering a new member via Vipps in the 'Member not found' dialog.

New parameter:

CheckMemberTermsOnPayment- default False - If activated enables a dialog to inform cashier if the member has accepted the member terms upon registration at the time when the cashier enters the payment view. The parameter is only relevant when the selected member has not yet accepted the terms. The dialog will give the cashier an option to press 'Check now' to check the approval status  one or multiple times until the terms have been accepted. The second option is to press 'Cancel' and continue with payment regardless of the approval status.

Chain Web v. 2.10.222

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Support Klarna payment capture on delivered web orders


Ability  to handle the Capture and Refund of Orders created in Web shop when delivering physical stores in EG POS.


POS version
POS Services 7.84.05401
Chain Web Backoffice 2.10.222




Customer groups

Exporting customer groups from Chain Web to POS (RTC-28657)

Export of customer groups from Chain Web to POS was not including brand-discounts. After implementing changes, every type of discounts is exported correctly from Chain Web to POS

Chain Web v. 2.10.221

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Dispatch orders

Email on split orders (RTC-25645)

Email communication has been extended with new split order and Pay & Collect confirmation messages. New implemented email are:

  • Split order message - User receive email with confirmation of order splitting. The email contains a summary for all stores that the order has been split into
  • Split order shipping confirmation - Confirmation of delivery from a given store where picking order is picked
  • Pay & Collect message - Confirmation of delivery from the store where the Pay & Collect order has been picked

Email send out depends on communication channel defined in POSLog.


Translations to Finnish language (RTP-20121)

Providing the possibility to change user language to Finnish in User Management or during user profile edition. Information and notifications in Chain Web are translated except from invoices, vat formatting, postcodes etc. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.220

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Bonus details - report


The new report lists changes in bonus balance and how much bonus is issued and used over a period of time.

Report details Bonus details 

File name

0117: Bonus details

Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting DW 


Loyalty id

Loyalty program, default 1.

Date from 

Default today. 

Date to 

Default today.


Default all.


Bonus checks overview. For each store sum of issued, redeemed, spent, expired and balance bonus checks with number of sales and members who got/used bonus. Next table with issued amount and member with bonus independent of chosen period. Total sum of each column for all selected stores.


Members with bonusNumber of members with bonus amount balance greater than 0 (independent of chosen period).
Issued amount Total bonus amount issued (independent of chosen period).
Store numStore number.
Store nameStore name (default sorted on this column).
TotalThe sum of issued amount in the selected period.
Ordinary salesThe sum of bonus amount issued after purchases in the selected period.
Manual checksThe sum of bonus amount issued manually in the selected period.
Spent bonusTotal sum of redeemed amount in the selected period.
Expired bonusTotal sum of amount that expires in the selected period (check expiration date is between date from and date to).
Receipts paid with bonus Number of sales (receipts) paid with bonus checks in the selected period.
Members who used bonusNumber of unique members who have used bonus, redeemed transaction in the selected period.
Member who got bonusNumber of unique members who got bonus, issued transaction in the selected period.
Bonus balanceSum of not-expired bonus amount at the end of the selected period.


  • Receipts paid with bonus column shows count values selected on distinct member number and distinct transaction date, it resolves issues with the same transaction id at different web shops.
  • All data is based on FactMemberTransaction.

Bonus per store


Report shows information about issued, redeemed and balance for bonus checks, per month and store for the last 12 months.

Report details Bonus per store

File name


Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting DW 


Loyalty program

Loyalty program, default 1.
TeamDefault all.
StoreDefault all available in selected teams


One page per store. For each month sum of issued, redeemed, balance and expired bonus checks. One sum for manual issued checks, checks issued from sales and total. First page of report is total for all stores.


End of month Shows last date in each month for the last 12 months.
Bonus typeFor each month there is one row for manual issues checks, checks issued from sales and total.
Issued Sum of bonus amount issued.
Redeemed Sum of redeemed bonus amount.
Balance Sum of not expired, not used bonus amount.


Expired Sum of bonus amount expired at the end of month.
Sorting: Month

Reason code overview


Report lists all reason codes for all stores. Layout of the report makes it easy to export data to Excel.

Report details Item transaction reason code

File name


Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting cube (OLAP)


Date from 

Default today. 

Date to 

Default today.


Default all (if HQ user)

Transaction type

Default All types. It is possible to removed transaction types from list with hidden parameter pTransactionTypesToExclude, see relevant parameters for details.

Reason code

Default all available codes. List shows only reason codes linked to selected transaction types. NB! Depending on Chain Web version. When you select transaction type, only first available reason code will be selected. Workaround for this is to de-select all reason codes before selecting transaction type(s).

Absolute values

Default off. This will show all values as positive values. Used to get correct quantity when you have transactions with positive and negative values. Note that this will not affect sum of same item / reason code. Default selection can be changed in parameter pShowAbsoluteValues.

Relevant parameters: 


Comma separated list of transactions types not to show in list of transaction types. E.g. If customer never uses transaction type Article Service and Inventory, put in Normal,ArticleSerivce,Inventory in string (Normal should always be excluded)


To change default value for 'Absolute values' selection


To change default value for 'Grouping' selection


List of item transactions with reason codes.


Store numStore number.
Store nameStore name.
Transaction type Transaction type.
Reason codeReason code (default sorted on this column).
Net costTotal net cost (cost price) for row.
QuantityTotal quantity for row.
Net amountTotal amount without VAT for row.
Amount w / VATTotal amount with VAT for row.
GP%Gross profit in percentage


  • Action code is not supported, only reason code (action code not available in OLAP (reporting v77))
  • Report shows only item transactions from POSLog (no RIGAL)
  • Showing absolute values for same item / reason code is not possible (reporting v77). Report will always show sum of same item / reason code even if there are positive and negative values.
    • Example: 
    • Without absolute values Report will show Quantity = -3 which is correct.
    • With absolute values report will show Quantity = 3, ideally it should split this into two lines.

System sound when order arrives in Kitchen Screen


Added sound indicating to cashier that a new order has arrived after it was added to the Kitchen screen.

Web.config in BackOffice.Web has to be configured to enable kitchen screen notifications:



          <add name="Notification" status="Enabled" topicPath="Notification" subscriptionName="Portal" />

          <add name="KitchenNotification" status="Enabled" topicPath="KitchenNotification" subscriptionName="Portal" />

          <add name="FullTextNotification" status="Enabled" topicPath="FullTextNotification" subscriptionName="Portal" />







Error when opening Balance Summary (RTC-28251)

Implemented fixes eliminated error occurring in Balance Summary view.

Customer Groups / Discount

Discounts imported from Item list and Item group list (RTC-21862)

Providing the possibility to replace store and common discounts already existing in a grid (added from UI or imported from Excel file) with discounts imported from Item list and Item group list. If the item has both common and store discounts defined in the customer group discount grid, then the change of it's value is defined as Store value in the import pop-up screen.

Store and common level discounts (RTC-21860)

Providing the possibility to create discounts at the store level and common level for the same item with overlapping dates. Adding the hierarchy of created discounts which means that store discount is taken into consideration even if there is a common discount. However, common discount is used for stores which don't have setup store-level discount.

HQ user can see all created discounts, but for store user only their own store discounts and common are visible. 

Validation of overlapping dates is shown if the same item is added for the same store or common store multiple times with overlapping dates. 

Customer Groups / Import

Import items into Customer group from Excel file (RTC-21854)

Providing the possibility for store users and HQ users to import items into Customer group from Excel file with header (format .xlsx) that includes three expected columns:

  • Number (GTIN/EAN)
  • Price effect (number)
  • Value  

If the values in these columns are incorrect or out of range then the user is informed by appropriate notifications. Moreover if file contains more than three expected columns then the import is proceed and unnecessary columns are ignored. 

Changes to discounts done by HQ user is added as common discount, while changes done by a store user is added on store level. 

Additionally flag in database is added to the customer group while import is ongoing. As a result, other imports/ changes cannot be done using UI at the same time.

Added button "Mark all" to select all lines and make it easier to delete them from customer group.

Discounts imported from large Item lists (more than 1000 items) (RTC-21430)

Providing the possibility to import large item lists without timeout by both Store and HQ user. Users during import can work in Chain Web, change tabs and create Customer orders/sales/offers. Messages about starting processing and summarizing it have been added. 


Adding new field for Original ordered quantity (RTC-26642)

Changes were implemented to store original ordered quantity in the retail database, so now it is possible for POS to check what quantity was ordered in the beginning. 

Dispatch orders

Order from physical store without DispatchRuleID (RTC-28318)

Only customer orders with a DispatchRuleId are considered for dispatching when created in physical store.

Correctly handle dispatch orders with blank DispatchRuleId - fallback to web shop number.

Multiple lines with the same EAN (RTC-27648)

Dispatch orders with multiple lines containing the same EAN are correctly dispatched (picking orders created) to the same picking store.

Confirmation messages for physical stores (RTC-26226)

It is possible to send confirmation messages for dispatch orders from physical stores. The contents of the message will be decided by the assigned dispatch rule. It is possible to modify this message by going to the confirmation message tab inside the dispatch rule. If the dispatch rule is not specified the settings for the dispatch rule for web shop will be used.  


Remove hyphen from VAT (RTC-27450)

After changes there is no longer hyphen displayed in VAT number, even if it occurs in organization number.

Can not set invoices to paid state because of very small remaining amount (RTC-26700)

After fixes there is possibility to overpay a little bit (0,01) for invoices with 3 digits precision and very small amount left to pay (0,00x). While creating new invoice from internal transfer, the amount is now rounded, so the issue was eliminated.

Member campaign dashboard 

Fix: Number of members in the target group (RTC-27198)

The issue with all member campaign not showing number of members in target group was fixed. The member campaign dashboard should correctly show the number of members in the target group, regardless of the campaign type.

Fix: Mismatch between number of members in the target group (RTC-26469)

The mismatch between number of members in the target group of the campaign shown in 'Details' and 'Dashboard' was resolved.


Old customer offers in state draft can not be handled in user interface due to deleted receipts (RTC-27856)

After changes, OrderSubmitter is now also submitting offers. For fixing state of already broken offers there is SQL script attached to this story which can be done by EG-Support. 

Receipt journal

Translations (RTC-28392)

Deposit activities are properly translated in generated Excel files.


Top sales per item (RTC-27704)

Small fix in query to get same amount of items for store when selecting specific store and grouping by item group.

Stock lookup

Lookup of stock failing CW 2.10.210 (RTC-28202)

Stock info is fetched properly - no popup "Error getting stockinfo" or similar occurs while adding item from Home page or Price Control.
Correction of issue implemented in CW 2.10.210. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.2191

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer order

Refund/ Return - fix for Not Paid status in dashboard (RTC-31261)

The issue was only related to displaying Not Paid for completed orders on dashboard for the Orders where prices from order lines sum up to sum value with more than 2 decimals after comma. E.g. Total on order was 211,00 while lines sum up to 211,0002.

Chain Web v. 2.10.213

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Error when opening Balance Summary (RTC-28251)

Implemented fixes eliminated error occurring in Balance Summary view.

Dispatch orders

Confirmation messages for physical stores (RTC-26226)

It is possible to send confirmation messages for dispatch orders from physical stores. The contents of the message will be decided by the assigned dispatch rule. It is possible to modify this message by going to the confirmation message tab inside the dispatch rule. If the dispatch rule is not specified the settings for the dispatch rule for webshop will be used.  

Chain Web v. 2.10.212

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer Groups / Discount

Discounts imported from Item list and Item group list (RTC-21862)

Providing the possibility to replace store and common discounts already existing in a grid (added from UI or imported from Excel file) with discounts imported from Item list and Item group list. If the item has both common and store discounts defined in the customer group discount grid, then the change of it's value is defined as Store value in the import pop-up screen.

Store and common level discounts (RTC-21860)

Providing the possibility to create discounts at the store level and common level for the same item with overlapping dates. Adding the hierarchy of created discounts which means that store discount is taken into consideration even if there is a common discount. However, common discount is used for stores which don't have setup store-level discount.

HQ user can see all created discounts, but for store user only their own store discounts and common are visible. 

Validation of overlapping dates is shown if the same item is added for the same store or common store multiple times with overlapping dates. 

Customer Groups / Import

Import items into Customer group from Excel file (RTC-21854)

Providing the possibility for store users and HQ users to import items into Customer group from Excel file with header (format .xlsx) that includes three expected columns:

  • Number (GTIN/EAN)
  • Price effect (number)
  • Value  

If the values in these columns are incorrect or out of range then the user is informed by appropriate notifications. Moreover if file contains more than three expected columns then the import is proceed and unnecessary columns are ignored. 

Changes to discounts done by HQ user is added as common discount, while changes done by a store user is added on store level. 

Additionally flag in database is added to the customer group while import is ongoing. As a result, other imports/ changes cannot be done using UI at the same time.

Added button "Mark all" to select all lines and make it easier to delete them from customer group.

Discounts imported from large Item lists (more than 1000 items) (RTC-21430)

Providing the possibility to import large item lists without timeout by both Store and HQ user. Users during import can work in Chain Web, change tabs and create Customer orders/sales/offers. Messages about starting processing and summarizing it have been added. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.211

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Adding new field for Original ordered quantity (RTC-26642)

Changes were implemented to store original ordered quantity in the retail database, so now it is possible for POS to check what quantity was ordered in the beginning. 

Dispatch orders

Order from physical store without DispatchRuleID (RTC-28318)

Only customer orders with a DispatchRuleId are considered for dispatching when created in physical store. 

Correctly handle dispatch orders with blank DispatchRuleId - fallback to webshop number.

Stock lookup

Lookup of stock failing CW 2.10.210 (RTC-28202)  

Stock info is fetched properly - no popup "Error getting stock info" or similar occurs while adding item from Home page or Price Control.
Correction of issue implemented in CW 2.10.210. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.210

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Item transactions report


A new report showing item transactions has been created to get overview of item transactions from POSLog. This report will show all item transactions with reason code.

Report details Item transaction 

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)

Relevant parameters: 


Comma separated list of transactions types not to show in list of transaction types. E.g. If customer never uses transaction type Article Service and Inventory, put in Normal,ArticleSerivce,Inventory in string (Normal should always be excluded)


To change default value for 'Absolute values' selection.


To change default value for 'Grouping' selection


Date from 

Default today. 

Date to 

Default today.


Default all (if HQ user).

Transaction type

Default all types. It is possible to removed transaction types from list with hidden parameter pTransactionTypesToExclude, see relevant parameters for details.

Reason code

Default all available codes. List shows only reason codes linked to selected transaction types. NB! Depending on Chain Web version. When you select transaction type, only first available reason code will be selected. Workaround for this is to de-select all reason codes before selecting transaction type(s).

Absolute values 

Default off. This will show all values as positive values. Used to get correct quantity when you have transactions with positive and negative values. Note that this will not affect sum of same item / reasoncode. Default selection can be changed in parameter pShowAbsoluteValues.


Default Group.  This will decide on which level of hierarchy report is generated. Report always shows item, it will also show total for group, area, department and store depending on selection. Default selection can be changed in parameter pGrouping.


To filter result on department.
Article areaTo filter result on article area.
Article groupTo filter result on article group.

Columns (sum for store and each level of hierarchy. Sum total on last row):


EAN of item.

Item name

Item name.
Item numberItem number.
Transaction typeTransaction type.
Reason codeReason code. 
DateDate of transaction
Net priceNet price per unit.
Price w/VATPrice including VAT per unit.
Net amountNet amount (Net price * Quantity).
Amount w/VATAmount including VAT (Price w/VAT * Quantity).
GP%Gross profit in percentage.

The full documentation of the report can be found at List of reports, by clicking on report 0541_ItemTransactions in the list. 




Customer order

Locking order (RTC-27093)

Message displayed to user in Chain Web, when customer order is locked, was changed for more appropriate message in all languages. (English, Swedish, Norwegian).

Newtonsoft.Json.dll breaks weborder export to 3.part (RTC-24801)

Web orders export was fixed. There are no longer error messages occurring during processing of "ExportCustomerOrder" POSLogs related.

Dispatch orders

Sorting the Eldest Orders Ascending (RTC-28054)

The default sorting of the dispatch order list is: orders containing missing items, then active orders with the status "new" or "in progress", then oldest to newest.

Order not reassigned from dummy store (RTC-27734)

When considering if order line should be deleted automatic reassign gets dispatch suggestion for individual line instead of its available stock, which takes into account dispatch rules and stock reduction rules.

Order not deleted from POS when re-dispatched (RTC-27031)

  • When the last item line in a picking order is deleted by automated reassign, POS is informed about the aborted picking for the assigned store (and the picking order is not reassigned further).
  • When the whole picking order is reassigned to another store POS is informed about aborted picking for the previously assigned store.

Support dispatching of orders from physical stores (RTC-23380)

When DispatchRuleId (DeliveryDetails) is defined in POSLog then BackOffice service will use it to select dispatch rule used for dispatching picking orders.

Dispatch rule

Description in the popup for creating a new dispatch rule (RTC-26521)

The Description for New Dispatch Rule creation has a clear and correct message: 'Rule applies for Webshop'.

Reassign limits in dispatch rules (RTC-26227)

It is possible to modify reassign limits and opening days/hours for both Webshop rules and custom rules. 

Fresh food scale integration

Export to Myhrvold scales (RTC-27273)

FixedWeight in exported labels has a value from UnitPriceFactor in item details or 0 if there is no value there.


Adjustment in color and size display (RTC-23994)

When color and/or size has value "-" or field is empty, then there is no extra line with information about color and size, for all templates after fixes.

Adjustments to the invoice standard V1 and V2 (RTC-23994)

Adding color and size to the Invoice based on transactions using POS Services/ POSLog processing. If there are both color and size given during Customer order creation, these properties will be displayed on Invoice just below item text. If color or size is given then only one value will be presented on Invoice. If none of the properties are given, then there is no extra line with information about color and size.

Adjustments to the invoice layout standard V1 and V2 (RTC-16646)

Adding color and size to the Invoice based on transactions using POS Services/ POSLog processing. If there are both color and size given during Customer order creation, these properties will be displayed on Invoice just below item text. If color or size is given then only one value will be presented on Invoice. If none of the properties are given, then there is no extra line with information about color and size.

Invoice base

False warning displayed in the invoice base (RTC-26036)

Fixes eliminated false warnings in the invoice base about internal transfers not being sent to credit. After improvements, warning occurs only when in the selected store is at least one internal transfer which was not sent to credit.

Receipt Journal

Inconsistent results and timeouts in Receipts Journal (RTC-26098)

Process of free text searching in Receipts Journal was fixed and results are now consistent and timeout does not occur anymore. Process of searching for short date range has been improved.

External member number (RTC-23536)

Processing of receipts was extended for "ExternalLoyaltyNumber" handling, the number will be stored in Journal database and it will be possible to use it in Receipts journal search. External member number field was added under the Sales filters in Receipts journal, it's visible if Chain Web system parameter "ShowExternalLoyaltyNumberFilter" is set to true. It is also possible to use External member number in quick search filter. External member number is visible next to member number (Loyalty number: xxxxxxxxx / xxxxxxxxx) on the receipt preview.


Campaign sales (RTC-25674)

Selection for 'All campaigns, are removed from report 0042. It is only possible to select one campaign.


Processing of basis files (RTC-27203)

The processing of Basis files was improved, so now it is possible to setup additional scheduled trigger, which is independent of already existing directory content updated trigger. A new trigger should be started even if the standard trigger will be frozen. Additionally, the faulted basis file will be moved to subfolder with the date stamp, so there is no limit of how many files related to the same store could be moved + the retry mechanism was implemented to re-try the processing of not moved file 3 times.

BasisImport job (RTC-26498)

The logs and processing of Basis was improved, so now more detailed error message - with the related line content will be thrown, if the processing of Basis file will fail and additionally the corrupted file will be moved to failedBasisFiles subfolder. Additional log message was added for CompletedWithNoEffect execution status.

Filtering in exported Excel file from stocktaking (RTC-26853)

After fixes the value of the parameter ServerSideExportBatchSize does not limit the number of rows taken into account during filtration. All rows in the Excel file can be filtered.

Count list activation (RTC-26413)

The process of count list activation was improved, for "Items Not Counted" and "Cycle stocktaking". Count list processing/ activation process should not be blocked anymore even if it's related to a default count group creation, or if the Items from related count list, already exist in stocktaking result with empty CountingGroupInStocktakingId.

User Management

Automatic logout (RTC-26407)

Automatic logout was fixed and now time is counted since last activity in Chain Web instead of counting time since login like it was before fixes.

Chain Web v. 2.10.201

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





BasisImport job (RTC-26498)

The logs and processing of Basis was improved, so now more detailed error message - with the related line content will be thrown, if the processing of Basis file will fail and additionally the corrupted file will be moved to failedBasisFiles subfolder. Additional log message was added for CompletedWithNoEffect execution status.

Chain Web v. 2.10.200

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

New dispatch rule creation


  • It is possible to create new dispatch rule with custom name.
  • It is possible to create new dispatch rule based on Web shop store.
  • Clicking create redirects the user to dispatch rule details were a draft of the dispatch rule is shown.




Customer order

Creating new customer order (RTC-23460)

By choosing "+1" icon on the customer order from customer menu a new window is opened where the user can fill in store, customer and project data, the same as during the standard order creation process. The same store as in store picker is selected by default. The focus is set in customer field when the window is opened.

Dispatch/Order picking status

New methods for updating picking status (RTP-17642)

It is now introduced two new methods for updating picking status:

  • SetCustomerOrderPickingStatus
  • GetCustomerOrderPickingStatus

The methods make setting and confirming the current picking status of an order possible. 

Dispatch Orders

Dispatch rule details for physical stores (RTC-26047)

It is possible to display and edit dispatch rules created for physical stores using a custom name/id.

Changes are also made to the drop down list for "rule apply for Web shop" and "Central warehouse"  making it impossible to select options that are not included in the list. 

Order with shipping item only not cancelled (RTC-26291)

DispatchOrderReassign job cancels customer order where there is only non-sale item left after removing other line(s).

DispatchOrderReassign job removes line from picking order (assigned to dummy store) when there are still other lines left in picking order.


Adjustments to the invoice standard V3 (RTC-26113)

Remove Reference text and number fields from invoice header and place them into invoice grid to avoid loosing information during consolidate invoice generation. If there is no reference text/ number added to the order, this fields are invisible on the invoice. Additionally,  Payment terms and Our references fields have been added in invoice header and text "Reference" before the date in grid has been removed.

During testing the previous assumptions (task: RTC-22650) related to logo size and margins also have been checked.

Partially paid invoices (RTC-25823)

EHF invoice's PayableRoundingAmount field is now taking PrepaidAmount into consideration as during calculation.

Receipt journal

Translation correction (RTP-18999)

Proper Swedish translations have been added for activity "Deposit refund" in Receipt journal logs.


Customers without sale (RTC-25822)

To get a better understanding of result in report, logic behind fetching data is changed.

When we earlier listed all customers in the report, it showed last sale as '1900-01-01' for customers without sale after the selected date. Now, we are only listing customers without sales after selected date. For customers with no sales (ever), the last sales date will show a hyphen.


Default configuration of "Activate the count lists automatically" checkbox (RTC-25220)

When starting a new stocktaking, "Activate the count lists automatically" checkbox is now ticked based on the ActivateCountListAutomaticallyCheckBoxOptions system parameter value to avoid administration and support incidents. Moreover there is now possibility to set visibility and value of "Activate the count lists automatically" checkbox.

Activating count list (RTC-24681)

When getting error message during activation of a count list, the user is no longer redirected to stocktaking window without having a chance to read the error message as of why it didn't activate. 

Web.config/ Azure AD user

Fix related to sign in for Azure AD user (EG Cloud user) (RTC-26754)

Providing configuration in BackOffice.Web.ActiveDirectory/Web.config to avoid duplicated references regarding Microsoft.Owin version. After fixes Azure AD user can login properly into Chain Web.

Chain Web v. 2.10.194

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


POS Configuration

Comments on POS Configuration parameters (RTC-26752)

Adding comments on parameters in Chain web works correctly now: the POS Configuration page is refreshed correctly and the "Activate" button on configuration set does not appear.

Chain Web v. 2.10.192

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Adjustment in color and size display (RTC-23994)

When color and/or size has value "-" or field is empty, then there is no extra line with information about color and size, for all templates after fixes.

Adjustments to the invoice standard V1 and V2 (RTC-23994)

Adding color and size to the Invoice based on transactions using POS Services/ POSLog processing. If there are both color and size given during Customer order creation, these properties will be displayed on Invoice just below item text. If color or size is given then only one value will be presented on Invoice. If none of the properties are given, then there is no extra line with information about color and size.

Chain Web v. 2.10.191

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Web.config/ Azure AD user

Fix related to sign in for Azure AD user (EG Cloud user) (RTC-26754)

Providing configuration in BackOffice.Web.ActiveDirectory/Web.config to avoid duplicated references regarding Microsoft.Owin version. After fixes Azure AD user can login properly into Chain Web.


Partially paid invoices (RTC-25823)

EHF invoice's PayableRoundingAmount field is now taking PrepaidAmount into consideration as during calculation.

Chain Web v. 2.10.190 

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Quick Stocktaking


In order to update stock inventory and receive refill for item which has low stock in the store shelf, it is possible to see stock balance. If it is wrong, employee is able to do a "Quick inventory" using the InStore App in a simple and fast way.

  1. In stocktaking view in InStore App a new button called Quick Stocktaking" is available.


     2. By scanning/searching item, it is added to quick stocktaking. In details the quantity may be changed (by scanning an item or typing the amount of counted items).

