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The User’s EG Optimaze privacy policy 

Here, you will find information about the privacy policy of the EG Optimaze service. Please read through the description carefully. If you have any questions about the extent, content, purpose or grounds of processing your personal data or other content of these terms, please contact your organization. In the processing of personal data, the terms of service below are applied, supplementing the privacy policy of the EG group (Information on the processing of personal data (Information on the processing of personal data), to the extent that the Supplier is the controller and, where applicable and supplementary, also otherwise (when the Supplier is the Controller). The User’s EG Optimaze privacy policy described below and the EG group privacy policy are collectively referred to with the term “Privacy Policy”. 

You will hereinafter be referred to as the user (“User”). You are in an employment relationship with a customer (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”) of EG Finland Oy (hereinafter referred to as “Supplier”) or another organization (hereinafter referred to as “Organization”) with the right to use the EG Optimaze service. The Customer is in a contractual relationship with the Supplier, and the potential Organization has a contractual relationship with the Customer.

Updated March 27, 2024

1 Use of personal data

1.1 Controller

The Supplier is in a contractual relationship with the Customer and acts as the processor of personal data for the Service on behalf of the controller. The controller in relation to the Supplier is the Customer/Organization. 

If you have questions about the controller and processor information, please contact your organization, especially if you do not have an employment relationship with the Supplier’s Customer but with a different Organization. 

1.2 Contact person for matters related to the data file 

The contact person for matters related to the personal data file is the person acting as the Customer’s/Organization’s administrator (main user), the data protection officer or another designated person. The data protection officer of the Supplier,, assists the Controller in questions concerning the processing of personal data related to the Service, in accordance with the Privacy Policy. 

1.3 Purpose of processing personal data, processing, and the general rights of the data subject 

Your personal data are used to satisfy the terms of agreement, identify the users of the Service and manage their access rights in accordance with the purpose of use as defined by the Customer/Organization. In all other respects, the Customer/Organization as the controller will define the purpose and means of processing the personal data. The Customer/Organization you represent is obligated to disclose more detailed information on the processing of your personal data and on your rights. The Supplier ensures that your data remain confidential. The processing of personal data and its purpose and grounds have been described in more detailed in the EG group privacy policy that is part of our Privacy Policy (see the link above) when we are the Controller.  

1.3.1 EG Finland Oy as the controller – personal data processing based on agreement / your consent

User communications

  • In order for us to provide you with the service (contractual basis), you acknowledge that it necessary for us to inform you of timely updates for the service you are using, if we have an agreement to that effect with the organization you represent 

    The supplier of the software (EG Finland Oy) may use third-party software services with servers located the EU/EEA for the said customer communications. Notifications of critical deviations (disruption notification) are always sent to users in accordance with the agreement concluded with the customer. Customers are notified of data security breaches in accordance with the data protection regulation. 

Marketing communications

  • By allowing marketing communications, you ensure that you can be informed by email about the supplier’s other products and services related to your role or trade field. By consenting, you can receive information regarding training, user days and webinars for users of the software.  

    The supplier of the software (EG Finland Oy) uses a third-party software service for communications. To learn more about consent and cancellation, please click here. 

Customer satisfaction surveys

  • By allowing online customer satisfaction surveys, you ensure your involvement in providing feedback and promoting the development of the software to better meet the needs of your organization. The supplier of the software (EG Finland Oy) may store your contact information in a third-party software program used to conduct online customer satisfaction surveys.

1.4 Transfer of data outside of the EU or EEA 

The Supplier will not transfer your personal data outside the EU or EEA, unless separately agreed upon with the Customer. However, the Supplier does not make any transfers; the Customer/Organization will be responsible for them. 

1.5 Protection principles of processing personal data 

The protection principles of processing personal data have been agreed with the Customer/Organization. 

The same protection principles of processing personal data shall apply, and procedures for securing your personal data shall also apply, in cases where the Supplier is the controller. These principles have also been communicated to, and their use has been approved by, the Customer/Organization. 

1.6 Collected personal data 

Use of the Service requires that the User enters an email address, name, and role, as well as selects a language. In the utilization of the Service, other personal data can also be processed. In all cases, the personal data is used to produce the Service (incl. user communications) and support services (incl. transfer of data from the Service to the support service to the extent required for providing support, insofar as you have accepted the said processing when transferring to the ServiceNow support service). 


päivitys kesken

Henkilötietolaki (523/1999) 10§ ja 24§

Päivitetty 28.10.2016

1. Rekisterinpitäjä

Rapal Oy
Hevosenkenkä 3, 02600 Espoo, Suomi

2. Yhteyshenkilö rekisteriä koskevissa asioissa

Marko Tenkanen

3. Rekisterin nimiärjestelmän tukiportaalin käyttäjärekisteri

4. Henkilötietojen käsittelyn tarkoitus

Henkilötietoja käsitellään järjestelmän käyttäjien tunnistamiseen ja käyttöoikeuksien hallintaan.

5. Rekisterin tietosisältö

  • Nimi
  • Käyttäjätunnus
  • Sähköpostiosoite
  • Käyttöoikeudet
  • Käyttäjän asetukset (esim. portaalin kuva)
  • Tietoa järjestelmän käytöstä (esim. käyttäjän palveluiden käyttöhistoria, käyttämät sovellukset ja käyttökerrat)

6. Säännönmukaiset tietolähteet

Henkilötiedot perustuvat asiakkaan pääkäyttäjän ilmoittamiin tietoihin, käyttäjän itse järjestelmään syöttämiin tietoihin sekä järjestelmän käytön perusteella kerättyihin tietoihin.

7. Tietojen säännönmukaiset luovutukset

Henkilötietoja ei luovuta ulkopuolisille tahoille.

8. Tietojen siirto EU:n tai ETA:n ulkopuolelle

Henkilötietoja ei siirretä EU:n tai ETA:n ulkopuolelle, jos tästä ei ole erikseen sovittu asiakkaan kanssa.

9. Rekisterin suojauksen periaate