     3. By scanning/searching the same item multiple times, counted quantity increase by 1.

     4. In "More" options display total bar can be shown.


     5. After finishing quick stocktaking, in confirmation view total quantity and number of scanned items is shown.

6. After confirmation, the inventory deviation is received in Chain Web and it is flagged as inventoried.

Inventory on store without stock control


User will get the Item related information like UnitPrice, CostPrice, VatRate, Stock, Stock flag, even if the 'Inventory' flag is False in Chain Web or Chain Classic. Meaning the User can see all important values of the counted items during and after stocktaking.

When 'Inventory' flag is set to False on the store:

  • Item related information will be fetched from Chain Classic via proxy or basis file. Basis file should contain only not stocked items.
  • 'Get stock level again for items in selected count list' should be visible if 'HideGetStockLevelCheckBox' configuration parameter is set to False.

When 'Inventory' flag is set to True on the store:

No changes, works as before.

Breaking changes

Chain Web changes needs to be delivered with Chain Classic changes in (RTC-23050) Stocktaking: Create stocktaking basis for non "stock control" stores. Requires Chain Classic version!


BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber/ BackOfficeImport

Processing JSON files with POS Configration in FileService (RTP-18340)

Support for importing POSConfigImport blobs from cloud to the on-premise Lindbak Retail database has been added to the BackOfficeImport package (GenericImport job). In order to process POSConfigImport blobs, a new POSConfigImportProcessor job has been added to the BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber package.


BackOfficeImport 1.3.4 or higher!


Discount (RTC-25643)

Correction on visibility of customer discount when adding discount from Arts XML. After changes, the discount now shows on the customer card in Chain Web. 

Customer order

Refund and return (RTP-16124)

Providing correct refund/return of discounted items from Customer order regarding Aera payments. 

Adding order to Project (RTC-23876)

Small change in how the system add customer orders to projects. 

Dispatch order

Automatic Reassign Job - Rework (RTC-25150)

Previously assigned store is excluded from possible dispatch locations. That means automatic reassign does not assign orders to a store from which they have been previously rejected.

Reassign order lines (RTC-23733)

  • Non-sale lines are not considered for removal when performing automatic reassign from the dummy store.
  • Normal automatic reassign doesn't handle picking orders owned by a fake store.
  • Removal of a line from dispatch order results in the line being removed from the previous picking order.
  • After removing the unavailable items when reassigning them, the order is successfully delivered.

Chain Web Capture ShippingCSID to improve nShift integration (RTC-24728)

Chain Web now pulls data from DispatchService when picking order is finished with additional attribute shippingCSID. After finishing picking order, a new field called shippingCSID is created in the table, and the value is save in customerOrder.pickingOrder table.

Fresh food scale integration

Export to Myhrvold scales (RTC-24620)

Item and price information (Labels) that are exported and sent to a blob are converted to Myhrvold format and put on a specified (configurable) folder. Every MyhrvoldXml file is named after StoreID, by which labels inside XML are grouped.

Fix: Export to Myhrvold (RTC-26255)

Convert label to Myhrvold On-Premise  job is correctly processed when there is no value in UnitPriceFactor field in the label.

Reason Codes

Reason Codes (RTC-20779)

Removed possibility to edit reason codes in Chain Web user interface. 

Receipt Journal

Receipt Journal Log - New data lines (RTC-23833)

New data lines are available in receipt journal log:

  • cancellation of the receipt;
  • manually registered deposit;
  • scanned deposit refund;
  • currency in payments logs;
  • article discounts - contains type (percent/amount), reason of the discount and the amount that is subtracted from the price of the item.

Subscriptions (RTC-26043)

Correction on bug that occurred when user select option "Upcoming week" and after that change default value in "Apply date filter to". Now subscription is properly created.

Sale per hour and cashier (RTC-25988)

New report is optimized to use in cash register. Report shows graphic sales per hour and sales per cashier.
See documentation in confluence: 0540_SalesPerHourAndCashier_std.

Missing translation (RTC-25860)

Added missing Swedish translations for subscription of report 0457. 

Support for Liter15 (RTC-25711)

In report for Wet Stock and Daily Wet Stock support for new unit of measure, Liter15 was added.
When dippings are registered in Liter15 this will be shown with and * on the day for the dipping.

Changed reports: 0750_WetStock and 0751_DailyWetStock.

Subgroups sales (RTC-25486)

Report 0611: sorting of item groups changed from alphanumeric to numeric.

New parameters in Top sales per item (RTC-25474)

To do the follow up on item sales better, two new parameters are added to existing report 0459_TopSalesPerItem:

  • Brand - Filters result based on selected brand,
  • Campaign - Filters result based on selected campaign.
Shift balances

Not able to edit all settlements with status "Ready for balance"RTP-18165)

It's possible to create balance for every shift settlement with status "Ready for balance". 
Correction on filtering of balances where user was not able to edit all settlements "Ready for balance" is done.  


Cashier (RTC-24978)

Correction on error message when choosing default cashier role when creating new cashier.

Chain Web v. 2.10.185

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Adjustments to the invoice layout standard V1 and V2 (RTC-16646)

Adding color and size to the Invoice based on transactions using POS Services/ POSLog processing. If there are both color and size given during Customer order creation, these properties will be displayed on Invoice just below item text. If color or size is given then only one value will be presented on Invoice. If none of the properties are given, then there is no extra line with information about color and size.

Chain Web v. 2.10.184

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Adjustments to the invoice standard V3 (RTC-26113)

Remove Reference text and number fields from invoice header and place them into invoice grid to avoid loosing information during consolidate invoice generation. If there is no reference text/ number added to the order, this fields are invisible on the invoice. Additionally,  Payment terms and Our references fields have been added in invoice header and text "Reference" before the date in grid has been removed.

During testing the previous assumptions (task: RTC-22650) related to logo size and margins also have been checked.

Receipt journal

Translation correction (RTP-18999)

Proper Swedish translations have been added for activity "Deposit refund" in Receipt journal logs.

Web.config/ Azure AD user

Fix related to sign in for Azure AD user (EG Cloud user) (RTC-26754)

Providing configuration in BackOffice.Web.ActiveDirectory/Web.config to avoid duplicated references regarding Microsoft.Owin version. After fixes Azure AD user can login properly into Chain Web.

Chain Web v. 2.10.183

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber/ BackOfficeImport

Processing JSON files with POS Configration in FileService (RTP-18340)

Support for importing POSConfigImport blobs from cloud to the on-premise Lindbak Retail database has been added to the BackOfficeImport package (GenericImport job). In order to process POSConfigImport blobs, a new POSConfigImportProcessor job has been added to the BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber package.


BackOfficeImport 1.3.4 or higher!

Customer order

Refund and return (RTP-16124)

Providing correct refund/return of discounted items from Customer order regarding Aera payments. 


Subscriptions (RTC-26043)

Correction on bug that occurred when user select option "Upcoming week" and after that change default value in "Apply date filter to". Now subscription is properly created.


Missing translation (RTC-25860)

Added missing Swedish translations for subscription of report 0457. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.182

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Inventory on store without stock control


User will get the Item related information like UnitPrice, CostPrice, VatRate, Stock, Stock flag, even if the 'Inventory' flag is False in Chain Web or Chain Classic. Meaning the User can see all important values of the counted items during and after stocktaking.

When 'Inventory' flag is set to False on the store:

  • Item related information will be fetched from Chain Classic via proxy or basis file. Basis file should contain only not stocked items.
  • 'Get stock level again for items in selected count list' should be visible if 'HideGetStockLevelCheckBox' configuration parameter is set to False.

When 'Inventory' flag is set to True on the store:

  • No changes, works as before.

Breaking changes

Chain Web changes needs to be delivered with Chain Classic changes in (RTC-23050) Stocktaking: Create stocktaking basis for non "stock control" stores. Requires Chain Classic version!


Module Description
Receipt journal

Receipt Journal Log - New data lines (RTC-23833)

New data lines are available in receipt journal log:

  • Cancellation of the receipt;
  • Manually registered deposit;
  • Scanned deposit refund;
  • Currency in payments logs;
  • Article discounts - contains type (percent/amount), reason of the discount and the amount that is subtracted from the price of the item.

Chain Web v. 2.10.181

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Module Description
BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber/ BackOfficeImport

Processing JSON files with POS Configration in FileService (RTP-18340)

Support for importing POSConfigImport blobs from cloud to the on-premise LindbakRetail database has been added to the BackOfficeImport package (GenericImport job). In order to process POSConfigImport blobs, a new POSConfigImportProcessor job has been added to the BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber package.


BackOfficeImport 1.3.4 or higher!

Dispatch order

Reassign order lines (RTC-23733)

  • Non-sale lines are not considered for removal when performing automatic reassign from the dummy store.
  • Normal automatic reassign doesn't handle picking orders owned by a fake store.
  • Removal of a line from dispatch order results in the line being removed from the previous picking order.
  • After removing the unavailable items when reassigning them, the order is successfully delivered.

New parameters in Top sales per item (RTC-25474)

To do the follow up on item sales better, two new parameters are added to existing report 0459_TopSalesPerItem:

  • Brand - Filters result based on selected brand,
  • Campaign - Filters result based on selected campaign.

Chain Web v. 2.10.180

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Create shipment using nShift 


InStore App can create shipments using nShift and print shipping labels in the store. This is performed during the last steps of order picking if configured.

In the settings page of InStore App, nShift settings needs to be added:

New system parameter is created called "UseDispatchServiceForShipments ". If this parameter is set to True, "label format" dropdown is displayed (see image below). If set to false, label format will not be available.

Note: The label format dropdown is only available for web orders with carrier option (e.g. home delivery). It will not be available for Pay&Collect or Click&Collect orders.


Credit note

Resend button is removed (RTC-24071)

Resend option is not visible for credit notes, since it is not supported.

Customer management

Post code (RTC-23593)

Correction on data values for post code sent from Chain Web to Chain Classic to avoid issues on customer and customer orders. 
After changes field for post code is given numeric value 0 whenever this field is blank or non numeric.

Customer order

Missing item lines (RTC-24465)

Correction on invoice creation for consolidation invoice where invoices lines would appear missing on the PDF created. 
Issue was found between Customer order and Project where there was blank reference on both order and project. 


Correction on price calculation for invoice from internal transfers (RTC-24095)

VAT is now properly added to the item price while sending internal transfer to credit.

POS Replication

Missing buttons in POS Replication dialog (RTP-17154)

POS Replication dialog for acknowledging activation/deactivation of replication subscriber displays "Cancel" and "Confirm" buttons now.


Subgroup sales (RTC-25043)

A copy of report 0610 is created with new parameters for selecting store and latest EOBD. Selection of latest EOBD makes it possible to set up subscription of report to get latest EOBD.

Sales statistics (RTC-25472)

Changes made in the report for sales statistics (0752) to more efficiently report on stores and totals.
Page 1 of the report is always total for all selected stores, next pages are per store. This is same behavior as in report 0714.
New columns added to Gross profit section: % exc. campaign, campaign and campaign %. This is the same data as shown in report 0714.


Updating PIN for Cashier from Cloud User Management (RTC-25294)

New user that is a cashier has PIN (the same value as CashierNumber). PIN doesn't change when user is updated or cashier is removed from user. If new user is not a cashier, then PIN stays NULL.

Chain Web v. 2.10.170

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


BackOffice Integration Subscriber

Possibility to add and configure POS from JSON (RTC-18494)

POSConfig job and POSConfigProcessor job have been implemented in the BackOffice Integration Subscriber package. These jobs allows to create new POS units and update configuration in the existing ones during POSConfig import from JSON file.

Customer Groups 

Copy function in notifications (RTC-10424)

Providing the possibility to copy the list of items that were not added during Import item list or Import item group list to customer group. This operation is possible by using the copy button on the notification. Copied item list can be pasted into text file.

There is possibility to copy this list from popup about:

  • invalid unit of measure,
  • some items don't have a price for one more stores,
  • some items already have discounts for your store,
  • item groups already have discounts for your store.
Customer Order 

Refund (RTC-24163)

Prices on a customer order lines will be frozen at the time of customer order creation. Order lines will not be affected by any other discount than line, during the refund process. Only line discount will be added on the order after refund process.

Reference ID (RTC-23795)

There is no need to fill field ReferenceId when the user has changed the delivery method on Customer order/ offer to one that has Custom type defined in system parameter CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod. 

Now field ReferenceId isn't mandatory for this setting and customer offer or order is properly created without it. 


Adjustments to the invoice standard V3 (RTC-22650)

Logo has 50px height and the width adapted to its' format. Section with customer details is placed below logo aligned with the invoice details on the right side. Margins are 20px. Reference text and number are moved to top section. When there is no reference text/ number added to the order, this fields are invisible on the invoice. Additionally, color and size are removed from receipt lines. 

Subtotal rounding on Invoice (RTC-19153)

Correction to how amount on receipt line is set to rounded value from POSLog which is adjusted to deal with rounding issues.
Total amount on the invoice has been rounded correctly, regardless of the type of rounding up and down and kind of set discount (% or new amount). Additionally, rounding prices in the summary on Customer order has been fixed.


Count lists (RTC-11439)

When assigning count list fails, detailed exceptions are shown to the user and logged in BackOffice logs.

Order dispatch

Fix: All order lines is picked, but order is not completed, and picking order gets reassigned (RTC-22639)

Automatic reassign of dispatch order (DispatchOrderReassign job) package does not create empty picking orders when no order lines can be reassigned.

Receipt journal

Correction on timeout when filtering by subtotal in Receipt journal (RTC-23506) 

Extension of existing index IX_MainIndex in table dbo.eljournaldetails in Lindbak POS Journal database by including column Amount that should improve searching receipts using filtering by subtotal. 


Subscription options on Report 0457_CampaignStatistics (RTC-24237)

Adding option "Upcoming week" in subscription when report 0457_CampaignStatistics is renamed. Providing support for Custom name on the report .
Now renaming of the report  0457_CampaignStatistics doesn't make option "Upcoming week" unavailable. The report distribution follows defined time intervals and settings during subscriptions.

User management

Correction of bug in saving/editing User Roles (RTC-24343)

Providing proper creation of a new user role and edition of the existing without error message.

Occurrence of this bug is related to new version of web browser.

Web order

DispatchServiceRule parameter (RTP-17551)

New DispatchServiceRule parameter has been implemented with the default value set to "WebOrdersFromPhysicalStores" under the filter CustomerOrder.

Chain Web v. 2.10.163

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Discount (RTC-25643)

Correction on visibility of customer discount when adding discount from Arts XML. After changes, the discount now shows on the customer card in Chain Web. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.162

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Subscription options on Report 0457_CampaignStatistics (RTC-24237)

Adding option "Upcoming week" in subscription when report 0457_CampaignStatistics is renamed. Providing support for Custom name on the report .
Now renaming of the report  0457_CampaignStatistics doesn't make option "Upcoming week" unavailable. The report distribution follows defined time intervals and settings during subscriptions.

User maintenance

User maintenance of customer (RTC-24540)

Correction on customer creation and edition while changing parameters: "Store Access" or "Customer Type".

Chain Web v. 2.10.161

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


User management

Correction of bug in saving/editing User Roles (RTC-24343)

Providing proper creation of a new user role and edition of the existing without error message.

Occurrence of this bug is related to new version of web browser.

Chain Web v. 2.10.160

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Bonus rollout per store


In order to better follow up on bonus rollouts, a new report showing data from redeemed checks per store was created.

Report details Bonus rollout per store

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Year from

Default last year.

Year to

Default current year.

Bonus rollout name 

Default all - shows available rollouts within period.

Loyalty program

Loyalty program

Columns - One row per store with issued bonus checks for store. 

Store Store number - Store name.
Number redeemedNumber of redeemed bonus checks for store.
Sum redeemedSum of redeemed bonus checks for store.
Redeemed of total issued %Share of redeemed bonus checks for store compared to
issued bonus checks for all stores.
Average saleAverage sale for receipts with redeemed bonus checks for store.

Sales per item


A simple report showing sales per department/item group/item using Azure DW as a  data source.

Report details Sales per item 

File name


Data source

Azure Data Warehouse


Date from 

Default today - 7 days

Date to 

Default today


Default all. 


Default all. 

Item group

Default all. 

Expand to 

Which level to default expand report to, default: Department. Default value can be changed with hidden parameter pExpandTo.

Columns (one row per department / item group / article with sum for each level)



Item name

Item name.


Amount sold.


Quantity  sold.

Net cost

Net cost.

Gross profit 

Gross profit (Sales ex. VAT - Net cost).

Sales ex. VAT

Sales excluding VAT.

Import of users from Chain User Management


  • When a user is created in User Management (Cloud, via UI or import of JSON contract), the user can sign in in Chain Web (OnPrem).
  • New roles are created in User Management (via UI or import of JSON contract), but without permissions
  • The user can see POS related functionality (e.g. Balance). It requires Balance permissions in role in BackOffice, but it does not require to set up a cashier. 
  • Imported cashiers from User Management are flagged and have cashier store access
  • When a user in User Management has access to multiple teams/stores/profiles, Chain Web will set the first one from the list.
  • When a user in User Management has multiple store accesses (teams and /or stores and /or profiles), Chain Web will just set the first one (Profile -> Team -> Store).




Customer Order

Refund (RTP-17652)

During edition of order line with loyalty discount, only the difference between loyalty discount value and current value will be applied as line discount. This applies to all discount effects. 

Refund/Return summary (RTC-23737)

The total amount of the "Refund for customer" will have the same value as "Invoice total amount" of the credit invoice created during refund or return of items. 

Dispatch Order

Re-dispatched orders are deleted from POS (RTP-16452)

Orders that are re-dispatched to another store are correctly deleted in POS.

Shipping details in Dispatch order (RTC-18826)

Tracking link in dispatch order can be used to see delivery progress. URL is linked to package number:

Gift card 

Scrip Service (RTC-22747)

When there is a difference between authorized and committed amount on gift-card, the committed amount will take priority when gift-card transaction is updated in the database.  

Gift card Management

Turn on/off gift card module in chain web on-prem (RTC-11141)

If system parameter "CloudChainURL" is set and the user enter Gift card view in Chain Web, the user will be moved to the gift card management in Chain Web Shell.

This system parameter also affects gift cards in customer order details, when pressing the "eye" icon, the user will be moved to the details view of the gift card in Chain Web Shell.

When the parameter is not set, functionality in Chain Web is not affected. 

The 'Gift Card Service Images' view has been deleted.


Adding reference number and reference text to invoice related to fixed price project (RTC-21825)

The invoice includes the reference number and the reference text on all layouts:

a) If there is a fixed price project and flag fixed price on Customer order then Ref. nr and Ref. text are taken from the project. 

b) If there is fixed price project without flag fixed price and modified Ref. nr and Ref. text on Customer order then on in Invoice are modified values.

c) If there is project without fixed price and modified Ref. nr and Ref. text then on Invoice there are modified values. 


If user use Invoice plan, then Ref. text and Ref. nr are from fixed price project. In other cases, they use Ref. text and Ref. nr from Customer order. 

Receipt journal

Nordic characters in free search (RTC-23858)

Providing the ability to enter characters specific to the Norwegian and Swedish alphabets from the keyboard in search field in Receipt Journal. 
Now there is possible both enter these special characters directly and copy paste them into the search field. User can enter any character in the search field, except for '-' which isn't allowed. Searching for words containing special characters works correctly.

Use LocalStoreNumber instead of StoreNumber to see receipts in Receipt Journal (RTC-23279)

Accessing Receipt Journal in Chain Web results in showing the receipts based on LocalStoreNumber instead of StoreNumber from the store related to the user.

Visibility of columns Subtotal and Store is set by default (RTC-22070)

These columns are always visible in Receipts journal after clearing cache. Visibility on these columns can be turned off temporarily, but after clearing cache they will be checked again. 


Changes in Sale statistics to make it easier to follow up sale (RTC-23324)

To make it easier to follow up on sales, two new parameters are added to report for Sale statistics. Changed report: 0013_SaleStatisticsWithDrill_std

New parameters:

  • Include Nonsale (default: No) - if nonsale items should be included in report result.
  • Expand To (default: Area) - which hierarchy level to expand to when running report. It is still possible to manually drill down after running report.

It is possible to change default value for both by changing hidden parameters pIncludeNonsale and pExpandTo.

Sale statistics (RTC-24082)

Minor fix when when running report expanded to subgroup level.

Fixed report: 0013_SaleStatisticsWithDrill_std.

Bonus rollout redeemed (RTC-23146)

To better follow up bonus rollouts, two new columns are added to existing report 0086_BonusRolloutRedeemed:

  • Num of receipts - shows a number of receipts bonus check was redeemed in.
  • Average sale - shows an average sale of receipts bonus check was redeemed in.


Reporting v76 is required to get data in new columns. 


Reset stock value when counting (RTC-21754)

User is able to reset stock level during finishing stocktaking operation, of the articles which were not counted, also for NotCountedSince and CycleCount stocktaking type.


New subscription choice for report 0457 (RTC-23194)

When creating new subscription for report 0457, user can now choose to use report period "Upcoming week". 
Report period will follow same intervals and rules added to the subscription setup. 


Updating cashiers in BackOffice (RTC-23801)

Now cashier is correctly updated in BackOffice db; UserMerger is not aborted, there is no duplicate key row error.

BackOffice service (RTC-22491)

Fixes an issue where BackOffice service could not contact cloud services due to old TLS version.

Chain Web v. 2.10.1591

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Web.Config/Azure AD user

Fix related to sign in for Azure AD user (EG Cloud user) (RTC-26754)

Providing configuration in BackOffice.Web.ActiveDirectory/Web.config to avoid duplicated references regarding Microsoft.Owin version. After fixes Azure AD user can login properly into Chain Web.


Resend EHF (RTC-33534)

Timeouts doesn't occur anymore on "Resend EHF" view.

Invoice base

False warning displayed in the invoice base (RTC-26036)

Fixes eliminated false warnings in the invoice base about internal transfers not being sent to credit. After improvements, warning occurs only when in the selected store is at least one internal transfer which was not sent to credit.

Chain Web v. 2.10.159

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Adjustment in color and size display (RTC-23994)

When color and/or size has value "-" or field is empty, then there is no extra line with information about color and size, for all templates after fixes.

Adjustments to the invoice standard V1 and V2 (RTC-23994)

Adding color and size to the Invoice based on transactions using POS Services/ POSLog processing. If there are both color and size given during Customer order creation, these properties will be displayed on Invoice just below item text. If color or size is given then only one value will be presented on Invoice. If none of the properties are given, then there is no extra line with information about color and size.


Filtering in exported Excel file from stocktaking (RTC-26853)

After fixes the value of the parameter ServerSideExportBatchSize does not limit the number of rows taken into account during filtration. All rows in the Excel file can be filtered.

Chain Web v. 2.10.158

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Correction on price calculation for invoice from internal transfers (RTC-24095)

VAT is now properly added to the item price while sending internal transfer to credit.

Chain Web v. 2.10.157

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer Order

Missing item lines (RTC-24465)

Correction on invoice creation for consolidation invoice where invoices lines would appear missing on the PDF created. 
Issue was found between Customer order and Project where there was blank reference on both order and project. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.155

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Customer Order

Refund (RTC-24163)

Prices on a customer order lines will be frozen at the time of customer order creation. Order lines will not be affected by any other discount than line, during the refund process. Only line discount will be added on the order after refund process.

User management

Correction of bug in saving/editing User Roles (RTC-24343)

Providing proper creation of a new user role and edition of the existing without error message.

Occurrence of this bug is related to new version of web browser.

Chain Web v. 2.10.153

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Customer Order

Refund (RTP-17652)

During edition of order line with loyalty discount, only the difference between loyalty discount value and current value will be applied as line discount. This applies to all discount effects. 

Refund/Return summary (RTC-23737)

The total amount of the "Refund for customer" will have the same value as "Invoice total amount" of the credit invoice created during refund or return of items. 

Receipt journal

Nordic characters in free search (RTC-23858)

Providing the ability to enter characters specific to the Norwegian and Swedish alphabets from the keyboard in search field in Receipt Journal. 
Now there is possible both enter these special characters directly and copy paste them into the search field. User can enter any character in the search field, except for '-' which isn't allowed. Searching for words containing special characters works correctly.

Chain Web v. 2.10.152

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Dispatch orders

Re-dispatched orders are deleted from POS (RTP-16452)

Orders that are re-dispatched to another store are correctly deleted in POS.


The "to pay"(Å betale) line on partially paid invoices is not visible (RTC-18880)

Label "To pay" is properly displayed on the partially paid invoices.


Adding reference number and reference text to invoice related to fixed price project (RTC-21825)

The invoice includes the reference number and the reference text on all layouts:

a) If there is a fixed price project and flag fixed price on Customer order then Ref. nr and Ref. text are taken from the project. 

b) If there is fixed price project without flag fixed price and modified Ref. nr and Ref. text on Customer order then on in Invoice are modified values.

c) If there is project without fixed price and modified Ref. nr and Ref. text then on Invoice there are modified values. 


If user use Invoice plan, then Ref. text and Ref. nr are from fixed price project. In other cases, they use Ref. text and Ref. nr from Customer order. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.150

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Checkboxes and dialog about unprocessed count list will not be displayed if the following System Parameters will be set to True: HideActivateCountListAutomaticallyCheckBox, HideUnprocessedCountListsModal, HideGetStockLevelCheckBox.

If HideGetStockLevelCheckBox set to True, the 'Get stock level again for items in selected count lists' check box will be hidden in the following modals:

  • In overview tab in 'Count lists' grid when activating or putting on hold.
  • Count list tab when activating or putting on hold from sticky column and using 'Activate count lists' button in count list tab (with single or multiple selection).
  • Using 'Put on hold' or 'Activate' button in count list details view.

Credit sales and payments


To get a better overview over drive-offs, a new report showing credit sales and payments on account was created.

Report details Credit sales with payments on account

File name


Data source

Database "Lindbak POS Reporting DW"



Date from

Showing transaction between and including Date from and Date to

Date to

Showing transaction between and including Date from and Date to.


Filters stores within selected team.

Retail store

Store selection. 

Columns - One row per transaction group by store and customer; total for each store.

Date Date of the transaction.
ReceiptReceipt number of the transaction.
Ref.noReference number of the credit tender transaction.
Ref.textReference text of the credit tender transaction.
Amount Amount of the credit tender transaction.
Tax amountVAT amount from articles.
On account Payments when using payment on account function in POS.


Customer order

Return/Refund: show payment types (RTC-20626)

User of return and refund views in Chain Web is displayed with the summary of payments returned on Gift Card or Klarna.

Web orders (RTC-19577)

Web orders containing return lines are properly exported to the file service.

Dispatch orders

Oldest orders on top (RTC-22027)

Oldest orders are on the top of Dispatch Orders list in Chain Web.

Dispatch service

History modal (RTC-21591)

History modal in dispatch rule displays without any glitch.

POS Configuration

Too large printer logo size (RTP-16194)

Printer logo does not get bigger now after storing logo in parameter PrinterLogo.

Hide parameter value in user interface (RTP-16123)

Value for parameter "BridgeWSPassword" is now hidden in user interface in POS Configuration. It still possible to change the value, but the existing value is not shown.

Price rule

Mix 27 update (RTC-21636)

Updated name and description for mix 27: 


  • Buy for X amount in ordinary price and get discount on all items.


  • Buy over a specified subtotal based on ordinary price, and get a % or amount discount on all items in the store. The subtotal will be calculated from the ordinary price of all the items in the receipt, including items that have a discounted price in the sale. The discount will compete with other offers for an item, and it might not trigger if another offer is better for the customer. It will therefore not give discount on items that already have other (better) discounts.
Receipt Journal

Allow a cashier in a store to see receipts for that store in Receipt Journal (RTC-21802)

Log in as a POS cashier and accessing receipt journal in POS results in showing the receipts from store that cashier is logged into.


Campaign statistics (RTC-22634)

In order to better follow up on existing campaigns, some improvements were made in the report for campaign statistics. Report: 0457_CampaigStatistics.

Added selection for date filter with following options:

  •    End date - only campaigns with end date within date selection is shown.
  •    Start date - only campaigns with start date within date selectin is shown.
  •    Ongoing - only campaigns which was active within date selection is shown.

Default value for selection can be changed in parameter "pApplyDateFilterTo".

Added "Not approved" in selection for status.
Translations inside the report and Chain Web were also updated.

Turnover per item (RTC-22259)

To better follow up sales per team, a new parameter for team is added to report 0753_SalesPerHourForArticle.

Top sales per item (RTC-22261)

To better follow up on sales, it is possible to exclude certain item groups in report 0754_TopSalesPerItemWithCompareDate.

Following parameter are added:

  • Exclude groups - if turned on (default off), the report will exclude sales from Excluded groups parameter.
  • Excluded groups - the parameter only shows up when Exclude groups in on. This is the list of article groups that should be excluded from report. Default selection is determined by hidden parameter "pExcludedGroupsList".

Hidden parameters:

  • pExcludedGroupsList - Default value for Excluded groups; comma separated list of article group numbers.

Top sales per item (RTC-22260)

To better follow up on items sales for all stores, a modified version of 0754_TopSalesPerItemWithCompareDate is created.

The new version has an extra column showing store number and store name. The report sorts the result by store. Parameter for grouping is removed from this report.

It is also possible to exclude certain item groups from the results. New parameters added for this:

  • Exclude groups - If turned on (default off), the report will exclude sales from Excluded groups parameter,
  • Excluded groups - The parameter only shows when Exclude groups in on. This is a list of article groups that should be excluded from report. Default selection is determined by hidden parameter "pExcludedGroupsList".

Hidden parameters:

  • pExcludedGroupsList - Default value for Excluded groups; comma separated list of article group numbers.

Top sales per item (RTC-22255)

To better follow up on sold packages for kilo items, existing report 0459 - Top sales per item is extended with column for number of sold item lines. 

New column "Sales quantity" shows number of sales lines for kilo items, and quantity for all other units of measure.

Old column for quantity is renamed to "Sold [kg] [i]". This column shows quantity for all units of measure.

Report for sales and waste (RTC-21870)

To make sure all breakages are included in report for sales and waste, the report uses FactItemTransaction now, which is based on RIGAL export as source. It will make sure breakages handled in Chain Classic are included in report.

Changed report: 0458_SalesAndWaste.


Count lists (RTC-21964)

Fixed creating filter in counting group - not possible to create "empty" filters (without filter value).

Stock taking results (RTC-22298)

The following fixes was introduced in Stocktaking result view:

  1. The GetStocktakingResults method is not called on count group tab.
  2. The GetDeviation method is called once on deviation tab.

LindbakRetailIntegration (SSIS packages) (RTC-21717)

The CashierStaging package in LindbakRetailIntegration was extended with a new field: email.

User interface

Chain Web user interface - horizontal scroll bar (RTC-20803)

Horizontal scroll bar will appear in the following grids:

  • "New Breakage" grid
  • "New Stock Adjustment" grid
  • "New Internal Use" grid
  • Parameters grid in POS Configuration
  • Active Configuration grid in POS Configuration

Chain Web v. 2.10.1491

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Customer order

Refund/ Return - fix for Not Paid status in dashboard (RTC-31261)

The issue was only related to displaying Not Paid for completed orders on dashboard for the Orders where prices from order lines sum up to sum value with more than 2 decimals after comma. E.g. Total on order was 211,00 while lines sum up to 211,0002.

POS Configuration

Client side error for store names with apostrophe (') (RTP-23002)

Choosing stores with names that contain apostrophe (') in POS Configuration no longer causes a client side error to appear.

Chain Web v. 2.10.149

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Customer order

Refund/Return process (RTP-19382)

The order should not be blocked for further refunds/ returns, if the process will fail on e.g. timeout, or payment. The returned/ refunded lines will be removed from order, or set as deleted and the started transaction will be cancelled - removed.

Refund/Return process (RTC-29996)

The same amount will be refunded to the customer as displayed during refund/ return process -  as the total amount of the "Refund for customer" and as "Invoice total amount" of the credit invoice created during refund or return of items process.

Locking customer orders (RTC-28319)

Fixes were implemented to eliminate locking order without proper reason with false message "The order cannot be changed since it is edited by another user".

Refund (RTC-24163)

Prices on a customer order lines will be frozen at the time of customer order creation. Order lines will not be affected by any other discount than line, during the refund process. Only line discount will be added on the order after refund process.

Refund of order with loyalty discount (RTC-24100)

During edition of order line with loyalty discount, only the difference between loyalty discount value and current value will be applied as line discount. This applies to all discount effects. 

Refund/Return summary (RTC-23737)

The total amount of the "Refund for customer" will have the same value as "Invoice total amount" of the credit invoice created during refund or return of items.

Return/Refund: show payment types (RTC-20626)

User of return and refund views in Chain Web is displayed with the summary of payments returned on Gift Card or Klarna.

Chain Web v. 2.10.148

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Count list activation (RTC-26413)

The process of count list activation was improved, for Items Not Counted and Cycle stocktaking. Count list processing/ activation process should not be blocked anymore even if it's related to a default count group creation, or if the Items from related count list, already exist in stocktaking result with empty CountingGroupInStocktakingId.

BasisImport job (RTC-26498)

The logs and processing of Basis was improved, so now more detailed error message - with the related line content will be thrown, if the processing of Basis file will fail and additionally the corrupted file will be moved to failedBasisFiles subfolder. Additional log message was added for CompletedWithNoEffect execution status.

Processing of basis files (RTC-27203)

The processing of Basis files was improved, so now it is possible to setup additional scheduled trigger, which is independent of already existing directory content updated trigger. A new trigger should be started even if the standard trigger will be frozen. Additionally, the faulted basis file will be moved to subfolder with the date stamp, so there is no limit of how many files related to the same store could be moved + the retry mechanism was implemented to re-try the processing of not moved file 3 times.

Chain Web v. 2.10.147

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


User management

Correction of bug in saving/editing User Roles (RTC-24343)

Providing proper creation of a new user role and edition of the existing without error message.
Occurrence of this bug is related to new version of web browser.

Chain Web v. 2.10.145

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Receipt journal

Nordic characters in free search (RTC-23858)

Providing the ability to enter characters specific to the Norwegian and Swedish alphabets from the keyboard in search field in Receipt Journal. 
Now there is possible both enter these special characters directly and copy paste them into the search field. User can enter any character in the search field, except for '-' which isn't allowed. Searching for words containing special characters works correctly.

Chain Web v. 2.10.144

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Gift card 

Scrip Service (RTC-22747)

When there is a difference between authorized and committed amount on gift-card, the committed amount will take priority when gift-card transaction is updated in the database.  


Reset stock value when counting (RTC-21754)

User is able to reset stock level during finishing stocktaking operation, of the articles which were not counted, also for NotCountedSince and CycleCount stocktaking type.

Chain Web v. 2.10.142

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Count lists (RTC-21964)

Fixed creating filter in counting group - not possible to create "empty" filters (without filter value).

User interface

Chain Web user interface - horizontal scroll bar (RTC-20803)

Horizontal scroll bar will appear in the following grids:

  • "New Breakage" grid
  • "New Stock Adjustment" grid
  • "New Internal Use" grid
  • Parameters grid in POS Configuration
  • Active Configuration grid in POS Configuration

Chain Web v. 2.10.141

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Report for sales and waste


To more efficient keep track of sales and waste, the existing report was modified.

Report details Sales and waste

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Date from Default today.
Date toDefault today.
Retail store Default all for HQ users.
Article areaDefault all.
Article groupDefault all. 
Reason codeDefault all. Default can be changed in parameter pReasonCode.
GroupingIf report should be grouped by article area or article group. Default is article area.
Exclude items without breakageIf the report should show only items with breakage. Default no.
Columns - Showing one row per Article areas / Article group with drilldown to an item.
Items noItem number
Item nameItem name
Sales quantityNumber of sold items within selection. 
Sales ex. VATSales ex. VAT within selection.
Waste qtyNumber of breakages within selection.
Lost amountAmount for breakage within selection.
Breakage %Share of breakage quantity in relation to sales quantity, in percentage.
Lost sales amount % 
Share of lost amount in relation to sales ex. VAT, in percentage.

New report - Items not counted


A new report to follow up on stocktaking and items not counted is created. 

Report details Items not counted

File name


Data source

Lindbak Retail database



Not counted sinceShows items that are not counted since this date. Default same date last month.
Retail storeOnly available for HQ users. Default first available store.
SupplierFilter result on supplier. Default all.
Item groupFilter result on item group. Default all.
BrandFilter result on brand. Default all. 
Show total only

If selected it will only show total, not any items. Default not selected.

Columns (one row per item)

SupplierSupplier name
EANEAN number
Item numberItem number
Item textItem text
Last number in stock Shows quantity from last stocktaking.
Last netcostShows total net cost for item from last stocktaking.

New report: Top sales per item


To more effectively follow up on sales and report to both internal and external users, a new report showing sale on top x items is created. The report has lots of options for grouping and sorting of result.

Report details Top sales per item

File name


Data source

Database "Lindbak POS Reporting DW" and Analysis services (Cube)

Selections - result of report is narrowed down by selections: 

Date from Default today.
Date toDefault today.
Retail store Default all (store users will only see their own store).
Article areaDefault all.
Article groupDefault all. 
Article subgroupDefault all. 
Article special groupDefault all. 
Price channelsDefault all. 
VendorDefault all. 
SubvendorDefault all. 
Sort measureWhich column to sort the result on. Available options are Amount, Quantity, NetCost, Margin and Margin %. Default Amount.
GroupingHow result is grouped. Available options are Store, Area, Group, SubGroup and No grouping. Default is Store. Default can be changed in parameter pGrouping.
CountHow many rows (items) to show. Default is 9999. Default can be changed in parameter pCount.
EAN listTo create EAN list to filter report on.
Hide margin valuesTurning this on will hide column Turnover, Gross profit and Gross profit %. Default off. Default value can be changed in parameter pHideMarginValues.
Include VATIf VAT is included in Turnover or not. Default Yes. Default value can be changed in parameter pIncludeVAT.
Columns - One row per item. Grouping by selection. After running the report, it is possible to sort on all columns.
AreaArticle area
GrpArticle group
SgrSpecial group
Item noItem number
EANMain EAN for item.
Article info 1Labeltext1. When exporting to PDF, text is trimmed
Article info 2Labeltext2. When exporting to PDF, text is trimmed
QuantityQuantity sold
Turnover Turnover (including or excluding VAT depending on selection)
Gross profit
Gross profit
Gross profit %
Gross profit in percentage
Net costNet cost

Import of stores from Store Management


After creating or updating store in Store Management, inventory flag is imported to Chain Web's database and its correct value is shown in store details.



Balance hangs (RTC-21333)

Fixed problem when Chain Web "froze" when PDF with the balance result was autoprinted.


The flag "Save Electronic Invoice Locally" description text was improved (RTC-21498)

"Save Electronic Invoice Locally" label has been changed on "Save Electronic Invoice only Locally".

Customer order

Order line details (RTC-19586

A new field with the old name "Net cost" was added on the order line, it will show the profile net cost of the Item. The previous "Net cost" field was renamed to "Weighted average cost price" (Veid kostpris) with the existing summation, equal to the result of multiplying the Unit net cost by the Item quantity


Freight is not delivered when removing all lines from multiple picking order that contains freight (RTC-20858)

In case of removing the item line from the not-delivered order, the freight item is reassigned to the delivered line with correct quantity delivered amount.

Internal transfer

VAT on internal invoices (RTC-21040)

UseVATOnInternalTransferInvoice system parameter has been added with the default value False.

It defines if VAT will be used in Internal transfer invoices. When value of parameter UseVATOnInternalTransferInvoice is equal to True and both stores in Internal Transfer have the same Organization Number, then VAT is included on invoice.


Faulty/Incomplete IBAN number appears on invoice if the IBAN-field is empty in the Invoice setup (RTC-19581)

When IBAN in store's configuration is empty, then it is not displayed on invoice.

Chain Web Invoice layout: The "to pay"(Å betale) line on partially paid invoices is not visible (RTC-18880)

Label "To pay" is properly displayed on the partially paid invoices.

Changes in invoice layout - round 2 (RTC-17277)

The invoice layout 'Standard V3' has been adjusted. Standard store information is stored in the footer, customer information is displayed only on the first page and the total amount is also displayed only once in the invoice summary on the last page. Date format has been changed to YYYY-MM-DD. Changes also affects Reminders when the store is using invoice layout 'Standard V3'.

Invoice template types have been renamed:

  • Standard -> Standard V1;
  • StandardBlue -> Standard V2;
  • StandardNew -> Standard V3.
POS Configuration

Editing parameters on configuration group level (RTP-16068)

Users without "Edit POS parameters common" role are not allowed to edit parameters on configuration group level.

Receipt journal

Receipt journal time stamp per entry (RTC-21136)

The following improvements have been provided for the receipt logs view:

  • The total amount is displayed for each payment log.
  • If there is a few payments in the receipt, then each of them is named 'Part payment'.
  • Pant items are displayed once.
  • Failed payments are displayed properly as 'Failed payment' in receipt logs.
  • The proper quantities and amounts are displayed in line logs.

Receipts Journal (RTC-18408)

No longer an option to enter special characters in free text search in Receipt Journal. Corresponding information regarding these limitations are added next to search label.


Bonus rollout redeemed vouchers ((RTC-21757)

Small fix in report for bonus rollout. This will make x-axis not to show duplicate values.

Top sales per item (RTC-21277)

In the report for top sales per item, some minor improvements / changes were made:

  • Minor changes in Swedish translation.
  • Name of selection for Swedish translation. 
  • New column for supplier order number. NB! This column only shows if Reporting has version 74 or more.

Report loading (RTC-21345)

To make report load properly with parameters, improvements are made in query for fetching teams.

Improved reports:


Account receivable (RTC-19461)

In reports related to account receivable, there is a possibility to include team customers in selection and the result of reports. To include team customers, a new hidden parameter pIncludeTeamStoreGroups must be set to True (default False).

Changed reports:


Report improvement (RTC-21511)

In all reports containing selection on Team, the query for fetching teams has been improved. This will make reports faster to load when starting.

Changed reports: 



Stocktaking result (RTC-21423)

Correct related data will be shown in stocktaking result view, no matter if MultipleLoyaltyPrograms system parameter will be set to False or True.

Stocktaking: Item (tandem) that has status 'isDeletedInChain = 1' appears in count list (RTC-18759)

For ModelItemsProcessingType Simple and Full has been added new condition isDeletedInChain = 0 while adding missing items to the count list. All model items (color-model items for ModelItemsProcessingType = Simple) with isDeletedInChain =1 are not added to the count list in the processing process.


Export of stocktaking related Count groups and Stocktaking result to Excel/ PDF (RTC-18653)

The Excel file with the results exported from Count groups tab will contain the scope of this tab instead of Stocktaking results. The export to Excel/ PDF of Stocktaking results of not completed Count group has been additionally fixed.

Export to PDF in active stocktaking fails for stocktaking type "non-counted items" (RTC-18652)

When there is no data to export (to Excel or PDF), the warning is displayed that 'Grid contains any items.' and the files are not generated.

User management

Receipt journal in POS (RTC-16647)

Cashiers with password not synced with user password is now able to also use receipt journal in POS.



Chain Web v. 2.10.136

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Dispatch orders

Sorting the Eldest Orders Ascending (RTC-28054)

The default sorting of the dispatch order list is: orders containing missing items, then active orders with the status "new" or "in progress", then oldest to newest.

Order reassign fails with database error (RTC-27838)

It is possible to automatic reassign order with split from dummy store to physical stores, were picking order already exists.

Chain Web v. 2.10.135

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Dispatch orders

Order not reassigned from dummy store (RTC-27734)

When considering if order line should be deleted automatic reassign gets dispatch suggestion for individual line instead of its available stock, which takes into account dispatch rules and stock reduction rules.

Chain Web v. 2.10.134

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Dispatch orders

Order not deleted from POS when re-dispatched (RTC-27031)

  • When the last item line in a picking order is deleted by automated reassign, POS is informed about the aborted picking for the assigned store (and the picking order is not reassigned further)
  • When the whole picking order is reassigned to another store POS is informed about aborted picking for the previously assigned store.

Chain Web v. 2.10.133

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Dispatch orders

Order with shipping item only not cancelled (RTC-26291)

DispatchOrderReassign job cancels customer order where there is only non-sale item left after removing other line(s)

DispatchOrderReassign job removes line from picking order (assigned to dummy store) when there are still other lines left in picking order.

Automatic Reassign Job - Rework (RTC-26214)

Previously assigned store is excluded from possible dispatch locations. That means automatic reassign does not assign orders to a store from which they have been previously rejected.

Reassign order lines (RTC-23733)

  • Non-sale lines are not considered for removal when performing automatic reassign from the dummy store.
  • Normal automatic reassign doesn't handle picking orders owned by a fake store.
  • Removal of a line from dispatch order results in the line being removed from the previous picking order.
  • After removing the unavailable items when reassigning them, the order is successfully delivered.

Cashier (RTC-24978)

Correction on error message when choosing default cashier role when creating new cashier.

Chain Web v. 2.10.132

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Order dispatch 

Fix: All order lines is picked, but order is not completed, and picking order gets reassigned (RTC-22639)

Automatic reassign of dispatch order (DispatchOrderReassign job) package does not create empty picking orders when no order lines can be reassigned.

User management

Correction of bug in saving/editing User Roles (RTC-24343)

Providing proper creation of a new user role and edition of the existing without error message.
Occurrence of this bug is related to new version of web browser.

Chain Web v. 2.10.131

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Import of stores from Store Management


After creating or updating store in Store Management, inventory flag is imported to Chain Web's database and its correct value is shown in store details.


Dispatch orders

Re-dispatched orders are deleted from POS (RTP-16452)

Orders that are re-dispatched to another store are correctly deleted in POS.

Oldest orders on top (RTC-22027)

Oldest orders are on the top of Dispatch Orders list in Chain Web.


Chain Web Invoice layout: The "to pay"(Å betale) line on partially paid invoices is not visible (RTC-18880)

Label "To pay" is properly displayed on the partially paid invoices.


Stocktaking result (RTC-22752)

Correct data will be shown in stocktaking result view, no matter if MultipleLoyaltyPrograms system parameter will be set to False or True.

Chain Web v. 2.10.130

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Import of stores from Store Management


After updating stores in Store Management, store data is imported to Chain Web's database and store details can be viewed in Stores view.

Required version of BackOfficeIntegration 1.2.0.

Import of stores from Store Management


After creating or updating store in Store Management, inventory flag is imported to Chain Web's database and its correct value is shown in store details.

Bonus rollout redeemed vouchers


To better follow up on bonus rollouts, a new report that shows percentage of redeemed checks over time is created.

The report shows line chart where percentage of redeemed checks on y-axis and number of days between issue and redeem on x-axis. Y-axis is fixed from 0 - 100%. X-axis start from 0 to max number of days for redeemed check in selection.
Each bonus check value for 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300+ is represented with each own color.

NB! Report requires Reporting v. 73.

Report details Bonus rollout redeemed percentage

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Year fromDefault previous year.
Year toDefault this year.
Bonus rollout nameList of bonus rollouts from within selected years. Default all.
Loyalty programDefault default program.
Relevant parameters
pIntervalNumberHow many tick marks to show in x-axis. Default value 10.

Bonus rollout redeemed and expired vouchers


To better follow up bonus rollouts. A new report is created showing relation between issues and redeemed bonus checks.

Showing values from selected bonus rollouts.

Report also shows bar chart with relation between redeemed and not redeemed checks.

NB! Report requires Reporting v. 73.

Report details Bonus rollout redeemed 

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Year fromDefault last year.
Year toDefault current year.
Bonus rollout name Showing all bonus rollouts between year from and year to.
Loyalty programDefault 0 (default program)

Columns: (one row per check value 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300+). 

Not redeemed Number of checks not redeemed.
RedeemedNumber of checks redeemed (returned checks not included/partially redeemed checks included).
ExpiredNumber of checks expired.
IssuedNumber of checks issued.
Not redeemed Sum amount of not redeemed checks.
RedeemedSum amount of redeemed checks.
ExpiredSum amount of expired checks.
IssuedSum amount of issued checks.

Report for sales and waste


To more efficient keep track of sales and waste a new report is created,  showing waste related to sales.

Report details Sales and waste

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Date from Default today.
Date toDefault today.
Retail store Default all for HQ users.
Article areaDefault all.
Article groupDefault all. 
Reason codeDefault all. Default can be changed in parameter pReasonCode.
GroupingIf report should be grouped by article area or article group. Default is article area.
Columns - Showing one row per Article areas / Article group with drilldown to item.
Items noItem number
Item nameItem name
Sales quantityNumber of sold items within selection. 
Sales ex. VATSales ex. VAT within selection.
Breakage quantityNumber of breakages within selection.
Lost amountAverage gross profit for one item times breakage quantity.
Breakage %Share of breakage quantity in relation to sales quantity, in percentage.
Lost sales amount % 
Share of lost amount in relation to sales ex. VAT, in percentage.

Sale per subgroup


To better follow up sales for accountants we have created a new report optimized for exporting data to csv.


Report details Sale per subgroup

File name


Data source

Databased "Lindbak POS Reporting DW" and "Lindbak POS MessageService"



 Columns (one row per distinct item group / sub group / VAT class)

Grp. no.Item group number
Grp. nameItem group name
Sgr. noSub group number
Subgr. nameSub group name
Quantity Number of sold items
VAT classVAT class
VAT %VAT class in %
Ex. VATSales excluded VAT
VAT VAT sales
Sales w/VATSales included VAT
Cost priceCost price


BackOffice Service

Certificate problem after upgrade (RTC-20120)

When there is no cloud certificate on the server, the error about missing certificate is not logged while processing customer orders.


Balance registration Chain Web - Some cashiers are not able to register Balance (RTC-20751)

When the cashier with number X register balance in some store on the given, then the other cashiers with number X are able to register balance in other stores on the same date.

Customer group

New discount type, recalculation of net cost (RTC-19545)

"Cost increase %" has been added to customer group discount types. It is available for items and item groups.
The cost price of the item will be increased by "Cost increase %" multiplied with the actual sales price in POS.
The "Price reduction" label has been changed to "Price effect".

Customer order

System parameter: CustomerOrderLockingEnabled causes Orders to be wrongly locked (RTC-19987)

Fixed problem with locking order when credit limit for customer is exceeded and then corrected.

Refund screen changes (RTC-16741)

The refund process was changed into to one step where user define reason code, treatment code and refund amount. The Amount and New price discount types from now on affect the whole amount paid for the item, no the unit price of the item. "Payment to the customer" section on the refund screen, is updated in real time after changing the discount on any Item from "Items to be refunded" section. After pressing Refund user gets warning dialog with the summary of refund. After pressing Cancel the warning popup will appear with the information that all changes will be reverted. After successfully performed refund/ cancel action the user is moved to the order lines view.

Occasionally an error occurs during the refund process, on the orders with subtotal discount, which also exists in our current solution - this issue will be fixed in a separate story.

Return screen changes (RTC-16740)

The flow of the return process has been changed. Instead of the wizard like before, the "Return Confirmation" popup with Credit note (or return summary for webshops) is displayed when the return is confirmed. After closing this popup user is moved to the order lines view. When the return is cancelled, the user is moved to the order lines view and all changes from return screen are lost.

Return item from edit order screen (RTC-16743)

When a customer order is completed, the return button is available on the order lines level.
After pressing it, the 'Return items' modal is opened where user can select reason/treatment codes and quantity that will be returned.

Dispatch order

Sorting the eldest orders ascending (RTC-19295)

Default sorting in 'Dispatch orders' grid is descending by 'Created date'. Orders with items which are not available in stock (full marked red) are on the top.

'Cancelled' or 'Rejected' orders have 'Unpaid' payment status. Except when the order has actually been paid.

Automatic reassign schedule - special days (RTC-19268)

It is possible to define special working days for given dispatch rule. Special days are exceptions to standard working hours for particular days - either open (specific hours) or close store (whole day). Special dates are automatically field 1 year ahead with public holidays of store's country. 


Automatic reassign schedule - standard working hours (RTC-18962)

Standard working hours can be scheduled in 'Working Hours' section of Dispatch Rules. 'Working Hours' are used by automatic order reassign to determine when reassign is enabled. It is possible to configure working for every day of the week separately, as well as defining multiple open periods during each day.


Chain Web Invoice layout: The "to pay"(Å betale) line on partially paid invoices is not visible (RTC-18880)

Label "To pay" is properly displayed on the partially paid invoices.

POS Configuration

Editing POS Parameters Common (RTP-15880)

If a user does not have access to "edit POS Parameters Common", then "Activate", "Edit", "Search by text" buttons are not visible on the common level in POS Configuration. Moreover, the "Actions" drop-down lists contain limited options for users without common permissions (only "Export" option).


Edit price in fixed price project (RTC-19065)

The possibility of editing project fixed price flag, when project has linked orders or invoice plan, has been blocked.
The fixed price amount can be edited always even if project has linked orders or invoice plan.

When creating invoices based on orders in fixed price projects, order in project is not completed (RTC-18656)

The project is properly assigned to the receipts which contain fixed price transactions. In result the invoice plan lines properly get status invoiced when fixed price transaction linked to this invoice plan line is invoiced.


Sale statistics (RTP-15844)

When selecting many stores in report for Sale statistics, we only show first three stores in selection list.

Changed report: 0752_SaleStatistics.

Sale statistic report (RTC-19920)

In report for sale statistic we group lines on item level per EAN, not per store as before.

Changed report: 0752_SalesStatistics.

Top sales with compare date (RTC-19934)

We have made small corrections in calculation for summary of all stores.

Corrected report: 0754_TopSalesPerItemWithCompareDate.

Add translations for report 0458 (RTC-19916)

Translations have been added to report 0458.

Member bonus per store per month (RTC-19455) 

Corrected sorting in report 0950_BonusPerStorePerEndOfMonth. The dates are listed in chronological order.

Turnover per hour and item (RTC-19432)

Added store parameter to be able to report on stores in team.

We made a copy of report 0525_SalesPerHourForArticle_std, added store parameter and grouped result per store.

Report Viewer (RTC-19107)

Excluded groups parameter remains hidden after using Expand all/Collapse all buttons.

EAN list (RTC-17059)

Creation of new EAN list will start with blank name so it's mandatory to set the name. A new check box was added the the EAN list, setting list as public or private, it will be set as private by default, so the list will be assign to the user.

Credit sales log (RTC-16379)

Report for showing credit sales are changed to only show credit sales ready for invoicing.

Changed report: 8002_CreditSales


Access rights for periodic stocktaking (RTC-19666)

User role responsible for access rights for periodic stocktaking has been added. Only users with this role assigned are able to create periodic stocktaking.

Requirement to use this functionality:

Before upgrading Lindbak Retail database execute this script: 

Stocktaking result view (RTC-17339)

Comments written on the count list in InStore App, are visible in the stocktaking results, on Item view. When clicking an item user can see which count lists he can find the item in and the comments of these count lists. Additionally the Item number and Area (the name of the Item Area) columns were added to the Stocktaking result view.

Chain Web v. 2.10.126

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

System sound when order arrives in Kitchen Screen


Added sound indicating to cashier that a new order has arrived after it was added to the Kitchen screen.

Web.config in BackOffice.Web has to be configured to enable kitchen screen notifications:



          <add name="Notification" status="Enabled" topicPath="Notification" subscriptionName="Portal" />

          <add name="KitchenNotification" status="Enabled" topicPath="KitchenNotification" subscriptionName="Portal" />

          <add name="FullTextNotification" status="Enabled" topicPath="FullTextNotification" subscriptionName="Portal" />



Chain Web v. 2.10.124

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Receipt journal

Use LocalStoreNumber instead of StoreNumber to see receipts in Receipt Journal (RTC-23279)

Accessing Receipt Journal in Chain Web results in showing the receipts based on LocalStoreNumber instead of StoreNumber from the store related to the user.

Visibility of columns Subtotal and Store is set by default (RTC-22070)

These columns are always visible in Receipts journal after clearing cache. Visibility on these columns can be turned off temporarily, but after clearing cache they will be checked again. 

User management

Correction of bug in saving/editing User Roles (RTC-24343)

Providing proper creation of a new user role and edition of the existing without error message.
Occurrence of this bug is related to new version of web browser.

Chain Web v. 2.10.123

Document status: RELEASED


Version requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Receipt journal

Allow a cashier in a store to see receipts for that store in Receipt journal (RTC-21802)

Log in as a POS cashier and accessing Receipt journal in POS results in showing the receipts from store that cashier is logged into.


Top sales per item (RTC-22255)

To better follow up on sold packages for kilo items, existing report 0459 - Top sales per item is extended with column for number of sold item lines. 

New column "Sales quantity" shows number of sales lines for kilo items, and quantity for all other units of measure.

Old column for quantity is renamed to "Sold [kg] [i]". This column shows quantity for all units of measure.

Top sales per item (RTC-21277)

In the report for top sales per item, some minor improvements / changes were made:

  • Minor changes in Swedish translation.
  • Name of selection for Swedish translation.
  • New column for supplier order number. NB! This column only shows if Reporting has version 74 or more.

Report for sales and waste (RTC-21870)

To make sure all breakages are included in report for sales and waste, the report uses FactItemTransaction now, which is based on RIGAL export as source. It will make sure breakages handled in Chain Classic are included in report.

Changed report: 0458_SalesAndWaste

Report for top sales (RTC-21870)

Minor translation change in one column.

Changed report: 0459_TopSalesPerItem

Chain Web v. 2.10.122

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

New report: Top sales per item


To more effectively follow up on sales and report to both internal and external users, a new report showing sale on top x items is created. The report has lots of options for grouping and sorting of result.

Report details Top sales per item

File name


Data source

Database "Lindbak POS Reporting DW" and Analysis services (Cube)

Selections - result of report is narrowed down by selections: 

Date from Default today.
Date toDefault today.
Retail store Default all (store users will only see their own store).
Article areaDefault all.
Article groupDefault all. 
Article subgroupDefault all. 
Article special groupDefault all. 
Price channelsDefault all. 
VendorDefault all. 
SubvendorDefault all. 
Sort measureWhich column to sort the result on. Available options are Amount, Quantity, NetCost, Margin and Margin %. Default Amount.
GroupingHow result is grouped. Available options are Store, Area, Group, SubGroup and No grouping. Default is Store. Default can be changed in parameter pGrouping.
CountHow many rows (items) to show. Default is 9999. Default can be changed in parameter pCount.
EAN listTo create EAN list to filter report on.
Hide margin valuesTurning this on will hide column Turnover, Gross profit and Gross profit %. Default off. Default value can be changed in parameter pHideMarginValues.
Include VATIf VAT is included in Turnover or not. Defautl yes. Default value can be changed in parameter pIncludeVAT.
Columns - One row per item. Grouping by selection. After running the report, it is possible to sort on all columns.
AreaArticle area
GrpArticle group
SgrSpecial group
Item noItem number
EANMain EAN for item.
Article info 1Labeltext1. When exporting to PDF, text is trimmed
Article info 2Labeltext2. When exporting to PDF, text is trimmed
QuantityQuantity sold
Turnover Turnover (including or excluding VAT depending on selection)
Gross profit
Gross profit
Gross profit %
Gross profit in percentage
Net costNet cost

Report for sales and waste


To more efficient keep track of sales and waste, the existing report was modified.

Report details Sales and waste

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Date from Default today.
Date toDefault today.
Retail store Default all for HQ users.
Article areaDefault all.
Article groupDefault all. 
Reason codeDefault all. Default can be changed in parameter pReasonCode.
GroupingIf report should be grouped by article area or article group. Default is article area.
Exclude items without breakageIf the report should show only items with breakage. Default no.
Columns - Showing one row per Article areas / Article group with drilldown to an item.
Items noItem number
Item nameItem name
Sales quantityNumber of sold items within selection. 
Sales ex. VATSales ex. VAT within selection.
Waste qtyNumber of breakages within selection.
Lost amountAmount for breakage within selection.
Breakage %Share of breakage quantity in relation to sales quantity, in percentage.
Lost sales amount % 
Share of lost amount in relation to sales ex. VAT, in percentage.





Balance registration Chain Web - Some cashiers are not able to register Balance (RTC-20751)

When the cashier with number X register balance in some store on the given, then the other cashiers with number X are able to register balance in other stores on the same date.

Customer order

Return item from edit order screen (RTC-16743)

When a customer order is completed, the return button is available on the order lines level.
After pressing it, the 'Return items' modal is opened where user can select reason/treatment codes and quantity that will be returned.



Changes in invoice layout - round 2 (RTC-17277)

The invoice layout 'Standard V3' has been adjusted. Standard store information is stored in the footer, customer information is displayed only on the first page and the total amount is also displayed only once in the invoice summary on the last page. Date format has been changed to YYYY-MM-DD. Changes also affects Reminders when the store is using invoice layout 'Standard V3'.

Invoice template types have been renamed:

  • Standard -> Standard V1;
  • StandardBlue -> Standard V2;
  • StandardNew -> Standard V3.

Edit price in fixed price project (RTC-19065)

The possibility of editing project fixed price flag, when project has linked orders or invoice plan, has been blocked.
The fixed price amount can be edited always even if project has linked orders or invoice plan.

When creating invoices based on orders in fixed price projects, order in project is not completed (RTC-18656)

The project is properly assigned to the receipts which contain fixed price transactions. In result the invoice plan lines properly get status invoiced when fixed price transaction linked to this invoice plan line is invoiced.


Store settlement report(RTC-20777)

In report Store settlement report (0450) CreditDebit number now include offline creditdebit transactions.

Changes are in sub-report 1410_SubSettlement.

EAN list (RTC-17059)

Creation of new EAN list will start with blank name so it's mandatory to set the name. A new check box was added the the EAN list, setting list as public or private, it will be set as private by default, so the list will be assign to the user.


Stocktaking result view (RTC-17339)

Comments written on the count list in InStore App, are visible in the stocktaking results, on Item view. When clicking an item user can see which count lists he can find the item in and the comments of these count lists. Additionally the Item number and Area (the name of the Item Area) columns were added to the Stocktaking result view.

User management

Receipt journal in POS (RTC-16647)

Cashiers with password not synced with user password is now able to also use receipt journal in POS.

Chain Web v. 2.10.121

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Report for sales and waste


To more efficient keep track of sales and waste a new report is created,  showing waste related to sales.

Report details Sales and waste

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Date from Default today.
Date toDefault today.
Retail store Default all for HQ users.
Article areaDefault all.
Article groupDefault all. 
Reason codeDefault all. Default can be changed in parameter pReasonCode.
GroupingIf report should be grouped by article area or article group. Default is article area.
Columns - Showing one row per Article areas / Article group with drilldown to item.
Items noItem number
Item nameItem name
Sales quantityNumber of sold items within selection. 
Sales ex. VATSales ex. VAT within selection.
Breakage quantityNumber of breakages within selection.
Lost amountAverage gross profit for one item times breakage quantity.
Breakage %Share of breakage quantity in relation to sales quantity, in percentage.
Lost sales amount % 
Share of lost amount in relation to sales ex. VAT, in percentage.


BackOffice Service

Certificate problem after upgrade (RTC-20120)

When there is no cloud certificate on the server, the error about missing certificate is not logged while processing customer orders.

Customer group

New discount type, recalculation of net cost (RTC-19545)

"Cost increase %" has been added to customer group discount types. It is available for items and item groups.
The cost price of the item will be increased by "Cost increase %" multiplied with the actual sales price in POS.
The "Price reduction" label has been changed to "Price effect".

Customer order

Refund screen changes (RTC-16741)

The refund process was changed into to one step where user define reason code, treatment code and refund amount. The Amount and New price discount types from now on affect the whole amount paid for the item, no the unit price of the item. "Payment to the customer" section on the refund screen, is updated in real time after changing the discount on any Item from "Items to be refunded" section. After pressing Refund user gets warning dialog with the summary of refund. After pressing Cancel the warning popup will appear with the information that all changes will be reverted. After successfully performed refund/ cancel action the user is moved to the order lines view.

Occasionally an error occurs during the refund process, on the orders with subtotal discount, which also exists in our current solution - this issue will be fixed in a separate story.

Return screen changes (RTC-16740)

The flow of the return process has been changed. Instead of the wizard like before, the "Return Confirmation" popup with Credit note (or return summary for webshops) is displayed when the return is confirmed. After closing this popup user is moved to the order lines view. When the return is cancelled, the user is moved to the order lines view and all changes from return screen are lost.

Dispatch order

Sorting the eldest orders ascending (RTC-19295)

Default sorting in 'Dispatch orders' grid is descending by 'Created date'. Orders with items which are not available in stock (full marked red) are on the top.

'Cancelled' or 'Rejected' orders have 'Unpaid' payment status. Except when the order has actually been paid.

Automatic reassign schedule - special days (RTC-19268)

It is possible to define special working days for given dispatch rule. Special days are exceptions to standard working hours for particular days - either open (specific hours) or close store (whole day). Special dates are automatically field 1 year ahead with public holidays of store's country. 

Automatic reassign schedule - standard working hours (RTC-18962)

Standard working hours can be scheduled in 'Working Hours' section of Dispatch Rules. 'Working Hours' are used by automatic order reassign to determine when reassign is enabled. It is possible to configure working for every day of the week separately, as well as defining multiple open periods during each day.

POS Configuration

Editing POS Parameters Common (RTP-15880)

If a user does not have access to "edit POS Parameters Common", then "Activate", "Edit", "Search by text" buttons are not visible on the common level in POS Configuration. Moreover, the "Actions" drop-down lists contain limited options for users without common permissions (only "Export" option).


Add translations for report 0458 (RTC-19916)

Translations have been added to report 0458.

ReportViewer (RTC-19107)

Excluded groups parameter remains hidden after using Expand all/Collapse all buttons.


Access rights for periodic stocktaking (RTC-19666)

User role responsible for access rights for periodic stocktaking has been added. Only users with this role assigned are able to create periodic stocktaking.

Requirement to use this functionality:

Before upgrading Lindbak Retail database execute this script: 

Chain Web v. 2.10.120

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

New report: Top sales per item with compare date


To follow up on item sales. A new report based on 0715 is created with additional parameters.

Report details Top sales per item with compare date

File name


Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting Olap (cube) and Reporting DW database. 

Selections (Report shows data within selections)


Date from Default today.
Date toDefault today.
Hour from Shows sale within hour from - to. Default 0:00
Hour toShows sale within hour from - to. Default 24:00
TeamDefault all.
Retail storeDefault all.
DepartmentDefault all.
Article areaDefault all.
Article groupDefault all.
GroupingDefault department. 
CountHow many lines to show. Default 10.
Sort typeDefault Amount.
EAN listTo create item list. Items in list will not override other selections. E.g. items from item group 2 will not show in report if only item group 1 is selected.

Label printing from InStore App (backend)


Changes implemented in the database to facilitate sending label print jobs directly to Chain Classic instead of using POSLogs.



Using Enter in balance registration causes server issue (RTC-19560)

Using Enter in balance registration has been adjusted to all type of balances: old balance registration, new balance registration and shift balances.

Customer order

New customer order change (RTC-16742)

The button "New customer order" now opens a modal where the user can fill in store, customer and project data. The same store as in store picker is selected by default. The focus is set in customer field when the modal is opened. When the user fills in data and then confirms changes by pressing Create, then new customer order with selected data is created and user is moved to the order lines tab of the order.


Numbered order lines get misplaced when copying customer order (RTC-16534)

The order lines number behaviour has been improved. In the copied customer order line numbers are displayed in correct order.

Clearing cache in the browser could be needed to see those changes work.

Gift card

Resend gift card (RTC-18562)

Resending gift card from Chain Web allows using '+' sign in the local part of the email address.


Put away Count lists - Seasonal storage in stocktaking (RTC-14488)

User is able to add Seasonal storage (Put away) Count list to an existing stocktaking.
A new button (Seasonal storage) was added on the Stocktaking result view, it will be visible only for stocktaking of type Periodic, Cycle count and Items not counted. User will be able to select the seasonal storages that should be added to the stocktaking, after confirmation, a new warning will appear: - the operation will take some minutes (the CountListProcessor LIP Job will take that action)

Receipt journal

Error when trying to export Excel file (RTC-18445)

Export to Excel is fixed when applied Cashiers and POS unit filters.


Turnover per hour and item (RTC-18368)

Added store parameter to be able to report on stores in team.

We made a copy of report 0525_SalesPerHourForArticle_std, added store parameter and grouped result per store.

Shift balance

Missing shift settlement (RTC-18432)

Shift settlements from one cash register did not show in Chain Web when shifts with a Shift-ID that already existed from another cash register in the same store. This is improved. 

Shift ID is no longer unique per store. The same shift ID within the same store can be used, but only once per cash register.

System parameter

Displaying values different from "Default Value" (RTC-688)

Values different from "Default Value" are in bold, bolding changes accordingly when changing values.
There is "hide rows with default value" checkbox in table settings. When this option is selected, only parameters with value different than default value are displayed in the grid.

Chain Web v. 2.10.218

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Customer order

Refund/Return process (RTP-19382)

The order should not be blocked for further refunds/ returns, if the process will fail on e.g. timeout, or payment. The returned/ refunded lines will be removed from order, or set as deleted and the started transaction will be cancelled - removed.


Refund/Return process (RTP-18663)

The order should not be blocked for further refunds/ returns, if the process will fail on e.g. timeout, or payment. The returned/ refunded lines will be removed from order, or set as deleted and the started transaction will be cancelled - removed.

POS Configuration

Editing rights on POS configuration parameters (RTC-30037)

Users with 1-level/restricted access can no longer edit POS configuration parameters in Chain Web on common or "s-lag" level.

Receipt Journal

Configurable name of "External Loyalty Number" (RTC-29525)

After adding new system parameter "ExternalLoyaltyNumberFilterOptions" it is now possible to configure name of the "External Member Number" field in sales filters in Receipts Journal.

Chain Web v. 2.10.112

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Balance hangs (RTC-21333)

Fixed problem when Chain Web "froze" when PDF with the balance result was autoprinted.

POS Configuration

Editing parameters on configuration group level (RTP-16068)

Users without "Edit POS parameters common" role are not allowed to edit parameters on configuration group level.

Chain Web v. 2.10.111

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Improvements for unmanned store mode in Self-service


Unmanned mode may now be forced by button, which will overrule configured opening hours for the store. This makes it possible to configure some types of control to be activated at day time (manned store) but not at night time (unmanned store).

Starting unmanned mode:

In self-service, you can see that the store is in unmanned mode in the top right corner:

When using button to leave unmanned store mode:

In addition. it is possible to override selected POS Configuration parameters in unmanned mode. This means that POS can have different configuration for unmanned store mode and manned store mode.

POS Configuration 

SnGUnmannedModeSettings - a list of 6 specified existing parameters. Configured values will have effect in unmanned mode only.

List of specified parameters, with their default values:

ShopAndGoConfirmTotalAmountLowerThan - default '0'

ShopAndGoOnlyAllowDeleteLastLine - default 'False'

SngApproveNegativeSubtotals - default 'False'

SngDeleteItemApproveGroups - default empty

SnGDeleteItemApproveLimit - default '-1' (not in use)

ShopAndGoActivateLindbakControl - default 'False'




POS Configuration

Editing POS Parameters Common (RTP-15880)

If a user does not have access to "edit POS Parameters Common", then "Activate", "Edit", "Search by text" buttons are not visible on the common level in POS Configuration. Moreover, the "Actions" drop-down lists contain limited options for users without common permissions (only "Export" option).

Chain Web v. 2.10.110

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Follow up on campaigns 


We have created a new report which lists campaign. 

Report details Campaigns

File name


Data source

Progress (64 bit ODBC)

NB! 64 bit ODBC driver must be installed. ODBC connection to progress needs to be set up and used in Data source for report. 



Date from 

Default today

Date toDefault today
Active or expiringIf active it shows campaigns active between Date from and Date to. If expiring it shows campaigns ending between Date from and Date to. Default is active (can be changed).
Retail store Default all. Store users will only see campaigns for own store and profile campaigns. Profile campaigns will show as store 0.
Include profile campaigns If profile campaigns should be included. These will show up as store 0. Default is active (can be changed). 
Configurable parameters: 
pActiveOrExpiring Change default value for parameter Active / Expiring.
pIncludeProfileCampaigns Change default value for parameter True / False.

Columns (one row per campaign)

StoreStore number. If profile campaign store number is 0.
Campaign groupCampaign group number.
Campaign IDCampaign ID.
Campaign nameCampaign name.
StatusNot approved, Active or Expired.
Start date Start date for campaign.
Start timeStart time for campaign.
End dateEnd date for campaign.
End timeEnd time for campaign.
Created by User from Chain Classic.

New report for bonuses not converted


To have better information about bonus rollouts. A new report showing information about bonus points for members is created.

Report details Bonus Points

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Reporting cube)


Loyalty program

Data: Report is showing a table with following rows
Total number of members This is total number of not deleted members in selected loyalty program.
Number of members with bonus pointsTotal number of not deleted members in selected loyalty program where bonus points balance is more than 0.
Number of members without bonus points Total number of not deleted members in selected loyalty program where bonus points balance is less than or equal to 0.
Total bonus points amount Total bonus points balance for all not deleted members in selected loyalty program.

Stocktaking for Items without stock level


User is able to count also Items without stock level (Items that have 'stocked' (NO: lagerført) flag set to False) during the Inventory.
A new step (Items not stocked) was added in the Inventory wizard. This step will be visible when store parameter 'Use inventory' is set to True.

In this step user is able to decide if Items without stock level should be included or not in stocktaking basis. A new related system parameter was added to control the default value of the mentioned step. Owing to that user is able to define if the Items without stock level should be part of basis.


System parameter name: IncludeItemsNotStockedInBasis - Default value: True

Additionally If store parameter 'Use inventory' will be set to False, then the question about 'stock level basis' will be hidden (with the Count list as a default StockLevelSeurce) and in this case only Items without stock level will be added to stocktaking basis - lookup for the related store items will be performed on Retail database instead of the basis file from Chain Classic. Also the 'Refresh stock level' functionality and Deviation tab will be hidden in UI.

Chain Web changes requires Chain Classic or higher. 




Customers in Chain Web can be anonymized (RTC-10461)
New dialog box was added to force anonymization, by using it, one is able to anonymize customers (only if anonymization was stooped previously by Chain Classic).
Dispatch order

Reassign dismissed orders from dummy store

In case of rejection of an order in store, the order goes to dummy store from which automatic 'DispatchOrderReassign' job reassigns order to another store - subject to product availability.  Reassign of rejected orders doesn't fallback to central warehouse. It is possible that lines will be further split to enable delivery.
If the product is not available in every possible store 'DispatchOrderReassign' job will cancel order for specific products. Partial and full cancellation of dispatch order can be activated in the settings in 'Dispatch Rules' in 'Reassign Order' section.

Required configuration: OrderMessage Integration 1.5.0


Possible to lose price that is set in fixed price projects, making it impossible to invoice project (RTC-18199)

The possibility of editing project fixed price, when project has linked orders or invoice plan, has been blocked.

Receipt journal

It is not possible to filter on receipts with orders (RTC-15877)

Receipt type filter in receipt journal viewer has been extended with two new sub filter options:
-Item Transactions -> Put Away Items,
-Item Transactions ->Article Order.

Other item transactions like: InternalTransferToCustomer, ArticleService, PostRegisterCustomer, DepositSale, PostRegisterGiftReceipt, ArticleList could be found at: Item Transactions > Other.

Those changes apply only to the receipts created after upgrade.


Change "Cashier" SE localization in Report Viewer (RTC-18775)

The Swedish translation of "Cashier" in reports has been changed back on "Kassör".

Issues with colors in reports (RTC-17955)

In order to correctly show report in Chain Web we have made adjustment to colors in report.

Changed report: 0750_WetStock


Export of stocktaking to Excel (RTC-17310)

User is able to export to Excel each stocktaking's results event, even for items which have not been counted.

System parameters

Displaying values different from "Default Value" (RTC-688)

Values different from "Default Value" are in bold, bolding changes accordingly when changing values.
There is "hide rows with default value" checkbox in table settings. When this option is selected, only parameters with value different than default value are displayed in the grid.

Chain Web v. 2.10.1091

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


User management

Correction of bug in saving/editing User Roles (RTC-24343)

Providing proper creation of a new user role and edition of the existing without error message.

Occurrence of this bug is related to new version of web browser.

Chain Web v. 2.10.107

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Checkboxes and dialog about unprocessed count list will not be displayed if the following System Parameters will be set to True: HideActivateCountListAutomaticallyCheckBox, HideUnprocessedCountListsModal, HideGetStockLevelCheckBox.

If HideGetStockLevelCheckBox set to True, the 'Get stock level again for items in selected count lists' check box will be hidden in the following modals:

  • In overview tab in 'Count lists' grid when activating or putting on hold.
  • Count list tab when activating or putting on hold from sticky column and using 'Activate count lists' button in count list tab (with single or multiple selection).
  • Using 'Put on hold' or 'Activate' button in count list details view.



Stocktaking result (RTC-21423)

Correct related data will be shown in stocktaking result view, no matter if MultipleLoyaltyPrograms system parameter will be set to False or True.

Export of stocktaking related Count groups and Stocktaking result to Excel/ PDF (RTC-18653)

The Excel file with the results exported from Count groups tab will contain the scope of this tab instead of Stocktaking results. The export to Excel/ PDF of Stocktaking results of not completed Count group has been additionally fixed.

Chain Web v. 2.10.106

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Balance hangs (RTC-21333)

Fixed problem when Chain Web "froze" when PDF with the balance result was autoprinted.

Chain Web v. 2.10.104

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Access rights for periodic stocktaking (RTC-19666)

User role responsible for access rights for periodic stocktaking has been added. Only users with this role assigned are able to create periodic stocktaking.

Requirement to use this functionality:

Before upgrading Lindbak Retail database execute this script: 

Chain Web v. 2.10.101

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Label printing from InStore App (backend)


Changes implemented in the database to facilitate sending label print jobs directly to Chain Classic instead of using POSLogs.



Change "Cashier" SE localization in Report Viewer (RTC-18775)

The Swedish translation of "Cashier" in reports has been changed back on "Kassör".

Chain Web v. 2.10.100

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Changes in access control in Chain Web for POS Configuration


Access control in Chain Web for POS Configuration works like this now:

If a user has access to:

  • "Edit POS Parameters Common", 
  • All stores (HQ user)

The user can edit parameters on any level in the configuration hierarchy.

If a user has access to:

  • "Edit POS Parameters Store/Cash register"
  • "View POS Parameters"
  • All stores (HQ user)
  • but NOT "edit POS Parameters Common",

The user can edit parameter values and add new parameters for any store or cash register. But the user can only view and not add/edit parameters on the Common level or configuration group level. 

 If a user has access to:

  • "Edit POS Parameters Store/Cash register" or "Edit POS Parameters Common"
  • A specific store (store user)

The user can only see 1 store in the configuration hierarchy and edit parameters for that store and the cash registers in that store.





Balance registration (RTC-17429)

In "new registration" and "edit a balance", pressing enter when writing total sum moves user to the next step.

Customer order

Fixes related to deleted rows strikethrough (RTC-17596)

This fix provides hiding deleted rows in order as default and fixed amounts of "Ordered" and "Delivered" in customer order dashboard.

Submit order button (RTC-16744)

When opening Customer Order of status Changed the submit order button appears on the far right of the toolbar and is marked as "orange" "primary". The submit order button disappears when status of Customer Order is Completed.

Easy to view online returns (RTC-7749)

New row was added to show quantity of returned item, there is no longer need to expand the item line to see that the item is returned. Way of showing online returns is now consistent with other returns.

Service/contract/retail changes to support order variant and order/line actions (RTC-16816)

New method ExportOrder has been created in CustomerOrderService. It's exporting CustomerOrder.Change blobs by using file service to the azure blob.
New system parameter 'OrderVariantsToExport' with namespace 'CustomerOrder' has been added, which specifies order variants that will be exported as a blob to the cloud. By default this parameter is empty, so no customer orders will be exported.
To export orders with order variant "StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery", set value of OrderVariantsToExport parameter to StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery.
In this parameter can be mentioned few different values separated by "," or ";" e.g. "StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery,Unknown".
Remember to set up system parameters FileApiResourceId and FileApiBaseAddress from namespace FileApi.Integration.

Extract CustomerOrderVariant in POSLogExtractorCore (POSLog v80) (RTC-16694)

New POSlog task ExportCustomerOrder has been created. It has exactly the same data as CustomerOrder task. It is used by CustomerOrder service, to export customer order to the blob storage.
CustomerOrder and ExportCustomerOrder tasks have been extended by OrderVariant, CurrencyCode and DeliveryDetailsType fields.

Dispatch order

Dispatch Orders: Status of Delivery is not Updated when Updating from POSAPI (RTC-18231)

Customer Order delivery status is updated regardless of picking order payment status. That means, when picking order is delivered in POSLog, then picking order and customer order are updated to Delivered in Chain Web regardless of its payment status.

Persist delivery status of order (RTC-16419)

Dispatch order grid and details view load under 1s.

Automatic reassign parameters without restarting LIP

User is able to turn off automatic reassign by change of configuration alone in 'Dispatch rules' in 'Reassign Order' column - 'Assign order to a new store after' should be set to '0'.

Homepage dashboard

Auto-change comparision date

The comparision sales date was updated to automatically adjust to the main date. That means, while changing the sales date, the comparision date is being automatically changed along with the sales date to the same period last year.


EHF Invoice fee (RTC-16053)

The possibility to add separate invoice fee for customers tagged with EHF invoice in configuration view.


Fixed invoice date in Invoices view (RTC-16588)

When looking at invoice in the Invoices view, the correct date is displayed also for newly created invoices, even if a different system time zone was used.


Deleted items (RTC-17089)

When searching for items, deleted items (in Chain Classic) will not be shown.

Receipt journal

Swedish translation error in receipt journal (RTP-14996)

The word "Feilet" has been change to "Misslyckad" in the receipt view in the receipt journal in Chain Web.

Timeout when searching by sequence number (RTC-17996)

New index added in Lindbak POS Journal database. It fixed performance when searching for receipts by sequence number. Timeouts do not occur while searching by receipt's sequence number.

Wrong time on put on hold activity in receipt logs (RTC-16627)

The end receipt time is displayed in details of receipt on hold instead of start receipt time as before.

Store filter works with configuration group access (RTC-18050)

User that selected configuration group level access, is now able to filter receipts by the stores related to that group.


Wrong calculation of total items (RTC-16778)

In sale statistic section of member analysis report we have corrected value for items / customer. Also minor improvements in header.

Changed report: 0519_LoyaltyStatistics_std.

Improvements Reporting (RTC-16258)

In order to have a better understanding of results in report we have made some changes to a couple of reports.

 - Minor translation changes
 - Changed how Diff % column is showing value.

  • Shows selected price channel in header.


  • Minor translation changes.
  • Changed sorting on area or group numerical
  • Shows selected price channel in header.

Fixed changing password (RTC-16616)

User is able to change password of the cashier in "cashiers" and in "users". Changing ManageUsersAndCashiersIndependently setting has no impact.

User Management

Alphanumeric sorting of roles list in User Management (RTC-16889)

Lists of user and cashier roles are sorted in alphanumeric order, in Role lists and Roles views. 

Chain Web v. 2.10.96

Document status: RELEASED


New report - Items not counted


A new report to follow up on stocktaking and items not counted is created. 

Report details Items not counted

File name


Data source

Lindbak Retail database



Not counted sinceShows items that are not counted since this date. Default same date last month.
Retail storeOnly available for HQ users. Default first available store.
SupplierFilter result on supplier. Default all.
Item groupFilter result on item group. Default all.
BrandFilter result on brand. Default all. 
Show total only

If selected it will only show total, not any items. Default not selected.

Columns (one row per item)

SupplierSupplier name
EANEAN number
Item numberItem number
Item textItem text
Last number in stock Shows quantity from last stocktaking.
Last netcostShows total netcost for item from last stocktaking.




Internal transfer

VAT on internal invoices (RTC-21040)

UseVATOnInternalTransferInvoice system parameter has been added with the default value False.

It defines if VAT will be used in Internal transfer invoices. When value of parameter UseVATOnInternalTransferInvoice is equal to True and both stores in Internal Transfer have the same Organization Number, then VAT is included on invoice.

Chain Web v. 2.10.95

Document status: RELEASED





Customers in Chain Web can be anonymized (RTC-10461)
New dialog box was added to force anonymization, by using it, one is able to anonymize customers (only if anonymization was stooped previously by Chain Classic).
Dispatch order

Dispatch Orders: Status of Delivery is not Updated when Updating from POSAPI (RTC-18231)

Customer Order delivery status is updated regardless of picking order payment status. That means, when picking order is delivered in POSLog, then picking order and customer order are updated to Delivered in Chain Web regardless of its payment status.

Chain Web v. 2.10.93

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer order

Fixes related to deleted rows strikethrough (RTC-17596)

This fix provides hiding deleted rows in order as default and fixed amounts of "Ordered" and "Delivered" in customer order dashboard

Chain Web v. 2.10.91

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Changes in access control in Chain Web for POS Configuration


Access control in Chain Web for POS Configuration works like this now:

If a user has access to:

  • "Edit POS Parameters Common", 
  • All stores (HQ user)

The user can edit parameters on any level in the configuration hierarchy.

If a user has access to:

  • "Edit POS Parameters Store/Cash register"
  • "View POS Parameters"
  • All stores (HQ user)
  • but NOT "edit POS Parameters Common",

The user can edit parameter values and add new parameters for any store or cash register. But the user can only view and not add/edit parameters on the Common level or configuration group level. 

 If a user has access to:

  • "Edit POS Parameters Store/Cash register" or "Edit POS Parameters Common"
  • A specific store (store user)

The user can only see 1 store in the configuration hierarchy and edit parameters for that store and the cash registers in that store.




Customer order 

Service/contract/retail changes to support order variant and order/line actions (RTC-16816)

New method ExportOrder has been created in CustomerOrderService. It's exporting CustomerOrder.Change blobs by using file service to the azure blob.
New system parameter 'OrderVariantsToExport' with namespace 'CustomerOrder' has been added, which specifies order variants that will be exported as a blob to the cloud. By default this parameter is empty, so no customer orders will be exported.
To export orders with order variant "StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery", set value of OrderVariantsToExport parameter to StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery.
In this parameter can be mentioned few different values separated by "," or ";" e.g. "StorePrepaidWarehouseDelivery,Unknown".
Remember to set up system parameters FileApiResourceId and FileApiBaseAddress from namespace FileApi.Integration.

Extract CustomerOrderVariant in POSLogExtractorCore (POSLog v80) (RTC-16694)

New POSlog task ExportCustomerOrder has been created. It has exactly the same data as CustomerOrder task. It is used by CustomerOrder service, to export customer order to the blob storage.
CustomerOrder and ExportCustomerOrder tasks have been extended by OrderVariant, CurrencyCode and DeliveryDetailsType fields.


Persist delivery status of order (RTC-16419)

Dispatch order grid and details view load under 1s.

Receipt journal

Wrong time on put on hold activity in receipt logs (RTC-16627)

The end receipt time is displayed in details of receipt on hold instead of start receipt time as before.

Chain Web v. 2.10.90

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

New template for invoices created in Chain Web


A new template for invoices has been added. This template contains a number of improvements in font size, placement of invoice elements and improvement of invoice text (Swedish version only).

The new invoice template can be selected in store configuration.

Sales report


To follow up on todays sales we have created a report where selection of hours are available.

Report details Sale statistics

File name


Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting cube (Olap)




Default today

Hour from Default 0:00
Hour to Default 24:00
Retail store Default all
Department Default all
Article area Default all
Article group Default all
Include VAT Default on

Columns (one row per department with drilldown to item area, item group and item). Buttons for expanding and collapsing all drilldowns.


EAN code

Item name

Article name

TotalQuantity sold
Turnover inc. VAT or Turnover ex. VATTurnover inc. VAT or Turnover ex. VAT depending on selection.
TotalAmount sold. Inc. or ex. VAT depending on selection
ShareShare of this department / area / group / item related to total sale.
Cost priceCost price 
Gross profit
TotalGross profit amount
Total %Gross profit percentage





StoreNumber is used instead of Id in all cashier balance (RTP-13797)

When creating summary for all cashiers the storeId is saved properly in database.                         

Chain Management 

Fix: Team view page shows linked stores (RTC-16495)

All linked stores are displayed properly in Teams, Profiles and Configuration groups views.


Filtering of projects (RTC-11534)

Using filters in invoices tab in Projects does not trigger a redirection to address tab anymore. When settings a date in sales tab filters clean X button is displayed properly and only one scroll is visible.

Customer order

Hide or show deleted order lines (RTC-14223)

User in Customer Order view has possibility to show and hide deleted lines from order. Deleted lines are struck through, so the user can know the difference.

Receipt reference to online returns (RTC-14526)

The receiptID of the receipt that contains online returns, is displayed in order line details in "Online returns" area.


Invoices with deposit items (RTC-15522)

The total amount on credit sales/invoices with deposit is showed properly. Deposit is included in total amount.

Crediting invoice that contains gift cards (RTC-11534)

A proper message is displayed when doing correction on credit sale with gift card or crediting invoice which contains gift card.

Receipt journal

Sorting of stores (RTC-16888)

The stores are sorted in ascending order by store number. 


Week number in date picker (RTC-16527)

When setting report parameters the user is able to see week numbers in date picker.

Timeout when downloading a report (RTC-9934)

A user-friendly message why the error has occurred is displayed to user when a timeout occurred during downloading a report.

Report search with supplier item number (RTC-942)

Report 0152_FreeItemsFromStampcard has been extended with parameter 'Supplier item number list'.

Tokheim integration

Configuration of Tokheim POS (RTP-12206)

Configuration and activation of Tokheim POS has been refactored and it now works in combination with EG POS Configuration.

 Activating configuration for Tokheim POS will also activate EG POS configuration. (For example when activating changes on the common level). 

Export of Configuration for Tokheim POSRTC-13361)

The folder, filename prefix and format of the files with configuration for Tokheim POS can be configured in the following system parameters:

  • TokheimExportOutputFolder
  • TokheimExportFilenamePrefix
  • TokheimExportUseUnicode

User Management

Fix for permissions (RTC-15672)

When parameter UsersCanOnlyAssignRolesTheyAreAssignedTo is active and some user is editing the other one, the added/removed are changed only for that user (not for the user that are editing as well).

Chain Web v. 2.10.891

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Customer order

System parameter: CustomerOrderLockingEnabled causes Orders to be wrongly locked (RTC-19987)

Fixed problem with locking order when credit limit for customer is exceeded and then corrected.

Order line details (RTC-19586

A new field with the old name "Net cost" was added on the order line, it will show the profile net cost of the Item. The previous "Net cost" field was renamed to "Weighted average cost price" (Veid kostpris) with the existing summation, equal to the result of multiplying the Unit net cost by the Item quantity.


Chain Web Invoice layout: The "to pay"(Å betale) line on partially paid invoices is not visible (RTC-18880)

Label "To pay" is properly displayed on the partially paid invoices.


Edit price in fixed price project (RTC-19065)

The possibility of editing project fixed price flag, when project has linked orders or invoice plan, has been blocked.
The fixed price amount can be edited always even if project has linked orders or invoice plan.


Export to PDF in active stocktaking fails for stocktaking type "non-counted items" (RTC-18652)

When there is no data to export (to Excel or PDF), the warning is displayed that 'Grid contains any items.' and the files are not generated.

Chain Web v. 2.10.89

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Customer order

Numbered order lines get misplaced when copying customer order (RTC-16534)

The order lines number behaviour has been improved. In the copied customer order line numbers are displayed in correct order.

Clearing cache in the browser could be needed to see those changes work.


Export of stocktaking to Excel (RTC-17310)

User is able to export to Excel each stocktaking's results event, even for items which have not been counted.

Chain  Web v. 2.10.88

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Sell MBXP items in web browser


There is created a integration with POS and MBXP, that is making it possible to sell MBXP items in web browser.

POS Configuration


This is string list type parameter, that defines the barcodes that can be accepted by MBXP web integration.


"^5711824\d{25}",  32 digits
"^651\d{13}", 16 digits
"^662\d{13}", 16 digits


This is key-value pair list type parameter, that define the configurations for accessing MBXP web sale service.

BaseUrl = ""
LoginId = ""
LoginKey = ""
CountryCode = ""
ConceptId = ""
OwnerId = ""
StoreId = ""

CommitTimeout = ""



Possible to lose price that is set in fixed price projects, making it impossible to invoice project (RTC-18199)

The possibility of editing project fixed price, when project has linked orders or invoice plan, has been blocked.

Chain Web v. 2.10.87

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Receipts journal

Timeout when searching by sequence number (RTC-17996)

New index added in Lindbak POS Journal database. It fixed performance when searching for receipts by sequence number. Timeouts do not occur while searching by receipt's sequence number.

Store filter works with configuration group access (RTC-18050)

User that selected configuration group level access, is now able to filter receipts by the stores related to that group.

Chain Web v. 2.10.86

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Deleted items (RTC-17089)

When searching for items, deleted items (in Chain Classic) will not be shown.

Chain Web v. 2.10.85

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Crediting invoice that contains gift cards (RTC-11534)

A proper message is displayed when doing correction on credit sale with gift card or crediting invoice which contains gift card.


Timeout when downloading a report (RTC-9934)

A user-friendly message why the error has occurred is displayed to user when a timeout occurred during downloading a report.

Chain Web v. 2.10.84

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Chain Management 

Fix: Team view page shows linked stores (RTC-16495)

All linked stores are displayed properly in Teams, Profiles and Configuration groups views.

Chain Web v. 2.10.83

Document status: RELEASED 


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Store number is used instead of Id in all cashier balance (RTP-13797)

When creating summary for all cashiers the storeId is saved properly in database.

User Management

Fix for permissions (RTC-16293)

When parameter UsersCanOnlyAssignRolesTheyAreAssignedTo is active and some user is editing the other one, the added/removed are changed only for that user (not for the user that are editing as well).

Chain Web v. 2.10.82

Document status: RELEASED 


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Fix for login for windows/AD users (RTC-16336)

It is possible to login to Chain Web using normal and windows domain account.

Chain Web v. 2.10.81

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Search for invoices (RTC-15345)

In Invoices' view there is a simple search option. User can narrow and customize results by entering key word in the simple search window. (The search result is improved in this version).

POS Configuration

Removing pictures from buttons in PLU Board (RTP-13175)

Pictures from buttons in PLU Board can be removed by choosing "Delete image" option while editing the button.

Receipt Journal

Summary for all cashiers (RTC-15875)

There is a possibility to edit balances after balance summary is created. If user edits one of balances, summary is updated according to the changes.

Fix for showing date interval (RTC-15396)

There is a possibility to set date interval in the Receipts Journal. All digits from date are displayed even if scroll appears in the filters section.

Access to receipt for stores after merging a store (RTC-14508)

A user will have access to all receipts from a selected store even if the store prefix is changed.

View receipt log (RTC-8483)

The user are able to view a receipt log to inspect each activity that has been made on  a selected receipt. This feature is developed for ordinary sales receipts and might not be useful when viewing receipts for credit sales and customer orders.


ServiceBus configuration (RTC-13481)

There is a parameter in ServiceBus that can be set on a topic named "Enable Filtering Messages Before Publishing". This should not be enabled and will cause this error when you have a lot (50-100) subscribers on a topic. 


Count group filtering (RTC-15949)

When adding filter to counting group selection criteria, type is autoselected if there is only one option, placeholder in search input, extended dropdown list to 40 matches and info about narrowing the search criteria.

Processing of count lists (RTC-9369)

To prevent processing of count lists to fail, the CountListsProcessorJob has status "faulted" if some stocktaking's changes are made during its work. Then count list which couldn't be updated has status "ProcessingTerminated" in the database and task "ProcessCountListCommand" has status "error". Processing of such count lists can be retried. Information about this error situation should be added to the retailers stocktaking guideline, but most important: "Please do not modify the stocktaking while count lists are processed/updated."

Chain Web v. 2.10.80

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Report for showing bonus points


In order to report on bonus points we have created Bonus per store report. This report allows the user to see monthly bonus usage per store for last 12 months.

Report details Bonus per store

File name


Data source

Reporting Data Warehouse



Retail store

Default none, multiselection possible 

Columns - Report is grouped per store, showing one row per month.


End of month

Earned bonus

Earned bonus

Used bonus points Used bonus points
Expired bonus pointsExpired bonus points

Automatic logoff in Chain Web


Automatic logoff is defined by system parameters:

  • AutoLogoutWhenIdle - possible values True/False, defines if automatic logoff is enabled/disabled, default value False;
  • AutoLogoutWhenIdleTimeoutMinutes - defines (in minutes) after how long the user is logged out automatically , default value 30.

When the AutoLogoutWhenIdle=True and AutoLogoutWhenIdleTimeoutMinutes <=10, then the notification that user will be logged out soon is displayed when half of AutoLogoutWhenIdleTimeoutMinutes will pass, when user is idle.

When the AutoLogoutWhenIdle=True and AutoLogoutWhenIdleTimeoutMinutes >10, then the notification that user will be logged out soon is displayed when 5 minutes are remaining to the automatic logoff, when user is idle.

When the user is active in at least one tab, then the user will stay logged in all opened tabs.

Search for bank card number in receipt journal


Searching for receipts paid with given bank card numbers:

1) Some payment providers save card number as ************0690 MASTERCARD. The user should then search for only 0690, or even better 0690 MASTERCARD to find the receipt.

NB! Due to technical searching limitations (in SQL Server) it is not possible to search with '' as this is removed from searching index. If the user pastes the whole card number *****0690 we remove  ******* and use 'starts with' 0690 in the search.

 2) Some payment providers save card number as xxxxxxxxxxxxxx6409-05. The user should then search with xxxxxxxxxxxxxx6409 (the whole string before '-'), with all the 'x' characters. If the users adds to few x, for example with xxx6409-05, the receipt will not be found.

NB! The the search technology saves the whole card number including 'x' as this is interpreted as a word, and the search uses 'starts with' to find the searching words in the index. The character '-' is removed, and also leading zeros are removed, so the user cannot in above example search for 6409-05, only for 6409.





Balance summary (RTC-9741)

After registering all balances for selected day, user will see a summary for all cashiers. This summary is available from Financials menu section called Balances summary.


Maximum credit limit when updating customers through ARTS Customer import (RTC-15225)

The default credit limit on credit customers in Chain Web is set in the system parameter DefaultCustomerCreditLimit. When updating or creating customers through ARTSCustomerImport the maximum credit limit must be less than three times the DefaultCustomerLimit or the update will be rejected. If the system parameter is blank, the default value of 50 000,- is used and the maximum credit limit when updating is 99 999,-.

Import of customer with invalid mobile number (RTC-9100)

If customer's phone/mobile number is invalid (contains illegal characters) then customer is exported with empty phone number.

BackOffice batch generator 1.5.3

Customer order

Search for offers (RTC-14959)

In Offers' view there is a simple search option. User can narrow and customize results by entering key word in the simple search window.

Search for orders in Package deliveries (RTC-14960)

In Package Deliveries view there is a simple search option. User can narrow and customize results by entering key word in the simple search window.

Fix for refund (RTC-7054)

The refunded lines are properly displayed in the Refund summary/ Credit Note.


Search for invoices (RTC-13704)

In Invoices' view there is a simple search option. User can narrow and customize results by entering key word in the simple search window (the search result is improved in this version).

Receipt journal

POS unit filtering (RTC-9114)

Fixed a problem where POS unit filter field were not removed as it should.

Fix for timeout when searching in large receipt journals (RTC-15143)

After entering Receipts Journal view receipts are properly displayed and no timeouts occur. User is able to customize and narrow the shown results by using filters.

Filter for stock adjustment transactions (RTP-13122)

In receipt journal the user can filter displayed results only to stock adjustment type of receipt. This type is in group of types named item transactions, so if user filters on all item transactions, receipts for stock adjustments are also shown.

Open drawer transactions (RTP-11413)

Open drawer transactions are displayed under System transactions and Other.

Search for old receipts (RTC-7875)

When searching for old receipts it is not possible to use all the standard filters. When 'date from' is older than defined in system parameter R_ceiptJournalOldReceiptsDate,_ a simplified filter is displayed. Please note that this system parameter is default blank.


Store users of report 0010 (RTC-14884)

If user has store level access, report 0010 shows only results for the user's store.

New reports, with interactive sorting (RTC-14253)

We have made to new reports (0455, 0456). They are the same as 0110 and 0453, but now they have interactive sorting in all columns.

Changes in report 0450_StoreSettlementPerOperator (RTC-14255)

New row "Klarna" in 1701_subCurrency section. The row shows payments done with Klarna.

New hidden parameter pKlarna - needs to be set to Klarna payment card number.

Changes in report 0750_WetStock (RTC-14762)

Now the report fits on A4 format when exported to PDF.

Font was changed from 10pt -> 8pt. Width and Hight of cells were changed.

Following column names was reorganized and changed:

  • Water measure in tank -> Water
  • Daily Variance, Daily Variance% -> Daily on two cells merged above and below: Variance and Variance%
  • 5 Days Cumulative Variance,5 Days Cumulative Variance%,5 Days Cumulative Sales -> 5 Days Cumulative on three cells merged above and below: Variance, Variance% and Sales
  • 31 Days Cumulative Variance,31 Days Cumulative Variance%,31 Days Cumulative Sales -> 31 Days Cumulative on three cells merged above and below: Variance, Variance% and Sales

Minor improvements in user interface (RTC-14104)

Sticky columns have been added in Overview tab and No active stocktaking header has been made more visible.

Counted by column in Overview and Count Lists tabs has been upgraded. The change for Counted By is done in POSLogProcessingWorker. New Count Lists from POSLogs have userId set to "operatorId - operatorName", for old records the value isn't changed.

Cleanup of old count groups (RTC-13902)

There is a job named CountingGroupsCleanupJob which cleans old count groups for an inventory control. User is able to set number of days after which the count group should be removed.  Default values is 90 days. If count group was used in already archived stocktaking and is old enough, CountingGroupsCleanupJob deletes it.

Cleanup of old counting groups (http://RTC-15659)

Delete Counting Groups and dependencies will be done in batches. Batch size is configurable by 'Delete batch size' job parameter. Default value is 50, but it could be increased to 1000.

Exclude items with specific assortment codes when creating stocktaking (RTC-11066)

System parameter AssortmentCodesToExcludeInStocktaking defines list of assortment codes, that will be excluded from the stocktaking basis.

Created date in the count groups view (RTC-15733)

Bugfix: All dates in the count groups' grid are displayed properly.

Filter on supplier and brand when creating count groups (RTC-12666)

User is able to select "Supplier" and "Brand" as an attribute in item filter when creating or editing count group.

User Management

Cashier permissions through cashier roles with system roles (RTC-12125)

A predefined set of system roles for cashiers can be added to a cashier role (not directly to the cashier/user). When creating a new cashier or editing an existing one, System Roles are not displayed in dropwdown list. If user has a system role granted from previously, it is displayed only in Cashier roles window. After removing it, user isn't able to add System Role to the cashier again.

Chain Web v. 2.10.70

New Report based on EOD


New report showing sales per item group where period is based on EOD (End of day). Made based on report 0600.

Report details Sales per item
Data SourceLindbak POS Reporting DW and Lindbak POS Message Service
Date fromDefault last available End of day
Date to

Default last available End of day

Relevant hidden parameters:
pRetailStoreStore, default 1001
pReasonCodesExcludedReasons codes which will be excluded from breakage fields. Default 14 and 15.
Columns - One row per item group
Article Group KeyArticle group key
Article Group nameArticle text
QuantityQuantity sold
VAT ClassShows 4 if VAT% is 8, Shows 3 if VAT% is 15, shows 2 if VAT% is 25, shows 1 on all other values
VAT %VAT percentage
Ex. VATShows sales excluding VAT
VATShows VAT amount
Sales w/VATShows sales including VAT
ButikknrRetail Store
Net CostNet cost
Breakage QuantityQuantity of broken items
Breakage Net AmountNet cost of broken items

New report showing top sales per item


In order to follow up on sales, a new report is created, showing top x sold items, grouped by area, item group or store.

Report require POS Reporting version 69.

Report details Top sales item
File name0454_TopSalesPerItemWithItemInfo
Data sourceAnalysis services (Cube) and Lindbak POS Reporting DW (Database)
Date fromDefault today
Date toDefault today
Compare date fromDefault same day in same week last year

Compare date to

Default same day in same week last year
Retail storeDefault all
Article areaDefault all
Article groupDefault all
GroupingDefault area
CountHow many items to show - Default 10. Default valuye can be change in hidden parameter pCount
Sort typeIf items sould be sorted by best or wors - Default best. Default value can be change in hidden parameter pSortType
Sort measureWhat mesure to sort by. Available measures are Amount, Quantity, Net Cost, Gross profit or Gross profit %. Default Amount
Include VATIf VAT should be included in sales amount or not. Default Yes. Default value can be changed in hidden parameter pIncludeVAT
VendorDefault all
SubvendorDefault all
EAN listDefault empty

Columns - One row per item


Article area

GrpArticle group
Item nameItem name
Article infoLabel text 2
Date fromDate to
QuantityQuantity sold
TurnoverSales amount
Gross profitGross profit
Gr. prof. %Gross profit percentage
Compare date fromCompare date to
QuantityQuantity sold
TurnoverSales amount
Gross profitGross profit
Gr. prof. % Gross profit percentage

Sales Report per department/area based on EOD


New report showing sales per department in 4 tables divided by Article group numbers. Period is based on EOD (End of day).

Report details Sales per department
Data sourceLindbak POS Reporting DW database
Retail store Store, default first store in list
YearDefault current year
EOD Date fromDefault last available EOD
EOD Date toDefault last available EOD
Include nonsaleIf nonsale is included in sale. Default true
Relevant hidden parameters
pArticleGroupList1Add Article Group numbers for Articles to be displayed in first table (Fuels)
pArticleGroupList2Add Article Group numbers for Articles to be displayed in second table (Retail goods)
pArticleGroupList3Add Article Group numbers for Articles to be displayed in third table (Automatic Car Wash)
pArticleGroupList4Add Article Group numbers for Articles to be displayed in fourth table
pIncludeNonsaleIf Include nonsale should be default true or false
Columns - One row per distinct combination of Department, Article Area and Vat%
DepartmentDepartment number
Dept nameDepartment name
Area noArticle Area number
Area nameArticle Area name
QuantityQuantity sold
VAT classShows 4 if VAT% is 8, Shows 3 if VAT% is 15, shows 2 if VAT% is 25, shows 1 on all other values
VAT%VAT percentage
Ex. VATShows sales excluding VAT
VATShows VAT amount
Sales w/VATShows sales including VAT

Sales report per item/item group based on EOD


New report showing sales per item / item group where period is based on EOD (End of day).

Report details Sales per item
Data sourceLindbak POS Reporting DW database
Retail storeStore, default first store in list
YearDefault current year
EOD Date fromDefault last available EOD
EOD Date toDefault last available EOD
Include nonsaleIf nonsale is included in sale. Default true
Article groupDefault All
Relevant hidden parameters:
pIncludeNonsaleIf Include nonsale should be default true or false
Columns - One row per item. Group by Item group / VAT
ItemArticle text
QuantityQuantity sold
VAT classShows 4 if VAT% is 8, Shows 3 if VAT% is 15, shows 2 if VAT% is 25, shows 1 on all other values
VAT%VAT percentage
Ex. VATShows sales excluding VAT
VATShows VAT amount
Sales w/VATShows sales including VAT

Receipt Journal Access


There is a new tab named Journal Access in user view. In this tab user is able to choose one of two options. This choice impacts to which stores user has access in Receipts Journal. After selecting the first option, available stores
match permissions given in User tab. When second option is chosen, user has access only to stores which are included in the selected configuration group. If user has "Manage receipts for all stores" access role, all stores are
available in Receipts journal view. If user has access to the configuration group which has become empty or inactive, available stores match permission from 
User tab.
Journal access tab in editing user view will be visible only if configuration parameter JournalAccessStoreConfigurationGroup is set to True (default value is False)

Password requirement when changing password in POS and Chain Web


New system parameter CashierPinCodeLength has been added. It defines the minimal length of the cashier password. Default value of this parameter is 6. When cashier's password is changed, it will be validated if it is shorter than the value defined in CashierPinCodeLength parameter. Additionally, the current password cannot be reused as the new cashier password.



Accounts receivable

Manual adjustment of credit balance (RTC-8235)

User with permission is able to correct customer credit balance. There is also a possibility to check the balance history. Corrections of the balance will be saved in the balance history as a recharge or as a deduction of funds.


Receipt Journal requires store to be selected (RTP-12435)

Receipt Journal requires store to be selected

When a HQ user filter receipts in Receipt Journal and does not select a store filter - receipts for all stores will be shown by default.

Refund (RTP-12075)

When an active campaign price is lower than the originally paid price of an item it is refunded without errors.

Add permission for edit balance older than x hours (RTC-9862)

New system parameter "EditBalanceNotPermittedIfOlderThanHours" which defines time (in hours) after which the editing of balance will not be permitted if user is not HQ user or does not have proper permission.
New role "Edit balance older than x hours" which allows user to edit balances older than time defined in "EditBalanceNotPermittedIfOlderThanHours" parameter. The user without this role is not able to edit old balances (this applies to the shift balances too).

Customer Orders

Editing a row in Customer Order (RTC-10476)

Net cost field has been renamed to Weighted net cost. This field's working principle didn't change - Weighted net cost is equal to the result of multiplying the UnitNetCost by the QuantityOrdered. There is also a new field named Net cost and it's equal to net cost field in the database.

Deleting and Updating C&C orders (RTC-13761)

When a click & collect order is deleted in EG POS, the order will be marked as deleted and also the picking order details with lines will be deleted from Chain Web. The picking order will be correctly marked in Chain Web with the PickingOrderStatus = Delivered after the picking will be finished in EG POS.


Simple search (RTC-14386)

Improvements were made to the  "simple search" in the Items grid, in customer search of sales/ orders/ grids and and in the other Chain Web areas where the simple search is used.

Gift card

Migrate all data (RTC-8096)

New job AllGiftCardsExporter has been added to the GiftCards Integration package. It exports all giftcards (both active and inactive) with transactions to the blob GiftCardUpdated2 (contract in gifcardservice version 2). This job should be enabled only when giftcard service version 2 is used.
The job send message to the cloud service bus, where the GiftcardsImport job reads it and insert data (giftcards, transactions) to the Lindbak GiftcardService database.

Resend digital gift card (RTC-14111)

There is a DigitalGiftcardEnabled in System Parameters. It decides which button to show in Gift cards view. If this parameter is set to true, user has the possibility to resend gift card. If this parameter is set to false, user has possibility to remind PIN.
These options work for gift cards with or without email address/phone number assigned. If both a mobile number and an email address are assigned to the gift card, then information automatically will be sent only to the email.


Search for items per store (RTC-13062)

User is able to see items for each store when using "Search for item" (simple search) in the Items' grid.

Order Dispatch

Returning order lines (RTC-11715)

It is not possible to return more order lines than allowed - for example, when user is trying to return the same order line in two separate browser windows. The proper message is visible in three languages - English, Norwegian and Swedish:


Bestseller report (RTC-13118)

We have changed name of "sum" column to clarify that amounts are in thousands

Changed report: Bestseller (0041_BestSellerPerStorePerArticle)

Sales statistics report (RTC-10886)

Some improvements have been made in report Sales statistics. In some cases, values for gross profit % excluding campaign would show n/a insetead of percentage value.

Changed report: 0714_SalesStatisticsWithDrill

Report 8002 - Credit Sales (RTC-12775)

Deleted receipts are no longer shown in report 8002.

Selection on price channel in reports (RTC-13892)

To improve reporting on sales from different channels, we have added Price channel as selection in following reports:
Top sales per item with compare date (0454_TopSalesPerItemWithItemInfo)
Sales by product area (0456_SalesByPRoductAreaOrGroupWithInteractiveSorting)

Cashier statistics report (RTC-13893)

To improve following up cashiers, we have created new report.
The report is identical to Cashier statistics (0018_CashierStatistics) with two new columns for manual discount. This shows data for all Line discounts given manually in POS.
Amount - Manual discount in amount for Line discount.
Percent - Manual discount in percentage for Line discount (discount / amount * 100)

Translation: "No reports available" (RTC-14193)

If there aren't any reports in the Reports view, following message is displayed: "Ingen rapporter tilgjengelig".

Shift Balance

Balance date is set to "End Shift" date (RTC-14353)

When balance is configured to use shift, the balance date in shift balances is equal to the date of End Shift.

Expected values on tenders while doing edit balance operation (RTC-14602)

The proper expected values for tenders are displayed while editing shift balance or new cashier balance registration.
One label "Counted" has been renamed to "To bank" in shift balance creation process in register bag step for a better user experience.


Stocktaking improvements (RTC-8023, RTC-7724)

The following changes are implemented in the stocktaking module:

  • The delete button is hidden in more button (...).
  • The count list button is grey and the refresh button has been renamed to refresh stock level.
  • For finished stocktakings (for all types), statistics have been changed. If it took 0s to finish the stocktaking, there is no information about the duration in the statistics on stocktaking dashboard.

There are some changes in stocktaking's area. In some grids there are new columns: Created by, Modified Date and Modified by. Those columns are hidden by default. Also, Date column is renamed to Created Date.
Grids affected by those changes: Count lists, Stocktakings, Count lists in given stocktaking and Archive.


Logging in Integration Platform (RTP-12974)

A logging issue with LIP in cloud where disconnected users was logged as exceptions is corrected.

User Management

Filter on modified date (RTC-9094)

User is able to filter modified date column in the User view.

Chain Web v. 2.10.65

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Shift balances

Missing shift settlement (RTC-18432)

Shift settlements from one cash register did not show in Chain Web when shifts with a Shift-ID that already existed from another cash register in the same store. This is improved. 

Shift ID is no longer unique per store. The same shift ID within the same store can be used, but only once per cash register.

Chain Web v. 2.10.64

Document status: RELEASED 


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



User Management

Fix for permissions (RTC-15672)

When parameter UsersCanOnlyAssignRolesTheyAreAssignedTo is active and some user is editing the other one, the added/removed are changed only for that user (not for the user that are editing as well).

Chain Web v. 2.10.62

Document status: RELEASED 


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

New report - Sales per item


New report showing sales per item group where period is based on EOD (End of day). Made based on report 0600.

Report details Sales per item
Data SourceLindbak POS Reporting DW and Lindbak POS Message Service
EOD Date fromDefault last available End of day
EOD Date to

Default last available End of day

Relevant hidden parameters:
pRetailStoreStore, default 1001
pReasonCodesExcludedReasons codes which will be excluded from breakage fields. Default 14 and 15.
Columns - One row per item group
Article Group KeyArticle group key
Article Group nameArticle text
QuantityQuantity sold
VAT ClassShows 4 if VAT% is 8, Shows 3 if VAT% is 15, shows 2 if VAT% is 25, shows 1 on all other values
VAT %VAT percentage
Ex. VATShows sales excluding VAT
VATShows VAT amount
Sales w/VATShows sales including VAT
ButikknrRetail Store
Net CostNet cost
Breakage QuantityQuantity of broken items
Breakage Net AmountNet cost of broken items



Shift balance

Expected values on tenders while doing edit balance operation (RTC-14602)

The proper expected values for tenders are displayed while editing shift balance or new cashier balance registration.
One label "Counted" has been renamed to "To bank" in shift balance creation process in register bag step for a better user experience.

Chain Web v. 2.10.61

Document status: RELEASED 


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

New UI for handling stores in Dispatch rules

(RTC-13056, RTC-13053)

The overview section in Dispatch rules consists of general information regarding current Web shop store, how many central warehouse stores, Dispatch stores or Pay & Collect stores are set:

The edit button in the overview section redirects user to the Stores grid:

User can filter the selected store/stores, set one or more stores as warehouse, P&C store or Dispatch store. In the grid there is a possibility to filter the stores and its current settings. 

It is possible to set one or more stores as Warehouse, P&C store or dispatch store by using particular buttons - or to use new popup where the user can add/remove the settings for single store:

Additionally, user can save settings without activating or save + activate settings. Furthermore, it is possible to export store grid to Excel to get a complete overview of all stores and which store category they fall under.

Configuration of sub menu in PLU Board in POS Configuration


The configuration of PLU Boards (convenience sales mode) supports sub menus.

Sub menus are added like this:

Enter button title and upload the desired image for the button.


 Sub menus are displayed like this in the parent page (arrow top right corner of the button):

Sales Report per department/area based on EOD


New report showing sales per department in 4 tables divided by Article group numbers. Period is based on EOD (End of day).

Report details Sales per department

File name


Data source

"Lindbak POS Reporting DW" database.



Retail store 

Store, default first store in list.

Year Default current year.
EOD Date from Default last available EOD.
EOD Date to Default last available EOD.
Include nonsale If nonsale is included in sale. Default True.
Relevant hidden parameters:
pArticleGroupList1 Add Article Group numbers for Articles to be displayed in first table (Fuels).

pArticleGroupList2 Add Article Group numbers for Articles to be displayed in second table (Retail goods).
pArticleGroupList3 Add Article Group numbers for Articles to be displayed in third table (Automatic Car Wash).
pArticleGroupList4 Add Article Group numbers for Articles to be displayed in fourth table.
pIncludeNonsale If Include nonsale should be default True or False.

Columns - One row per distinct combination of Department, Article Area and Vat%. 

Department Department number
Dept name Department name
Area no Article Area number
Area name Article Area name
Quantity Quantity sold.
VAT class Shows 4 if VAT% is 8, Shows 3 if VAT% is 15, shows 2 if VAT% is 25, shows 1 on all other values.
VAT% VAT percentage.
Ex. VAT Shows sales excluding VAT.
VATShows VAT amount.
Sales w/VAT Shows sales including VAT.

Sales report per item/item group based on EOD


New report showing sales per item / item group where period is based on EOD (End of day).

Report details Sales per item

Filename 0607_SalesPerItemInGroup
Data source"Lindbak POS Reporting DW" database



Retail store Store, default first store in list.
Year Default current year.
EOD Date fromDefault last available EOD.
EOD Date toDefault last available EOD.
Include nonsaleIf nonsale is included in sale. Default true.
Article group Default All
Relevant hidden parameters:
pIncludeNonsaleIf Include nonsale should be default True or False.

Columns -One row per item. Group by Item group / VAT

Item Article text.
QuantityQuantity sold.
VAT classShows 4 if VAT% is 8, Shows 3 if VAT% is 15, shows 2 if VAT% is 25, shows 1 on all other values.
VAT% VAT percentage.
Ex. VAT Shows sales excluding VAT.
VATShows VAT amount.
Sales w/VATShows sales including VAT.

Daily report for fuel sales


This report will allow the user to gain insight on the fuel sales per day and view the stock, and stock variance per day. 

Report: 0751_DailyWetStock

Report for showing fuel and sales


In order to report on fuel stock and sales we have created a wet stock report. This report allows the user to monitor whether the actual fuel stock is correct compared with the amount of fuel sold.

Report details Wet stock

File name


Data source

Reporting cube (Olap)



Date from

Default 1. of previous month.

Date to

Default last day of previous month.

Retail store

Default all

Relevant hidden parameters:
pVarianceThreshold when to color columns for Daily Variance orange. Default 200.
pVariancePrcThreshold when to color columns for Daily Variance %. Default 0,75%

Columns - Report is grouped per fuel tank group, showing one row per day in selection.



Opening Stock

Stock from automatic or manual reading. If not available it will be calculated. If calculated values will be shown with pink color.

DeliveriesDelivery transactions (from Chain).
Sales Sales for tank group (from POSLog)


Book Stock Opening stock + Deliveries - Sales.
Actual Stock Stock from reading.
Water Measure In Tank Water in liters, if value is not 0 it will be colored red.
Daily Variance Difference between actual and book stock in liters. If value exceeds value from pVariance it will be colored orange.
Daily Variance % Daily variance divided by sales, in percentage. If value exceeds value from pVariancePrc it will be colored red.
5 Day Cumulative Variance Difference between actual and book stock in liters, last 5 days.
5 Day Cumulative Sales Sales for tank group, last 5 days.
5 Day Cumulative Variance % Daily variance divided by sales, in percentage, last 5 days.
31 Day Cumulative Variance Difference between actual and book stock in liters, last 31 days.
31 Day Cumulative Sales Sales for tank group, last 31 days.
31 Day Cumulative Variance % Daily variance divided by sales, in percentage, last 31 days.





Shifts receipts in Receipt Journal (RTP-11724)

New shift and end shift receipts are displayed in Receipt Journal in the same way as in printed receipt


Import of item list in customer group discount (RTC-13360)

A loading indicator is displayed when importing item list or item group list to a customer group (for discounts). When the import has finished, a green notification is displayed to inform that the import was successful, or an orange notifications to inform that an exception occured.

Dispatch rules 

Automatic Reassign: Issue with Delivery Method Configuration (RTC-11608)

It is possible to configure automatic reassign for delivery methods defined in CustomerOrderDeliveryMethods system parameter. That means delivery methods for reassign order are expanded to include all delivery methods available in CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod system parameter and are possible to be set in Dispatch Rules -> Reassigning Order as an option for automatic reassign. Additionally, Reassign Order Delivery Methods are no longer dependent on Delivery methods selected in Delivery Methods section.



Date when adding payment of invoice (RTC-13609)

When adding payment to the invoice, payment date from date picker is displayed and processed in correct format, according to user settings. When for example the user has Norge as region, the date is displayed in Norwegian date format.

Gift card

Resend digital gift card (RTC-8266)

There is a DigitalGiftcardEnabled in System parameters. It decides which button to show in Gift cards view. If this parameter is set to true, user has the possibility to resend gift card. If this parameter is set to false, user has possibility to remind PIN.
These options work for gift cards with or without email address/phone number assigned. If both a mobile number and an email address are assigned to the gift card, then information automatically will be sent only to the email.

Order dispatch

Handle lack of delivery suggestions from DispatchService (RTC-13806)

Dispatch orders are processed correctly even if there are no suggestions available from DispatchService.

Issue deleting order lines with unsupported characters (RTC-10215)

Order line in a dispatch order can be successfully removed even if it contains special characters like: '()",

Fix validation of dispatch rules (RTC-12099)

Dispatch rules correctly displayed and can be saved with default values. Error messages are displayed correctly when invalid values are entered fields. This is done to increase user friendliness of the dispatch solution, as previously the user would get no indication as to why they were unable to save the dispatch rules.


Deleted receipts in Store settlement report (RTC-12984)

Previously, we did not show data for cashier if they only had deleted receipt and no sale.
This is corrected and cashiers with only deleted receipts will also appear in the report.

Changed report: 0450_StoreSettlementPerOperator.

Report sales per profile (RTC-13527)

In order to report sales per profile, Profile parameter is added to the following reports:


Shift balance

Fix for inbound amount (RTC-13861)

The amount "Submitted to bank" for shift balances is calculated properly. The Inbound amount is not replacing drawer money when registering balance for shift.

Balance date is set to "End Shift" date (RTC-14353)

When balance is configured to use shift, the balance date in shift balances is equal to the date of End Shift.


Item synchronization performance (RTC-10344)

A new database index is added to improve general performance when synchronizing (deactivated/deleted) items from Chain Classic to Chain Web. 

User Management

Create AD users (RTC-12968)

We fixed a bug related to changes in AAD integration that broke the functionality in User Management for creating normal AD users.

All AD users created during the period that the bug was present will have to be deleted.

Chain Web v. 2.10.55

Document status: RELEAASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Persist delivery status of order (RTC-16419)

Dispatch order grid and details view load under 1s.


Improvements Reporting (RTC-15732)

To make sure all reports using sub-report 1700_subSettlement and 1706_subStatistics, we have made sure reports will work with older versions of Reporting.

Shift balance 

Expected values on tenders while doing edit balance operation (RTC-14602)

The proper expected values for tenders are displayed while editing shift balance or new cashier balance registration.
One label "Counted" has been renamed to "To bank" in shift balance creation process in register bag step for a better user experience.

Chain Web v. 2.10.50

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Update POS with order line split


Support for creating multiple picking store per one delivery line in customer order has been implemented. It is possible to a create dispatch order which could have one delivery line split into two or more lines to different stores with different quantities (according to the DispatchService suggestion). If one store are not able to deliver all items from one order line it will be split between one or more stores, so that the customer ultimately received the number of items ordered.

Shift Balance

(RTC-12255, RTC-12258, RTC-12259, RTC-12370, RTC-13386, RTC-12366)

Balance registration for retailers using shifts is available in menu Financials → Shift balances.

The grid shows created shifts sorted by newest on top, with standard functionality for filtering and sorting. User can create a new balance or edit an existing one for the selected shift. All changes are handled as a standard balance, which are displayed in Balances.

The user can preview document with details of given shift, and download the document as PDF:

Furthermore, access controls are available which allow granting or revoking permissions from users for Viewing, Creating and Editing Shift Balance. When POS Configuration for ReceiptStatistics is set to True, the receipt statistics are fetched and saved in Shift balance. Ingoing balance information is shown in the balance header. Shifts are sorted by Started Date descending in shifts' grid. Additionally, the user can see shifts' starts and ends in Receipt journal. They are located in Receipt type filter in System transactions -> Other.

When the task "StartEndShift" is enabled in POS Services worker, Shifts' tasks are created. Then the shifts are created in Retail database by balance service. Update EnabledTasks parameter in config of POS Services Worker with new value "StartEndShift".

New report for payment types per shift


New report showing relevant statistics related to payment for selected shifts (0851_PaymentTypesPerShift). This will allow retail chains using shifts to monitor and follow up on the transactions and events during specific shifts.

Report details

File name


File name sub-reports:

1700_subSettlement.rdl, 1706_subStatistics.rdl

Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Date from

Shows all shifts with stated date between Date from and Date to - Default today.

Date to

Shows all shifts with started date between Date from and Date to - Default today.

Retail store

Choose store.


Default all.


Default all in chosen date range.

Columns - Report shows 2 sub reports.

Settlement: (1700_subSettlement.rdl). 1 row per payment type:


Sum of received payments for payment type.


Sum of counted amount for payment type. This is only shown for Cash, Finance, Check and Total all coupons and Giftcards.


Difference between received amount and counted amount for payment types that have counted amount.


Number of payments.

Statistics (1706_subStatistics.rdl):


1 row per Cancelled receipts, Receipts with return, Returned items, Deposit refund received 12%, Deposit refund received 25%, Deleted items, Price change and Nullsale


Sum amount, only for Returned items, Deposit refund received 12%, Deposit refund received 25%, Deleted items.




Share of the sale. Only for Returned items, Deposit refund received 12%, Deposit refund received 25%, Deleted items.





Import customer in ARTS XML format (RTC-13193)

When customer data is importing from ARTS Customer format, customer type is updated (employee etc.)

Gift card

Synchronizing gift cards to cloud (RTC-13372)

Gift cards are exported to the cloud also when there are committed transactions with amount =0.

Fix for regive of gift cards (RTC-12236)

When regive operation is done, ownerClaimType is set if it previously was empty.


Giftcards Integration package 1.4.0.


Fix for resend of EHF (RTC-12240)

When opening Resend EHF, list of not sent EHFs are displayed properly, without timeout. User can customize results by using filter in column sent.

Receipt journal

View workstation startup transaction (RTC-12756)

User can see workstation's starts in Receipt journal. They are located in Receipt type filter in System transactions -> Other.


Check if update of stocktaking is completed (RTC-13035)

It is possible to enable/disable checking check if update of stocktaking is completed during creation of new stocktaking.

System Parameter: CheckForCompletedPosLogsInChainEnabled True/False that decide if we are checking the last POSLog in Chain Classic or not. The main functionality was implemented in RTC-776.

The Inventory transactions (POSLogs) that are cancelled (when the processing of all items will fail), will be excluded from check for the last processed transactions in Chain Classic during stocktaking creation. New column SourcePosLogCancelled was added in the StockAdjustmentBatch with the information if the POSLog was cancelled during the adjustment.

If all lines failed, then the receipt is cancelled, if there is at least one not failed line, then POSLog is not cancelled and the StockAdjustmentBatch will be marked with the default value False in SourcePosLogCancelled column.

Chain Web v. 2.10.40

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Cashier statistics


In report for cashier statistics (0018) three new columns are added.

Changed report: 0018_CashierStatistics_std / Cashier statistics

New columns:

Waste - Shows values for transaction type Breakage. It is possible to set up Report to show only Breakage with spesific Reason code. This is done by setting ReasonCode in parameter pReasonCodeWaste.

Discount - Shows number of articles with discount.

Scan % - Shows percentage of scanned articles (Scanned articles / Sum quantity articles).

Support shifts when counting per cash register


Previously, drawer balance has been registered and validated per date and either per register/workstation, cashier or store. New parameter has been created to support shifts when counting per cash register. 

POS Configuration

New parameter


Defines the balance period type. Parameter can be set to "Date" (default) or "Shift".

Existing relevant parameters:  


Can currently be set to Cashier, Workstation or Store. When BalancePeriod is "Shift", counting will always be done per cash register. 

New report for shift statistics


New report showing key statistics for retail chains working per shift.

Report details for Shift statistics

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)

Useful hidden parameter


Which deleted statuses to include for column "Deleted Amount" and "Deleted quantity".



Date from

Shows all shifts with stated date between Date from and Date to - Default today

Date to

Shows all shifts with stated date between Date from and Date to - Default today

Retail store

Default all.

Columns - one row per shift.


Shift ID


Start time for shift.


Stop time for shift.


Cashier name.


Number of customers for shift.


Number of nullsale and drawer openings for shift.

Deleted amount

Amount of deleted items.

Deleted quantity

Number of deleted items.

Avg amount

Average transaction value (sold amount / customers).

Cashier statistics report


A new cashier statistics report is created to analyze and investigate cashier behavior. In order to create this report, the following changes are implemented in Reporting:

  • Order history is stored in new table: FactOrderHistory

  • Order history data is added to Olap.

Report requires Reporting v. 67

Report details for Cashier statistic

File name


Data source

Lindbak POS Reporting cube (Olap).



Which customer group personell belongs to. Default value = 100.


Which reasoncodetype to include in Manual discount - Default LineDiscount.


Which discount type to include in Manual discount - Default Line.



Date from

Default today.

Date to

Default today.

Retail store

Default all.


Default all.

Columns - one row per operator.



Cashier number


Cashier name



Quantity of returned articles.


Amount of returned articles.

Deleted receipts


Quantity of deleted receipts.


Amount of deleted receipts.

Deleted item lines


Quantity of deleted item lines


Amount of deleted item lines

Manual discount (discounts filtered by parameter pManualDiscount and pDiscountReasonCodeType )


Quantity of manual discounts 


Amount of manual discounts

Diff settlement (difference between tender cash and balance cash)


Difference in amount.

Deleted web orders (orders with order type "WebShop Order" and order status "Deleted")


Quantity of deleted web orders.


Amount of deleted web orders.

New customer orders (orders with order type "Store Order" and status "Created")


Quantity of new customer orders


Amount of new customer orders

Offline coupons (tender coupons with coupon type = "O"


Quantity of offline coupons.


Amount of offline coupons.

Personell discount (discount with customers from customer group in parameter pCustomerGroupPersonell)


Number of receipts containing personell discount.

Support for hiding homepage dashboard


System parameter KpisEnabled is correctly handled and kpis's on home page are hidden when parameter is set to False.

Required Configuration

System parameter KpisEnabled = True  kpis are visible on home dashboard

System parameter KpisEnabled = False kpis are not visible on home dashboard. Only reports and favorites should be visible.

Measure SLA fulfillment in hours not days


The option that measures the SLA fulfilment in hours has been added to CustomerOrderDeliverSlaType in CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod config. To enable configuration of hours value for CustomerOrderDeliverSlaType_, the DeliverySlaValue was added to CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod config too. To ease providing appropriate value, the descriptions for CustomerOrderDeliverSlaType have been added to the system parameter.

Required configuration:

In System parameters-> CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod: 

Possible values for DeliverySlaType are:

"1" - Today,
"2" - Tomorrow,
"3" - Days 3 to 4,
"4" - Days 3 to 10,
"5" - Hours (was added)

When Hours is set as DeliverySlaType (was added) , the DeliverySlaValue has to be set to the number of hours.





Historical exchange rate in Balance (RTC-12275)

If parameter UseCalculatedExchangeRateInBalance is set to True in POS Configuration for POS WCF, the correct historical exchange rate is used when registering Balance in Chain Web.


Import of customers without SSN (RTC-12873)

When creating or updating customer by using import of customers in ARTS XML format. Social Security Number is not set on customer in Lindbak Retail database if it is not present in import file.

Customer order

Deleting an order line in payment mode in POS should not delete order line in Chain Web (RTC-12235)

Lines deleted in payment mode in POS are properly processed in Chain Web and are not deleted from the order.

Dispatch orders

Dispatch Orders - Performance improvement (RTC-11645)

Loading of rows in Dispatch Orders grid has been optimized. The loading time is not significantly visible for the user when opening the Dispatch Orders grid or when scrolling through the Dispatch Orders list.

Dispatch rules

Order line split (RTC-10889)

"Allow splitting line in web order" checkbox added to the Dispatch Rules configuration. It allows enabling/disabling of splitting order lines in the web order.

The functionality for order line split will be released in 2.10.50.


Performance improvement in Item grid (RTC-10402)

When opening Items grid, list of items is displayed. User can narrow and customize results by using filters in columns or write key word in simple search window to find a specific item.

POS Configuration

"English text" on menu buttons (RTP-11379)

The field for "English text" has been added to menu buttons in ButtonConfig parameter.


Sales per department (RTC-12048)

To make PDF print look better we have made minor adjustment to column widths.

The formatting of some columns are improved to only show two decimals.

  • Changed report 0453_SalesByProductAreaOrGroup.

Chain Web v. 2.10.35

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


Receipt journal

POS unit filtering (RTC-9114)

Fixed a problem where POS unit filter field were not removed as it should.

Chain Web v. 2.10.34

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Date when adding payment of invoice (RTC-13609)

When adding payment to the invoice, payment date from date picker is displayed and processed in correct format, according to user settings. When for example the user has Norge as region, the date is displayed in Norwegian date format.

Date when adding payment of invoice (RTC-13609)

When adding payment to the invoice, payment date from date picker is displayed and processed in correct format, according to user settings. When for example the user has Norge as region, the date is displayed in Norwegian date format.


Refund of active campaign items in Chain Web (RTP-12075)

When returning items in Chain Web and an active campaign price is lower than the originally paid price of an item, it can be refunded without errors. 

Receipts journal

Receipt Journal requires store to be selected (RTP-12435)

When a HQ user filter receipts in Receipt Journal and does not select a store filter - receipts for all stores will be shown by default.

View workstation startup transaction (RTC-16118)

User can see shift's starts/ends, workstation's starts and signing in/out in the Receipts journal. They are located in Receipt type filter in System transactions -> Other.

Chain Web v. 2.10.33

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.



Support for hiding homepage dashboard (RTC-8234)

System parameter KpisEnabled is correctly handled and kpis's on home page are hidden when parameter is set to false.

Required Configuration

System parameter KpisEnabled = true  kpis are visible on home dashboard

System parameter KpisEnabled = false kpis are not visible on home dashboard. Only reports and favorites should be visible.

User Management

Create AD users (RTC-12968)

We fixed a bug related to changes in AAD integration that broke the functionality in User Management for creating normal AD users.

All AD users created during the period that the bug was present will have to be deleted.

Chain Web v. 2.10.32

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.


POS Configuration

Configuration group - stores without PrivateStoreGroup triggers errors (RTP-11908)

Correct stores are properly returned and can be added in the store group configuration section without errors/ warnings. The stores which doesn't contain PrivateStoreGroup will not be available in this view, and will be unlinked from the configuration group after save of it.

Gift cards

Synchronizing gift cards to cloud (RTC-13372)

Gift cards are exported to the cloud also when there are committed transactions with amount =0.

Fix for regive of gift cards (RTC-12236)

When regive operation is done, ownerClaimType is set if it previously was empty.


Giftcards Integration package 1.4.0.

Chain Web v. 2.10.31

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Account Receivable

Validation of payment date (RTC-10893)

When adding payment to invoice, payment date cannot be earlier than invoice creation date.


Add support for new file types (RTM-236)

Added support in ChainToCloudJob to support new file types which are sent to cloud. New supported file types: budsjett (budget), vareliste (item list), stock.


ChainToCloudIntegration package version 1.6.


Importing item list to customer group (RTC-9646)

When an item does not have a price in selected store during import of item list to customer group, an error message is displayed to inform the user of what the problem is.

Import of customers with SSN (RTC-11762)

When creating or updating customer by using import of customers in ARTS XML format, Social Security Number is updated properly on customer in Lindbak Retail database.

Default invoice by email to customers with email address (RTC-9742)

When customers (private and credit) are created with email address in POS, the customer will default be updated with the flag checked for 'Invoice by email'.

Inactive customer groups are default hidden (RTC-10439)

When opening Customer Groups, inactive groups are default hidden. In order to see hidden groups, user needs to change filters in Inactive column. User can also narrow and customize search results by using filters in columns.

Customer order

Bugfix: Calculation of gross profit (RTC-11944)

When adding new items to customer order and changing the unit price and net cost, gross profit is calculated according to the new values.

Offer expiration date (RTC-9887)

When creating new offer, "Valid to" field is set by default to the expiration date (14 days from today's date). User can change it by date picker. It is also possible to change the default value under the "DefaultOfferExpirationDays" parameter in Chain Web system parameters. When viewing already created offer, "Date" and "Valid to"  fields are set according to the offer's creation date and expiration date.

Disable the order locking functionality by default (RTC-11511)

The Customer Order locking feature is disabled by default, the user need to change the value of Chain Web system parameter "CustomerOrderLockingEnabled" to True, to enable it.

Parameter description: 

If set to True Customer Orders will be blocked from being handled in POS and Chain Web at the same time.

Customers blocked for credit (RTC-11586)

When opening a Customer Order with status Draft, Changed or Active, or when creating a new order directly from customer view, a message is shown to user when the customer is blocked for credit.

Preventing simultaneously changes to a customer order (RTC-908)

When a customer order is being changed from POS, it will be locked for simultaneously changes from both POS and Chain Web to prevent loss of data. Information is shown in the order details view when the order is locked. Any update/change of the order is not allowed when the order is locked. Users that want to edit the order must wait and try again later.

Additional technical information:

Order locking feature will work with versions EG POS or newer.
For more information about changes in POS, please read release notes related to "Don't allow editing the same order in POS and Chain Web".

Homepage dashboard

Refresh data automatically when changing store (RTL-133)

Data in Homepage dashboard is refreshed automatically when the store is changed to another one.
Additionally, when 'View for all stores' is checked, the data in Homepage dashboard is refreshed automatically.

Wrong Mapping For Sales Per Hour (RTC-3144)

The mapping for sales per hour was corrected and presents correct values for customers per hour and sales per hour. Both comparison and main date are correctly loaded and return correct results. Furthermore, setting the comparison date greater than the main date and main date lower than the comparison date is impossible, and dates are automatically changed into the greatest or the lowest one possible. When setting the comparison date greater than the main date, it is automatically changed into the greatest one possible equal to the main date. The same happens when setting the main date lower than the comparison date.


Summation per receipt (RTC-9721)

When the invoice contains multiple receipts, there is an additional line with summation per receipt of total excluding VAT and total including VAT.


Performance improvement in Item grid (RTC-10402)

When opening Items grid, list of items is displayed. User can narrow and customize results by using filters in columns or write key word in simple search window to find a specific item.

Order dispatch

Partially delivered dispatch orders (RTC-10302)

When dispatch order is partially delivered, after removing the item line from the not-delivered order, the freight item is reassigned to the delivered line with correct quantity delivered amount (should be 1). This previously did not work as intended and has now been corrected.

Update picking order with shipment number when delivered from AutoStore (RTC-7709)

The picking order's ShipmentNumber is updated by Chain Web based on ShipmentTrackingNumber from POSLog provided by AutoStore. This gives the ability for the tracking link to be included in the email sent to the customer.

Order Management

Rejected order lines (RTC-10838)

In order to display number of rejected order lines, Reporting imports this status from Retail database.

This is done by existing package FactOrderRetail.

This package require Retail database version or higher because of new procedures.

Note: There are some limitations to this functionality: To get rejected status we need to fetch changes in Retail db and changes in POSLog. In some cases this can result in incorrect status for Order lines.

  • Case1: We update changes in Retail database in one Rt-job, but not changes from POSLog. Status for order line will be ONLY Rejected. Before we update POSLog we will not have assign status for new store.

  • Case2: We update changes in POSLog in one Rt-job, but not changes from Retail db. In this case Rejected lines will have status "Reassigned" before we update correct status from Retail db.

  • Case3: We create order, reject it in Chain Web. If we update changes from Retail db before all POSLogs, we will only have reassigned status in Reporting.


Swedish translations (RTC-12047)

Swedish translation corrected for "Subvendor" in reports 0013, 0110, 0452.


View and filter stocktaking's (RTC-12540)

User can edit and view all types of stocktaking's. Additionally, when viewing selected stocktaking, it's possible to filter results in Out Of Scope column.

Chain Web v. 2.10.24

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Dispatch rules

Fix translations for Order Dispatch (RTC-12098)

Translations in Dispatch Rules has been improved and English and Norwegian version is working as expected.


Swedish translations (RTC-12047)

Swedish translation corrected for "Subvendor" in reports 0013, 0110, 0452.

Sales per department (RTC-12048)

To make PDF print look better we have made minor adjustment to column widths.

We have also improved formatting of some columns to only show two decimals.

Changed report 0453_SalesByProductAreaOrGroup.


View and filter stocktaking's (RTC-12540)

User can edit and view all types of stocktaking's. Also, when viewing selected stocktaking, it's possible to filter results in Out Of Scope column.

Chain Web v. 2.10.23

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left




Customer order

Customers blocked for credit (RTC-11586)

When opening a Customer Order with status Draft, Changed or Active, or when creating a new order directly from customer view, a message is shown to user when the customer is blocked for credit.

Order dispatch

Partially delivered dispatch orders (RTC-10302)

When dispatch order is partially delivered, after removing the item line from the not-delivered order, the freight item is reassigned to the delivered line with correct quantity delivered amount (should be 1). This previously did not work as intended and has now been corrected.

Chain Web v. 2.10.22

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Include Order Documents in SMS


When sending an SMS with the order confirmation, receipt or credit note to the customer, it is possible to include a downloadable link. When the customer clicks the link they will be able to download a PDF of the respective order document. The user can include the order document in the SMS by using a new SMS variable in the SMS templates configured in Dispatch rules.

Required configuration:
Order Message Integration 1.4.0

CustomerOrderIntegration (from CustomerOrderService) jobs:

  • GenericImport - Default configuration

  • OrderMessageJanitor - Default configuration

  • OrderMessageProcess - Default configuration

  • StagingCleanup - Default configuration

Update picking order with shipment number when delivered from AutoStore


The picking order's ShipmentNumber is updated by Chain Web based on ShipmentTrackingNumber from POSLog provided by AutoStore. That gives the ability for the tracking link to be included in the email sent to the customer.




Customer order

Disable the order locking functionality by default (RTC-11511)

The Customer Order locking feature is disabled by default, the user need to change the value of Chain Web system parameter "CustomerOrderLockingEnabled" to True, to enable it.

Parameter description: 

If set to True Customer Orders will be blocked from being handled in POS and Chain Web at the same time.

Preventing simultaneously changes to a customer order (RTC-908)

When a customer order is being changed from POS, it will be locked for simultaneously changes from both POS and Chain Web to prevent loss of data. Information is shown in the order details view when the order is locked. Any update/change of the order is not allowed when the order is locked. Users that want to edit the order must wait and try again later.

Additional technical information:

Order locking feature will work with versions EG POS or newer.
For more information about changes in POS, please read release notes related to "Don't allow editing the same order in POS and Chain Web".

Order Management

Rejected order lines (RTC-10838)

In order to display number of rejected order lines, Reporting imports this status from Retail database.

This is done by existing package FactOrderRetail.

This package require Retail database version because of new procedures.

Note: There are some limitations to this functionality: To get rejected status we need to fetch changes in Retail db and changes in POSLog. In some cases this can result in incorrect status for Order lines.

  • Case1: We update changes in Retail database in one Rt-job, but not changes from POSLog. Status for order line will be ONLY Rejected. Before we update POSLog we will not have assign status for new store.

  • Case2: We update changes in POSLog in one Rt-job, but not changes from Retail db. In this case Rejected lines will have status "Reassigned" before we update correct status from Retail db.

  • Case3: We create order, reject it in Chain Web. If we update changes from Retail db before all POSLogs, we will only have reassigned status in Reporting.


Upload RIGAL files to Cloud (RTC-849)

DirectoryListnerJob job in FileListener Integration package can upload any files to FileService based on a list of predefined content type or a list of Regex'es. 

The job can be configured to upload Chain/POS files (butikk, vpi, pris and so on), RIGAL files (V, K, M, Varetran and so on) or custom files types based on Regex. 

Detailed documentation on how the job works and how to set it up can be found in the documentation tab in Integration Platform Management App.

Chain Web v. 2.10.20

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Tracking number as SMS variable


When defining the SMS template for Shipping Confirmation and Split Order Shipping Confirmation it is possible to include [tracking number] as an SMS variable.
It allows for messages generated in OrderMessage SMS to contain short tracking link or tracking number to track ordered packages. The tracking number will appear as a link that the customer can click to see the progress on the shipment.

Required configuration:
OrderMessage Integration 1.3.0.

CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod system parameter should contain "TrackingUrl", for example: "TrackingUrl": "{0}”-> the {0} at the end is to display tracking link where {0} will be replaced with tracking number.

Example of fake configuration that would display tracking number, but direct the customer to Google:

SMS templates for order documents


SMS templates for order documents, such as Receipt, Order Confirmation and Credit Note are been added to “Confirmation Messages” in Dispatch rules. Support for {first name}, {last name}, {order number} and {document link} as SMS variables are added as well, which enables messages generated in OrderMessage SMS to contain customer's first name, customer's last name, order number and short link to respective PDF document in SMS messages (See “Document Link SMS variable for more information).
It is only possible for user to get SMS messages if one of the communication channels is set to SMS.

Document link SMS variable


Support for {document link} in Order Dispatch confirmation messages is introduced the SMS templates for: Receipt, Order confirmation and Credit Note.
It is possible for SMS messages generated in OrderMessage to contain short link to a PDF document that the customer can click when receiving the SMS in order to view a PDF of the receipt, order confirmation or credit note.

Required configuration:
OrderMessage Integration 1.3.0

New status form AutoStore


When a picking order is assigned to the central warehouse, the picking order gets the status “In Progress” in Chain Web after receiving a message from AutoStore that picking has started. Picking Orders do not have status “New” all the time until the order is paid. Instead, after Picking is started, Dispatch Orders gets status “In Progress”. This change is implemented in order to be able to easily distinguish between dispatch orders from AutoStore and other Dispatch orders.

Export of data from Count group view to Excel


The user is able to export the data from count groups view to Excel (from count groups and status tab). The user can choose which data to export to Excel by filtering the grid beforehand. This makes it easier to for example, check which stores that are not completing their daily counting and which groups that are often excluded from counting.

Deletion of yesterday’s count lists and stocktakings


When store staff forget to finish the Random stocktaking with at least one activated count list which contains count group link, then the unfinished/not completed stocktakings will be be deleted, during night job execution, so store staff can start on a new, empty stocktaking the next day. Not activated countlists which contains count group link will be deleted as well.

Requirements: Enable and configure new job StocktakingEraserJob placed under BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber

Filter on vendor, subvendor and EAN list


We have extended three existing reports with new filters for vendor, sub vendor and EAN list.

EAN lists is created and maintained in Report. This is not item lists created in Item management module.

Changed reports:

  • Sale statistics / 0013_SaleStatisticsWithDrill

  • Sale statistics / 0110_SaleStatistics

  • Top sales per item with compare date / 0715_TopSalesPerItemWithCompareDate

Update of name for workstation types in Report


In reports for cash register frequency the names of workstation types are updated. This will make it easier for the user to know which workstations the report is printed for. It is also possible to maintain the list of available price channels.

Changes in following parameters:

pPriceChannels - Comma separated list of price channels available in selection. Price channels customer is not using can be removed from list.

pWorkstationISA (ISA) -Renamed from  pWorkstationITAB, default value = 98

pWorkstationTypeSCO (SCO) - Renamed from pWorkstationTypeSO, default value = 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69

pWorkstationTypeWebshop (WebShop) - New, default value = 91,92

pWorkstationTypeOther (Other) - New, default value = empty.

(Note that translation of price channel names are done in RTP-4265)

Report for breakage and waste items


To be able to report broken items to supplier, a report which lists item transactions are created.

Report details for Item transaction list

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)

Relevant parameters


List of transaction types not to be included in Report. Default following transaciton types are excluded: ArticleService, StockAdjustment, Shrinkage, Inventory, InternalUse, InternalTransfer and DockingArea



Date from

Default today.

Date to

Default today.

Retail store

Default all. If store user, store.


Default all.

Article area

Default all.

Article group

Default all.

Transaction type

Default all (does not show types excluded in pTransactiontypesToExclude).

Reason code

Default all.

Columns - one row per transaction. Grouping per store / supplier / EAN.

Item name

Item name.

Item number

Item number.


Operator number.

Transaction type

Transaction type.

Reason code

Reason code used for transaction.


Date for transaction.

Net amount

Net amount for transaction.


Quantity for transaction.


Amount for transaction.

Sales by product area or group

(Jira link: RTC-9810, RTC-10022)

Report 0453_SalesByProductAreaOrGroup has been created for customers to be able to report on sales per item area and item group over a period compared to a previous period.

Report details for Sales by product area / Sales by product group

File name


Data source

Analysis services (Cube)



Report type

If report should be based on article area or article group - Default area.

Date from

Default today.

Date to

Default today.

Comparable date from

Default same day in same week last year.

Date to comparable

Default same day in same week last year.

Article area

Default all (does not show if report type is Group).

Article group

Default all (does not show if report type is Area).

Retail store

Default all.

Columns - one row per article area / article group

Item area

Item area number and name

Date 1, based on sales between Date from and Date to


Sales Incl. VAT

Sales including VAT for Date 1.

Sales ex. VAT

Sales excluding VAT for Date 1.



Number of sold items for Date 1.

Price pr. Art

Average price per article for Date 1.

Gross profit


Gross profit amount for Date 1.


Gross profit percentage for Date 1

Date 2, Based on sales between Comparable date from and Date to comparable.

Compare incl. VAT

Sales incl. VAT

Sales including VAT for Date 2.


Difference in sales amount (including VAT) for Date 1 and Date 2.

Diff %

Difference in sales between Date 1 and Date 2 in percentage.





Remove reference text demand from local EHF (RTC-9743)

When the customer is marked to "Save electronic invoice locally" , the checkbox "Reference number required" is editable. When "Reference number required" is set to False, reference number and reference text are not required when creating credit sales and customer orders. This feature makes the sales process more efficient when invoicing is done in a 3rd party system.

Customer order

Customer with credit blocked (RTC-9880)

When creating customer order and adding customer with credit blocked, a warning message is displayed. Order can be saved but it is not possible to pay it by credit. For such customers credit sales cannot be created.

Autosave for customer orders that are not submitted (RTC-3503)

The integration job OrderSubmitter, included in the BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber package, is responsible for submitting orders with statuses Draft and Changed which have not been submitted within a defined number of minutes. By default the job is executed every hour.


Invoice text "Foretaksregisteret" (RTC-10601)

Field name on top of the invoice was changed in English and Norwegian version to "Foretaksregisteret" to align with legal requirements. Text in Swedish is previously defined according to Swedish legal requirements.


Translations in Report (RTC-10828)

The Swedish translations of the price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following Swedish translations:

  • Chain Web

  • Manuell kassa

  • InStore App

  • Självscanning (SU)

  • Mobilsjälvscanning

  • Självbetjäning (SCO)

Additionally, parameter pWorkstationType two values has new translations (“ITAB” is now changed to “ISA” and “SU” is now changed to “SCO”).
Furthermore, pWorkstationType has two new items in the list (Web shop and Other).

Translations (RTC-10894)

The Swedish and Norwegian translation of the workstation type name "Other" in the dropdown list of parameter pWorkstationType (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) is updated with the following values:

  • Swedish: Övriga

  • Norwegian: Andre

  • Additionally, the text "Web shop" is changed to “Webshop”, according to requirements.

Translations (

The Swedish translations of two price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following:

  • ShopAndGoCheckOut - Självbetjäning (SCO)

  • ShopAndGoCheckTerminal - Självscanning (SU)


Count group status (RTC-10659)

When logging into Chain Web as a store user and navigating to the Count groups, only count groups available in the grid will be count groups that should be counted in the given store. The column "#items in stock" will display the number of items in the count group that the given store is expected to count.

Improved transparency in count group grid (RTC-10793)

When the counting of a count group has not yet started (including when counting was cancelled), the following fields will be blank: counted at, counted by and modified by. This was previously not the case and was confusing for the user. A modified date will be added for the count group with status "Not started", when the counting was cancelled, in order to show the user when it was cancelled.

Show items added outside the count group (RTC-948)

Added column “Out of scope” to the Count list view to show items that is added outside of Count group in InStore App.

Chain Web v. 2.10.14

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Translations (RTC-10894)

The Swedish and Norwegian translation of the workstation type name "Other" in the dropdown list of parameter pWorkstationType (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) is updated with the following values:

  • Swedish: Övriga

  • Norwegian: Andre

  • Additionally, the text "Web shop" is changed to “Webshop”

Translations (RTC-10988))

The Swedish translations of two price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following:

  • ShopAndGoCheckOut - Självbetjäning (SCO)

  • ShopAndGoCheckTerminal - Självscanning (SU)

Chain Web 2.10.13

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Export of data from Count group view to Excel


The user is able to export the data from count groups view to Excel (from count groups and status tab). The user can choose which data to export to Excel by filtering the grid beforehand. This makes it easier to for example, check which stores that are not completing their daily counting and which groups that are often excluded from counting.

Improved transparency in count group grid


When the counting of a count group has not yet started (including when counting was cancelled), the following fields will be blank: counted at, counted by and modified by. This was previously not the case and was confusing for the user. A modified date will be added for the count group with status "Not started", when the counting was cancelled, in order to show the user when it was cancelled.





Translations in Report (RTC-10828)

The Swedish translations of the price channel names in the dropdown list of parameter pPriceChannels (used in reports 0705/0706 and others) are updated with the following Swedish translations:

  • Chain Web

  • Manuell kassa

  • InStore App

  • Självscanning (SU)

  • Mobilsjälvscanning

  • Självbetjäning (SCO)

Additionally, parameter pWorkstationType two values has new translations (“ITAB” is now changed to “ISA” and “SU” is now changed to “SCO”).
Furthermore, pWorkstationType has two new items in the list (Web shop and Other).

Chain Web v. 2.10.12

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Update of name for workstation types in Report


In reports for cash register frequency the names of workstation types are updated. This will make it easier for the user to know which workstations the report is printed for. It is also possible to maintain the list of available price channels.

Changes in following parameters:

pPriceChannels - Comma separated list of price channels available in selection. Price channels customer is not using can be removed from list.

pWorkstationISA (ISA) -Renamed from  pWorkstationITAB, default value = 98

pWorkstationTypeSCO (SCO) - Renamed from pWorkstationTypeSO, default value = 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69

pWorkstationTypeWebshop (WebShop) - New, default value = 91,92

pWorkstationTypeOther (Other) - New, default value = empty.

(Note that translation of price channel names are done in RTP-4265)





Count group status tab (RTC-10659)

When logging into Chain Web as a store user and navigating to the Count groups, only count groups available in the grid will be count groups that should be counted in the given store. The column "#items in stock" will display the number of items in the count group that the given store is expected to count.

Chain Web v. 2.10.11

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Create CustomerManagementToBatch2 job publishing JsonLines


In BackOfficeBatchGenerator package new CustomerManagementToBatch2 job, using the same contract as CustomerManagementToBatch job, publishes JsonLines batches. This job replaces the previous "CustomerManagementToBatch" job, if all subscribers (e.g. POS Import) are up-to-date and support JsonLine format.

Required version: BackOfficeBatchGenerator 1.4.1

Create Customer2 job publishing JsonLines


In BackOfficeBatchGenerator package new Customer2 job, using the same contract as Customer job, publishes JsonLines batches. This job replaces the previous "Customer" job, if all other subscribers are up-to-date and support JsonLine format.

Required version: BackOfficeBatchGenerator 1.4.0

Deletion of yesterday’s count lists and stocktakings


When store staff forget to finish the Random stocktaking with at least one activated count list which contains count group link, then the unfinished/not completed stocktakings will be be deleted, during night job execution, so store staff can start on a new, empty stocktaking the next day. Not activated count lists which contains count group link will be deleted as well.

Requirements: Enable and configure new job StocktakingEraserJob placed under BackOfficeIntegrationSubscriber





Default price channel should be "None" (RTC-10067)

When creating new user, default price channel is not set by default.

Chain Web v. 2.10.10

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

User-friendly Item Texts

(Jira links: RTC-812RTC-697RTC-981)

Web shops often display user-friendly item texts. When front-end includes item text, color and size in the web order sent to POS API, these texts will be used in order messages (Order/Delivery confirmation) sent to consumer. When front-end does not include the user-friendly texts the order messages will use standard texts, usually provided by supplier. This functionality is created for the order dispatch module.

OrderMessageIntegration package 1.2.0installation package available at:
\\nas_install\LRS\Lindbak Integrations\3.0\OrderMessageIntegration


Automatic Reassign

(Jira links: RTC-715RTC-3836RTC-740RTC-859RTC-827)

The Chain Web parameter "InStoreRejectedPickingOrdersStoreNumber" is used to determine to which 'fake store' the order will be reassigned. 

The dispatch orders can be reassigned automatically if no picking store is available or maximum number of automatic reassigns has exceeded the set value (configured in the dispatch rules - see below).

The user can find the configuration of automatic reassign in the dispatch rules grid. Configuration includes:

  • Select the delivery methods that can be reassigned automatically.

  • Default time before order is assigned to a new store.

  • To limit the max number of reassigns - this number only applies to number of automatic reassigns. Orders can be manually reassigned infinite times.

Reassigned orders are logged with from store/to store, time stamp of when the reassign occurred and reason code called "time limit expired", which tell the user why it was reassigned automatically. For orders that cannot be reassigned, shall be logged with the reason code ‘No store available’​. These orders will automatically be reassigned to the fake store defined in system parameter, to allow HQ users to handle them manually.

In the picking order history in Chain Web grid, new column has been added. In the picking order history, it is possible to check the reassign actions made by the user or automatic reassigns, reason for reassign and time stamp. 

Note: Dispatch orders from central warehouse will never be automatically reassigned.

Cloud authentication for cashiers


For mobile devices using store local Wi-Fi (or VPN), a 'Proxy' can be installed OnPrem with Chain Web to provide login to Mobile Apps/cloud modules with cashier number/pin code. This requires implementation in each app, and for now it is only planned for Mobile POS app to make it possible for multi-user devices.




Accounts receivable

Roundings in EHF files (RTC-9092)

The PayableAmountRounding field is saved in EHF files only when there is a rounding amount (different than 0).

Rounding of credit sale (RTC-7089)

In some instances, the rounding of items was wrongly calculated when creating a credit sale, causing a subtotal rounding of 0,01. This issue has been resolved.


Registered balances can be edited (RTP-4041)

It is possible to edit balances after registration when system parameter "NewBalanceRegistrationEnabled" is True.


Export e-mail for cashier to POS (RTP-4001)

Cashier e-mail will be exported to POS when updating cashier info in Chain Web and when mass exporting cashiers from Chain Web.

Customer order

Preventing simultaneous changes to a customer order (RTC-832)

When a customer order is being changed from POS, it will be locked for simultaneous changes from both POS and Chain Web to prevent loss of data. Information is shown in the order details view when the order is locked. Any update/change of the order is not allowed when the order is locked. Users that want to edit the order must wait and try again later.

Slow processing of customer orders (RTC-9676)

Performance when updating customers is much faster after improving code related to handling of communication channels.

Order dispatch

Not possible to delete "last not delivered" item (RTC-7099)

Corrected an issue related to removing last line from "in picking".

Error handling of CompletePickingCriticalExceptions (RTC-10050)

An issue with storing the DeliveryReceiptID caused internal transfers to not be performed correctly for some dispatch orders. This is corrected and values like DeliveryReceiptId and ShipmentNumber are stored correctly in the database.

POS Configuration

Config changes for "Self-service on customer (secondary) screen" (RTP-349)

Function "Start self service"  (START_SELF_SERVICE) has an option to set its argument "Run self-service on customer screen" to True or False when adding a button in ButtonConfig.

After fixes function enabling the argument is called "Start self-service", the function in which we do not choose parameter is called "Start self-service (primary screen)".


  • ButtonConfig, function START_SELF_SERVICE

Changes only in BackOffice. The functionality will be done and tested in the scope of this Product Backlog Item 188595: Self-service on customer (secondary) screen.


Store number and store name in count group view (RTC-791)

Stocktaking results can be filtered on counted/not counted counting groups per store per day.

Splitting count groups which exceed 50 items (RTC-902)

Import of count groups with more than 50 items per department will be split into several count groups so that more store staff can be involved in the stocktaking of a department.

This is configured in the integration job CountingGroupImportProcessor in the parameter splitCountgroupsEnabled (default value False - splitting is disabled) and maxItems (default value 50).


Default region/language for cashiers (RTC-800)

When creating a new cashier the region and language is based on the user who are creating the cashier.

Chain Web  v. 2.10.08

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Fixed changing password (RTC-16616)

User is able to change password of the cashier in "cashiers" and in "users". Changing ManageUsersAndCashiersIndependently setting has no impact.

Chain Web v. 2.10.06

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer Order

Slow processing of customer orders (RTC-12567)

Performance when updating customers is much faster after improving code related to handling of communication channels.


Import of customers without SSN (RTC-12873)

When creating or updating customer by using import of customers in ARTS XML format, Social Security Number is not set on customer in Lindbak Retail database if it is not present in import file.

Chain Web v. 2.10.05

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Import of customers with SSN (RTC-11762)

When creating or updating customer by using import of customers in ARTS XML format, Social Security Number is updated properly on customer in Lindbak Retail database.

 Chain Web v. 2.10.04

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




POS Configuration

Configuration group - can't find store (RTP-3652)

Stores are properly returned and can be added in the store group configuration section

Chain Web v. 2.10.03

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Registered balances can be edited (RTP-4041)

It is possible to edit balances after registration when system parameter "NewBalanceRegistrationEnabled" is True.

Chain Web v. 2.10.02

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Edit counted amount for weight items (RTC-713)

When editing the counted amount of item in stocktaking results view, weight items can be saved with decimals.

Performance and retry mechanism for export of large stocktakings (RTC-733)

Performance when exporting stocktaking results to 3rd party (inventory control) is improved for large stocktakings (>300K items). If something fails, a retry mechanism will wait a configured number of seconds before the next retry execution for this stocktaking.

Chain Web v. 2.10.01

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

Exporting cashiers to POS

IsActiveDirectory flag is included in the batch generated on CashierUpdatedEvent and CashierBatchExportEvent when exporting cashiers from Chain Web to POS. Previously, there was no support for exporting cashiers belonging to an Azure AD user.

 Dependencies to another products:
BackOfficeBatchGenerator package in version 1.2.15 or higher required.

Chain Web v. 2.10.0

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

ELMA Integration

(TFS: 185340)

The ELMA validation button has been added to the customer details view. It can be found in Invoicing tab when customer is a business customer and address is set in Norway. 
The user can validate the organization number of Norwegian business customer against ELMA just by pressing 'Check if customer can use electronic invoice' button.

New balance registration

(TFS: 189541)

A new way of registering balance, where the user can see expected amount and difference on each tender, has been implemented. This balance is submitted without a bag, so there is no Bag registration step. After submitting tenders amount the balance is finished and the user can immediately create next balance for next active cashier. When there are no more active cashiers for the selected date, then a new balance registration cannot be created for this date.
In the new balance registration, editing of finished balance registration is disabled. 

To use new balance registration, set up value of the new system parameter NewBalanceRegistrationEnabled to True. When value of NewBalanceRegistrationEnabled is equal to False, then the old balance registration will be present Chain Web.

Requirements: Reporting v.65, POS Services 7.77.03801

Stocktaking report with item area

(TFS: 189521)

New report showing stocktaking results divided by item area.

Inventory per item area

File name


Data source

 Lindbak Retail (database)



Date from

Default today.

Date to

Default today.

Retail store

Which store to run report for.


Shows all stocktaking's for selected store within date from - to range.

Report shows inventory date and store number and name.

Columns, one row per item area.

Item area

Area number

Area name

Area name

Inventory value, Cost price

Sum cost price

Inventory value, Ex. VAT

Sum salesprice ex. VAT.

Inventory value, Sales amount inc. VAT

Sum salesprice inc. VAT.





 Line note in Customer Sales grid (TFS: 185458)

When expanding the details on an item row, there is a column for Line Note. When searching for an item in the filter "Item name", the first 16 rows containing this item is automatically expanded. More rows can be expanded manually. This will enhance the user experience when looking through historical sales for a customer.


Show the amount that is rounded in the invoice (TFS: 184868)

Sum of rounding is visible on the invoice to make the rounding more transparant.

Reason codes

Reason codes for overridden price (TFS: 189485)

The support for new reason code type "Change price" has been added. These reason codes can be created and maintained in Chain Web. 

Requirements: BackOfficeBatchGenerator 1.2.13, ChainIntegration 1.5.1


Able to use hyphen when renaming reports (TFS: 189086)

It is possible to use hyphen when renaming reports.


Random count - refresh stock status in count lists (TFS: 184420)

The stock level in a new count list can be refreshed when a count list is added to a stocktaking or activated. To refresh the stock level, the checkbox "Get stock level again for items in selected count lists" must be checked. The stocktaking status will then be "Creating" while the stock levels are being updated for the count list. If the stock level is not refreshed, the stock level for when the count list was submitted, is kept.

New configuration parameters:

  • SynchronousUpdateCountListMaximumSize - counted based on sum of all lines (unique SkuNumber) from all used count lists

- default value: 1000

ReuseStockLevelExpiryTimeInMinutes - it is relevant, only for a small count lists (if sum of count lists lines < SynchronousUpdateCountListMaximumSize)

- default value: 60

Don't allow creating new stocktaking if last stocktaking is not updated in Chain Classic (TFS: 189347)

The user will not be able to create a new stocktaking in Chain Web (also with the refreshed stock level for the assigned count lists) inside the same store, until the last POSLog related to previous stocktaking (previous stock results) will be processed/ updated in Chain Classic.

Related Chain Classic PBI with the requirements: Product Backlog Item 190077: 2.1.1: Sport1: Stocktaking: New proxy for checking that last stocktaking is finished

Chain Web v. 2.9.288

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Accounts receivable

Rounding in EHF files (RTC-9092)

The PayableAmountRounding field is saved in EHF files only when there is a rounding amount (different than 0).

Rounding of credit sale (RTC-7089)

In some instances, the rounding of items was wrongly calculated when creating a credit sale, causing a subtotal rounding of 0,01. This issue has been resolved.

Chain Web v. 2.9.285

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.





Don't allow creating new stocktaking if last stocktaking is not updated in Chain Classic (TFS: 189347)

Now the user will not be able to create a new stocktaking in Chain Web (also with the refreshed stock level for the assigned count lists) inside the same store, until the last POSLog related to previous stocktaking (previous stock results) will be processed/ updated in Chain Classic.

Related Chain Classic PBI with the requirements: Product Backlog Item 190077: 2.1.1: Sport1: Stocktaking: New proxy for checking that last stocktaking is finished

Chain Web v. 2.9.284

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Customer order

Search for active orders shows both active and cancelled orders (TFS: 186790)

The flag IsCancelled has been added to the response of the GetCustomerOrders3 method in CustomerOrder service. It shows if an order is cancelled or not.


POS Services 7.76.03703

Chain Web v. 2.9.283

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.




Credit sale

Block "correction of credit sale" when original receipt was partly paid by another tender type (TFS: 169266)

When credit sale contains other tender type than Credit, correction is not allowed.

Dependencies to another products:

  POS WCF in version or or higher required.


EHFs rejected due to missing ref. number / ref. text (TFS: 188224)

If a customer is changed to receive EHF invoices, after credit sale have been created, the reference number and text is set to 'None' when invoicing is done, so that the EHF won't fail due to missing input in these fields.

Chain Web v. 2.9.280

Document status: RELEASED


Version Requirements is located on the menu to the left.

SLA calculation

(TFS: 179569)

New methods are added to CustomerOrderDeliveryMethod:

  • DeliverySlaType

  • DeliveryHours: SomeNumber

DeliveryHours is a constant number of hours used to determine delivery time since sendout.

By using DeliverySlaType method ( with different set value), it is possible to calculate the SLA date for order delivery.

It is possible to set for DeliverySlaType following values:

  • Today = 1,

  • Tomorrow = 2,

  • Days3to4 = 3,

  • Days3to10 = 4

When dispatch order is created, the calculated SLA date is stored in the DeliverySlaDate column in [Lindbak Retail].[CustomerOrder].[OrderDeliveryDetails] table.

Gift card number on item line in customer order

(TFS: 186006)

The gift card number is displayed on the order line, so the gift cards sold in an order can be identified.

Dependencies to another products:

POS Services in version 7.76.03505 or higher required.

Send gift card by email from item line in customer order

(TFS: 186007)

The gift card can be sent by email, from the order line view in a customer order.

Dependencies to another products:

POS Services in version 7.76.03505 or higher required.

See used and active coupons in POS

(Work ID: 179889)

Used and active EG digital coupons (and stamp card status) can be shown in POS. This makes is possible to inform about possible discounts and also to help the customer find out if a coupon was already used.

Chain Web version 2.9.271 or newer is required.

POS Configuration


Function LIST_USED_COUPONS can be configured on a selected button.

Price guarantee - accounting between business units

(TFS: 184327)

 A new report is created which shows how much each business units owes each other, based on returns with reasoncode 6 (Price guarantee).

Business units are teams where team type is 1. To import team type from Chain we have created new package "TeamLC" which has to be enabled. This package runs within N-job.

For this report to work, one store can only be member of one business unit.


Store1 in Team1 sells item1 for 500,-

Item1 is returned with reason code 6 in Store2 in Team2. In same receipt same item is sold for 400,-

Report shows that Team1 owes Team2 100,-

Price guarantee

File name


Data source

 Database “Lindbak POS Reporting DW”



Date from

Selection for sold date - default today

Date to

Selection for sold date - default today



Teamtypekey for business units- default 1.

Columns for transactions

Team sold

Team number where item is sold


Team name where item is sold

Store sold

Store number where item is sold


Store name where item is sold


Receipt number where item is sold

Sold date

Date when item is sold

Team returned

Team number where item is returned


Team name where item is returned

Store returned

Store number where item is returned


Store name where item is returned


Difference between returned price and sold price for same item.

Date returned

Date when item is returned

Columns for Settlement


Team who owes money


Team who receive money



Reporting on received deposit refund

(TFS: 188176, 187496)

We have adapted two settlement reports to support deposit refund as stock item

In report 0015 Store settlement, deposit refund section. Deposit refund received shows sale from item group indicated in parameter.

Changes are made in sub report 1005_subDepositREfund

In report 0709 Store settlement, statistics section. Deposit refund received shows sale from item group indicated in parameter.

Changes are made in sub report 1706_SubStatistics.


Both sub reports have a new parameter pDepositRefundArticleGroups

Default value is "{[Article].[Article Group].[ALL]} " which means report works as before.

Parameter should be set to item group number used for received deposit refund.

Example - parameter set to item group 501: {[Article].[Article Group].&[501]}

Example2 - parameter set to item group 501 and 502: {[Article].[Article Group].&[501],[Article].[Article Group].&[502]}

Report for free items

(TFS: 188574)

In report for free stamp card items (0152_FreeItemsFromStampCard) a new column: "Ordernumber" has been added, which shows supplier order number from article.

We have also added filter for store, EAN and order number.

Because of restrictions in Chain Web report viewer, we show max 20 store numbers in parameter list. If there are more stores selected, store list ends with ',...'

Max number can be changed in hidden parameter pParameterDisplayLimit


Lindbak POS Reporting v. 64.

Redispatch Pay & Collect orders if it cannot be delivered

(TFS: 185988)

It is possible to redispatch Pay & Collect orders to desired store and with desired delivery method. 

It is done by adding the next DeliveryPointId and Method in the POSLog:





Fields in Cashiers view should not be case sensitive (TFS: 166535)

Search fields in Cashiers view are no longer case sensitive.

Credit sales

View credit sales created by another user or from POS (TFS: 184581)

To be able to edit credit sales created by another user or from POS, the user must have the access: "Edit credit sales". 


Invoice fee created for member with 0 credit (TFS: 183083)

An Invoice fee receipt is created, regardless of the customer's credit limit. This can cause the credit limit to be exceeded by the invoice fee.

Gift cards view

All column for owner email (TFS: 185904)

A new column for 'Email' has been added to the Gift cards' grid. 


Minor improvements (TFS: 181606)

Swedish translations have been added for Default Settings component and the Change Settings component. Furthermore, margin settings have margin intervals on the same row with proper headers and more customer friendly translations.  

The Popup for comparison date has different margin colors compatible with settings to enable users to track stores or department performance in a better way.

Department KIP in Homepage dashboard (TFS: 186140)

'Sales per Department' component displays a list of 1 to 8 department (according to user's settings) with their percentage performing values and appropriate margin colors (according to user's settings). Furthermore, the 'Sales per Department' component was expanded to view more details when comparing percentage values from the same date last year or day set by user itself. After clicking on a specific department more details displayed to the right in a a pop up window.
In addition to that, 'Sales per Hour' and 'Customers per Hour' components displays the correct amount of Sales and Customers per concrete hour and day . They are compatible with loaded data and present visual results with appropriate/matching colors. It is also possible to click at this components and see a pop up with details in comparison with the same date last year or date set by user itself (same as in 'Sales per Department' component). 

Inventory Control

Max 1000 items in counting Group (TFS: 176822)

The maximum amount of items in count groups has been limited to 1000. It applies to both count group imported via Inventory Control integration and count groups created in Chain Web. 


Electronic invoice should not contain an empty "Description" field (TFS: 179958)

When the line note on the line in the order or credit sale only contains white spaces, then the description field will not be created for this line in the Electronic invoice xml file. This change is made to avoid sending an empty description field, which causes an error when validating the EHF invoice.

Changes to the PDF Invoice and user interface (TFS: 185463)

For Swedish stores, the invoice shows information about:

  • Approved for F-tax

  • Registered office

  • IBAN/BIC is always printed on the invoice

  • Organization number, in addition to the VAT number 

Sum total VAT amount on Invoice (TFS: 186891)

The Invoice has a new field for the total VAT amount.


New colors in reports (TFS: 175400)

Changed color scheme for graphs in all reports to match the new EG design.

Discount quantity (TFS: 191692

In sub report 1406_subDiscounts. Number of discounts are changed from number of articles to number of receipts.

Reporting on cancelled receipts (TFS: 187201)

We have updated the way we report on cancelled receipts in some reports. Cancelled receipts now include receipts cancelled with status "DeletedFromUnfinishedReceipt".

Following reports are changed:



Permanent solution for saving model items (TFS: 182799)

The process of resolving model number has been solved permanently. Previously, some customers had issues with saving model items in retail database during synchronization of items. Additionally, improved logging in case of failed events has been added, so problems in the future will be easier to identify.

Virtual scroll in Archive view (TFS: 183194)

When working in the stocktaking archive view the bottom scroll is improved. Previously, there was a visual error causing the scroll bar to not stay in the bottom of the screen.

Completed date in stocktaking view (TFS 185122)

The "Completed date" column has been added to the stocktaking grid in Overview tab and also to the grid in Stocktaking tab. Users no longer have to open each stocktaking to see the completed date. This change is implemented to make it easier to work with stocktaking.

Item sync: Support comma and backslash in the 'error' file name (TFS: 185487)

Comma as a first sign is supported in the decimal fields. The date format included in "error message" file name will always have the same format "yyyy-MM-dd" - e.g. Failed single from batch ItemChanged 2020-09-29.txt. This is changed to avoid item synchronization to fail due to poor data quality.

Increase stability in count list import (TFS: 185489)

When the count list contains an item which doesn't exist in Chain Web and was attempted added more than once - it will not stop the import of the whole count list. Information about the one failed item will be logged.

Support deleting one EAN when item processing type = full (TFS: 185490)

 It is possible to delete just one EAN from a count lists, regardless of the parameter value for ModelItemsProcessingType.


Support hyphen in account number for Swedish customers (TFS: 186256)

Hyphen in bank account number is supported. The account number can look like this: 123-4567.


Team view in Chain Web (TFS: 178777)

All stores that are part of a team are displayed in Chain Web Team menu.


First/Last Name is not mandatory for Azure users (TFS: 172957)

It is possible to create Azure User in Chain Web without First/Last Name, which is still mandatory for standard user.